g10 - Module 3 Agri. Crop

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Quarter 1– Module 3:
Agricultural Crop Production
TLE – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 3: Agricultural Crop Production
First Edition, 2020

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exploitation of such work for a profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective
copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to
use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and
authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor MagtolisBriones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers:Madeline D. Sarino
Editors:Jonathan L. Bayaton/Mario A. DejitoEd,D.
Reviewers: Rose Marie O. Elum
Illustrator: AizaAbingayan
Typsetter: May Mirth P. Sorono, Madeline D. Sarino
Layout Artist:Mark Dave M. Vendiola
Management Team: SenenPriscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera
Fay C. Luarez, TM, Ed.D., Ph.D. Maricel S. Rasid
Adolf P. Aguilar Elmar L. Cabrera
Nilita R. Ragay, Ed.D.
Antonio B. Baguio, Ed.D.

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education –Region VII Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Office Address: Kagawasan, Ave., Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tele #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117
E-mail Address: negros.oriental@deped.gov.ph

Quarter 1– Module 3:
Agricultural Crop Production
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master the nature of Technical Livelihood Education. The scope of
this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The
lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the
order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the
textbook you are now using.

The module hasone lesson

• Lesson 3 – Market Selecting Business and Market Branding

Content Standard

The learner demonstrates an understanding of the techniques of

selecting business ideas; the learner demonstrates an understanding of
branding and develops a brand for their business idea.

Performance Standard

The learner independently selects a viable business idea; the learner

independently generates a brand for their business idea.

Learning Competency

LO 3. Select a business idea based on the criteria and techniques provided

for the agricultural crop production market TLE_EM9-12-III-3

LO 4. Develop a brand for the product TLE_EM9-12-IVO-4

Learning Objectives

At the end of the module you should be able to:

1. Identify the brand phases in choosing a business.

2. Select your business branding ideas.
3. Reflect the business ideas on the environment.

What I Know

Directions: Read each item carefully Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write your answer in your notebook.
1. It is a concept that can be used for financial gain that is usually
centered on a product or service that can be offered for money.

A. Business Creation C. Business Concept

B. Business Pricing D. Business Idea

2. Itis a way of identifying your business. It is how your customers

recognize and experience your business.

A. Business Analysis C. Business Development

B. Business Branding D. Business Implementation

3. It is more than just a logo. It’s reflected in everything from your

customer service style, staff uniforms, and business cards.

A. Brand C. Product Style

B. Logo D. Cards

4. This is to generate awareness about your business using strategies and

campaigns to create a unique and lasting image in the marketplace.

A. Brand Building C. Unique Pricing Policy

B. Unique Selling Proposition D. Finding Value-Added

5. The multi-stage process with the ultimate goal of building brand equity
in a consumer's mind.
A. Concept Development C. Brand Development
B. Economic Analysis D. Refine Specification

Lesson Selecting Business Idea and
1 Market Branding

What’s In

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis

Directions: In generating a business idea and environmental scanning it is

very important to utilize the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
Threats).Copy the table below and list all your observations. Consider the
strategies below to select the best business idea.

Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W)

- -

- -

- -
- -
- -

- -
- -

Opportunities (O) Threats (T)

- -

- -
- -

- -

- -
- -


• SW – Utilize the strengths to overcome the weakness

• OS - Capitalize on the opportunities to eliminate the weakness
• ST – Maximize your strengths to eliminate the external threats
• OT – Take advantage of the available opportunities to eliminate
external threats.



Notes to the Teacher

What’s New

Making my Logo

Direction:In a piece of short-sized bondpaper, draw a clear appealing

product brand with its logo.


