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Rate Analysis for construction of Black top road

Sn Items
1 Sub grades Description Units Quantity Rate Amount
Preparation of Sub-grade for rehabilitation filling
or cutting depth of (10-20cm) unskilled m.d. 0.15 350 52.5
Common soil miscellane. % 3% 1.575
per Sub-Total 54.075
1 Sq.m Contractor overhead 15% 8.11125
Sub-Total 62.18625
Vat 13% 8.084213
Grand total with Vat Sq.m. 70.27046
per Sq.ft 6.530712

2 Sub-Base course Description Units Quantity Rate Amount

Providing, laying, spreading , watering, levelling
and compaction of crusher run material for sub-
base cource graidng SB1* lead upto 10m ( 10cm
thick) Skilled m.d. 0.005 450 2.25
Unskilled m.d. 1.4 350 490
sub base aggr. ( Gravel
size less than 70mm) Cu.m 1.3 1700 2210
Diesel Lit 0.66 73 48.18
Road Roller Hr 0.03 2984.50 89.535
per Sub-Total 2839.965
1 Cu.m Contractor overhead 15% 425.9948
Sub-Total 3265.96
Vat 13% 424.5748
Grand total with Vat Cu.m, 3690.535
per Cu.ft 342.9865

3 Base course Description Units Quantity Rate Amount

Providing, laying, spreading , watering, levelling
and compaction of crusher run material for sub-
base cource graidng SB1* lead upto 10m ( 10cm
thick) Skilled m.d. 0.005 450 2.25
Unskilled m.d. 1.5 350 525
Base aggr. ( Gravel size
less than 20-40mm) Cu.m 1.2 1500 1800
Diesel Lit 0.88 73 64.24
Road Roller Hr 0.04 2984.50 119.38
per Sub-Total 2510.87
1 Cu.m Contractor overhead 15% 376.6305
Sub-Total 2887.501
Vat 13% 375.3751
Grand total with Vat Cu.m 3262.876
per Cu.ft 303.2412

4 Prime coat Description Units Quantity Rate Amount

Providing and spraying bituminious prime coat
MC30 / MC70 incluinding cleaning the road
surface using wire, brushes, broom etc. before
applying prime coat ( Manual works) Skilled m.d. 0.003 450 1.35
Unskilled m.d. 0.046 350 16.1
Bitumen MC30/MC70 Lt 1.05 69.02 72.471
Kerosene Lit 0.1 73 7.3
Boiler Hr 0.014 0
Bitumen Distributor Hr 0.014 4299.25 60.1895
per Sub-Total 157.4105
Contractor overhead 15% 23.61158
Sub-Total 181.0221
Vat 13% 23.53287
1 Lt Grand total with Vat Lit 204.5549

5 Premix Carpet Description Units Quantity Rate Amount

Providing, mixing, laying and compaction of
premixed carpet ( 20mm thick) Skilled m.d. 0.45 450 202.5
Unskilled m.d. 4.5 350 1575
Bitumen MC30/MC70 Lt 77 69.02 5314.54
Kerosene Lit 7.7 73 562.1
Aggregate Cu.m 1.2 1500 1800
Roller Hr 0.5 2984.50 1492.25
Sprayer Hr 0.5 4299.25 2149.625
per Sub-Total 13096.02
Contractor overhead 15% 1964.402
Sub-Total 15060.42
Vat 13% 1957.854
1 Cu.m Grand total with Vat Cu.m 17018.27
per Cu.ft 482.2024

6 Tact coat over premix carpetting Description Units Quantity Rate Amount

Providing mixing and laying fine slurry mix seal Skilled m.d. 0.2 450 90
per 100 sq.m Unskilled m.d. 3 350 1050
Emulsion Lt 122 35042700
Cement Kg 8.3 11.192.13
Aggregate Cu.m 0.49 1500 735
Water Ls 10
Diesel Lit 8.4 75.00 630
Mixer Hr 0.07 2245.00 157.15
Pneumatic tyred roller Hr 0.55 3824.50 2103.475
3% of labour cost for T&P 34.2
Sub-Total 47601.96
Contractor overhead 15% 7140.293
Sub-Total 54742.25
Vat 13% 7116.492
100 Sq.m Grand total with Vat 100 Sq.m 61858.74
per Sq.m 618.5874
per Sqft 57.48954

7 Kerbs Description Units Quantity Rate Amount

Providing and laying M 15 Precast or Cast in situ

concrete in kerbs with 12mm thick 1:3 cement
sand mortar bedding and joints including
foundation excavation levelling etc. but excluding
foundation concrete or sand gravel materials. Skilled m.d. 0.1 450 45
Unskilled m.d. 0.5 350 175
Concrete ( M20) Cu.m 0.076 7971.1 605.8044
Cement Kg 1.3 11.1 14.43
Nominal Kerb size 38cmX20cmx25cm.(HXBXL) Sand Cu.m 0.003 1500 4.5
Foundation concrete or sand gravel to be Water Lit 0.5 0.10 0.05
measured and paid separately as required from Form work Sq.m 1 534.13 534.13
respective clause of specification. Sub-Total 1378.914
Contractor overhead 15% 206.8372
Sub-Total 1585.752
Vat 13% 206.1477
1m Grand total with Vat M 1791.899
per Ft 546.3107

8 Concrete M15 Description Units Quantity Rate Amount

b) Providing and placing manually mixed cement
concrete for the abutement, pier, wall etc,
including compaction, curing, testing and lead
30m. etc. all complete as per specification and
drawing. (M15) Skilled m.d. 0.5 450 225
Unskilled m.d. 3.5 350 1225
Cement kg 260 11.1 2886
Sand Cu.m 0.46 1000 460
Water Ls 156 0.20 31.2
aggregate 10mm & down Cu.m 0.11 1500.00 165
aggregate 10-20mm Cu.m 0.24 1500.00 360
aggregate 20-40mm Cu.m 0.53 1500.00 795
Mixer Hr 0.6 800.00 480
Vibrator Hr 0.25 300.00 75
Diesel Lit 3 73.00 219
Petrol Lit 0.1 102.00 10.2

Sub-Total 6931.4
Contractor overhead 15% 1039.71
Sub-Total 7971.11
Vat 13% 1036.244
100 Cu.m Grand total with Vat cu.m 9007.354
per Cu.ft 255.2179
8 Form work Description Units Quantity Rate Amount
Providing , Preparing and Installing form work &
removing afte r completion for Precast elements.
(class F3 Finish) Skilled m.d. 1.5 450 675
i)Square/Rectangular Section Unskilled m.d. 2 350 700
a) Using Timber Plywood 9mm thick Sq.m 11 430.4 4734.4
Timber Cu.m 0.2 5500 1100
Nails Kg 2 65.00 130
Sub-Total 7339.4
Contractor overhead 15% 1100.91
Sub-Total 8440.31
Vat 13% 1097.24
10 Sq.m Grand total with Vat 10 Sq.m 9537.55
per Sq.m 886.3894

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