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Practice Problem ~ 1 (Connective tissue, Epithelial esue, Muscular tissue, Cartilage, Bone) (@) Nerve to muse (8) Bone one (e)Mascieto muscle (o) Bonet muscle 2. Thecamets hump is composed ofa ss Which provides water when aided ts (ey skeetal (ty Mscalar (Arolar (Adipone 3. Unig of itestine ia mans (6) ated ()Keratniest (9) Brashordered__(d) Nowheratinized 4 The protoplasmic sogment oa stated musle stemmed (a) Metamere (e) Neromere (@sarcopiesm ——_(d)Sareomere 5. Mammalian pina is supported by (0) Hyatine carla (Cail elage (© Blasiccartage (4) White ros connective teste 6 Masinum ember of white od conpsces i that of (4) Basoptite (Neutrophils) Monae (a) Bosinoptie (0) Biceps ude auton control (tris muscles under control of wil (0) Heart mast, voluntary (4) Moses of ener organiser autonomic control Hines clare fore in er (0) Mammalian bone (@) shad amphiian bone (a) simplesponges 9. Germinal epittinn of vary is ormes of (6) Colum epathtiam (0) Squamous eptielm (6) Cabo epitetm (a) Sirti eptsion (6) Eiders of skin of nd vests (8) Or eavityand pharyne (© Vagina and erin (4) Bot (ane newer Keys CET & COMED-K ‘Structural Organist Practice Problem ~ 2 (Connective tissue, Epithelial issue, Nervous issue, Cartage, Arelar issue Muscular tissue) 1. Membre ning the marrow cavity is (a) Erdesteuen (0) Pent (9 Perchondium (6) Peicandiam 22 Boaement membrane is made up of (0) Epiermal cells only (b)Erdodermal lls cay (a) Nocellsat al buts a produto epithelial ell A Nis’ rans of nerve calls are made upaf (a)Sasopie granules (b) Proteins won (@)Miserontsa 4 Pren present in he matrix of atlage it knoe a6 (6) Chonda (cmsin (6) Actin (Onin 5. Whichofthefllowing is nota granulocyte? (@)Lomphoeyte (6 Fexinophi (6 Basophi (@) Nestropi 6 Thellfespan of human WBC I approximately (9 48hours ()2tb0urs formas (at days 7. Stratum germinaivum isan example of which kind of epithaium? (o)Cuboidal epithelia (Cite items (@)Cotumrar epithelium (@) Squamous epitium (0) Simple squamous epithelium (0) Simple columnar pthliam (9 Simple eiboidal epithe (@) tothe 98 Prteolyi enzyme requ oe of fibinogen daring fini (o) Pain (oben (Mate focor (4) Thrombin 10, Whichof the followings the contac protein of a muscle? 6) Tubal (Myosin 6) Tropomyesin (a) Allo hese Answer Keys te Pepe fe [ss [ee fe ee ea [we Practice Problem ~ 3 (Areolar tissue, Muscular tissue, Connective tissue, Epithelial (Cockroach - reproduction, Earthworm Morphology) 1. monster by (o) Fitts (yttiiocyes Ge) Lymphocytes (d) Mates cerecout-x Suc uiaton in Aine ° 22 The functional unit ofa contact system n strated muse is fe)Crosstridges (9) Myofbi (9 Ssreomere (ayzsbane Cyoplasen of muscle celica (opsarctemma 9) Newoplasm (Axo (@)Sacoplasm 4 The most numerous els the urna body ane (Neurons @Etheeryes (9 Myocytes ay tymphocy es ‘Which of he allowing profes sot found in connective tissues? fe)Cotagen (asin (9 Aetn (0860 {0) Simple pithatium (@ Stating eptte (0 Teansona epithelia (4) Prensa epialium Matris fareca tse secrete by (oy bros Cy aeyess (Masts (ay Neneot ese Which one of the following statements ie tr och? (6) The numberof varia each ovary arte (0) The larval tage isa cerpae (0) Anal sty are absent in eras (2) They are root lop Porapotia (Masses loses (4) Setae, muscle an hyatc seon (0) Sogmonts 15nd 16 (©) Fist three sgt (Las thre segments (Segments 