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Risk analysis of level crossing accidents

based on systems control for safety
T Kohda1* and H Fujihara2
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Human Science Division, Railway Technical Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan

The manuscript was received on 11 October 2007 and was accepted after revision for publication on 7 February 2008.

DOI: 10.1243/1748006XJRR127

Abstract: Train protection systems in Japan such as signalling systems and level crossing
protection systems have been mostly developed by the improvement of individual subsystems
in their performance as well as specific post-accident measures to prevent similar accidents
from happening again. However, level crossing accidents are still a major contributor to the
total number of railway accidents. The importance of prior risk assessment of the total railway
system increases, and risk management is to be desired for taking efficient measures without
any degradation of the present safety level. This paper, with consideration of accident
sequences and multilayered safety functions, presents a simple feasibility study for quantitative
risk assessment of level crossing accidents with the aim of efficient and effective safety mana-
gement for Japanese railway systems. Accident scenarios are described which initiate from a
trapped motorcar through the failure of protection systems, including human actions. A simple
phenomenal model is introduced in evaluating the accident occurrence probability. The
positive correlation between the train velocity and accident frequency is derived, which can
be considered acceptable as common sense.

Keywords: Japanese level crossing accidents, train protection systems, system accident
occurrence probability, phenomenal model, probabilistic risk analysis

1 INTRODUCTION accident; V, roadway interference accident (tramway

accident); VI, human injury accident; and VII, prop-
Train protection systems in the Japanese railway erty damage accident. The first three categories,
including level crossing protection systems have which are generically and simply called ‘train
been mostly developed as upgrades of individual accidents’, can lead to the most critical consequence.
subsystems and post-accident measures. Prior asse- A level crossing accident, the fourth accident cate-
ssment of risk has not been executed sufficiently to gory, is legally defined as ‘collision or contact
influence policy decisions. In recent years, the impor- between a train and road vehicles or pedestrians at
tance of risk assessment and information disclosure a level crossing’. The fifth category is defined as
is greatly increasing in most industrial sectors. ‘collision or contact between a train and road vehi-
Japanese railway shall also be required to adapt to cles or pedestrians at a roadway (except a level cross-
this trend. ing)’. This category usually occurs only at the
Table 1 shows the recent status of railway acci- sections where the roadway and the rail track are in
dents in Japan [1]. Railway accidents are, according concomitant use, i.e. tramway. Human injury acci-
to the Japanese MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastruc- dent, the sixth category, is defined as ‘accidents
ture and Transport), divided into seven categories where human injuries or fatalities are caused by rail-
[2]: I, train collision accident; II, train derailment way vehicle’s operation, except those which should
accident; III, train fire accident; IV, level crossing correspond to categories I to V’.
As shown in Table 1, level crossing accidents
*Corresponding author: Department of Aeronautics and Astro-
account for around half the number of cases and
nautics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan. email:
about 40 per cent of the number of fatalities in recent

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420 T Kohda and H Fujihara

Table 1 Recent status of railway accidents in Japan (April safety to obtain occurrence conditions for a collision
2004 to March 2005) accident at a typical Japanese level crossing; their
occurrence probabilities are then evaluated using a
Number of cases Number of fatalities
simple phenomenon model. This model shows the
Accident category Number Ratio (%) Number Ratio (%) positive correlation between accident occurrence
I 3 0.3 0 0 probability and train speed, which reasonably corre-
II 14 1.1 1 0.3 sponds to common sense.
III 2 0.2 1 0.3
IV 367 43.2 122 38.5
VI 383 45.1 192 60.6
Total 849 100 317 100 FOR SAFETY

