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systems; (b) the menstrual cycle; (c) logy textbooks,but dependingupon stantialsegment of the population,

hormones that regulate the system; the philosophyand skillof the teach- and that thereforeare unlikelyto be
(d) fertilization and early cleavage; er and the attitudesof the school ad- tolerated in the large majorityof
(e) implantation; (f) the role of the ministratorsand community, they science or biology curricula.These
placenta; (g) stages of embryo and can often be taughtwithsupplemen- topicsinclude:
fetal development; (h) general prob- tal materialsor with the help of re- 1. Roleof foreplayin coitus;
lems of pregnancy; (i) chromosomal sourcepersons.Theyinclude: 2. Erogenouszones and types of
sex determination; (j) multiple em- 1. Methodsof contraception; manipulation;
bryos; (k) the birthprocess; (1)genetic 2. Abortion; 3. The roleof fantasy;
abnormalities; and (m) intrauterine 3. Religiousattitudespertainingto 4. The natureof sexualclimax;
medicine, such as amniocentesis, Rh contraceptionand abortion; 5. Oral-analsex;
incompatibility,and others. 4. Sex in relationto marriage; 6. Groupsex;
3. Sexual topics relating to growth experiments;
5. In vitrofertilization 7. Positionsforcoitus;
and development, including: (a) sex- 6. Experimentswith in vitro hu- 8. The effectof drugson coitus;
ual differences in growth curves; (b) man development; 9. Male-femalehomosexuality;
puberty and menarche; and (c) sec- 7. Experimentswith artificialim- 10. Age in relationto sexual re-
ondary sexual characteristics. plantation; sponse.

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4. Venereal diseases. 8. Sperm banks, fatherless chil- 11. Frigidityand impotence;
dren, and the changingattitudesto- 12. Appropriateness of coitus
Category II: Topics that are very wardparenthood. during early or old age, menstrua-
controversial but are of high interest CategoryIII:Topicsso emotionally tion,and pregnancy;
to students. These topics usually can- chargedthat they are consideredin 13. Sex occupations-surrogates,
not be included in life science or bio- the realm of pornographyby a sub- prostitutesand so on.

IntegratingSex Educationintothe K-12 Curriculum

DerekL. Burleson the mainobjectivesof a good VD ed- have the vindictiveattitudethat the
Phi DeltaKappa ucationprogramis to convincepeo- penalty a young woman must pay
Bloomington, Indiana ple to go to a doctor or a public before she can have access to con-
health clinicif they have VD symp- traceptionis one pregnancyor one
toms, and to get them to reporttheir abortion.Withholdingcontraceptive
Eachof the speakerson the panel contacts.Once this is accomplished, informationand services has never
has made importantpoints,but all of the individualand his/her contacts been and willneverbe a constraintto
themgive me some problems. become a publichealthstatistic.Pub- adolescent sexual activity. Helping
Mayer'scase for sex educationis lic healthofficersview VD as an epi- young women take the responsibility
eloquentand compelling.The shock- demiologicalproblem,and statistics fortheirown sexualityjustmight.We
ing butveryrealstatisticson venereal are essential for their work. Yet, it have yet to testthathypothesis.
disease,teenage pregnancy,and the is paradoxicalto some that VD edu- My reservationsregardingMayer's
batteredchildare indicatorsof social cation programs and media cam- defense of sex education in the
problemsthat have plagued us for paigns can lead to increasedrather schools concernmotivationand per-
many yearsand that show littlesigns than decreasedratesof incidence,at spective. I am as concerned with
of subsiding.Certainlythey need our leastat the outset. those shockingstatisticsas he is, but
attention. However, I question Ifyou followmy logic,you can see I doubtthatthe "scaretactic"type of
whetherschool-basedsex education how this happens. Educationpro- motivationwill result in the kind of
programsare going to solve these grams have convinced people that instructionalprogramin human sex-
difficult problems-as Mayer be- they can be treatedquicklyand con- uality that we really need. "Scare
lieves. fidentiallyif they go to theirdoctoror tactics" are necessary to convince
In the case of VD, I suggestthat,at publichealthclinic.Once treated,of some people, but I have seen some
least initially,a successfuleducation course, they become a statistic.To of the crashsex educationprograms
programcould lead to an increasein me, thisis good education. based on such tactics,and the kids
the reportedincidenceof VD. One of With teenage pregnancy,we still willtellyou they areone bigjoke.