Rubric for Logo

Criteria Excellent, Proficient, Basic, Emergent,

Advanced Above Average Minimal
4 3 2 1
Attractiveness The overall Overall Colors, The colors or
appearance graphic backgrounds, background
of the logo balance and and/or text are too busy
is pleasing. organization are not used which makes
Titles, text, of the logo effectively the text hard
colors, and are but are to read.
graphics acceptable. readable. There are few
are There is an Icons and icons or
exemplary. appropriate other graphical
The logo is balance of graphical elements.
attractive easy to read elements The project is

and titles, text, don’t seem to unattractive.
stimulates colors, and serve any
the viewer’s graphics. useful
interest The logo is purpose
attractive other than
but for
promotes decoration.
limited The logo is
viewer unattractive
interest or
Layout/Design There are There is The project The project
unity and adequate has text and lacks text or
consistency unity but graphics graphics with
among text some however, no organized
and inconsistenc they lack or white space.
graphic y among text have too There is no
elements and graphic much white unity or
are elements. space. There consistency
arranged to Text and are little among text
create an graphic unity and and graphic
organized elements are consistency elements.
white arranged but among the
space. lack text and
appropriate graphic
white space elements.
Technical The project The project The project The project
manipulate manipulates uses a does not
s materials material material with reflect
to create an using minimal technical
original technology manipulation manipulation
product. but the . Although . It could be
The project product technology is completed
demonstrat lacks needed, an without
es the originality. original technology
benefits of product is
using not
technology produced.
in the

Content/ The design Design is The design is The logo
is unique original but similar in looks like it
and similar in several ways has been
original. one way to to another copied from
The another logo. logo. somewhere
student Students can Student else.
can recognize a appears to Students can
recognize a logo and the have describe
logo and elements recognized a something
the that make logo and about a logo
elements up a logo. some of the but can not
that make elements that be sure of
up a logo make up a what a logo
logo. is.
Total Score

What is It

Extra Readings and Video Viewing

Reading books and watching videos have been considered two of the most effective
educational activities that help learners deepen their understanding of a certain
topic. In this particular circumstance, you will be asked to conduct extra readings
and video viewings on the following topics:

A. Steps in selecting a business idea

B. Criteria of a viable business idea
C. Benefits of a good brand
D. Ways of developing a product

After successfully performing the assigned task, make a narrative report about this,
and write it in your Activity Notebook.


Points Description

4 .Students understanding of the concept is evident

. The student uses effective strategies to get accurate results

. Students use logical thinking to arrive at the conclusion

3 . Student understanding of the concept is evident

. The student uses appropriate strategies to arrive at a result
. Students show thinking skills to arrive at the conclusion

2 Thestudent has a limited understanding of a concept

. Students use ineffective strategies

. Student attempts to show thinking skills

1 . The student has a complete lack of understanding of the concept

. The student does not attempt to use a strategy

. Student shows no understanding

Finding Value

People buy for a reason, there should be something in yourproduct/service

that would give consumers a good reason to go back and buy more. There must be
something that has to make you the best option for yourtarget customers
The value that you incorporate into your product is called a value
proposition.A value proposition is “a believable collection of the mostpersuasive
reasonspeople should notice you and take the action you are asking for.” Value
iscreated by fulfilling deep desires and solving deep problems. This is what getsthe
people moving, and keep them spending on your product/service.

Innovation is the introduction of something new in your
product/service.This may be a new idea, a new method, or a device. If you want to
increase yoursales and profit you must innovate. Some of the possible innovations
in yourproducts are changing in packaging, improved taste, color, size, shape,
andperhaps price. Some of the possible innovations in providing services
aretheapplication of new improved methods, an additional feature of product/
services, andpossibly, freebies.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Unique Selling Proposition is the factor or consideration presented by aseller

as the reason that the product or service being offered is different from andbetter
than that of other key players or competitors. Before you can begin to sellyour
product or service to your target customers, you have to sell yourself into it.

USP would require careful analysis of other businesses' ads andmarketing

messages. If you analyze what they say or what they sell, apartfromthe qualities of
their product or service, you can learn a great deal about howcompanies
distinguished themselves from competitors.

Here's how to discover your USP and use it to increase your sales and

• Use empathy: Put yourself in the shoes of your customers.

Alwaysfocus on the needs of the target customers and forget falling in
love withyour product or service. Always remember, you are making
thisproduct or providing for the target customers to eventually
increase salesand earn high profits. needs of everyone.

