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Kalani Wakeham
Laucala, Fiji
20,300,000 allintitle

58,600,000 Default Boolean AND

16,600,000 Use of phrase searching,

Truncating words
68,300 Use of phrase searching, Default
Boolean AND
7,820,000 Use of phrase searching, Default
Boolean AND
243 Use of phrase searching, Default
Boolean OR
Through the use of such technique, the results appeared to be very concise and
narrowed down to relevant preferances of content

Search Strategies Results Techniques Used

681,914 allintitle

659,889 Use of phrase searching, Default

Boolean OR
3,544,482 Use of phrase searching, Default
Boolean OR
5,536 Use of phrase searching, Truncating
words, term in title search
61 Use of phrase searching, Nesting
terms, term in title search
194 Use of phrase searching, Nesting
terms, Default Boolean operators,
term in title search
Precision was very high according to the content that was displayed, relevance of
information was expected, I would say that the phrase searching technique and
nesting termse are very good when it comes to searching for the exact content that
you want to get.

"information Use of phrase 25 The results had

literacy in the searching, Author funneled down to a
digital age" by limiter technique very precise and
welsh concise spectrum
where relevant
information was also
available provided that
content was not vague.
The use of phrase
searching ,Boolean
operator and date
search made it very
effective to find the sot
on result. context
provided gave general
results but it showed
an according accuracy.
Allintitle: Allintitle, Author 1 The result produced a
information literacy significant outcome
in the digital age: which was very
An evidence based accurate and concise of
approach, content. This therefore
Author : Teresa indicates that using
Welsh the advance search
category is very
efficient and accurate.
9781843345169. 9781780630359 2021. [online] Available at: <https://eds-a-
961&db=edsebk> [Accessed 16 September 2021].
Scholarly journal

"information literacy Use of phrase 151 The use of phrase

landscapes" searching searching was very
effective as it produced
relevant resources that
were very much alike
(information literacy Use of nesting 102 The strategy that was
landscapes) AND technique, default used was very effective
(information literacy Boolean, limiter as it unfolded relevant
in education) technique results
03 2021. [online] Available at: <https://www-
03> [Accessed 16 September 2021].
Scholarly Journal

“the media and the Use of phrase 507 The results had
literacy” OR “digital searching, Default funneled down to a
literacy” date: 2011 Boolean OR, Date very precise and
by Koltay search concise spectrum
where relevant
information was also
available provided that
content was not vague.
The use of phrase
searching ,Boolean
operator and date
search made it very
effective to find the sot
on result. context
provided gave general
results but it showed
an according accuracy.
Allintitle: “The Allintitle, Author 1 The result that was
media and the produced was very
literacies, precise and accurate
information literacy giving about the exact
,digital literacy”, content that was
Author : Koltay expected. The use
allintitle and Author in
the input box of
advance search was
very efficient into
locating the exactness
of content.
SAGE Journals. 2021. The media and the literacies: media literacy, information
literacy, digital literacy - Tibor Koltay, 2011. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 16
September 2021].

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