2.1 Accident occurrence conditions

years. The sixth category, human injury accident, also
has as a similarly large proportion of cases and fatal- Generally speaking, to prevent and mitigate a system
ities as level crossing accidents. Thus, appropriate accident, several types of safety protection systems
measures to prevent level crossing accidents and are installed in such large-scale systems as nuclear
human injury accidents are much needed. Almost and chemical plants and railway systems. The con-
all of the human injury accidents are caused by the cept of ‘independent protection layers’ [10] or
suicidal action of the casualties themselves, such as ‘defence in depth’ [11] is considered as a general
trespassing [3]. Therefore, most of their root causes approach for safety design in these complex systems.
are related to the personal problems of the accident To mitigate the effect of a failure of some protection
victims. Further, the preventive measures for this system, another independent protection system is
category of accidents are usually obtained through installed as back-up in the system. To obtain the
the psychological approach and social science. On merits of redundancy, the independence of protec-
tion systems must be maintained. Otherwise, an
the other hand, most of the level crossings in the
unexpected dependency may affect the system
Japanese railway are composed of mechanical, elec-
safety. Table 2 shows examples of multilayered pro-
tric, and electronic equipment, and so level crossing
tection systems in a Japanese railway system [12].
accidents can be prevented more suitably by using
Considering the occurrence of an accident in this
technical solutions. Thus, this paper considers the
kind of system, the accident occurs owing to the fail-
derivation of a systematic solution for level crossing
ure of its control functions for safety [13]. Here, con-
accidents as the first step.
trol functions for safety mean not only safety
Regarding the safety analysis of level crossings,
protection systems, but also human actions to reduce
previous reports studied the effect of the visibility of
the risk caused by a disturbance or component fail-
crossing rods on the invasion by motorcars [4–6]
ure. A control system for safety corresponds to a set
and the functional advancement of the obstruction of components which accomplish a control function
detector to detect an emergency condition in a level for safety. If a control system for safety is normal, it
crossing [7, 8]. Meanwhile, the Railtrack report [9] can accomplish its function to prevent or mitigate a
tried to perform risk quantification for level crossing disturbance. Thus, for a system accident to occur,
accidents, which was based on a static logical model. the following two conditions must be satisfied.
However, these previous studies did not consider
accident sequences and multilayered safety func- Condition 1 (C1) A disturbance such as human
tions. This paper, with consideration of accident erroneous action and component failure must occur
sequences and multilayered safety functions, pre- that can cause an initial deviation leading to a system
sents a simple feasibility study for quantitative risk accident.
assessment of level crossing accidents with the aim Condition 2 (C2) Control systems for safety must
of efficient and effective safety management for fail, which can prevent or mitigate the disturbance.
Japanese railway systems. Based on the system con- Figure 1 shows accident occurrence conditions in
trol function model for safety, this paper obtains terms of the event tree representation. An accident
the accident occurrence conditions by considering sequence can be obtained tracing the branches
available protective systems at the occurrence of a from left to right. For example, by tracing the upper
trapped motorcar. The main subject of this paper is branch for each divided branch, event sequence
the development of a framework to compare the I*S1 can be obtained, which represents a logical
alternative safety measures for a system accident. AND combination of the occurrence of a disturbance,
First, how a level crossing accident occurs is ana- I, and the success of safety control function 1. Conse-
lysed based on the concept of control functions for quence ‘No Damage’ means success in preventing

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Table 2 Examples of multilayered protection systems in railway systems

Levels of Accident case I: Accident case II:

protection Railway signal violation Level crossing accident

Level I Quality improvement of train drivers Prevention of road vehicle’s

(Prevention of failures) Reliability improvement of signal system incautious approach to the
level crossing
Level II Automatic train stop (ATS) Easily escapable crossing rod
(Prevention of Fail-safe mechanism at exit
critical conditions) in signal system
Level III Catch point Obstruction detector
(Prevention of (Transmission of train protection Emergency brake of train
accidental progression) radio signal)
Level IV Transmission of train protection Transmission of train
(Mitigation of radio signal protection radio signal
accident consequence) Accident restoration work Accident restoration work