• Identify what motivates your customers. It is very important for

you tounderstand and find out what drives and motivates your
customers to buyyour product/service.

• Discover the actual and genuine reasons why customers buy

yourproduct instead of that of your competitor's. Information is
veryimportant in decision making. A competitive entrepreneur always
endeavorsto improve his/her products/services and constantly
provide satisfactionand sustain the patronage of customers.

1. Examine existing goods and services. Are you satisfied with

theproduct? What do other people who use the product say about it?
How can itbe improved? There are many ways of improving a product
from the way it iscrafted up to the time it is packed and sold. You can
also improve thematerials used in crafting the product.
2. Examine the present and future needs. Look and listen to what
thecustomers, institutions, and communities are missing in terms of
goods andservices. Sometimes, these needs are already obvious and
felt at themoment.
3. Examine how the needs are being satisfied. Needs for the products
andservices are referred to as market demand. To satisfy these needs
is tosupply the products and services that meet the demands of the
4. Examine the available resources around you. Observe what
materials orskills are available in abundance in your area. A business
can be started of available raw materials by selling them in raw form

and by processing andmanufacturing them into finished products. For
example, in a crop-producingtown, there will be many coconut husks
and shells available as“waste” products. These can be collected and
made into coco rags/doormatand charcoal bricks; then sold profitably
outside the community.

5. Read magazines, news articles, and other publications on new

productsand techniques or advances in technology. You can pick
up newbusiness ideas from Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, Business
Magazines, “GoNegosyo”, KAB materials, or Small-Industry Journal.
The Internet serves as alibrary where you may browse and surf
possible businesses.

Key Concepts of Selecting a Business Idea

In screening your ideas, examine each one in terms of the followingfactors:

1. How much capital is needed to put up the business?

2. How big is the demand for the product? Do many people need this
product and will continue to need it for a long time?

3. How is the demand met? Who are processing the products to meetthe
need (competition or demand)? How much of the need is nowbeing
met (supply)?

4. Do you have the background and experience needed to run

thisparticular business?

5. Will the business be legal, not going against any existing orforeseeable
government regulation?

6. Is the business in line with your interest and expertise?


Branding is a marketing practice of creating a name, symbol, or design

thatidentifies and differentiates product/service from that of the competitors. It is

alsoa promise to your customers. It tells them what they can expect from
yourproduct/ service and it differentiates your offerings from other competitors.
Yourbrand is derived from who you are, who you want to be, and who people
perceiveyou to be.

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business. Aneffective

brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitivemarkets.

The features of a good product brand are as follows:

- delivers the message clearly
- confirms your credibility
- connects your target prospects emotionally
- motivates the buyer
- concretizes user loyalty

Here are some simple tips to publicize your brand.

• Develop a tagline. Write a meaningful, unforgettable, and easy-to-
rememberstatement that captures the essence of your brand.
• Design a great logo. Create a logo suitable for your business
andconsistent with your tagline and advertise it.

• Write down your brand messaging. Select key messages you wantto
communicate about your brand.
• Be true to your brand. Deliver your brand promise.
• Be consistent. Be reliable and consistent every time.


Market refers to a group of people with economically important needs and

demands which open entrepreneurial or business opportunities to everyone.

Market is socially,politically, and economicallyorganized people whose needs

anddemands are based on tradition,culture, and technology.Enumerable business
opportunitiesare open in a market. Their needsand demands are
enormousdepending on the class of peoplebeing referred to. These classes of
people are known as marketsegments. These may be high-end,
middle-end, and low-end marketsegments. Each segment will havevarying needs
for various productsand services.Entrepreneurs must be skillful enough to address
the needs and demandsof the market. Many successful entrepreneurs’ secret of
success is justpaying attention to the markets’ needs and demands and later they
accumulate so much wealth. A need or demand-based business will always
have a share of the market.


