Online Course: Gender Equality Basics: Overview of Participant Engagement and Feedback

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Online Course: Gender Equality Basics

September 2021

Overview of participant engagement and feedback

Participants of the course were asked to rate their knowledge or confidence from 0 to 5 at the beginning
and at the end of each lesson. Pre- and post-lesson analytics are below.

Average ratings for each lesson and across the course as a whole improved from 2.31 to 3.90.

No participants gave themselves a lower post-lesson rating but an average of 12.8% across all lessons
gave themselves the same rating. The reasons participants gave for no shift in their rating included:
• Because some subjects I did not have enough information about it
• Although I have gained theoretical knowledge, I think of improving my skills more deeply when
practicing. / I feel, need practical session
• Rating is same but it sharpen my knowledge.

Some participants who did not shift their rating indicated in comments that they had benefitted from
the lesson.
• I came to realize the true meaning of substantive equality. As a matter of fact, while watching
the video, it opened my mind to a realization of what truly is meant about substantive equality.
• A clear idea on how to plan a gender audit and to achieve effective outcome.
• This is a new topic for me. I got an understanding of that.

An average of 87.2% of participants gave themselves an improved rating across all lessons. The reasons
participants gave for a shift in their rating included:

1. The lesson itself:

• The concepts provided were so simple to understand and the examples used as well were very
• The content was clear and fun. I was able to fully understand the content whilst engaging the
different interactions of the app.
• I really like the method of training because it's easy way how to learn and understand all the
existing material as a whole. Therefore, all videos provided it's sharing regarding the real

2. They received new information

• I learned that more girls cannot access their right to education than men. In addition, women
are at a higher risk of being badly affected by disasters than men.
• Have learnt steps on how to successfully plan a gender strategy for our Office, which is through
effective planning (logic model) which drives focus on impact of a Gender Strategy.
• I still see how importance that the specified unit towards gender scope (gender equality
especially for women and lgbtiq+) since it is sensitive issues.
• After i follow this course, i recognize that the importance of gender mainstreaming in our
mandate as a NHRI is very important. I need to learn more to increase my knowledge on how
to promote gender mainstreaming in my workplace.

• Earlier I think that gender equality means equal opportunity, Now I learnt about the concept of
substantive gender equality which means we need to understand the requirement of every
gender and provide them equality of opportunity with equality of outcomes.

3. Refresh, greater clarity and confirmation

• I have studied gender for my undergraduate and postgraduate studies. I have also participated
in several local training programs. Most of the complaints about women coming to our NHRI's
come to me. But by participated on this training, I feel that as an NHR's member we have a
greater role to play and that we have the potential to do just that. I will do it with my staff.
• This lesson made me more accurate and focused when writing the report on the gender
strategy, especially the three types thank you
• It was a best lesson that I have learn more about gender and how I act in my organization and

4. Learning from others

• By taking advantage of the comments of the participants
• Because of group discussion and the lessons slides

[A] Overall results

Online Course: Gender Equality Basics

(Rating range 0 – 5)
# Pre - Post - Rating % % no
Complete Average Average change change change
1. Introduction to gender equality
41 2.88 4.17 1.29 88% 12%
2. Gender mainstreaming as a gender
41 2.24 4.05 1.26 83% 17%
equality approach

3. Gender specialisation as a gender

41 2.05 3.88 1.83 90% 10%
equality approach

4. Mandate of NHRIs to promote and

37 2.59 4.00 1.41 81% 19%
protect gender equality

5. Plan a gender strategy in an NHRI

37 2.05 3.70 1.65 95% 5%
6. Implement, evaluate and report on a
35 2.03 3.57 1.54 86% 14%
gender strategy

Average completed 38.67

Average pre-lesson rating 2.31
Average post-lesson rating 3.90
Overall difference 1.50
Average no change 12.8%

[B] Increase in rating difference from highest to lowest

Lesson 2 Gender specialisation as a gender equality approach 1.83

Lesson 5 Plan a gender strategy in an NHRI 1.65
Lesson 6 Implement, evaluate and report on a gender strategy 1.54
Lesson 4 Mandate of NHRIs to promote and protect gender equality 1.41
Lesson 1 Introduction to gender equality 1.29
Lesson 2 Gender mainstreaming as a gender equality approach 1.26

[C] Pre-course from highest to lowest

Lesson 1 Introduction to gender equality 2.88
Lesson 4 Mandate of NHRIs to promote and protect gender equality 2.59
Lesson 2 Gender mainstreaming as a gender equality approach 2.24
Lesson 2 Gender specialisation as a gender equality approach 2.05
Lesson 5 Plan a gender strategy in an NHRI 2.05
Lesson 6 Implement, evaluate and report on a gender strategy 2.03

[D] Post-course from highest to lowest

Lesson 1 Introduction to gender equality 4.14

Lesson 2 Gender mainstreaming as a gender equality approach 4.05
Lesson 5 Plan a gender strategy in an NHRI 4.00
Lesson 3 Gender specialisation as a gender equality approach 3.88
Lesson 4 Mandate of NHRIs to promote and protect gender equality 3.70
Lesson 6 Implement, evaluate and report on a gender strategy 3.57

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