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Cari soal tentang averege velocity

2. Cari soal tentang instantaneous velocity

3. Cari soal tentang average acceleration

4. Cari soal tentang instantaneous acceleration

5. Cari soal tentang freely falling ( bisa juga ambil yg di buku tentang menara pisa tapi harus ganti titik
awalnya dari bawah)

6. Cari soal tentang motion with changing acceleration tapi pake cara integral

Jawaban :

1. A particle starting from rest moves with constant acceleration. If it takes 5.0 s to reach the
speed 18.0 km/h find the average velocity during this period!

Solution :
u = 0,
v = 18km/hr = 5m/s,
t = 5 sec

v−u 5−0
a= = =1 m/s 2
t 5

1 2
s = ut + a t =12.5 m/s2

Average velocity V ave = (12.5)/5 = 2.5 m/s

2. The motion of a particle is described by the equation x = at + b t 2, where a = 15 cm s−1 and b =

3 cm s−2. Its instantanous velocity at t = 3 s will be 

Solution :
a=15 cm s−1 b=3 cm s−2
x=at +bt 2
=v=a+2 bt ∨t=3
¿ 15+2 ×3 ×3
¿ 15+18
V =33 cm/s

3. What will be the acceleration of an object after 10 sec which is moving with constant
velocity 40m/s?

Solution :

When an object is moving with constant velocity then change in acceleration would be zero,

i.e., u = v = 40m/s

v−u 40−40 0
a= = ¿ =0m/ s2
t 10 10

4. A particle is in motion and is accelerating. The functional form of the velocity is v(t) = 20t
– 5 t 2 m/s . Find the instantaneous acceleration t = 1,2,3 and 5 s.

Solution :

a(1s) = 10m/ s2 ,
a ( 2 s )=0 m/ s2,
a(3s) = -10m/ s2 ,
a ( 5 s )=−30 m/ s2

5. A strange birdlike animal is hovering in the air 10 m directly over your head,
daring you to hit it with the rotten tomato you're holding. With what minimum
initial velocity v0 would you have to throw the tomato straight up in order to
ensure that it reaches its squawking target?
Solution :

What's happening physically is that the ball is coming to a stop owing to the force of
gravity just as it reaches the required height, so here, v y = v = 0.

First, list your known quantities: v = 0, g = –9.8 m/s 2, y − y0 = 10 m

Thus you can use the third of the equations above to solve:

0=v 20 −2 ( 9.8 )( 10 )

v 20=196

v 0=14 m/s

6. Suppose a certain vehicle begins at rest at t 0=¿ and accelerates at a rate given
by the equation a(t) = (15m/ s3 ¿t assume nonuniform acceleration .(a) Find the
velocity at 3 seconds, (b) Find the displacement at 9 seconds.

Solution :
t v t v
(a) . a = → a . dt=dv →∫ adt =∫ dv →15 ∫ tdt=∫ dv
dt 0 0 0 0

15 t 2 t 15 t 2 15 ( 3 )2
[ ]2
¿0 =v∨¿0 ¿ →
=v → v=
=67.5 m/s

t x t x
(b) v = → vdt=dx →∫ vdt=∫ dx → 7.5∫ t 2 dt=∫ dx
dt 0 0 0 0

7.5 t 3 75 ( 3 )
→ =x → x= =675 m
3 3

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