The following are 3 legal forms of business and their characteristics,advantages,

and disadvantages:

Forms Characteristics Advantages Disadvantages

Sole Owned by only Very easy to Owner-manager

Proprietorship 1 person who is establish is
responsible for Decision required to render
the whole comes from 1 full operation time.
business person only No one else can
The owner can share in the
assume the role financial burden of
of manager, the owner
finance officer, In the case of
and worker financial
instability, the
firm can dissolve
Partnership 2 persons have Comparatively Decision making
combined easy to is
resources and establish. shared between
skills. There is the two owners.
Any of the 2 check and In times of
conflict, the
partner can act balance business is at risk.
as financier or among Limited funding
manager. partners may constraint
They can also only. business
share operations.
and roles in the
Corporation 2 or more Business The complex
persons own the risks are organizational
business. shared by setup
Aside from the many people. imposes along
owners, many If business is line of more
people are known good, growth expensive ways of
as is maximized control.
shareholders, due to bigger Complex
are engaged in a capital. decision
corporation Burdens in making process
through their the will delay

investment operations operation.
known as are shared by
shares or various
stocks. specialized


There are many established and emerging industries in the country.Having mapped
all of those in the community will give a would-beentrepreneur a chance to examine
what entrepreneurial opportunities maybe brought to the community. Once these
opportunities are identified,entrepreneurs will lay down their plan of action and
then start business activities. Some or maybe all of the industries listed below are
located in your locality that could be related to agribusiness:

1. Health and Wellness (organic agri-products)

2. Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism (Specialized farm products)
3. Banking and Finance(Financing crop production )



The needs and demands of the community can be determined

throughenvironmental scanning. In this process, an aspiring entrepreneur must
make a thorough examination of the target market before a particularbusiness is
set. Many elements of the target market can change from monthto month or year to
year, thus, updated data and information of thefollowing must be gathered which
shall become the bases of setting up theplanned business.

a. Demographic data such as population size, growth rate,

b. List of competitors which is available in the Department ofTrade and Industry
c. List of Suppliers that can also be sourced from the Department ofTrade and
d. Result of a Reliable Mini Survey using considerable samples ofthe target market


Raw materials, whether local or outsourced, are processed into goodsto be sold to
an identified market or segment of the market. This economic activity is referred to

Success in production is strictly determined with four (4) factorspopularly known

as the 4M’s:

Manpower This refers to all persons in the business who is also

popularly called the labor force. That means the word
manpower includes the entrepreneur himself

Money It is known to be the life-juice of the business and has
to do with the economic status of the business. Thiscan is in
paper bills or coins, generally used to pay for

goods and services, repayment of debts, and saving or

restoring the purchasing power of the business.

Materials These can be raw materials or finished products which

shall undergo a certain process or combined procedures

which shall end as the expected output of production

Machines Any semi or fully-automated devices that are used in

converting raw materials into marketable products or



Business capital, usually in the form of money, is an indispensablefactor to start a

new business. It is considered a working capital because itwill keep the operations
going. Entrepreneurs must secure enough capital tostart and to sustain business
operations.Raising the needed capital is not a problem for wealthy families.
However, if you do not have the cash on hand yet, you need to considerfavorable
sources. Would-be entrepreneurs must carefully choose whichcapital source to
take. Moneylenders that offer high interest are alwaysnot a good choice.

The following are the possible sources of the start-upcapital for any types of
businesses to be established:


Personal No interest payment to be Usually, it takes some

paid. time to save enough
In case of bankruptcy, no money to start a
one business.
will run after the
an entrepreneur for legal
An entrepreneur has full
over future net profit
Family Savings Usually, it takes some
Low or no interest at all time to save enough
will money to start a
be charged to the would- business.
Monthly amortizations

not be charged depending
the agreements.
External There are many well- Monthly
Sources, such reputed amortizations must
as banks and lending institutions, not a be paid even amidst
credit loan financial difficulties
cooperatives sharks, in the community. of an enterprise.
Lending institutions can
confidently lend adequate
capital in exchange for a
sound feasibility study.

What’s More


Directions:Select a successful entrepreneur/practitioner. Interview by

utilizing the sets of questions below. Document the interview and file it in a
long folder.

