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Tanut Vongsoontorn

MSTC 514/614 Analysis assignment #3

1. How is the beginning of this invention similar to the beginnings of the inventions we
discussed in class (No.4 in D Minor, No.2 in C Minor)

- The beginning of this invention similar to the beginnings of the inventions we

discussed in class are start with canon but invention 2 and 4 start with 2 bars
motive and followed by 2 bars counter-motive but invention 1 has 2 beats motive
and 2 beats counter-motive

2. Discuss how the sequences in mm. 3-6 grow out of the main motive of the piece:

- in the sequences of 3-6 grow out of the main motive in right hand of mm. 3-6 we
have voicing step, step, step, skip, skip like a main motive and four of first note of
main motive increase from 16th notes to 8th notes in the left hand

3. How is the music in mm. 7-8 related to the music in mm. 1-2? Then, can you also
find a two-bar passage that is related to mm. 3-4 in the same way? (In answering
this question, you should refer to a specific term we discussed in class.)

- 7-8 related to the music in mm. 1-2 is The Hyoithetical and Dominant Key of mm.
1-2 and mm.3-4 related to the music in mm. 11-12 is The Hyoithetical in D minor

4. How has Bach transformed the main motive in the sequences found in mm. 9-10?

- Bach transformed the main motive in the mm. 9-10 is the inversion of the main
motive in the both hand but Bach wrote in the D minor key

5. Although this invention is in C major, the first real cadence in this piece is in G
major, arriving on the downbeat of m. 7 . What other keys does Bach modulate to
later in this piece? (List each of the keys and the measures in which the music is in
those keys below.)

- mm. 7-8 is G Major we have F# mm. 9-11 is D minor because we have The C# Bb
and mm. 12-15 A minor on first downbeat of m.15 is the cadence mm. 15-17 is D
minor because we have The C# without F# anymore and 18 - second beat of 21 is
the F major we have Bb but not have C# until first 2 beat of 21 in the 21 beat 3 is C
major key until end because we not have Bb and last beat of 21 G7>C Major is a
Perfect cadence

6. When does the music finally return to the home key of C major? List the measure in
which this happens and describe what Bach does to confirm that the music is back
in C Major.

- in mm.21 first 2 beat harmony is in F major and beat 3 and 4 bach doesn’t wrote
Bb but in the harmony voicing and sounding is the F major Chord in C major key
and go to C6>G>C64(cadential 64)>G7> and finally at the last mm. The C Major is
the perfect authentic cadence.

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