19, 29 and 21 ‘Answer Keys Practice Problem 4 (Cockroach Morphology, Frog Morphology) 4 Number of segments in thors of eckeoch is Two (Thee (Foor Several Ana yes are found in [o)Malecostraach) Maleminagsto_@)Femalesockrach—_ () Femalemosmito 3. Wings of Periplaeta americana ml help iin (0) caping tram danger (Catching preys (o Finding awake (@)Flnding apace hyenas cerecourok shut ranitaton inate 9 4. Donal portion of abdominal segments in cockrach sa (0) Tergum Seman (Beth a)and (Gd) None of hese The cockroach Perptanata americana sa common natural nd omnivores hsehold pst This because cea scavenger (a) Als tue Bistale (b) Aste, B iste Both A and Bate tru and B scone explanation ofA (a) Both A and are te, ut Bent coret explanation of 8 6 Theos swollen een in thee of occ is com (ey Femur 6) Trochanter (Taras 2. During hibernation, gs rspce by (a) Ester is Langs (Bucopharyngeal vty (4) Most skin nly Frogs arent sully oon in (s)Oveanicisands (0) Laker Ponds (ay teopce (aca skin (Langs and buccopharyngea cavity (@)Skinand buccopharyngeal cavity 10, Which oe of de follawing ss homnocothermal? (a)Eanaorm (by Covkaosch forms (ane Answer Keys Practice Problem - 5 (Frog Morphology, Frog Nervous system, Frog eye, Frog ‘Senge organs, Cockroach - Omvmatisia, Cockroach Reproduction, Cockroach - stink lane) 2, (Foca ngeinafenied at (2) Base of hl ( Aporot veteea column (Bare of rin (@ Base of medal itera tthe) (9 Awatic ()Homoiotbermnal cendothercnal 2. Rena port yes found in (Mon ome (Earworm (a) Frog 4 Number of ran nerves in fogs (6) ton ty Tee (oye pair (2) Teh pais 5. Ins isapatoe (0) Scerotc ane choroid (2) Choro an eine (©) Choi onl (a) Rei only 6 Facretion fog i (o)Ammonoiie ——_() Lreote Urcate (@) Urcenticor uni sence onan consemed sth iri ina fear ote in (o)Nasalchamber (Internals fe) Mesilablongats (4) yes 8, Omnmatcia serve th purpose of photreception in (2) suaslower (ewctsoach woos (humans 9, Incockroach larval nd nymph characters ae maintained iy (0) Fotysone (by satery pans (0) Paro glans {aver harmone (o)sthand Sthtenga —Q)Sthond 6th erga) Sthand astern (4) sthand Sh ster Answer Keys Practice Problom ~6 (Cockroach Circulatory systom, Connective tissue, Gockroach - Morphology, Earthworm morphology, Ethel Ussue, Earth worm) In which ofthe flowing animals, His ound solved in psa? (6) lanarin (b) Cockroach loosens (3) Eanthsorm| 2. Which iype of while bid cia are concerned with the release of hislamine and the mur () Monacyten (New ils fe) Basie (@ Bainoptits ‘Which no ofthe ning ethos description aout an animal concerned? (0) Cockroach -10 pais of spieaces@ pir on the thorax and pion abdomen) (b)Eathsorm ~The alimentary canal consists of a sequence of phar, oexophagus, mach, (©) Frog- Body is visible nto tee esions head neck and wun (@) Rat Left ney is slightly higher in postion than the ight one 4 Tho most active phagocytic wht on clle are (0) Neutrophits ana monoeyt (p) Netrophie and Eosinophils (6) Lymphocytes and macrophages (4) Eosinophils nt ympboxytes ceracowenx Suc Ogeaton a ninat 9 5. Batic have tw sitet but dering” baron, the aneror end Yecomes fai aks asa Iydaule skeleton Is det ysent (@)Ceclomictaid (Blood (Gt persis 6. Which one of the following types of tissue makes he ner walls of large blad vessel (2) Cuboidal epithelium (2) Columnar epithet (@)Squanous epithelia (4) stated epitiuan 7. Towhich ane of the