Fig. 1 Event tree for a system accident

a system accident. Similarly, an event sequence Based on its effect on the system, a disturbance to
leading to a fatal damage is obtained as I*F1*F2, be considered for the safety design can be selected.
which represents a logical AND combination of the On the other hand, in FTA, an end state, or a system
occurrence of a disturbance, I, the failure of safety accident to be prevented and mitigated, is first
control function 1, F1, and the failure of safety con- defined, and then a logic tree is constructed step by
trol function 2, F2. Thus, the accident occurrence step, which shows the cause–effect relation between
condition in the event tree can be represented as a the system accident and basic events representing
logical AND combination of the occurrence con- component failures and human errors. Minimal
dition of a disturbance (which corresponds to C1) combinations of basic events leading to the system
and failure conditions of safety control systems accident can be obtained, each of which corresponds
related to the disturbance (which correspond to C2). to an occurrence condition of the specified system
To obtain the accident occurrence conditions, both accident. In this paper, the FMEA approach is applied
the disturbances leading to system accidents and to the selection of an initiating event based on the
the control systems for safety related to them must previous accident data. So, disturbances to be miti-
be identified. In Fig. 1, control functions are safety gated are assumed at first.
control functions 1 and 2. Condition C1 corresponds
to I, while condition C2 corresponds to F1*F2.
2.3 Failure conditions of control systems
for safety
2.2 Occurrence conditions of disturbances
Control functions for safety, which can prevent or
To identify a disturbance or initiating event which mitigate a specific abnormal event, are generally
can lead to a system accident, there are two types of composed of three basic functions: detection, diag-
approaches: bottom-up and top-down. The former nosis, and execution. Detection consists of monitor-
corresponds to failure-mode-and-effects analysis ing system states continuously or periodically to
(FMEA) [14], while the latter corresponds to fault obtain information on the current state of the plant,
tree analysis (FTA) [15]. In FMEA, the possible effect and detecting its abnormality. Diagnosis is composed
of a component failure, human erroneous action, or of identifying the cause of the system abnormality
external event is evaluated from the component level and selecting an appropriate control action. Execu-
to the system level using functional relations among tion corresponds to the execution of the selected con-
components in the system hierarchical structure. trol action. Corresponding to these basic functions, a

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422 T Kohda and H Fujihara

control system for safety can be composed of three both the normal function of the alarm and the
parts: the sensing part, controlling part, and execut- successful performance of the human operator are
ing part. The primary function of a component can essential to accomplish the control function for
clarify which part of a control system for safety it safety. Human errors such as perceptional error and
constitutes. For each disturbance or initiating event, omission error must be considered based on the
control systems for safety which can prevent it must diagnosis and execution actions required of human
be identified. By examining whether its sensing part operators. Human factor analysis [16] should be
can detect the effect of a disturbance or not, a control performed by focusing on the basic functions allo-
system for safety related to the accident can be easily cated to operators, which can also clarify the neces-
identified. Tracing the information flow from the sen- sary interactions of human operators with system
sing part, the whole structure of a control system for components.
safety can be identified, where each function can be
achieved by a different system component such as 3 LEVEL CROSSING ACCIDENTS
human operator or computerized machine.
In obtaining failure conditions of a control system In the following section, consider the risk caused by
for safety, its decomposition into sensing, control- a trapped vehicle in a level crossing as shown in
ling, and executing parts can clarify what kinds of Fig. 2. When a train approaches a level crossing,
dysfunction can happen. For a control function for the automatic approaching train detector makes the
safety to work successfully, all three basic functions level crossing signals ring and flash. Simultaneously,
must work successfully. Thus, the failure condition crossing rods automatically begin to fall down to
of a control system for safety can be obtained as a close the level crossing and block the entry of road
logical OR combination of failure conditions of each vehicles and pedestrians. If a road vehicle or pedes-
part. For example, consider an operator recovery trian is trapped in the closed level crossing, the
action initiated by an alarm. The alarm corresponds obstruction detector will detect it, mainly as the
to the detection of a disturbance, and the operator interception of an infrared ray. At the same time, a
plays the role of diagnosis of the disturbance and driver in the trapped vehicle also can push on the
the execution of an appropriate action. In this case, obstruction warning device to activate the special

