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Early Childhood Education

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Postgraduate Diploma in transmitted, or uploaded without the prior
Education written permission of the Department.
Educational Management and Sustainable
Development of Early Childhood Setting

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Learning Outcomes
Lesson Two:
1. Acquire the basic concepts of
Educational administration & educational administration in ECE
School organization 2. Apply the skills in establishing
education vision and mission
Dr Tricia Wong, Dr Kenneth Lee
Dr Zoe Leung, Dennis Koo 3. Equip the knowledge and
understanding of the school
The Education University of Hong Kong
organization structure and design
Department of Early Childhood Education

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Definitions of administration
Author / year Definition
Campbell, • coordinating the efforts of people
Bridges, & towards the achievement of its goals
Nystrand (1984)
Nwankwo • careful and systematic arrangement and
(1987) use of human and material resources,
Part 1. Educational situations and opportunities for the
administration achievement of specific objectives
Walton (1996) • an activity that concerns itself with the
survival and maintenance of an
Ogunsaju • concerned with a variety of tasks

5 6
leadership - set direction, more abstract
management - more practical


Educational administration
1. Study and practice of managing the Educational administration
resources, tasks and communications
involved in running a school
2. Goal is to keep the school's overall process The process of providing instructional
flowing smoothly, making decisions that leadership, management of the day-to-
facilitate successful education
3. Administrator identifies and articulates a day activities, setting educational
school's mission and goals and makes them standards and goals, establishing policies
happen by implementing programs, and procedures required to achieve
delegating tasks and allocating resources
them in schools, preschools, day care
centres, colleges and universities etc
Source: Ghana Education Service, Teacher Education Division. (2004). Trends in education and school management in Ghana.
Source: Craig, C. P. Retrieved from

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Functions of educational administrators Functions of educational administrators

1. Develop academic programs 7. Set the academic tone
2. Monitor students’ educational progress and work actively with
3. Train and motivate teachers and other staff teachers to develop and
4. Manage career counseling and other maintain high curriculum
student services standards
5. Administer record-keeping, prepare 8. Formulate mission
budgets statements, and establish
6. Handle relationships with parents, performance goals and
prospective and current students, objectives
employers and the community

9 10

Functions of management and leadership

Management Leadership
Produces order and consistency Produce change and movement
Planning and budgeting Establishing direction
• Establish agendas • Create a vision
• Set timetables • Clarify big pictures
• Allocate resources • Set strategies
Organizing and staffing Aligning people
徵募;謀求 • Provide structure • Communicate goals
• Make job placements • Seek commitment
• Establish rules and procedures • Build teams and coalitions
Controlling and problem solving Motivating and inspiring
• Develop incentives • Inspire and energize
• Generate creative solutions • Empower subordinates
• Take corrective actions • Satisfy unmet needs

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Four Functions of

Management Functions- Henri Fayol (1914)

1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Leading
4. Controlling

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Four Functions of Management Four Functions of Management

1. Planning 2. Organizing
achieve particular purpose responsible for arranging and structuring work
engage in planning Determine –What? Who? How? Whom? Where?
set goals
establish strategies
develop and coordinate

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Four Functions of Management

Four Functions of Management
3. Leading 4. Controlling
To work with and through Monitoring
Motivate subordinates/resolve Comparing
conflicts/influence individuals and teams Correcting
 Communication channel & behavior issue Controlling

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Administration, Management and

Sharing Activity (10 mins)
 the process of managing and coordinating
people and resources Please share with your groupmates about
Management your school’s organizational structure/chart
 Planning, organizing, directing and controlling and how they operate. You may use a
the work of others diagram to illustrate.
 the art of motivating a group of people to act
towards achieving a common goal, being able
to inspire others, offering professional support
and building a good relationship

19 20


Define the school’s uniqueness in terms of

o Values
o Goals
o Priorities
o Educational program
Part 2. Establishment of o Target population
education vision and Guide every day decisions and future directions
mission - VIDEO Guide the school community towards common goals
Inform the community and potential students about the
experience, knowledge, and skills acquired from school
Source: Governing Board Online Training Module. Promoting the Vision & Mission of the School.
Retrieved from

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Difference between a mission statement

Mission Statement and a vision statement

Mission statements define the A mission statement is what an organization is all about.
organization's purpose and primary
A vision statement is what the organization wants to become.
objectives. They tend to be short, clear
and powerful.