following eateries dos reticular tise Fong? (Eta 0) Conmtve () Muscula ()Newal (a) Bone (0) Carage (Blood (omen 9, ‘The Mate the followings and chose the coms option 8 Stratified epitheliom 1. Blo Hiylinecartiage 1 Skin Fluid coonctve tissue IV.Fatstorage (@) At BiL.Cm, Dav f) Av, 81D (@ AUL 8 CAV, DAL (d) All, BLCAV, DAL, 10, Sete ep in Iocomntion nt srr bot we ot urormly present nell the gman They oe present in (6) Ist segmone (2) Last segment (9 Cielo segnent () 20-22 segment Answer Keys (ha pe Practice Problem ~7 (Cockroach Marphology, Cockroach Compound eye, Cockroach mouthparts) 1. Goxkroch belongs tothe clas (@) Crustacea (@) Arachis (ess (@) Myrapods 2. Which the following onder of hyn Arthopod includes cocks (0 Hemipte Diptera (Lepidoptery (Orthop The cenfc ame of cockronchis (6) Bort mo (0) Peiplanets americana (6) Parts pont (2) Tse slam 4. Which the tlowing th feeding hast of cxkroneh? Lojomnivorous ——(Blcamivrsus———felberbivorus (devon 5. Taeexoseleon of echraach i mice up of poyssecharide called (pubis eters (tii cers 6 Thesunctona unis of compound eye of eockeach areal (oceti (yim (commana (plows 7. Thetype of vision found in ockraches (@) mosaic vision apposition only (@isuperposition only {@) mosaic vslon during day an superpostion during right {@) mos iston duro nigh and superposition daring dy 8. The trophi of enckroach is (a) sping ar ching type (biting and chesing type (o plezcing and sucking ype (@sponging ype (a) Anal cet develop (by Bt forewings ant hind wing elon (6) Labiam develope (a) Mandible become hander 10, The orga asters of coctzcach ar jie bya membrane called (0) peroneal membrane (b rican membrane (6 atheopodi embrane (garment Answer Keys Practice Problem ~ 8 (Cockroach Morphology, Cockroach Nervous system, Cockroach ~ tracheal system, Cockroach Digestive system) (oyfour (si (ote (ekven “The numberof thoracic sogments in cock it (0) vee Wamny (owe (ae Thenamber ot segments present ina log of cokassch (0) tee (te xv (ine 44 The pronotum of cockroach she largest serie represents (a) tenga of the fst abdominal segment (b) sternum ofthe firs alalominal segment (6 tenga of the ist horace segment (@ stem o the fst thoracic segment (0) nerve gong of sock (thease thos of nec le cocknach (o)thealtemate name of mulpighian tubules (2) dhe supporting stuctres of wings of eockroach CET & COMED-K Structural Organisation in Animals 6. Thefore wings of cackeoach are cailed regina tres (6) trochanter (er gatea 7. Thelady eavity ofcockroteh scaled (coor () haemaceet (6) percailsinas —_(¢)haemolymph ‘The anspor of pracy gs, oxygen in cocsoachs is brought bout by (haemolymph (© foemocyanin (@ haemoglobin in plana (eae abs 9. Number of aominal wall developed segmentsin cockroach is nine seven (eleven ten 10. In cvkzoch, he senor an eaosthe ache through opening le speades sinus (esta ) teaches Answer Keys Practice Problem - 9 (Cockroach - tracheal system, Cockroach ~ Digestive system, Cockroach — Exeretory systom, Cockroach Nervous systom, Cockroach mouling, Cockroach morphology) 1. ‘The mamber of sprcks present cockroach is ete (Wrine ren ttc 2. Which the cockroach? (amylase 1 poteee (9 lips (@)mucanse 3. Themajorencotony structures of cockroach ae (opstamate (Py machoes (6 malpighian abate) nephiia 4. The aan of cockroach represented by alba mas called (@) supra cciophagelgangtion (@)subcesophagel gangion (nerve (none