Fig. 2 Typical level crossing system in Japan

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signal. Then, the special signal will flash and inform errors of car drivers such as running off and rushing,
the train driver about the emergency. The train driver engine stall, or a traffic jam at the level crossing exit.
will brake the train immediately after detecting the In recent years, about three-quarters of level crossing
signal flashing and ringing. Even if the train driver accidents have trapping as the direct cause [19]. This
passes by the special signal without noticing its alert, means collision between a trapped motorcar and a
he can perform an emergency stop by catching sight train is the most typical pattern of level crossing acci-
of the trapped motorcar himself. dents in Japan. Thus, the following initiating event is
assumed in this example.
3.1 Level crossing protection system in the
a4. A motorcar is trapped in the closed level crossing
Japanese railway
and has no chance of evacuation.
A brief history of level crossing protection systems
Under this condition, a level crossing accident can
in the Japanese railways is summarized as follows
occur if the train cannot stop in front of the level
[17, 18]. In the 1920s, about 50 years after the start of
the Japanese railway, collision accidents of trains
and road vehicles at level crossings increased. Soon
afterwards, some safety devices were developed and 3.4 Control systems for safety
introduced to prevent these accidents – automatic
To obtain the accident occurrence conditions, the
approaching train detectors in 1928 and crossing rods
first step is to identify control systems for safety (or
of the mechanical falling type in 1930. In 1952, when
protection systems) which can prevent the accident
crossing rods of the automatic falling type combined
caused by a trapped motorcar. The first necessary
with automatic approaching train detector were intro-
function is to detect the occurrence of the trapped
duced, the basis of the modern style of Japanese level
motorcar. The trapped motorcar can be detected in
crossing system was established. Then, level crossing
the following three ways: S1, the detection by the
obstruction detectors, one of the most important
obstruction detector; S2, the detection by the driver
devices for today’s level crossing safety, were intro-
himself in the trapped motorcar who pushes on the
duced as additional equipment in 1962.
obstruction warning device; and S3, the driver of the
approaching train with his sight.
3.2 Level crossing model
For each case, controlling and executing parts of
As shown in Fig. 2, the following equipment and the corresponding protection system are identified
devices are assumed to make up the level crossing as follows.
protection systems considered in this paper.
S1. The obstruction detectors activate the special sig-
a1. An automatic approaching train detector detects nal to inform the train driver in the train about the
the approach of a train and controls the level crossing emergency, and he notices the signal to brake the
system by activating level crossing gates and level train.
crossing signals. S2. The special signal activated by the driver of the
a2. Level crossing obstruction detectors detect the trapped motorcar directs the driver in the approach-
existence of pedestrians and vehicles trapped in the ing train to brake.
level crossing and turn on special signals to stop an S3. The train driver in the train by himself brakes.
approaching train.
From the viewpoint of control systems for safety, the
a3. A driver in the trapped vehicle can turn on the
difference between S1 and S2 exists only in the sen-
special signal by pushing on the obstruction warning
sing part, while their controlling and execution parts
device of the signal to inform the driver of the
are the same. Thus, they should be combined into
approaching train about the emergency.
one control system for safety. This combined control
system is denoted as ‘(S1 þ S2)’, which means a
3.3 Accident scenarios
logical OR combination of S1 and S2. In S3, the train
Collision objects related to level crossing accidents driver himself plays all functions of a control system
include motorcars, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedes- for safety. The primary control system is for the train
trians. Recent statistics [1] show that motorcars driver to stop the train with the aid of obstruction
amount to about two-thirds of total collision acci- detectors and special signals. The other control sys-
dents. Also, owing to their weight and size, motorcars tem is the train driver by himself, who detects the
as collision objects can lead to the most severe conse- trapped motorcar and brakes the train. This system
quences. Meanwhile, the immediate causes of level can function only if the primary control system fails.
crossing accidents include trapping (a motorcar Thus, two control systems for safety can be identi-
comes first to the level crossing) and side collision fied. Note that all control systems for safety include
(a train comes first). Trapping is mostly caused by the train driver as their controlling and execution

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Safety Control Safety Control

Function (S1+S2): Function (S3):
Train Stop with Train Stop with
Special Signal Driver’s Visual Recognition
Occurrence NO ACCIDENT

