Chapter I

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A bright mathematician named Marcus du Sautoy describes and defines Mathematics as a

subject of interest in science considered as the prime foundation of everything in his book

entitled ‘Music of the Primes’ that is published in 2003. Mathematics is viewed as one of the

most critical subjects wherein students are encouraged to study and discipline. Laqani (2017)

defines Mathematics as a subject of vast abstract that most people fail to interpret. In addition,

Shan (2019) states that thinking about the given subject may appear draining as it is represented

by problems that are waiting to be solved. However, Charlie (2015) thinks otherwise, he stands

that Mathematics is a life-long game that is passed on to generations after generations to improve

current situations. It is a general education subject in primary and higher education where

learners are expected to gain understanding and appreciation of its principles to apply in real life

using appropriate technology in problem-solving, critical thinking, communicating, reasoning,

and making connections. It is also mentioned by Reyes (2020) that Math must also be a subject

of argument in terms of the capacity of the learners to apply the following lessons daily as

opposed to in classroom situations. 

Teaching and learning the mentioned subject is similar to other subjects, but it is met with

a downcast eye by the society, especially the students. The latter individuals fear that the results

of indulging in Mathematics may reflect into dismal performance. As stated in his

study  ‘Difficulties of Students during the Decade’ by Priyanqa (2014), most students show

incapability as reflected in their grades with the given subject due to severe factors that the

majority thinks of as minor factors. These weaknesses have persisted for a long time that it

requires drastic changes in methods of instructing and learning. The majority find Math as a

troublesome lesson, but some even think of it worse. There are some reasons why a child faces

difficulty in acquiring learnings from the subject, from low motivation, anxiety, complex

teaching method, peer influence, and more. 

On the other hand, behavior roots to all possible results. As stated by Popescu (2013),

behavior can also be a response of organisms to their beliefs and nature that can raise outcomes

that varies from actions. Concerning that, Haran (2015) views the academic behaviors and

performance of the students as are motions that drive students to their desired outcomes. This

may consider the fear of failures and other negative thoughts to present the low academic

standing of a student while those who think positively present an opposite result. 

The aforementioned statements have sparked a curiosity that had led the researchers to

assess the factors based on findings that can be illustrated after extensive observations and

consultations. Through time, the researchers aim to help all the individuals suffering from the

vastness of complicated Math lessons find the causes or factors that affect their academic

performance regarding the subject so that they can resolve and surpass the hindrances caused by


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this phenomenological study is to discover the factors that influence the

academic performance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Senior High

School students of Sacred Heart College regarding Mathematics-related subject. At this stage of

research, the elements that affects the mentioned individuals academic standing will be

thoroughly assessed as it will be defined by the STEM students.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the following:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender;

2. How does the students perceive Mathematics-related subject?

3. What are the risk-factors that affects the students’ academic standing in terms of

Mathematics-related subject?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what output, activity, and intervention can be

derived to solve the problem?



This study is conducted based on the following assumptions:

1. This study will ask the respondents about their perception of Mathematics-related subject. The

researchers assume that respondents would provide answers by responding to the questions.

2. The researchers presume that the students face multiple problems that hinders them from

attaining decent academic standing such as wasted time on social media and online games,

difficulty in catching up with the current teaching methods, loss of interest in the subject, peer

influence and etc.

3. The researchers presume that the level of confidence of the students in dealing with

Mathematical-related questions may possibly affect their academic performance in the

Mathematics-related subjects.

4. The researchers assume that whatever the outcome of the study will benefit the students to

improve their performance in Mathematics as much as it will benefit their teachers, parents, and

the people that surrounds them.

Theoretical Framework

The following theories stated below agree with the findings of other studies made with

the same topic around the world that was made to discuss and assess the relativity of the study's

variables to this research. It is anchored in the theory made by Gafoor and Kurukkan in 2015

encrypted in the article entitled Why High School students feel Mathematics is difficult? An

Exploration of Affective Beliefs to show and provide bases for the present study.

As explained by Gafoor and Kurukkan, there is a visible link that connects the way a

student perceives mathematics-related subjects towards their self-beliefs, anxiety, and negative

or positive past interactions that made them think a specific way about the mentioned subject.

They have stated that emotions can be a big factor in how someone associates a certain thing as

positive or negative. However, their observation also states that the observed individuals can be

affected by peer influence. It may be in the form of their teachers, classmates, friends, media, or

anyone that has control over their conscious and subconscious mind. Man is a mosaic of its

surroundings thus the aforementioned will reflect the ideas projected by its environment.