ofthese Somatoguti nervy of costrch presents (© perpheral nervous sytem, (© sympathetic nervous system (obcemral nervous system (vernal neree sons 6 Total number af pina nerves ia frog are (e3ipsins 138 pis (4 0p (290i 17. Theinteval between any tro smccessive mits recdsia @insar (stu nymph (@ none of these ‘& Themale coctawch ders oon female inbaving (pana styles (ance (@ both anal tle and ana eri (2) gomapophyses ceracomen-< __ Shh maton nia 3 ‘Which of he allowing features stingulsesthe cockroach fom scorpion? lop peesme a antennae @sepomtesece (eins excels (phvemacie 10. The mlpighian tubule ope tthe fron of (e)fregut aed migut (O}copand gizzard (midgut and hindgut (eum and rectum, Answer Keys Practice Problem ~ 10 (Cockroach ~ Digestive system, Cockroach — trachea! system, Cockroach — Nervous system, Cockroach ~ Circulatory system, Nervous tissue, Cockroach Morphology, ‘Cockroach — reproductive system) 1. Hepatic ate incockrch ope ints bucaleity — (awp (midge (a bin 22 Match the srtutes present cockroach given under column E with thir functions given under ‘umn Choose the answer which gives the comet combination of the alphabets of te to columns Cola stam (Strate) (Panctions) 7% [Spiecke | [Fie | Anime @ | lance [Fore wings | | Opsings af waco tes DL | Hind wings | =| Toll somation 7 aan 4 wa (Arn BsCeq Dep WAmUDesCp Dg Besc=pD=q 3. Inthe foloring diagram of digastive sytem of cockroach the pasts have he answer in which these alphabets eve been correctly nthe with the pats which hey indicate, (6) Assay apparats, B= crop, C= hepatica = midgut = mapighon etal, Fret [b) A = satanyapparats B= glarand, C= hepatic case (0) A= salivary appara, B= malpghian tubule, C = hepatic siete Ds ign B= cops Becton midgut, C calvary apport, B hupatccacan,D = crop, = mapghian rubs exraconma-x —_tmcarl stint Qo column 1 Choose the answer which gives the corset combination ofthe alphabets of the 10 & [oer | Sos ungated sue 3 [cad [= |Soestont = [ier 1 Gn os [Malpighian aks | Dgstion nl aro Toad T [Exes of rageo HR Arn Beg.ceaD. (Arqbercrs Det (Arg Ban con Dap WA-tBencon.D=q 5 In the folowing diagram of nervous sytem of cockroach, the parts ave a Ie ideo by alphabets. Choose the answer in which these alphabets - Iaveben conc matched ith the parts which they indice (0) = suboesophagea! gana, 8 = supracesophageal gang 4 (C= thoracic ganglia, D= vente! nee cor = astomina ana . (0) A= sujroonophagea ganglia B= sbowsophigel ganglia (C= aklominal gangia D = venta nerve cond, E= tora gana fe (©) supracesophageal ganglia, B= subosophageal gangs thoracic ganglia D = ventral nerve cord, E= ablominal ganglia (a) A= supracsep geal ganglia = thorace gangs, seminal gana (C=ssoesphagel gang, D= ventral ner or G)iwocumbes —()thwechambes —()fourchambers (4) tien chambers 7. anges cell aman body i (@) Leg musclece —(&) Hert musecell (Neve cell (Bone ca (yume (by urea ammonoiie (A unctee (o)anal ies (Ojarokum pods (entra plrof wings (d) bres on antennae 10, The young oncof cockroach icaled le fingeting eget (© caterpilar (apm Answer Keys Te [fe ee [eb [se [ea he [ea [ea pine ceTecomeek Sita tan ne 9 Practice Problem - 11 (Gell junctions, Glandular tissue, Epitholial tissue, Nervous tissu Connective tesue, Cartage, Bone) 1. Which one ofthe following ncn faite the cls o communicate with each ther by connecting

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