INTRODUCTION Graduation Mass

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Good Afternoon sisters and brothers in Christ.

Welcome to our Graduation Mass.
Today, we are gathered to celebrate the success story of our
graduating students from Grade 6, Senior High School,
Collegiate Schools and Graduate School. They have faced
huge challenges during these trying times, and with the
mercy of God, they have learned to overcome those struggles
and became men and women of strength.
As we celebrate their accomplishments together with their
parents, guardians, and friends, we offer their hopes and
plans for the future and joys to the world.
We thank our loving God for all the blessings we have
received and earnestly ask Him to grant us the courage to
continue our mission of being witnesses to our faith.
To lead us in the Altar of the Lord, is our beloved Rector
and President of Colegio de San Juan Letran Calamba,
Reverend Father Napoleon M. Encarnacion of the Order of
Preachers together with priest of Saint Albert the Great
Please stand and join us in singing the entrance hymn.

Responsorial Psalm: Rejoice in the Lord, you just!

Prayers of the Faithful: Lord of mercy, bless us

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