Fig. 3 Event tree representation

parts. Accident sequences can be obtained as shown corresponding control function. Thus, failure condi-
in Fig. 3, with an initiating event, a trapped motorcar, tions of a control function can be represented as
and two control functions for safety: (S1 þ S2), train logical OR combination of failure of each basic func-
stop with special signal; and S3, train stop with tion at the first stage. Note that some basic functions
driver’s visual recognition. In this example, since are considered to be combined into one function.
‘accident’ is defined as ‘collision between a train In control system S3, for example, the basic function
and a motorcar at a level crossing’, ‘safe state’ should of detection is provided by the train driver, and its
correspond to ‘no accident’. failure is represented as B1 in Fig. 5. Since the train
driver takes a protection action immediately after
the detection of an emergency condition, the diagno-
3.5 Accident occurrence conditions sis function can be combined with the detection one.
The execution is the train driver’s stopping action,
3.5.1 Initiating events whose failure is B2 in Fig. 5. Even if the driver takes
Primary causes of trapped motorcars in a level cross- a normal response, the brake failure nullifies the
ing are as follows [19]: errors of a motorcar driver in safety control action. So, train’s brake system failure,
detecting the warning signal at the level crossing B3, is added as a cause of the failure condition. Since
such as his slip (denoted as I1), a traffic jam in the any of the failure conditions B1, B2, and B3 can cause
front owing to the motorcar driver’s judgement error the safety control failure, they are connected as a
or violation (denoted as I2), and motorcar failure or logical OR combination. In this way, failure condi-
lack of motorcar driver’s skill (denoted as I3). tions for each control function are represented by
For simplicity, the following assumption is made their detailed function failure conditions.
on the occurrence of a trapped motorcar.
3.5.3 Accident occurrence conditions
a5. Initiating events occur statistically independently,
and the average occurrence rate of trapped motor- According to the event tree shown in Fig. 3, an accident
cars can be obtained based on the previous accident occurs if the initiating event occurs with failures of
data at the level crossing. control systems (S1 þ S2) and S3. Thus, logical AND
combinations of occurrence conditions for a trapped
The effect of the operating conditions of the train can motorcar, failure conditions of the control system
be obtained by the risk analysis of the average cum- (S1 þ S2), and failure conditions of the control system
ulative frequency during a specific operating period. S3 give accident occurrence conditions. Failure condi-
tions of control systems (S1 þ S2) and S3 are obtained
3.5.2 Failure conditions of protection systems from fault trees in Figs 4 and 5, respectively. Thus, acci-
dent conditions are obtained as follows
Failure conditions of protection using the special sig-
nal to stop the train and those of direct protection by (I1 OR I2 OR I3)
the train driver can be obtained as the fault tree AND[{(A1–1–1–1 OR A1–1–1–2 OR A1–1–2)
representations [15] in Figs 4 and 5, respectively. In AND (A1–2–1 OR A1–2–2–1 OR A1–2–2–2)}
Fig. 4, basic events (component failure or human OR (A2–1 OR A2–2) OR (A3–1 OR A3–2 OR A3–3)]
error) and intermediate events are denoted in terms AND (B1 OR B2 OR B3)
of ‘Am’, ‘Am–n’, ‘Am–n–h’, and ‘Am–n–h–i’, where
m, n, h, and i are specific index numbers, while The above equation is a logical AND combination of
‘Bm’ denotes a basic event in Fig. 5. three main terms. The first term (I1 OR I2 OR I3)
Both of the control functions for safety are com- represents the occurrence conditions of a trapped
posed of three basic functions: detection, diagnosis, motorcar, meaning that a trapped motorcar is caused
and execution. All basic functions must work for the by any of I1, I2, and I3. The second [ ] term

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Failure of “Train Stop with

Special Signal”

Detection Failure of Control Failure Failure of

Trapped Motorcar by Special Signal Stopping Procedure
(A1) (A2) (A3)

Failure of Train Driver’s Train Driver’s

Failure of Transfer System Failure of Failure of
Brake System
Special Signal of Detecting Stopping
Special Signal Special Signal Action

(A2-1) (A2-2) (A3-1) (A3-2) (A3-3)

Obstruction Detector’s Detection Failure with

Failure of Detection Obstruction Warning Device

(A1-1) (A1-2)

Obstruction Detector Undetected Failure of Failure to Push on

Failure Position of Obstruction Obstruction Warning Device
Objects by Warning
(A1-1-1) Detectors Device (A1-2-2)
(A1-1-2) (A1-2-1)

Person’s Nonexistence
Infrared Emitter Infrared Receiver
Ignorance of of Persons
Failure Failure
Device Concerned

(A1-1-1-1) (A1-1-1-2) (A1-2-2-1) (A1-2-2-2)

