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Its more appropriate to spell interview as intervYou .Its rightly said that in an interview "you are selling
yourself". So what are the various tips that are to be kept in mind when you are sitting in a job interview.
Even the smartest and most qualified job seekers need to prepare for job interviews. Here are some tips
that will help you in getting through a job interview.

· First of all, you must develop a sound non-verbal communication. It includes your body
language, posture, eye contact, gestures like having a gentle smile, hand movements, etc.

· Another important point is don't be afraid to be yourself. Showing someone your personality
during an interview is a great thing. It helps interviewer to know more about you than what he
can get to know from your resume. But remember when you are introducing yourself don't go in
too much in detail that it become boring.

· But there are always some things that are to be avoided in interviews. first is slangs, slangs are
too casual for an interview. Another is fillers like hmm, umm, like, you know and many more. It is
more acceptable to have a pause than having such fillers.

· It also has been observed that some people do a lame thing, they forget to breathe in the
interview. Holding breathe for a long time may show your "lack of confidence".

· Its very important to listen carefully in an interview. No matter whether relevant or irrelevant,
even if the interviewer is speaking something nonsense one must pay attention to all these. This
in some way or the other will help you in answering questions more accurately. The importance
of careful listening can be easily explained by a situation when an interviewer asked a girl," This
will be the last question of this interview. okay. Show me the exact position of the center of the
table." The girl quickly put his finger on the table and said "sir. This is the required point." When
interviewer asked the girl," how can you be so sure ? ". She cleverly answered," Sir you are not
supposed to answer any more questions as you promised that it will be the last question." She
listened it carefully and got selected.

· Moreover Out of the box thinking is very important and a person having such thinking always
has an upper edge in an interview provided that It is not out of the universe.

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