Concerning the two previous claims, beliefs are set to be of high influence on why a person

behaves the way it does towards a Mathematics-related subject. Given this observation, we can

use the traditional belief that Mathematics is a complex subject as an instance of why a person

links his cognitive and affective reasoning to believe that learning Mathematics is indeed a

confusing lesson to exert your effort in.

Gafoor and Kurukkan (2015) also mentioned that the teaching method of the teachers

might give off changes as to how the students view the subject. The proponents explain that the

way the instructors enforce the information to their audience is a vital part of making a long-

lasting impression in their cognitive minds.

Proving all the enumerated facts given by the theory, the results of the exploration

conducted by the previous researchers are given emphasis. The calculations of the survey they

have handed answers that among the 51 students, majority of the students are reported to have no

interest in Mathematics as the 82% of students answered dislikes, and among these students,

75% has a belief that mathematics is a difficult subject. Around 3% fail to identify the ways to

cope with it but do not entirely agree to have interest in Mathematics, this can be related to how

most people believe that Mathematic is a vast and difficult subject or are just tamed to think in a

specific way. However, the remaining who agreed to have their interest in Math shows a positive

behavior or performance in the mentioned subject.

The calculations above show the factors that are possibly affecting an individual’s character

towards lessons that deal with computation and logic. The result of the research conducted by

Gafoor and Kurukkan in 2015 presents that students show a lack or improvement in their

academic standing in Math-related subjects due to the external factors that their environment or

famous beliefs give off. To sum it all up, the abovementioned theory stands as the proof and

basis of the study being conducted by the present researchers.

Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Study

The researchers aim to give elevated knowledge to those who are possibly affected by the

poor performance of the students. This study will serve as valuable insights to the students that

are experiencing difficulties in mathematics-related subjects. As such, the researchers aim to

extend their help in the following:

To the Students. The researchers chose students as a benefactor because the mentioned

individuals are the focus subject in the study. This study will serve as their warning to the factors

triggering their poor academic performance. Furthermore, this study will help them to deliberate

improvements about their accomplishment at school.

To the Parents. This study will benefit the parents of the students as the parents of those

students who are experiencing a hard time in Mathematics-related subjects. This study will give

insights to them about the things that provoke their child to perform poorly and will make them

lessen the pressure they are giving to their respective child.

To the teachers. The researchers include the teachers that are one of the most vital persons that

may help the students to elevate their performance in Mathematics-related subjects. This study

will provide awareness to the teachers about the factors that trigger students and will improve

their way of teaching to be more efficient to students. In addition, this study will allow the

teachers to be more considerate and understanding to their students.

To the Mathematics-related subject coordinators. The findings of the study will benefit the

subject coordinators to improve teaching methods that will allow the students to function

actively in mathematics-related subjects.

To the Present Researchers. This research will benefit the current researchers as they unravel

information about the abovementioned topic, this will not just enhance their learnings about it

but it can also serve as an opportunity for them to spread awareness regarding the given topic.

To the Future Researchers. The researchers believe that this study will be a helpful reference

for future researchers that are planning to conduct research about the performance of the students

in any other subjects or about the things that are connected with the mathematics-related subjects

with the hope of providing relevant, precise, and valid information.

Scope and Limitations

This study examines the factors affecting the Academic Performance of STEM students

of SHC among mathematics-related subjects that are being experienced by Senior High School

Students. This is mostly aimed at STEM students in Senior High School at Sacred Heart College.

The researchers’ purpose is to describe, evaluate, and comprehend the behavior described by the

Grade 12 students’ experiences in the area of Math-related subjects.

The researcher intends to include five (5) randomly selected students for the boys and

another five (5) randomly selected for the girls to prevent bias and give reliable data. The STEM

strand will feature ten (10) randomly selected students as participants in the study. They will be

interviewed online at Sacred Heart College’s Basic Education Department to ensure safety due to

current circumstances. Furthermore, while this survey can provide a good indication of grade 12

students’ academic performance, the researchers will ensure that the respondents’ identities will

not be revealed owing to the privacy act.

Definition of Terms

Anxiety. A mental health condition in which you sense a dread and response to it in

certain conditions, such as shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, shaking, excessive worrying and

persistent perspiration.

Academic Performance. Measurement of students’ achievement to a specific subject or


Factors. An event that aids the development of a result.

Mathematics. The science that deals with logic, computations, solving-problems,

quantity and arrangement.

Mathematical Operation. Refers to function that converts a set of zero or more input

values that is referred as operands through a well output value.


Subjects. A specific area of study that is learned by learners that are mostly students in

respective classrooms, self-paced learning, or through research.

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