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aneaex Traraort in lat, inert Milo, } rn crowtraed Drtpmer Practice Problem - 13 (Growth curves, Phytchormones, using, Gibberelins, Cytokinins) (@Leshapedcurve —()J-shapedeurve — )S-shapedcurve (df) Linear 2. Mate the column with match Clan Jat selec the conn pion Som the codes ven bel Calamed Cota [RE Dawinande Darwin |W | Cretan [DR [ierantsiong aT aRA [eo fetam ———— Zaatin 0 Res [ms [ann] a [ee A). 0, C-68).0469 HAG. BOC, D-H) (Ai, BA), Ci) D-te) (AA, B.C-1,046) 3. Aplal dominance (0) Suppression of roth of ape bud by ear later alley bas (b) Simulation of growth of pial bu by removal nearby axillary buds (© Suppression of growth of aera axillary buds remaval of acl bud (suppression of growth of near Ira alr buds by apc bad A. Wa growing plants decapitated then (a) Asilary buds ae inactivated (by Astley buds are activate (© Leavestecome yellow and fal of (2 Growth stops 5. Whichor he ollowing eect of auxns om plans the bose or sommmerial applisstion? (6) Cats formation (6) Curvatureot stom (© Indveton of mo frmaton in tem cutting (4) tem groveth (ipa (NAA fuss (aoa 7. Mobilization of tre fod in germinating seeds is twiggered by (9 Auine (9 Oytekinine (]Giterting ——_)Etylene 8. Whicho thet ving physiological effects casein plants by gitberelc acid? (0) Shortening of geetsally tl plants (by) Blongation of genetically dan plans (0) Rooting im stem coting (2 Yoong of young eaves (0) Promote abacion (0) uence water movement (0 nb protoplasoe seeaming (4) Helps to ream chlorophyll CET & COMED-K Anton Fong Pt 9 (0) perce the rot epee of teem newer Keye Ta [a a Practice Problem 2 (Dict lea, Sclaranchyma, Complex Hes (© endoderm of he oat me] Epidermal issue systom, xylem, Dicet stom, Dict root, Let intemal structure, Monecat eat) (yoo (rae 2 Slerenchyma tet e componod of (6) Fito and ive abe {6 Pls and seve plates 2. Complex penmansot tus are (e)%vlem and Phin (0) idermisand stele (6) Endodoranis and pith ( Fteos and Trahoide (Fine ana eid orytamand Pete (@oEnermis and vascular bane 5. Mok of evslpment of ym in exarchconton is (e)Ceniagsl (8) Contigo 6 Starch sheath i presen (6) Enero stem (0) Endodermin of ct root (0) Dive tem (0) Dot roe (9 Baspeal (a) Acropeal (Enders of monocat stem (@ Enders manos ot Motor cll Teach and each ae wan tag C G)Acp, Bot Con, Dog Dict a Bison WAeq, War Cat Dep (Arg Bap Cot De crracomen x Ansony towing Pt 8 (0) Hypostomati eat ( Sototoratic lat (©) Amptisiomatc kat (Epsom leat (0) Ditreatat ——() Unread () One type Alt newer Kaye zo Practice Problem ~3 (Bark, Monocot et, Annual rings, Cork, Cork eambium, Xylem, Annual ngs, Imtreatary moist, Dcot et, Cambium rng) (0) Alte acu ing intra oar ambi wr (allie tissues ying extra stl cambian (0) Upperepidermis tobi leat (8) Lawerepidermiotebisterel et (6) Upper epidermis of dors ventral et (Lower epider dont vera eat Anant rings are made up of (0) Secondary lem and secondary poem () Spring ond and astmn woot (© Cambium and secondary vse tissues (0) Peden 4. Corks produced by (6) Metlogen (9 Phalloders ——_() Phelen (a) Peieer (0) Meta (ep imary corte) Peer (a) Secondary conten ete (atte (ostem (a) Root 17. Dendroshrnology isthe (a) Study sesonl sty of amb (0) Determination of goth tee by counting anal ings (a) Sty of sxson bv of plank rere by endogenous sth (a) Intercalary meri (©) Apical messem (Lateral erie (9 Ssondary meristem ceracaues-c pratt Powering Pas 