1. How did you identify your customers?

2. What were your considerations in selecting your customers?
3. Explain how your product/service becomes unique from other
4. Did you consult somebody before you engage in this business? Cite
sample insights that you gained from the consultation
5. What were your preparations before you started the actual business?
6. What creative and innovative techniques did you adapt to your
7. What was the effect of the innovative techniques on the sales and
profits of your business?
8. What strategies did you consider to have a unique selling proposition
for your product?

Interview Rubric
Level Level Level Level Mark
Criteria/level 1:0-5 2: 6-7 3: 7-8 4: 8-10
Some are Some are Good Excellent
mentioned mentione discussion of Discussion
Entrepreneur d Characteristi Clear
with cs Understandin
Characteristic examples With g
s examples Of /10
s of an
Venture Some The Evidence of Excellent
Description description venture Good understandin
of venture is clearly understandi g
described ng and
Of the explanation
venture of venture /10
Interest Mildly An Entertaining Outstanding
Interesting attempt And creative job making
is made Report the report
to make interesting /10
the creative and
report entertaining
Writing style Below Below Spelling/ Excellent use
Acceptable standard Grammar of language to
Standard Spelling/ Good, style weave a /10
in grammar flows, good wonderful
Spelling, paragraphs tale,
Grammar strong
And style command of
the language
and writing
Presentation Main points Reasonabl Good Very
presented e enthusiasm professional,
speakers, And creative and
informatio convincing. convincing.
n clearly Audience is Excellent
Presented Informed and speaking, with
in 3 interested in good eye
minutes entrepreneurs contact. /10
. questions
handled well

What I Have Learned

What are the 4M’s of production? Use your notebook for your answers.

What are the three legal forms of business?


What I Can Do
Making my Tagline

Directions:Using your notebook,make your tagline for your product.


Rubrics for Tagline

Ratings 15% 10% 5% 3%

Craftmanship The tagline is The tagline is The tagline is The tagline is

Exceptionally Exceptionally acceptably distractingly
attractive in attractive in attractive messy.
terms of terms of though it may
neatness. Well neatness. Well be a bit
constructed constructed messy.
and not and not very
messy. messy.

Creativity The tagline is The tagline is The tagline is The tagline

exceptionally creative and a creative and does not
creative, a lot good amount some thought reflect any
of thought of thought as as put into degree of
and effort is put into decorating. creativity.
used to make decorating it.
the banner.

Originality Exceptional Good use os Average use of No useof new

use of new new ideas and me! Ideas and ideas and

ideas and originality to originality to originality to
originality to create a create a create a
create a tagline. tagline. tagline.


Direction: Match Column A to B by writing the letter in your activity notebook.


___1. Is the introduction of something new in your product/service.A.Money

___2.Product/service that would give consumers a good reason to B. Corporation
go back and buy formore. C. Partnership
___3. It is a marketing practice of creating a name, symbol, or D. Manpower
design thatidentifies and differentiates product. E. Unique selling
___4.Any semi or fully-automated devices that are used in F. Use Empathy
converting raw materials into marketable products G. Machines
___5.Put yourself in the shoes of your customers. H. Branding
___6. Proposition is the factor presented by aseller as the I. Finding Value
reason thatthe productor service being offered is different J. Innovation
from others. K. Market
___7. Refers to all persons in the business who are also popularly
called labor force.
___8. Two persons have combined resources and skills.
___9. Two or more persons own the business.
___10.It is known to be the life juice of the business and has
to do with the economic status

Answer Key

Assessment What I Know

1. J 1. d
2. I 2. b
3. H 3. a
4. G 4. a
5. F 5. c
6. 6. c
7. c
8. c
9. c

Padigos, Cobe Jay, SlideShare, June 29, 2015,
Technology and Livelihood Education Agriculture And Fishery, specialization,
Agricultural Crops Production ( Horticulture ) NC II Grade10



For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Kagawasan, Avenue, Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tel #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117

Email Address: negros.oriental@deped.gov.ph
Website: lrmds.depednodis.net

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