Source: Features of early childhood organizations under the change context.

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How to structure vision and

mission statements?
Vision statement
oWhat kind of school do you want the school
to be?
oIn what direction do you want the school to Examples of vision and mission
oWhere do you see the school in five to ten statements
Mission statement
oWhat distinctive programs and curricula will
the school offer?
oWhat is the educational philosophy?
oWhat is the target population?
oWhat are our values?

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Vision and Mission (EDB) Our Vision (HKEdU)

To be a world-class provider of research
Our Vision
We provide quality school education for our and academic and professional learning
students, to develop their potential to the full
and to prepare them for the challenges in life. that meets the highest standards of
excellence and results in measurable
Our Mission
We deliver professional services and ensure improvements in the lives of students, their
effective use of resources.
We forge partnerships to promote excellence in professions and the communities they
school education.

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Vision of EdUHK
Mission of EdUHK
• We will further enhance our role as a leading university
• our primary mission is to lead educational
in the Asia Pacific region and beyond, with a focus on
innovation, and to promote and support the
educational research, development and innovation.
strategic development of teaching, teacher
• We will continue to raise our profile and impact locally,
education and disciplines complementary to
regionally and internationally through our high quality
education by preparing outstanding and morally
research and scholarship.
responsible educators and professionals while
• We are committed to nurturing outstanding and caring
supporting their lifelong learning.
Educators and professionals who contribute
constructively to sustainable social and economic
development in Hong Kong and beyond.

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Our Mission (HKEdU)

• Promote an environment valuing academic excellence;
• Support staff and students to strive quality outcomes in learning,
teaching and research;
• Enhance students’ experiences through formal and non-formal
• Provide opportunities for research and its application to teaching
as well as problems and issues in Hong Kong and beyond;
• Engage in meaningful ways with the range of communities we

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Duties of School leaders

to implement the vision and mission of
the school by setting direction, aims and
to plan, implement and review
Recruitment, deployment, manpower
allocation and staff training

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Vision & Dream

Sharing Activity (10 mins)
Vision without action is merely a dream.
Action without vision just passes the time
Vision with action can change the world Please share with your groupmates the
(Barker, 1990) importance of Vision and Mission.

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What is an organization?

Two or more people working together

Part 3. School towards common goals
organization structure
and design

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Four-Frame Model
Frame The Goal of Organization
Structural Human Political Symbolic
Metaphor for factory / family jungle carnival, temple,
organization machine theater
Central rules, roles, needs, skills, power, culture, 1. The goal of organization – increase
concepts goals,
relationships conflict, meaning,
competition, metaphor, ritual,
technology, organizationa ceremony, 2. Keep people happy?
environment l politics stories, heroes
Image of social empowerment advocacy inspiration
3. Increasing recognition of the
leadership architecture importance of understanding human
structure to
agenda and
create faith,
beauty, meaning
challenges task, and human power base
technology, needs
Source: Lunenburg, F. C., & Omstein, A. O. (2008). Educational administration : Concepts and practices. Belmont, CA: Cengage/Wadsworth. p. 53

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Example of Organizational
School Organizational Structure Structure for Effective School Management

Structure and Design

Source: Reid, R. D. (2010). Organizational structure for effective school management.

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Example of Organizational
Structure for Effective School Management School structure and design

1. Simple Structure
2. Functional Structure
3. Divisional Organizational Structure
4. Matrix Organizational Structure
5. Task-force Structure
6. Network Structure

Source: Reid, R. D. (2010). Organizational structure for effective school management.

43 44

1. Simple structure
1. Simple Structure

A simple structure (or flat structure) is • An organization form which the

an organization design with: manager makes most of the decisions
• low departmentalization, and controls the activities
• The staff serve as an extension of the
• wide span of control, top executive
• authority centralized in one person
and little formalization.
Source: Lumpkin, D., & McNamara, E. (2012). Chapter 10: Creating effective organizational designs.

45 46

1. Advantages and disadvantages

1. Simple Structure
of simple structure

Advantages Disadvantages
Highly informal May not understand their (employees’)
Centralized decision making May take advantage of lack of
Little specialization

Source: Lumpkin, D., & McNamara, E. (2012). Chapter 10: Creating effective organizational designs.

