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cornconme-t tsa o Practice Problem ~1 Polysaccharides Disacchardes, Fas, Enzymes, Nucleic sci) 1. Glycogen isastorage arbre in animal. Ii store (iver (shel! muscle pancreas (atom @) ard @) (ace ( ctlles (6 glucose lop aaren 2 Which neo the following is ane sugar? (e)matiose cose (9 sxe (eh cele 4. Match the tes se in clue Ith the examples lite in column I bate your correct choice from those given bow % [artes pe [se 3 sae ae WArsBepc Ass Be pcg D WArsBenCagDet 5. Thecarblydrte used a ajling agent in plan tsue culture growing med is (oeelllne 1 agae (3 ign pst 6. Inwhich of the following characters, fs ate similar fo carbohydrates? (0) ftsare soluble in water (b) fst contain hytrogen ant oem the same tn ae in crbonyaes| (0 fate have dative ante (3) fos contain cabon, hydrogen and oxygen 17. working combination ofan apoerzyme and coenzyme i called (prosthetic group holoenzyme (e enzyme substrate complen (enzyme prot comple 8. Thetlst enzyme oe pared and crystallized is (aymase (arose (origase (@)eirate synthase (@Riseapatleo epeation (0) is composed of singe paiymuleotde chan (0 tiscomposed ofa double potymceoise chain (@)tefanctons a ona atrial al ving onan rracomns crn o 10, Selec the cortet option rom the Flowing (0) Both RNA and DNA are double stranded polymteatie chains (0) Bah RNA ard DNA oe single sanded polynucleotide chains (6) RNA is double strand and DNA isa singe sanded pyle chain (@) DNA is double strane and RNA ea sil stranded polynucleotide chain Practice Problem ~ 2 (Amino acid, Carbohydrates, Evidences of evolution, Lipids, Protein structure, Nucee aids, Protein, Polysaccharides) 1. Nome thesimplest aminoacid (6) Alsine (0) Tyrone (Aeparagine ——()Clycinw hich the moe abundant biomolecule on eth? (0) Mineral lis (b) Proteins (tips (9) Carbohydrates 2. Study of fois scaled (o)Hexpetotegy (0) Cytlony (©) Palaeontology Gf) Organic evottion 4 Which of the following is phosphlipid? (Seca (e)Chotetrot fe) actin (Seid Hocmoglbin as (0) Primaysracare (b)Socanry strict (Trt srs (8) Quaternary sracare 6 Which ofthe following Homleues does have a phosphiter bond? (0) Faty acids ina digi (0) Monosaccharides ina polyaecharice (6 Amino acids ina polypeptide (W) Nace acids ina mulotide 7. Which one ofthe following is structural poten (0) Koran (by Hemoglobin (Amino acd) Glatn |S. Name the mos abundant onganic sistance om this lane (0) Calle (0) Amor (6) Boxh a) and) (a) None of these 9 Which of the flowing isnot a cabo (0) Methionine (Glycogen (cnn serch 10, Kent the group which cotatns ony pyamidins (0) Adenine evosne (ty) Urs tosine (6) Guanine, aac eytosine (a) Adenine guanine Answer Keys cara commie sso o Practice Problem ~ (Lipid, Enzymes, Amino acid, Carbohydrates, Disaccharde, Polysaccharides, Nuclei acids) swings nota polymeric substance? (e)Nocleicacd (Proteins (oPatyssccharides (4) Lips For anal enzyme toast pope, the felling peratures required @oc-awe Wsrc4sc —— Jmoresion swe (a) C-aPC (9 Giycine Aline (oToptophan (Ural (0) Glucose + Fructose (b)Glucose+Ghucse_() Glucose Galactose (4 Fructose + Frctse (e)Ghucose (Case foMatose (oboe 6 Armecule of sdheptulose has carbon atoms numbering os ws o7 (os coun IL Choos the answer which ves comet combination of alphabet of to columns, Coun Coiamot | ioagiet moTeeale | Fanetfon Geog [|For [a [Seta Ta ai © | Seraids [| Antbty——] [Bi [Front —[ [Sap prt] ()A-sB-n6-pD-q WA-gB-sC2D-p @A-68-q.C-pD-r ()A-2B-qC-sD-p Chemical nature of celluloses (a) Disecharike ——() plypepsi erPayssccharide (4) polyncteatide 9. Which among he equation othe igen Base conn in DNA is notte WAtG=T#C — @ALTSGSE (IC (as 10, A nom proteinaceous onesie i (0) soem (by boase (otis (2 deoxyibonacesse Ancwor Keys fea fae pa [ec jee jee [ea jee [ab [mo Practice Problem ~ 4 (Nuclelc acid, Theories of evolution, Neo-Darwinism, Life on earth, Miler experiment, Gene flow, Genotic dit, Population ganetics) os 450 or) cao (@) Disapproved the theory of spontaneous gnerition (©) Provided the theory of spontaneous generation (6) Proved the theory of abiegeness (4) Proposed he theory af chemical evetaton Along with Chas Dawa, the dor of natural selestion was alo proposed by (2) tama (@)ElgarWillce (MY Mullr——_(@)Nene of thee 4, ‘The theory of Neo Darwin was proposed by (Fisher, Hane and Wright () Fisher Mongan ant mallee (6 Francis and Crick () Beale a Tatu @)Prkarytes (0) Anna and plant te (Plate (4) Pant and prokaryotes 6. Spark dscarge apparatus for esting cheicloign of fe was designe by (0) Urey an ie fo) Jasob and Monod (©) Oporin and Haldane (4 Dison ae Joly (arGenetie ditt (0) Gene flow (Speciation (Mutation 8, Concept geet dit was introduced by @)Sewal Weight ()Hordy Weinberg (Julian Husley——_@)G.Simpson 9, Coscervates were experimentally proce by (4) Opatin and Siney Fox () Fier and Hey (6) Job and Monod (4 rey and Mier 10, Which of de ellowing nitted the formation of population genlcs and associated evoltlonary sts (0) Handy - Weinberg ow (0) Neutal theory (©) Lamarck (4) Meckaisic theory of Darin ‘Answer Keys cxrscoms erttin 9 Practice Problem 5 (Theores of evolution, Darwinism, Hugodenies mulation, Gene Poot, Speciation, Genetic dit, Melaism~ atural selection) 1.485 Haldane described the primitive eceans containing simple organi aubsance in abundance as (6) the tite (© thecol ditt soup nebula the primitive both (B)concervaten 2. On the primitive cath, polyers such as proeins ond nce aks in aqueous suspension forms the sqlite: Toner ae (eomcerates ———()prmitogens (9) Liposomes (4 priitonomes 21. Stoney Miler and Harold Urey performed the it successful experiment fo test the wait of the clei for the ovigin of organic molecules i the prebiotic earth condition The cone apparatus contained every arrangement expt tha twa devoid of (@) Water vapour (O)sthane (@ ammonia (4 energy source 4. Which of the follncng helped Charles Darin to expltin the principle of ever productions of organs ling to sre for existe? (0) Mendes principles inheritance (8) Hugo Be Vee theory of mutation (6) TR, Mats esay on population (4) Lamarck theory of evolution In which ofthe following plans dd Hugo De Vries discover mutations? (0) Mats jap (0) Gover aciann (© Metin um (@ Meraratba {The sum ota ofl the individual of Mendian population inertvecing popution constitutes ey Gene eequency (6) gene poo! genome iemtyre 7. Origin mew species in geographical isolated population i (6) Allo spesiation (t) mpc speiation (© Biopoess (deme (6) Seal population (0) Large population {slate polation (grating popation 9 Industrial nelanisa in peppered mth san example for (6) Aci ain (t) Skin disco (o)ratura section in acon (@) Conservation 10, One ofthe folowing scaled Sewall Wright fect (6) Gene pool (bee flow (ogeneticdsst (isolation anower Keys emncoms evtin 9 Practice Problem ~ 6 (Comparison of elements in nen-lving and living matter, Average composiion otal cllular mass, Nucleic acid Fatty acids, Carbohydrate, Protein) folowing mo Sound in ving organi (6) Scan ()Mogpesiam pron (setiom 2 Tho comvet onder of chemical composition of Using tisues/culs n tern of pescentage ofthe tt (o) Nucleic ack > Pron > HAO > Carbotydres > ons» Lipide (0) F40 > Protein» Nucleic ack > Cab eaten» Lipids ons (6) 10> Protein > Carbohydrtes> Nucleic acid > Lipks > Lone (a Lipide» tone > Carte > 1,0 > Prien > Nuc ack 3. Whatie tru about DNA? 16) Poymer of deoxy niemaclosie (ty Nitrogenous bases contain phosphorus (6) Taymine an eytonine ate the two pyridine uses (a Hydrol yields adenine, uc cyesine and guanine 4 Thosasatrata fy acide (0) Have ower ming point (6) Are without double bond in the hydrocarbon hain (6 Resa slat oom emperatre (a) Show all thse characteristics Teilyeries are fay acd ters of ghoul, whith are formed by the esteiction of molecules of fatty ack with moc) of elcerol (9). One two (One. thee (Thee one (PW one 6 Asseton: Palit acd has 2 carbon atoms including carboxyl carbon ws 16 earbors atoms ineladingeatbony carton (0) Both serton and reason are tue an reasons the correct explanation of assertion (0 Bot assertion and reason ae true al reason no the cnet explanation of aserton (6) Aston true but easom fas (a) Bot assertion and eason a false (oy Protas (eystach (Case (ocnisn 8. DNA model was propose by (e)Mendet (0) Hago de ies (6 Prantl and Engler (Watson and Cck 9. Aepide bon formation tetieen two amin acs asompanied bythe (0) Lascatwater () Desnination (©) Addition of water (4) Deaebonslation 10. RNA hasnt fou ype often bases Tey ane (@) Adenine wei thyme alanine (Adenine, il gain cytosine (Adenine, thymine rac cytosine (None hese Answer Keys Practica Problem ~T (Nuclei a4, Protein, Polysaccharides) 1. Distance between ro sacvssive nitmgenoa haces cf ase prof DNA i cad au, 0A (sa 2, The’ trina eed a eich pope ain ways (9) -COgmup —)-CHOgwup —(-COOH group) CN gap 3, The carbohydrate whic sored a reserve fond in plans but not animal () Engen ©) Chacon (9 Frtone Sanh 4 Which the following (9 Geng secre el coe () Glyogen, Calle and starch cos and rate (4) Matos La A pure protein shoud normaly have (2) Twoends (@)Oneend (Tse ents (@Noends )Purinebese QO) Nucleoside ()Nutlete (yack [Nackotide are building block f nuccc acid. ach nuletie ea compote molecule frre by (9 Bae 1g pinsphat (©) Bovesugar ont (© (Base-soar-Posphae, (Sagar Prosphate (9 Gyeogen Protein () Catone (@)Gabetone 8, ‘Tho tv posnvelotide chains of DNA ae (4) Discontinuous () Anpuralel| (6) Semionseratve (4) Paras CET a COMED-K 10, Given teow the dlagrammatc representation of one of the categories of sal molecular weight nga compounds nthe ing tastes. en the etegoy shown ad the one blank component oe HoH, ZN (2) Chott Gunnin (0 Amino acid NH (@Nackoske Uracil meh Anower Keys Practice Problom 8 (ucoic ale, Early history of if, Life on earth, Theo 1. engi of DNA fad, 00 ase pais low many compite tins wll the DNA molecule te os eas (4500 (oom 2. Amsieotde wth thymine G@)ONA nucleotide (8) RNA mucetide (Ether (or (8) (Hot (oh and) 3. a DNA melecule, the phosphate group is attached to carbon of the sugar residue ofits ‘own nucleotide ard__caror ofthe sugar residue ofthe nest let by bonds ()5,3, phosphodiester () 8,3, glycosidic (93: 5, poosphoatater (43,5, yeosie 4. Ontos noseoelde does not kt (Go) Phosphoric acid (8) Fontwesugar (Purine (o)Pyrimiine 5, What kindof bn exists between AT and G-C? (4) Phospodieter bond () Hyaeogen bord (@sStond (a Popide bon Answer Keys Te [ee [ea [ee [ee Practice Problem ~ 9 (Miler experiment, Homologous ofgans, Industrial melanism, Darwinism, Evidences of evolution, Types of natural selection, Adaptive radiation) 1. Stanley Miler did 0 aids by elect change posed ina mint (oy Nitrogen Owen (9 Hydrogen (Carton donde 1 the Mlle an Urey experiment a minture ofthese chamicae war wid to produce simple organi molecules cxracom ert 9 (0) W,H,0. NH and cH, (0) 8°, co, NH ae CH, (9 H'.1,0.