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SOCIAL EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ITS  Because of the pandemic, the economic

APPLICATON TO MLS growth contraction was fueled by weak

domestic demand, driven by the combination
of containment measures, weak confidence,
(WHO, n.d.)
and rising inflation.
- Conditions in which people are born, grow,  The public sector as the main driver of
live, work, and age. growth with an expansionary budget. The
- Shaped by the distribution of money, power, authorities are supporting the economic
and resources. recovery by accelerating public spending.
- Mostly responsible for health inequities.  Stimulus spending and infrastructure
- Grouped into five domains by the US- investment drove public spending from
ODPHP (Office of Disease Prevention and 19.1% of GDP in the first quarter of 2020
Health Promotion) to 23.4% of GDP in the same period in 2021.
1.  The spending is in line with the continuing
implementation of the pandemic response
measures under the “Bayanihan to Recover
as One” Law (Bayanihan 2) which was
extended to June 30, 2021.
- Increase in the fiscal deficit
2. Education Access and Quality
- Provision of high-quality education
opportunities for school-age children
- Living in poverty can affect children’s brain
Provision of Education in the Philippines
 Many Filipino children miss out on
opportunities to learn (UNICEF, n.d.)
Economic Stability – first social economic  Only 78% of Filipinos complete basic
determinants of health because the economic education.
stability of one’s country defines all other  Low investment, outdated teaching methods,
components of the social determinants. limited attention to development of children’s
- Poverty and access to health and emotional skills.
- Opportunities for employment. (Limited or  Chronic underfunding in education (WENR,
restricted) n.d.)
- Government programs to help pay for - 72% of 15-year-old Filipinos are low
essential human needs. (Major determinant) achievers in subjects of reading, math, and
The Philippine Economic Situation (World science.
Bank, 2021)  Overall lower enrollment rate
- 1.1 million students did not go to school this
 The economy contracted by 4.2% year-on- year
year in the first quarter of 2021 amid - 1,179 private schools have been closed in
prolonged implementation of containment the year 2020
measures. - 3 out of 4 public schools do not have
 The country registered the worst growth internet access amid the demands of the
performance among peers in the region such blended or distance learning approach.
as Thailand (-2.6%), Indonesia (-0.7%),  Reflects in poor performance of Filipino
Malaysia (-0.5%), and Vietnam (4.5%). students in international assessments tests.
- Philippines has the lowest reading The Philippine Society
 The Philippines has a Mental Health Law
3. Health Care Access and Quality
passed in 2018.
- Health insurance programs
 Discrimination covers a wide range of topics,
- Provision of primary care providers.
from discrimination in the workplace,
(Chronic understaffing, 1:100)
discrimination on gender identity and sexual
- Increasing access to healthcare professionals
orientations, and general community
and improvement of communication.
(Increase man power); telemedicine:
internet check-up ENDING THOUGHTS
Healthcare Access in the Philippines  The problems unveiled here are just the tip
of the iceberg.
 Overall, the healthcare system in the
Philippines is of high standard. Filipino  Public health professionals need to know the
medical staff are expertly trained, but the actual situations of these determinants
facilities are may not be as impressive as through rigorous epidemiologic study.
those found in high-end US or European  You CAN be a part of the solution!
- Issue: 15B went to PhilHealth
 The quality of the Philippines’ state-
subsidized public healthcare. Private
healthcare in the Philippines provides much
more consistent care and facilities tend to be
better equipped than public ones.
4. Neighborhood and Built Environment
- Health and safety in places where people
live, work, learn, and play.
- Occupational health and safety as well as
public order, security, and safety.
General Health and Safety in the Philippines
 Core strategy of the Philippine
Development Plan for 2017-2022 is on
public order and safety.
 A good occupational health and safety
framework also exists, but redundancies in
who is implementing the policies, as well as
what policies are implemented, also exists.
- Public health and safety: Developmental Pan
by NEDA for year 2017-2022.
5. Social and Community Context
- Relationships and interactions with family,
friends, coworkers, and community
- Issues on discrimination, mental health, and
community support.

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