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Making Your schedule

Why do this at all?

I could answer this, but he explains it a lot better: the point of a schedule and what's the
I strongly recommend you watch each video twice and use headphones. I truly believe the
messages from these videos can change your life for the better.

The 7 Principles
1) Pick 5
 Make a list of all the things you would want to do with your time.
 Pick the 5 most important, and build your schedule with the aim of becoming better at them.
 Forget the others on the list until you have met your personal goals for your 5 picks.

2) Get the obvious stuff out of the way

 You need time to eat, sleep and get ready each day.
 When you get down to creating your schedule, start by assigning time to these everyday
activities first and see how much time you have left over for your 5 picks.

3) Block out a chunk of your time

 You can’t ignore the world around you, especially not your friends and family.
 Set aside time each day which can be used for unexpected errands or special occasions.

4) Take a day off

 You need a break, especially if you want to turn this into a long-time practice.
 Have at least one day in a week where you don’t need follow your schedule to a T.

5) Create A Highlight
 This should be something that would bring you the most satisfaction from your day when you
complete it.
 If you choose do nothing else the whole day for whatever reason, make sure you complete your
highlight to win that day.
6) Reflect
 You won’t know how you’re doing if you don’t take a moment to go through what you
accomplished each day.
 Set aside time at the end of each day to reflect. This could be as little as 10 mins.

7) Give it time
 It’s going to be hard at the at the start, it’s the same with everything new.
 As time goes, you’ll either become faster at doing something or simplify it.
 Do not get discouraged when you make mistakes, that’s just experience that you can learn from.
The people who are got at what they do, have made tons of mistakes to know what works and
what doesn’t.
 Do not compare yourself to others, your situation and theirs are entirely different. If you want a
fair competition, compete with the you from the week before.

Additional Points
1. Pick 5
 My personal advice when it comes to picking the 5, is to ask which of the items from the list are
the most meaningful.
 Don’t pick something just because it makes you happy. There’s lots of times in life that you are
not going to be happy. You want to have something meaningful… that’s the boat that will take
you through the storm. - Jordan Peterson.

2. Get the obvious stuff out of the way

 Treat these activities with respect, just because they seem obvious to day on a day-to-day basis
doesn’t belittle their importance, it does the opposite and reinforces it.
 Imagine going through a day where you only had 3 hours of sleep the night before or not having
a proper meal. Personal care is important.
 Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping -Jordan Peterson

3. Block out a chunk of your time

 On days where have no errands you can use this block of time to start working on your
 Remember if you don’t complete anything else today, your highlight will still win you the
4. Take a day off
 You can also treat this as a day to catch up on any unfinished tasks that you couldn’t complete
during the week.
 Examples could be going to get a haircut, doing the laundry, or cleaning your room.

5. Create A Highlight
 Pick a time and a place to do an activity to increase the likelihood of completing it.
 For example, if your highlight is to exercise you should schedule the time after that to take a
shower, or if your highlight is to cook for your family and friends, then schedule time before that
to get things ready in the kitchen.

6. Reflect
 Look back and celebrate all that you accomplished in the day.
 It doesn’t matter if you finished or not, what matters is that you were intentional with your
time and decided to start something that you are closer to achieving tomorrow.
 Use this time to assess how you could improve your process, edit your schedule if need be,
or identify distractions during day to avoid or minimize.

7. Give it time
 Do not make any drastic decisions, such as removing one of your 5 within 30 days of starting.
 If you choose it because it was meaningful, then instead adjust your schedule, remember you
decide how you want to spend your time.

Questions you may have

1) How can you make it easier to follow your schedule?
Have more time available by making use of technology. You can’t multitask with your brain, but
you can do it with technology. For example, it’s completely possible to reheat food in
microwave whilst you cut up a salad. It’s also possible to extract complete texts from Microsoft
One Note from a screenshot, rather than typing it out completely, which is just time consuming.

2) How to deal with people contacting you on your phone?

Check your phone a max of twice a day with the purpose of sending and responding to texts.
You could use your lunch and dinner time for this.
3) What if the person has something really important to tell you or you’re expecting an
important message from someone?
If it is really important, they would call and if you are expecting an important text from
someone, customize their message notification tone so you know it’s them.

4) What if you have something on your mind and it’s stopping from doing something or
you may forget later if you don’t address it now?
Make a note and the time at the moment. Look at it when it’s time to reflect on the day and
have your schedule with you to better understand and/or recall why you had that thought in
the first place.

5) How to avoid burnout?

Try the Pomodoro technique. Spend 25 mins on something and then take a 5 min break. I kike
to walk around for 5 mins and listen to a song before coming back. Also switching things up
slightly will keep your mind active and entertained.

6) How to remember where to start a task each day?

If you are following the Pomodoro technique, use the last 5 mins of the time you have left,
before switching to something new, to note where you need to start the next day.

7) How to start you schedule and finish each day?

Create a morning and evening routine. Have a checklist of things that you first thing in the
morning to set a good tone for the day and another checklist for the evening to wind down and
prepare for the next day.

8) What if you want to replace one of your 5 picks?

Firstly, that completely fine. Our goals can change when we realize we do not want to pursue
something anymore. Just remember that this is a major decision, and you owe it to yourself to
wait at least a month before dropping one or more of your 5.

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