€0,, NH and City (@) H°.H,0.C8, Ny and CH, 2. Thebones ef freinds of whale, bat chet and man ave imi in structs, beau (a) One organi is given nse to anther (6) They share commen ancestor (0 They perform the same function (@) The have biochemical sin 4 india) melas as observed in papers moth proves that (a) The dark lane form ofthe nth has no selective advantage over ihe form in industrial (6) The ighterform math has no selctive advange ithe n plated india ares non pra area (6) Melanie ca pollution generated feature ) The tr black mela forms escaped unntced so ty managed to survive rsuhng in more 5 Assertion: Darwin's inches of Galapagos ian hve dierent pes of modified beaks asording to thao habits Reason: Adaptive rai (6) Boh assertion anid sn rote an son thy core explanation of assertion (0) Both assertion nd veson ae true a eon not the correct explanation of assertion (6) Assertion tue bt ean fal (@) Both esertion and reson a fake (0) Development of embryo (BHiaraloge gece (Fosse (@) Anslogous organs Reaton: This yp of slcton favours averages neds (@ Asertien ieb escin ale carn conmoit sito o ( Adapaverataton (2) Tranatecrion (0) Preenitng variation i the population (6) Divergent vation 9. ‘The evolution of nuerous species, suchas Darwin's nes, om asingl ancestor scaled (©) Adapsve radiation ()Spmpatri speciation (Gradua (@Nen-junction 10, Select the CORRECT pair (Adaptive Radon = ein Finches (8) Connecting Link Sowall Weight tet (0 Genetic dest = Peppered moth (@ industria Melos Ansan Answer Keys Practice Problem - 10 (Adoptive radiation, Natura selection, Darwinism, Hugodevries - Mutation, Herdy Wolnborg equilibrium, Gene pool, Brit account of evolution) 1 Assedtion: Dae aes of Calapagos ind have diferent types of mauled beaks according to Reason: Adaptive radiation, lends to development of efferent fonctions srt from a commen (6) Both aston and reason are re and rnsom the cnr explana (2) oth sation and reason are tuo and reaton sno th ors expanaton of aston (0) Assrtonss tue but reason fase (@) Both assertion ane reason ae fle ‘The theory of Natural lectin’ was given by Vries (b)Lamank (9 Darwin (wat 1h Darwin travel nasal hip cad GINS Beagle EMS Beagle leah 2) Queon Vera 4 Hugo do Ves worked on the plant {@) Garden pea/ Pe strum (9 Sires pen/Latiyren dats {0 Chinese primeose/ Pin (4) Evening primone/ Octet lina 5. Thecondon equi for Hady-Welnberg Equiv is (a) No mutation anno gene ow htcenpopltons (0) Very large poli snd endo mating (6) Nonatural eetion (@alltieabove (6. Which the following dines Hardy-Weinberg’ ne? 6) 7 e209 Wor sousatat Oe v2easet=0— @ ahie* sma =0 The proportion of anale in the gee pool a compared with ather lee a the ame locus called (6) Gane fequeney (0) Genetic population (©) Gene pool (4) Gane variation 5. mating is random, population is lange an mutation does not occur, then gene frequencies pepe rom generation to gation sma coi This spt orwar oy (9 Laserborg, Lederberg fe) Watlace (ontaray Weinberg 4) Heke 5 Foe the MN-blod group sysem, the frequen of M and alles ate 1.7 and 0.3, respecte. The wa eae ox (oss ox ow 0» ox Answer Keys

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