9 (o)Spongy ues (Pole tiaues) Bale soathells (8) Trasfsin ste (6 Bath (ara) (6) Phot Practice Problem ~ 4 (Monecot lea, Vascular bundles In monocot stem, Collenchyma, Xyem, ‘Yascuarsystom of rot, Deot root interna svueture, Monocot roe, Secondary growth, Dict stom) (0) monocot at () upper epidermis of monaco at (hain (a) pa ond ‘Vascular bundles ia monocyte ae cone der clase acs (@abundlestonthsurounds each bundle () cambium is absent (o tere ane vss wit 3. ens fom the following, = plan rs in eich gi des not scr in the i wall [a)cllanchyms—_( sleenchyns ves) sleds (a) svlem rach 4 Sieve ube sie oo) @envclnt (omulincested (4) donde 5, aah rary myles aes of (oot stern Walloots (atLiewes (e 6 Panage cls ae fund pth (epidermis (pence (a endodermis Lajendodernis (meds (pent (a epitiema (o)epen vase bandos (by) scmteed vascular bundles ()vesultre without cama (@cambium sandwiched beeen pound yen long the adi (0) Ground mein (Apical merits (0 leteradany meri 4) Lateral meitrn ceracaues-c pratt Powering Pas 9 (@)Secondaryagiem (Secondary phloem) Photnylem (4) Cortical els Anewer Keys Zp [se [ee [se jee [ee [ee [ea pee] Practice Problem ~ 5 (Simple tissues, Complex tissues, Deot root, Monoco stem, Ground Hssues, Monoeot stom, Dicot stom, Morstomatic tissue) appropriate anor a iin ira a [Seria | =| Serena cell @ Ap B=1 C=g D (ase 2. Simple dud mechantal ws (e)Cauenchyms —()Selrenetyma (9 Xam erencjete (0) Radi walls of endodermal cellsof stem (9) Radi walls of peiyce cells rots (6) Radia walls endodermal cele ofr (Rasa walls ndaerma cls of aves 4 Closed vascular bundles Ie (ground sue (eenjuncve eve (cambio apa 5. Water containing cavities vascular bundle ae furan (@)suilower @amice (Ge (Pi (0) lltinsonencept epidermis ar vant bundles (0 piers and conten (4) Al es extra oendoderis 2. tnmaize stm, vascular bundles are looper and catered (b) hose ad sot (hopenandinaing (4) ove and rail eracowen-x Ansony Fong Pt 8 (yea 2 phlem cur in separate bundles (6) Vascular ambi is present between lem and poem Stcoday roth in ot sn is du fo the acy of (Fasciola cambio, (0) Corkcombinon )Peridern (@) Ser cambio nd cork cambiar (6) Manure cte (9) Fly item co {€)Calchaving at the port velopment (Immature calle wth ower ta dvi ower Keys ree ee. ee eee a ractie Problem - 6 (Annual rings, Monocot lea, Xylem, Secondary meristem, Dict stem, Heart ‘ed and set wood, Phoom, Vascular system of Roc!) Tine poset arr gsi (0) Pimaryphisemand secondarysyiem (8) Sonar sslem {)Prinarysglemand pray phloem (4) Senda sem an secondary poem “The dese grass us thr ef to miimise water os dso presen of (ay spines (Poti parenchyma (Bundle sheathed (Pal orm cols Vel ore mejor watereondaction ein (6) Dias only (6) Moco ony (6) Anginperns ( Peridopytes and gymnosperms ia eel fst west, (0) em (oy Pte (oCorkcambiam (8 hla comin an open vascular bunt wil be serve inthe anv ton a (2) Monoct root () Menoso stem (9D kot rt (Dott (0) pidermis, pelo, pale, epidermis (0) Epdermiy ypodermiy phloem, pelle (epidermis, per pellogen, phelloderm (6) Epieris,Hypstermi, cote, Enos ceraceuen x en 9 (6) Xylem and phloem occur in sepstate bunts (0 Vecuarambium is present between phe ancl ph Stcrndary growth indict ter is du fo the activity of (0) sul cambio (9 Corkcambinm (9 Prder (@Silacesion nd ction, 2) Matures (Fay treated cote (c) Gals having lst th powerof development (gImmaturcells with power to divide ‘Anower Keys Te Pe ie fe [se fee [ee [ee