Fig. 4 Fault tree for control system (S1 þ S2)

corresponds to the failure conditions of the control Failure of “Train Stop with
system (S1 þ S2), whose logical expression can be Driver’s Visual Recognition”
obtained from the fault tree in Fig. 4. By sequentially (CFS2)
replacing an upper event by either AND or OR combi-
nation of its lower events, depending on the logical
gate, the second [ ] term can be obtained. The last
term (B1 OR B2 OR B3) means the failure conditions
of control system S3 represented by the fault tree in Train Driver’s Train Driver’s
Failure Train’s
Fig. 5. Expanding the above equation into logical OR Failure of
of Detecting Brake System
of logical AND of basic events, each logical AND Stopping Failure
combination represents a minimal cut set (or a mini- Action
mal combination of basic events which causes an
(B1) (B2) (B3)=(A3-3)
accident). In this case, 127 minimal cut sets are
obtained. Fig. 5 Fault tree for control system S3

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Human error probabilities are considered to be depending on the train’s velocity and position when
much higher than hardware component failure prob- a motorcar is trapped, how the accident scenario
abilities. Since hardware component failure probabi- changes will be investigated. To simplify the discus-
lities are relatively low, the higher product terms of sion, the following assumptions are made on the
hardware component failures can be negligible. trapped motorcar and the train operation.
Thus, 15 minimal cut sets simplified under these
b1. A single direction of the railway track is considered.
assumptions are obtained as shown in Table 3. A logi-
b2. The train passes over an automatic approaching
cal AND combination of basic events in a minimal
train detector at a velocity of V m/s, and continues
cut set shows an accident condition. to run at the same velocity until its driver brakes.
Without noticing the special signals (represented by b3. At the level crossing with signals flashing and
A3–1), the train driver can find the emergency only by ringing, the occurrence rate of a trapped motorcar is
looking at the sight. However, if a driver fails in the constant, denoted as l times/h.
operation of the stopping action after noticing the spe-
cial signal, it seems impossible that he can stop the At the first step, examine whether the running train
train with his visual inspection. Considering depen- can be stopped before the level crossing by the train
dency between successive driver actions, the minimal driver’s braking action. If the driver tries with the
cut sets can be simplified further as shown in Table 4. train running at the velocity of V m/s, the minimal
The potential significant contributors to an accident distance necessary for the train to stop, Dmin (m),
are the train driver’s loss of braking action (repre- can be calculated as
sented by A3–2) and the failure of the train brake sys-
tem (represented by B3). However, comparing their Dmin ¼ ð1Þ
failure frequencies, the latter can be neglected and 2a
the driver’s actions are the most important. where a denotes the constant deceleration (m/s2).
Here, value a is fixed so as to satisfy the Japanese
regulation [20] that the necessary distance to stop
4 OCCURRENCE PROBABILITY OF LEVEL trains by initiating an emergency brake must be less
CROSSING ACCIDENTS than or equal to 600 m. Since the maximal velocity
of a conventional train is 140 km/h, or 38.9 m/s, a
4.1 Context dependency in accident scenarios can be estimated as 1.26 m/s2. This value is applied
in the current example. For V ¼ 80 km/h, Dmin ¼
The event tree in Fig. 3 assumes that all protection 196.0 m. Unless a special signal is identified at least
systems installed in a level crossing are available, 600 m before a level crossing, a local train with the
and first the protection system with the special signal maximal velocity cannot stop before the level
tries to prevent the accident; in the worst case the crossing. Note that the value of a is dependent on
driver himself can brake the train by noticing the the weather conditions in such a way that it
trapped motorcar. However, depending on the train decreases in rainy conditions.
position when a motorcar is trapped in the level The following characteristic values of the level cross-
crossing, the effective protection systems vary, result- ing system are defined as shown in Fig. 6: Dc (m) is the
ing in different accident sequences. In this section, distance of the automatic approaching train detector
from the level crossing; Ds (m) is the distance of the
Table 3 Simplified minimal cut sets for accident occur- special signal from the level crossing; Dsh (m) is the
rence maximal distance from the level crossing at which a
train driver can identify the state of the special signal
Simplified minimal cut sets visually; Dh (m) is the maximal distance from the level
(I1, A3–1, B1), (I1, A3–1, B2), (I1, A3–2, B1), (I1, A3–2, B2) crossing at which a train driver can identify its state
(I2, A3–1, B1), (I2, A3–1, B2), (I2, A3–2, B1), (I2, A3–2, B2) visually.
(I3, A3–1, B1), (I3, A3–1, B2), (I3, A3–2, B1), (I3, A3–2, B2) Generally speaking, it can be assumed that
(I1, B3), (I2, B3), (I3, B3)
b4. Dc > Ds > Dh
Depending on the necessary distance to stop the
Table 4 Finally simplified minimal cut sets
train Dmin, and the train driver’s visible distances
Simplified minimal cut sets Dsh and Dh, the availability of protection systems
(S1 þ S2) and S3 can be determined as follows.
(I1, A3–1, B1), (I2, A3–1, B1), (I3, A3–1, B1),
(I1, A3–1, B2), (I2, A3–1, B2), (I3, A3–1, B2), C1. Dmin > Dsh: Neither of the protection systems
(I1, A3–2), (I2, A3–2), (I3, A3–2),
(I1, B3), (I2, B3), (I3, B3)
(S1 þ S2) and S3 functions; the train driver cannot
prevent a collision accident.

