Biological Classification

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CET & COMED-K visas 8 Practice Problem 1 (Fungi, Monera, Fungi Classification, Virus, Lchens) (a)Ssprophytes —— ()Symbionts (6) they for toons in pout waters Typhoid ever i caused by 2) Seeptcsem (8) Slphyowaeus (a) They are eukaryote (6) They are heterotopic HIV isa member of group of vias called 2) aceraphages — @) Gein vrases (0) acterophage (6) ire oth sings DNA (9 Parates (Abo hese (Ono thes nt characteris tur of cyanobacteria (they form etoies (hey ca ix atmosphere nstrogen (ybssitiomyentes 4) phssompertes ()Salmenela (@)Mycstactsium (© Allfunglposessa purely cellsicll all, (@) They ar both unilamellar (saponins (@yretovies (oyirvs witha Sing strand RNA (ius with double stranded DNA (9 Engtoa its 9 Like ae deserted a indices of 2) aipotaton| (sa pataon a) Macatee sp Answer Keys Es (wate potion (@)agneatura producvy (Coston sp) Viriosp Practice Problem -2 (Virus, Fungl, Monea,Lichens) 1. Views elope known 9) Core @epas 2. Single called eukaryotes or inl in (9 ¥inon ()Naceoproen (orang ()Arhue cer couto-x so castes 9 5. Membrane bound ean re aves in Stplocus (8) Chadvnane 4 Contain fun wae propos by Dftvanowsky —(O) MW Beene (Stanley (Robert Hook (o) Moreen t Rot (Lichen dayaca, ) Praseace of ow melaclar weight BNA in ius but absent ia (Bato) ana) (4) None ofthe above CGinen teow isthe diagram of tacteriophage in whi o A 8 c > (Het stisth Cal Tle (4) Coler Tailfbres Head heath |. Maincomponent oft Callao (oy Pectin (cnn (@Deverin (@) Mynchecteia——(@)Eokacteria (6) Arhenbacena (4) Cyanobacteria 10, Winch ofthe flowing prokaryote? i) Anche (9 Sima (Ate (4) Onlonsdronae Anower Keys Te [ze ee [ee a Practice Problem ~3 (one, Virus, Lichens,Potista) (0) Close (i) Hemicetsone —_(@)Pepidoghean (4) 2. Inprokayots chromatophores are Specialize granules responsible for Storage of foo in cells () Stracture espostlo fo orgaizing the shape of gene (6) Inctuson bodes yng fe nk the oll or ayn ut vale metabolic ates erica Rogen Q 1A. Whichot the eloring organs canbe found next sine conitions? (6) Foti (8) Archacacteria—(@)Cyanabacterin (2) Myesbacteria 44 Vira genom inonports aa integra with bacterial genome elena lo) Prophages (RNA foDNa (3) Both 20419 lo) Pane (0) Fong fo Prous, (@) Moners, 6 Colosle, unclisir el wall Kound, spherialshaped microoganiim and lacking organized reused @ Myeoplma (4) Vit (Bacteria (3) Farge lo) Anepiphyiceitonsip withthe algae (O) A paastirelationship wth the algae FDA symbiotic relationship withthe algae (2). A sappy rlaionship with he alge (gene containing nucleoprotein condensed tether in owe mass (b ucleopotin is dre contac withthe rest the el substance (oon foe mudi ac aggre: (@) membrane bound cleorotein lying embedded in the elope 9. Which ofthe folowing not ue about eens some fro for renee in ante open [ty sme species can be sel ae plltoninatons rr very fit a the ate fetes sbout em per eae (a) her ie compoed of bth ala and fungal colle 10, Whichono ofthe flowing statements about vss curt? (6) Virases conan citer DNA or RNA (8 Vines posses thrown metabolic syst (0) Viruses are facultative parasies Answer Keys Te fa [ee fee [ha [oe Practice Problem ~&(Protist,Fungl, Vitus, Morera) Lin Whitaker’ cheieton the unsllar organs having various cell organs consis the le) Monora (Protea (oF (2) Ponte a Bilge enon 9 2 Commonly known os mperet gis (o)thycomyeetes—(Bjasormyeetes_—_()Basionyetes—_() Deteronectes (@)Movocala——— (b) Pucenia (0) Seas (a) usitago (a) Mayer (0) Ivano (0 Bojoriek (a Pasour [Unica proaryoes his place in iv kingdom hse as: (0) Monera (b rote (o Fang (Nore 6. Coliphages are viruses praising (0) Fong () Alimentarycanal (©) Fecherchincoli (8) Yeast lay Atcharscta—(b)Cyamabacera—(¢Blgreen alga () None (6) Conse meri of views (0) Protein ever of vie (0) Extn get nate of backeuen (@) House baeping gnome of atrium 9. Mampsis a dscase assed by a (0) Borsa (b Fong (Vinee (3) Prowzoan (1) Obtgte prasios (0) Obtigate sapropaytes (@ Paral parses (@ Foeltaive parasites Answer Keys. Tb [2@ [ee [ee [sa [ee [ha [eb [ee [ie Practice Problem -5 (Vitus, Moner,Protieta) (6) DNA onty (0) RNA only [DNA Mrokin (A) ENA Proc (a) Sutelite RNA package with vial genome (b) Naked DNA molecules ony {Naked RNA muecles only (@) Naked DNA packaged with vial genome 3. Say of arctica simportant Besse (0) Tey are avaiable in tas ondons (0) The ite fom cer