pee [wa Practice Problem ~ 6 (Annual ings, Monocot lat Xylem, Secondary meristem, Dlcot stem, He wood and soft wood, Phicem, Vascular system ot Root) (Pray eloem seu eecendiry ryan (3) Seomairy wlem (9 Primary ap an primary phe) (3) Sscondary syle and sconday phloem 2. Thedsrt graces fence to minimise wae fede to pesenceof (6) Sines (Palade pareehya (9 Bae sheath cells (@)Baiformects 1. Vemel ae mar water cndcton ell 5) Diss ony (1) Monacts only (9 Angineperms (@)Peridophytes and gymnosperms 4 Fi een fst ston (9 Xytem (0) Pater (oiCorecambiien (Phloem 5. A-conjint and open was bun wl be observe in the wansvere ston of (0) Monaco mot (b) Monocots (9 Detoot (@) Dot sem ceraceuen x en 9 (6) Daramen albums (Alber ape! Duran (6 Auturnn wo an pring wood (@ pring wood and autumn wood 1 Theastivyof the seve tubes isremotly contre bythe roeplsm of (0) Poem pany (4) Both phloem prenhyoa ana phloem es (9 Poe oe (@) Companion cls ) Pimary mess (2) Secoary merit (6 itralary mers (2) Apical meristem 3} rote (@ystem and ots (see (aati tsce Answer Keys a CC Practice Problem ~ 7 (Inlecalery meristem, Meristematic cells, Dcot stem, Collenchyma, Simple tissue, Complex tesue) (@) Secondary meristem (tater mistemn (6 lercalary eit ce Apical meristem The meister have (a) Thin walle (@yProminentnucled (9 Absence of Vacules() Allo thse 5) Lipid wal (Large vacnle (9 Capac wo divide (@ Absence of ell wall a) Aplatmeritem —()paronchyma (Lateral marist (onary merit, 5 tn cont type vascular bur xylem a! phoem are present on sa and & phloem fa)semeandouns — (ysameandinnee (dierent and nner (ferent and ter 2) Dot stn (&) Monoetstom () Monocots well cot tems (3) Monacstroat “The simple sue consisting of sing cls and proving mechani arog pane ()Scernchyma ——()Parenchyma——_(@)CMorenchyms_—_ Clery ceracoutmx Anson Feng Pt 9 (6) Prencyima xylem andctlenehyma (8) Parenshiyma cllencyma an selereneyma (6) Parenehyma, xylem an phen (4) Parent plea sltenchym (a)Carenchyom ——(o)Collenchyms——)Seerenchyma (Tracie [Rea [LP [Photoart Sera [Galena © Aa diviing ais ‘Steenchy = | Samat GA=sB=gC=tD=pE=r WATa DES C=LD=Le=p (A= pes Can Dag eet Wasnb=pceau Answer Keys Practice Problem ~ 8 (Simple tssue, Callenehyma, Xylem, Phloem, Epdermaltssue system, Diet root, cot stam) 1. Wich ise provide Mechanical song lan (@)Chorenchyma —()Rarenchyma——).Calnchyma——_() lof hse Ccotknhyma churacterin y (6 Elongate cl wth thick at slot places (@) Conducionofsap_ (6) Conduction offend (2 Siomgscffood (6) Potton 4, Theche water conducting lement of ym in gymnosperms are (vowels fies (@traefision tue (each (@)Stomata (ey tentcls (Phen (x01 6 Which among the aowing ats long epidermal thane syste? (9 perm hypsarmi, thie (0) perm of tomy stmat epi of oat (© Epldormis,ypodermiseedermis (4) Cu epibams, pry ceracoutn x sary amet et 9 (6) iscompleely case the gle and poem (sioner external tow ol poe separated by sp of combi is (9 Concent and one (4) Radi an open (6) 004 stom, aed eaves of mance (0) tem, ad eves est (sam and leave monccote (dm and owes of dicate (0) Fewer numb of radia vascular bunds with tal ith (@ Large numberof rail vascular bundles with sal pth (Fewer uber of adil vascular buds with are ih (dy Lange suber of adil vasculs bundles with ate ith oblem ~9 (Dict root, Dio! stom, Monocot rest, Monocot stm) 1 Whats the fat f primary sem in a dirt showing exesive ecndaty growth? (@y egos surrounded by primary poem 2. St the mismatched pai (Root ar nvctaar (Stem nate Multotlate (oTehomes case wae os (6) Conon coltrl open polyrchsacer buns (0 Suberss rdsermis poarch yl Large pith (@)Enddermis.endarch ttc closed vasularbundles ceracouto x Anson Feng Pt 9 (6) Seater vse ues (0) Vascular bands arranged ina ing (© Radial vacuae bunds (4) Cle vascular bu 5 nico stems ombium present eee primary 3ylem ancl primary per is (4) sila cambios (loafer cabin (6 lve cmb (Bota) and {Theory material deposi in the espn stp of th endoderis (op Pein Sobers © Calaese (Lin (6) Chea and show storey mato bun seth (6 Arranged inaring (4 Areseatered inthe ground tesue 8, Bupaleshuath b presen aroun vascue Bunda (a) Monccotstem —(@)Dizatstem_———() Bath a)and(&)—_(f) Dobro 9 Conn and pth are disingishd in (6) Monee sem (6) Dit stem Bath (a)andib) —(@)Diestroet (@) Monccotraat_——_ Dio G9 Monotstom (Diet ot Answer Keys Practice Problem — 10 (Monocot stem, Monocet stem. Dicot ‘Secondary growih, Annual rings, Prierm) {@)Dictstem (Monocle fd) ico at (@ Lage pth otra open vascular bud cdarch xem. Dictroot (©) Large pth adi vascular bundle, exch em = iota (6 Pitatsent colleral cose vascular bulls earch xylem = Menexot tenn 4k iw he stomata are present () Intheuppersantace (Inthe wer sure (6 Beth upper and lower suace Absent cera coment sear ot Pt Pats 8 (0) On the upper epidermis (6) On the omer epidermis {© Onthe upper and lower piers () None these Mesopyliscifereae int alsa ar spongy ts (0) Extremey serphytic ewes () Hydrphyticlees (Mo cots the and els are (6) Dumbstel shaped (6) Renfom (Spherical (Allott allio elle dif rom ther clls ining (a) Lang thin alld acoso containing wae (0) Largs, thick alle contsn abundant crops (Sal thin - wal (Smal thin alld contain calcu enalae 1 Phallogenis (a) occalary merit (Apical meristem (e Primary meron, (@)Seondary merit 9. Theformation cannes ings in dint sm mainly depend upon ference n (4 Activity of vascular cambiom dit sensor aritons (6) Activ of ork omblum ds sen arntons (@ Formation of noua quanetles of spwood and est woo 10, Perea incudes (0) Cork cambio, cork an soendary cortex) Crk cambaurand cork (cor (4) Cork and secondary pen Practice Problem 11 (Dict stem, Secondary growth, Hest weod, Dict roat) 1. The ypodermis of ot rn enone ions mae wp of (ecllenehymaandscenchyna especie (allen in bth (6)slerenhyma in bth (@)erenyma nd eollnchym eapectvely (a) Petes (eyPhetoserm Ge) Petogen (oy tare CET & COMED-K Anatomy of Flowering Plants 3. Chow he comet option showing A, 8, Cand D (0) Epidermin, Secondary covtes, Cork cambium, plementary ells (0 Epiermis,Complernentany cls Seo (© Fpierms, Complerentary el Cork (€) Epidermia, Cock cambio, Secrcey corer (0) Apa merits (potency merit, Het wood ie (0) Outer pat of sueonday sem (Oe pt of secondary poem 6 Covkeambin epeseis (0) Secondary meristem (0 Iter merit ‘Tie formed by phllagen is (@) Secondary syle and corer (© Secondary phloem an pth (0) Cork cama cork and scandy come (econ (esl orincnspicvons {6 small and well developed 10, Te cotexo ict tem hasbeen dv ito (op hypodermis General cortex, Enders (0) hyperemia, Gene erin prey (Inner most part secondary slam (dinner prt of xondary plows 1) Aiea meritem (0) Pate and Pheer (None ofthe above » rk cmb and cork lange a ell develope (9) ange and iconepcsos [o)hypoernis General ores, Ener peryle (a hypodeemis, General corte, adodermiy, perce and pith ‘Anowor Keys

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