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Train Driver’s Level Crossing

Special Signal
Train Dsh

Automatic Approaching Train Detector

Fig. 6 Characteristic distances of level crossing

Table 5 Average frequency of trapping train from the level crossing when a motorcar is
trapped. Depending on Dt, the availability of protec-
Available Average tion systems (S1 þ S2) and S3 changes according to
Trapping condition protection systems cumulative frequency
conditions C1, C2, and C3, which also modifies its
Dc > Dt>Ds 1&2 l(Dc  Ds)/V accident scenario. Consider the case where
Ds > Dt > Dmin 2 l(Ds  Dmin)/V
Dmin > Dt Null lDmin/V b6. Dc > Ds > Dh > Dmin
and available protection systems and the average
cumulative trapping frequency can be obtained as a
C2. Dsh > Dmin > Dh: Only protection system (S1 þ S2) function of Dt, as shown in Table 5.
can function; special signals can prevent a collision For each trapping condition, accident scenarios
accident, but the train driver cannot prevent it by can be obtained using the available protection sys-
himself. tems. The sum of average cumulative frequency
C3. Dh > Dmin: Both protection systems (S1 þ S2) & S3 amounts to the average cumulative occurrence fre-
can function; with special signals or the sight of level quency of trappings. Multiply the frequency of trains
crossing, the train driver can prevent a collision running at the velocity of V (m/s) by the average
accident. cumulative occurrence frequency to give the basic
occurrence frequency of trappings.
Distances Dc, Ds, Dh, and Dmin are determined by the
facility of a level crossing, its environmental condi-
4.2.2 Failure of protection systems
tions, and the operating conditions or speed of trains.
Train operating condition affects the availability of Generally speaking, compared with hardware com-
protection systems as shown above and the integrity ponent failure probability, human error probability
of the overall level crossing system. Further, in a is much higher. Human error related to the operation
practical case, characteristic values of distance para- of stopping the train is the most significant contri-
meters depend on the geographical factors such as butor to the failure of protection system (S1 þ S2).
undulations and curvature of a railway track, as well Similarly, for the protection system S3, human error
as the weather conditions. probability is much higher than failure probability
In the following discussion, consider case C3 to of the brake system.
evaluate accident occurrence probability. For simpli- In the evaluation of human error probability in the
city, the following assumption is made. stopping action, HEART (human error assessment
and reduction technique) [21], is applied in this
b5. The train track is straight with an unobstructed view.
paper. The operation of stopping the train is com-
posed of perceiving the abnormal conditions by see-
4.2 Occurrence probabilities of basic events ing the special signal or the sight, and braking the
train immediately. This task corresponds to general
4.2.1 Occurrence of trapped motorcars
task type E in the classification by HEART, which is
A trapping can occur if a motorcar enters the level a well-trained quick task that does not require much
crossing after a train passes over the automatic skill. The basic error probability is 0.02 per demand.
approaching train detector. From assumption b3 on
the occurrence of a trapped motorcar, the average 4.3 Quantitative risk assessment
cumulative trapping frequency during time period
4.3.1 Occurrence of trapped motorcars
Dc/V (s) when crossing rods are activated can be
obtained as lDc/V times according to the Poisson Depending on train position Dt (m) when a motor-
distribution. Let Dt (m) denote the distance of the car is trapped in the level crossing, the accident

