Design of An Isolated Onboard Plug-In Electric Vehicle Charger

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Design of an Isolated Onboard Plug-in Electric

Vehicle Charger
2021 7th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES) | 978-1-7281-7612-3/20/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICEES51510.2021.9383717

Angia Sara Daniel, K R M Vijaya Chandrakala,

Department o f Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Department o f Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Amrita School o f Engineering, Coimbatore, Amrita School o f Engineering, Coimbatore,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India. Am rita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India, k r m v ij aya@cb.amrita. edu

Abstract—With the expanding worry over the earth and ever- Topologies with front end converter as boost and are
stringent outflow guidelines, the electric vehicle has been usually adopted due to many reasons like less complexity in
researched as an effective type of transportation. Battery the design and a low Total Harmonic Distortion(THD) [9-10],
charger topologies in Electric vehicle assume a significant job to Chargers with power factor converters has achieved beyond
expand the penetration of Electric Vehicles (EVs). In this paper, 90% efficiency but w.r.t to medium or low loads the
an onboard plug-in battery charger for electric vehicle is performance is not appreciably good. The other disadvantages
developed supporting SEPIC and resonant inverter or LLC by using boost type converters are fluctuation LLC converter
topology suitable for neighborhood electric e-bikes with a operating frequency from the resonant frequency causes
battery pack of 48V. With this charger architecture, a 1KW reduction in the conversion efficiency and increases the
charging topology as a prototype is designed to charge a 48V Li-
circulating losses. Therefore; boost type topologies are not a
ion battery. The on-board charger is simulated using
good option, in light o f the fact that the differing DC link
MATLAB/Simulink and the result is validated.
voltage may dip below the input voltage on the grid. Thus, a
front end converter which acts as both buck and boost the
Keywords—Electric Vehicle, Lithium-ion Battery, Battery voltage input, fit for giving a wide DC interface voltage.
charger, SEPIC converter, LLC resonant converter. Subsequently, the LLC converter would help to increase the
handling capability throughout the period o f battery pack
I. In t r o d u c t io n voltage. [ 1 1 ],
As the trend in transportation is moving towards electric Therefore, the topology for charger adopted in this paper
vehicle, the internal combustion engine may be vanished at includes SEPIC converter as front end converter and LLC
one moment o f time due to fuel being extinguished in near converter as rear end converter. The selection of LLC
future. The wide scale operating electric vehicle could acquire converter is due to its advantages which would provide short
critical variations in the society, terms o f not just the circuit protection, galvanic seclusion and soft switching
innovations is use for individual transportation, yet in addition mechanism. The following sections discuss the equivalent
moving the economies from petroleum and lessoning the circuit o f the proposed topology, its design and results
natural impression o f transportation [1], New natural worries obtained using MATLAB/Simulink.
over the measure of poisons spilled into the environment every
day by internal combustion engine (ICE) which have become II. E l e c t r ic V e h ic l e O n -B o ar d Ch a r g er
an incredible inspiration for the utilization o f vehicles The on-board plug in electric vehicle charger designed in
operated electrically [2], Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles this paper is based on SEPIC and LLC resonant [11]
(PHEVs) speaks to the most encouraging way to deal with converters. The SEPIC converter is one o f the DC/DC
electrification of a critical segment of the transportation converters which is capable of making output voltage greater,
segment [3], lower or equal to that o f the input voltage. Therefore; SEPIC
Electric vehicle battery (EVB) charger topologies assume converter is taken into consideration as it is best suited for
an essential job to expand the infiltration o f EVs. Since front end converter. Schematic diagram o f the proposed plug-
charging time is o f the substance, hybrid and electric vehicles
need an exceptionally efficient on-board AC/DC charger that
flaunts a high power density and fits the constrained space and
weight necessities [4], On-board chargers are the favoured
configuration for PHEV’s due to their adaptive nature for
household charging and reduced concerns for battery heating
[5], From the structure perspective, the types of on-board Fig. 1. Schematic diagram o f the electric vehicle charger
battery chargers are single-stage interfaced with the pack of The voltage input is 230V to the charger. The DC link
battery and two-stage topology on the network side and voltage serves as input to supply as input to the rear end
converter which is DC-DC on the battery-side [6 ], converter which is the LLC converter. The LLC converter [7]
Unidirectional charging of the battery is first step since it acts as the second stage DC/DC converter [ 8 ] which regulates
limits hardware necessities and will as a rule decline battery the voltage and is capable o f providing galvanic seclusion. A
debasement [7], Two stage AC/DC converters have been full bridge LLC converter is proposed which consists of
comprehensively utilized in installed battery charging switching bridge, resonant tank, transformer rectifier circuit
structures for PEVs [8,9], The charger normally contains and an output capacitor. The proposed onboard charger is
double phases; one is first stage for correction of AC input implemented to charge a 48V, 20Ah battery. The equivalent
voltage and second-stage DC/DC converter for voltage circuit diagram of the proposed charger is highlighted in Fig.
guideline and galvanic confinement. 2.