The alternative is a sex education neglected, such as manners or cor- negligent if it avoids this important
programthat is carefullyplanned and rect speech. McAuley is, I suspect, responsibility.
integrated in the K-12 health and concerned about sexual values and
science curricula with content and Smallwood has been courageous
the conflicting and often controver-
teaching methods appropriate to the in trying to delineate what can and
sial views surrounding topics includ-
physical and emotional growth of ing premarital sex, abortion, and what cannot be taught in a sex edu-
children and young people. Such cation course. As a biology teacher,
developmental programs exist in Dealing with controversialissues is his choice of topics seems appro-
some school systems, but they are priate so far as it goes. As a textbook
not a new thing in our schools.
not necessarily labeled sex educa- Teachers, especially in the social stu- writer,he exercises the conservatism
tion. Isn't it time that the central role that is required to have a textbook
dies, have had long experience in
of human sexuality in the life cycle adopted widely. But, as any exper-
handling controversial political top-
is treated in a natural and dignified ics. Many school districtshave written ienced sex education teacher can tell
manner devoid of the subterfugeswe you, if you run a dialogue-centered
policies on the treatment of contro-
have used in the past? versial issues, the essence of these is classroom, curious young minds are
McAuley tells us he has been that schools and teachers must pro- not going to stick to the text, nor are
trained as a scientist who deals with ject a neutral view, but at the same they going to be satisfied with strictly

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facts. He feels that sex education in time see that both sides or many biological approaches to sexuality.
Some of Smallwood's "forbidden"
the schools should be limited to the points of view are presented when
topics will surface. They may not
biological facts of human reproduc- dealing with controversial issues.
be in the formal curriculum,but they
tion. He acknowledges, however, Many teachers have, in addition,
are on the minds of young people. I
that sexuality also touches on many received training in values clarifica-
am not advocating that they should
value issues in which the school, as tion techniques that are useful in
be in the curriculum,but I hope that
an agent of the government, has no helping one to understand values
teachers who are conducting sex ed-
business meddling. He is concerned and value choices.
ucation classes will be prepared to
about indoctrinationby the state, and Today's young people are ex-
handle questions on these topics
about the violation of parents' rights posed to sexual issues from every
in the moral education of their chil- when they arise with accuracy and
point of view through the mass me-
dren. These are legitimate concerns objectivity.
dia. What are they to make of these
in a democratic society. However, issues? Where else can they test In conclusion, I hope that it will not
our schools do not operate in a value- their ideas, sort out the conflicting be too long before we can start to
less vacuum. Our schools reinforce opinions, formulate rationales for concentrate on "What Constitutes a
the values of parents and the broader their own behavior. I submit that the Good Sex Education Program?"
community and not infrequently school provides a forum for this kind rather than on "Should the Schools
instill a few values that parents have of process; moreover, the school is Teach Sex Education?"

A Responseand A Proposal
Norman D. Anderson strongly that sex education should be this approach has merit and often
North CarolinaState University limited to the biological facts of the has the enthusiastic support of those
Raleigh reproductioncycle. who wish to restrictsex education to
There are undoubtedly hundreds the "basic facts," local control has its
of ways one could respond to these limitations. The parents of students
Mayerhas used two examples,in- three presentations and considerably in a given science classroom may
creases in venereal disease and differing points of view. The central have views differing as much as
increasesin teenage pregnancies,to point of the issue, however, seems to those represented by Mayer and
make a strong argument for our center around the teacher. How can McAuley. What is the science teacher
schools' providing more effective the individualscience teacher resolve to do in that kind of situation?
instructionin the area of sex educa- the issue of what to teach? Which of It also should be pointed out that
tion. Smallwood,by presentingthree Smallwood's topics are to be in- groups that advocate local control
categories of topics, has given us cluded, and which are to be left out? often are busy behind the scenes try-
some idea of whatmightbe included One is tempted to suggest this is a ing to get state and federal legislation
in sex educationunder varyingsets local problem and should be resolved passed that would greatly restrictthe
of conditions. McAuley feels very within each community. Although scope of sex education.


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