JRR127  IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part O: J. Risk and Reliability
428 T Kohda and H Fujihara

occurrence probability can be obtained as shown in when no protection system is available has a consid-
Table 6. The average frequency per month of acci- erable effect on the accident frequency. In total, the
dent conditions is obtained as the average cumula- accident frequency increases as the train velocity
tive frequency in Table 5, multiplied by the number increases. Note that this evaluation does not consider
of trains per month passing the level crossing at the the effect of train velocity on operation errors of the
velocity of V (m/s). train driver. As the train velocity increases, the avail-
able time for the preventive action becomes less
and the visibility also becomes worse, leading to the
4.3.2 Numerical example
increase of human errors. Thus, the human factor
The following parameter values are assumed regard- [16] must be considered for the improvement of the
ing the level crossing systems. proposed model.
Further, reducing the train velocity will reduce the
b7. Average number of trains running at the velocity
accident frequency, but only ‘marginally’. If the risk
of V (m/s) is 3600 per month.
b8. Occurrence rate of a trapped motorcar per of level crossing accidents is still rather high, some
passing train, l, is 0.0001 (times/h). protective measures must be considered. However,
b9. Ds ¼ 0.9 (km) and Dc ¼ 1.2 (km). the above analysis shows that the most significant
b10. Human errors occur independently, whose contributing factor to the collision accident is the
occurrence probabilities are 0.02 per demand. uncontrolled area owing to the train inertia. No pro-
tection system is effective to reduce the inertia effect.
In order to consider the effect of train velocity on To reduce the uncontrolled area a, more powerful
the accident frequency, obtain the accident fre-
quency for V ¼ 80, 90, 100, 110 (km/h). Table 7 shows
the results. These results show that the accident Table 6 Accident occurrence condition and probability
occurrence frequency increases as the train velocity
increases from 80 (km/h) to 110 (km/h). The period Condition MCS for FPS AOP under condition
when the level crossing is closed is shorter as the
Dc > Dt>Ds (A3–1, B1) Pr{A3–1}[Pr{B1}
train velocity increases, leading to the decrease of (A3–1, B2) þ (1–Pr{B1})Pr{B2}]
trapping frequency. On the other hand, the period (A3–2) þ (1–Pr{A3–1}) Pr{A3–2}
when no protection system is available increases Ds > Dt>Dmin (A3–1) Pr{A3–1} þ (1–Pr{A3–1}) Pr{A3–2}
because the exposure time to fatal trapping is given (A3–2)
as (Dmin/V ¼ V/(2a)). Since the accident occurrence Dmin > Dt (1) 1
probability (AOP) under conditions where protection Note: MCS denotes minimal cut sets; FPS denotes failure of
systems are available is much lower than the AOP protection system; AOP denotes accident occurrence probability;
without protection systems, the increase of period (1) means that it is always true.

Table 7 Accident frequency

Trapping condition Trapping frequency AOP under condition Accident frequency

(a) V ¼ 80 (km/h)
Dc > Dt > Ds 0.001 35 0.0204 2.75 · 105
Ds > Dt > Dmin 0.003 17 0.0396 0.000 125
Dmin > Dt 0.000 882 1 0.000 882
Total 0.005 40 – 0.001 03

(b) V ¼ 90 (km/h)
Dc > Dt > Ds 0.001 20 0.0204 2.45 · 105
Ds > Dt > Dmin 0.002 51 0.0396 0.000 103
Dmin > Dt 0.000 992 1 0.000 992
Total 0.004 80 – 0.001 12

(c) V ¼ 100 (km/h)

Dc > Dt > Ds 0.001 08 0.0204 2.20 · 10–5
Ds > Dt > Dmin 0.002 14 0.0396 8.47 · 10–5
Dmin > Dt 0.001 10 1 0.001 02
Total 0.004 32 – 0.001 21

(d) V ¼ 110 (km/h)

Dc > Dt > Ds 0.000 98 0.0204 2.00 · 105
Ds > Dt > Dmin 0.001 74 0.0396 6.87 · 105
Dmin > Dt 0.001 21 1 0.001 21
Total 0.003 93 – 0.001 30

Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part O: J. Risk and Reliability JRR127  IMechE 2008
Risk analysis of level crossing accidents based on systems control for safety 429

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