bacteria in cel wall compostn (0) Both apand (a) Nore a Dlg Senin 9 4. RNA genetic materi in (0) Bacteria (0) Bocteriophage TMV (@) Preise (a) Monera (rota (Fang (None {@) Donst have sx organs (0 Lock genetic mata (€)Leckcetar machinery to eis gente mati (None of thse Certain RNA viruses camry an eneyine or it gene tha uses viral RNA a template for syn of (0) BNA reponse () RNA potymerace (Revers tangs (i) Via cease (0) Vues posses thie own metabolic system, (0) AU Virwss contin both RNA and DNA, (© Viruses are obligate parses (W) Nucleic ud of vewsesis known a api (a) Sing sande RNA notenlesed by potin cst (by Sng sanded DNA not enclose by pron cont (6) Doubleseanded DNA enclose by pron cost (a) Doulsstrondod RNA enclosed by poten cost 10, Which of he ollowing group of alge donot ave culaeotc organization? (0) Groen ale (b Blue green aie (Redalgne (@) Golden brownalgae Practice Problem = (Protisi, Mone, Distoms) 1. Ringo prota compos of (writer prokaryotes (e) miei prokaryotes (joss eabargotes (4) unload mica coon ukaryoie 2, The'texmemic mise we (2) moneans (0 protistans (melds (@henkaryotes CET & COMED-K Biological Classification ‘The ype nuit seen in Poin ae Goutorvphic RJ abnartve ngentve @yChnysopyta——e)Pyrophyla fe) Phaeophyta (0) Anima (Panto 9) Monora Mathanogens belongs to (0) Babes (by Archacbactria 6 Dinalgelits Sache wrong statement (6) The wal of distr are nly destruct (0) Distomaseous sats orn hy the col wall of aoa (6) Dats archi oer inthe son (4) Dison ae micro opi nd lat paiely in water (Mayer © Linnaeus 49 Theophrastus The prot have which the ollwing? (6) Fee mle acid agaestes (@Neclenprotein in drt contact with theres ofthe el subtane (Membrane Bound auleopotains within the cytoplasm (4) Naccoprteins condensed together na lose mae 10. The cll wl hen of isos sea (cals eigen Answer Keys Practice Problem 7 (rots, Moneta, Fung!) The pritve prokaryotes response forthe pr (@)Thormoscidophite @)Methanogens _() Eukocteria Desi at hated he Kingdom Gy Proiayon ——@) Butaryou (oProtits $f bogs from the dung of (4) ll te (4 Chlorops (a Fong (4) Sime moa a (d) Emet Haeckel (ahem (Hopi Chryepytescuplenoids, dinoflagellates and sime moulds arc included in the kingdom (Potts @ Farge (6 Aiala (0) Pots (Py Prokaryotes——e) Fangs am @)Bryophyte cers couso-« Aig nto ° 5. Thebuny of fang i componed of ranch thd ie truce called tyr 1) Mylm (cet (4) That (oy ye (Seer fo Pyeniia (8) Tce (9 Alese (Fong (Liston (8 Allhe two 8 Thecell wall chemical in higher ang is 6) Gasloe (8) Lisnin (orchisin i) Pein 9. Thesungaceltacks (@) Call wall () Mitochondkin (9 Pate (arr (6) Chace fy Starch () Glycogen ¢) Frio Answer Keys Practice Problem ~8 (Fungi Mone Dietoms) 1. Satecaneen ike fg mages (@)Promycativm —() Hypha ()Rrzomorph (4) Meta (0) Saccharomyces lipides (6) Sacharomyexspyatormit (6) Sacehaomyses dwight (@Sxcharomycescerevsine 3. Which of healing are found in extreme saline cotions? (@)Archacacterin—_() Bubacterin (0) Cyanahacte 44 Wich te following the meaner the ass Ascomycetes? (2) Yet Rope (9 Mucor (4) Apaicus (hedibietmad vitamin BubAts (6) beerand wine (4) anit pein 6 Comma brend mon is (a) cpus fy Yeast (tue (2 Auge The pat ofthe mushroom that appears abo he ground i (9 Ascus (Bs (Rhiromonph (4) Basiioowy (oh ebocteria fy archacactera (6) inflates (4) ime moulds CET 8 COMED-K Biological Classification (6) The walls of dintoms ate ssi destrstible (0) Diatomaceous cath i forme bythe cell wall of diatoms (6) Datars are ce producer sn the cans (9) Diatomearemisrosopic nt tst pasts in weter (e)eitonpores by ancosporee er buding Answer Keys 7 Ea [ea [ee [ea [ee [ea Practice Problem 9 (Fungl, Moner, Virus) 1. Oreo the maj components of sl wal of most ag = (o)peptidogvean ey cellaose hemeaise (0) Sse Fug @Akaltengi —_()Cudfang, 3. TO. Diener covered (eno (Thali fang (@) Bacteriophage) nfetous protein (0) Frovinestius DNA (Fr nfoctous RNA, () Dowestrandsd RNA (ey singlestranded RNA (9 Doublesranded DNA (@)Proinaceous 5. Pay ta mustyoomn is Aris (6) Agere (0) Veo Pec {6 The blue gren alge ares called a hey have in addition to geen pigment hlrophyl ae pgm: Anowrnas )Phyceyanin ——()Cyamophycln fe) Coreplaen (0) Betts (©) Niro (Noto and Annet (4) Roh od Bates rate (0) Bie prensa) Roalgae 6) Brown alse se bulla posses (2) Focus (0) Coats (methanogens (4) Phycomrythrin (6) Greenlee (cyanobacteria

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