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2. Functional Structure
2. Functional structure
• Groups of similar or related occupational
specialties together.
• An organization form which the major • It lies in the cost-saving advantages that accrue
functions of the firm are grouped from specialization.
internally • Putting similar specialties together results in:
o economic of scale
o minimizes duplication of people and
o makes employees more comfortable because they
Source: Lumpkin, D., & McNamara, E. (2012). Chapter 10: Creating effective organizational designs.
are with others who “ talk the same

49 50

2. Functional Structure 2. Advantages and disadvantages

of functional structure
Advantages Disadvantages
Enhanced coordination and control Impeded communication and
Centralized decision making May lead to short-term thinking
(functions vs organization as a whole)
Enhanced organizational level Difficult to establish uniform
perspective performance standards
More efficient use of managerial and
technical talent
Facilitated career paths and
development in specialized areas
Source: Lumpkin, D., & McNamara, E. (2012). Chapter 10: Creating effective organizational designs.

51 52

3. Divisional organizational structure 3. Divisional Structure

• An organization form which product

• made up of separate units or
projects, or product markets are
grouped internally divisions
• with a division manager
• responsible for performance and has
strategic and operational decision-
making authority over his unit
Source: Lumpkin, D., & McNamara, E. (2012). Chapter 10: Creating effective organizational designs.

53 54


3. Advantages and disadvantages

Divisional Structure of divisional organizational structure
Advantages Disadvantages
Separation of strategic and Can be very expensive
operating control
Quick response to important Can be dysfunctional
changes in external environment competition among divisions
Minimal problems of sharing Differences in image and quality
resources across functional may occur across divisions
Development of general Can focus on short-term
management talent is enhanced performance Source: Lumpkin, D., & McNamara, E. (2012). Chapter 10: Creating effective organizational designs.

55 56

4. Matrix organizational structure

4. Matrix Structure
• An organization form there are multiple
lines of authority and some individuals • Assigns specialists from different
report to at least two managers functional departments to work on
one or more projects being led by a
project managers

• Employees in the matrix have two

Source: Lumpkin, D., & McNamara, E. (2012). Chapter 10: Creating effective organizational designs.

57 58

4. Advantages and disadvantages

Matrix Structure of matrix organizational structure
Advantages Disadvantages
Facilitates the use of Can cause uncertainty and
specialized personnel, lead to intense power
equipment and facilities struggles
Provides professionals with a Working relationships
broader range of become more complicated
responsibility and experience
Decisions may take longer

Source: Lumpkin, D., & McNamara, E. (2012). Chapter 10: Creating effective organizational designs.

59 60


5. Task force 5. Advantages and disadvantages

of task force
• A small group (4 to 12 people)
• Brings together a specific set of skills to Advantages Disadvantages
complete a short-term task Better decision- May not devote the
• Members can come from different making full effort
parts of an organization
Spirit of teamwork Quality of the
Source: The Results Group. Start your task force on the high performance task.

Source: Lumpkin, D., & McNamara, E. (2012). Chapter 10: Creating effective organizational designs.

61 62

6. Network structure 6. Advantages and disadvantages

of network structure
Advantages Disadvantages
• It refers to “a system of delegating and
coordinating tasks among a number of Can obtain talent and assistance Little hands-on control
partner companies or business entities easily of “partners”
with a common goal of producing a Organizations can “ramp up” Expenses to establish
specific product”. without huge investments in monitoring systems
Increase organization flexibility Reduced partner-
and responsiveness employee loyalty
Reduce administrative overhead Weakened corporate
Source: Understanding and Managing Organizational Structure: B (BA 152)

63 64

Sharing Activity (10 mins) Photos:
Ebbeck M. & Maniganayake M (2003) Early Childhood Professional Leading
Today and Tomorrow. MacLennan & Petty, Australia.

Lunenburg, F. C., & Omstein, A. O. (2008). Educational administration :

1. Which structure is similar to your Concepts and practices. Belmont, CA: Cengage/Wadsworth. p. 53.

school? Mintzberg on Management: Inside our Strange World of Organizations, in 1990.

Lumpkin, D., & McNamara, E. (2012). Chapter 10: Creating effective
2. What is your comment on the organizational designs.
structure? What is a network organizational structure? Retrived from

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