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B. Proposed charger design o f LLC Converter
From the Fig.2, SEPIC converter DC link voltage is
applied to the isolated LLC converter for charging o f the Li-
ion battery.
The resonant peak current is calculated as shown in (7);
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit diagram of two stage charger topology with
SEPIC and LLC converters

III. D e s ig n Of Se p ic Co n v e r t er Fe d LLC Co n v e r t er
With a selection o f 100kHz switching frequency, resonant
In this section; 1KW on-board charger fed from AC mains capacitor is calculated using,
is presented. The input voltage to the proposed charger is grid
voltage o f 230V, single phase, 50Hz. The AC voltage is Cr Ir p
( 8)
rectified using diode bridge rectifier. In this rectifier
application, it is not necessary the rectified output voltage be In order to achieve voltage gain, inductance ratio o f ‘Lm’ and
greater than grid voltage as voltage gain for a SEPIC converter ‘Lr’ is taken as 0.3, and therefore; the resonant inductor and
could be greater than unity or lesser than unity [ 8 ], This magnetizing inductor can be determined from (9) and (10),
benefits in getting a wide range ofD C link voltage in the case
o f rectifier applications [ 8 , 1 1 ], Cnfs)2Cr (9)
A. Proposed charger design o f SEPIC converter Lm = 0.3Lr (10)
Referring to Fig.2, at the capacitor output, voltage ripple The designed inductor is used in the proposed two stage
could be neglected and the corresponding duty ratio is charger topology. The specifications o f the charger topology
mentioned in (1), are tabulated in Table. I.
D = , Vou\------ (1)
Vm \ S i n a t \ + V out Ta b l e I. Spec if ic at io n s o f Pr o po s ed Two St a g e Ch ar g er
Where ‘Vout’ is the output voltage, ‘Vm’ is the grid voltage Quantity Parameter
Input Inductor 150qH
For the selection o f the inductors ‘L i’ and ‘L 2 ’ , the ripple Output Inductor 550qH
current is taken as 25% o f the maximum input current [8]. The
SEPIC Capacitor 100qF
ripple current flowing in both ‘L i’ and ‘L 2 ’ is calculated as in
DC link Capacitor 100qF
Duty Rato 0.13
M = Iln * 25% (2) Magnetizing Inductor 31.7qH
Resonant Capacitor 20nF
The inductor values is calculated as in shown in (3);
Resonant Inductor 107.6qH
(3) Input voltage 230V

The values for both the inductors for a switching Output voltage 48V
frequency o f 500kHz is found to be 150pH. The value for
coupling capacitor is determined based upon the RMS current
The designed values are used in developing the charging
through the capacitor which is calculated using (4); topology to charge a 48V, 20Ah e-bike vehicle. As the charging
infrastructure is the forefront requirement o f establishing in the
optimal places. This design o f charging topology would help the
electric vehicle to smoothly charge as per the requirement. The two
The capacitor value o f the SEPIC is calculated as shown in stage converter would help to lower the T H D level which could be
(5); seen in the results section as discussed.

C, = ZoDmox (5) IV. Sim u l a t io n Re s u l t s

The simulation o f the on-board two stage charger shown
Where;’ I0 ’ is the output current,’ Fsw ‘ is the switching
in Fig. 3 with the specifications as calculated shown in Table
frequency o f 500kHz and ‘AVc l‘ is the ripple voltage across
the capacitor ‘C i’ . A very small ripple voltage, i.e., 5% is I is developed in M ATLA B/ Simulink which is tested on a
assumed and the value for capacitance is calculated using (5). 48V battery output current and voltage responses o f the
In a SEPIC converter, when the switch Si is ON, the inductor SEPIC converter. Peak current o f 7A is obtained at the output
starts charging and the output capacitor supplies the output and is shown in Fig. 3 (a). The SEPIC converter here steps
current. As a result, the capacitor undergoes larger ripple and down the rectified voltage to 33.4V which is shown in Fig. 3
therefore; it should be designed in such a way that it (b) and Fig. 3 (c) shows the square waveform generated by
withstands larger ripple current [8], The output capacitor is the switching bridge o f the LLC converter which excites the
calculated as mentioned in (6), resonant tank o f the LLC converter. A resonant sinusoidal
current o f amplitude 0.5A flows through inductor which is
shown in Fig. 3 (d). The nominal value o f the electric vehicle
battery pack is 48V. The battery with initial SOC 30% is
getting charged from the charger and its parameters are noted.

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The nominal LLC converter input and output voltage are this charging topology, low voltage level batteries especially
33.4V and 51V respectively as shown in Fig. 3 (e). the ones present in neighborhood electric bikes can be

V. Co n c l u s io n

This paper presented a topology for an onboard plug-in
Time (seconds)
electric vehicle charger based on SEPIC and LLC converter.
a) Output current
This can be well utilized for applications towards onboard
charging of electric vehicles that is capable of vehicle to grid
connectivity. The simulation is implemented with an on­
board charger charging 48V, 20Ah e-bike lithium ion battery.
The LLC converter efficiency can be increased as a future
work by implementing a variable DC link control approach
which maintains the switching frequency o f the LLC
converter near to the primary resonant frequency relating to
the most maximum efficiency point.

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