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Early Childhood Education No part of this video clip may be

Postgraduate Diploma in reproduced, transmitted, or
Education uploaded without the prior written
Educational Management and Sustainable permission of the Department.
Development of Early Childhood Setting

1 2

Lesson One:
Educational management and Part I
its development in Hong Kong Overview of the Course

The Education University of Hong Kong

Department of Early Childhood Education

3 4

Purposes of the course Learning Mode

1. To critically review the theory and practice • Lectures
of educational management and leadership
2. To guide students to understand how an • In-class group discussion
ECE entity operates in terms of • Role Play
organizational structure
3. To examine the duties and responsibilities • Multimedia review
of the different roles involved
4. To master the concepts of school-based • Sharing
quality assurance in ECE setting • Case Study
5. To demonstrate critical thinking and
reflections for assessing the effectiveness of • Workshop
the school practices

5 6


Learning Outcomes
1. Differentiate the differences between leadership and
2. Understanding the Educational management and its
development in social and cultural contexts of Hong
Kong preschools
Course progression &
3. Understanding the Educational reforms and the impacts Assignment design
on preschool teachers and school leaders
a. Enhancing professional competence
b. Mode of subsidy
c. Refining the Quality Assurance Framework
d. Reviewing the Guide to the Pre-primary Curriculum
4. Acquire the concept of Sustainable development
in education

7 8

Some common misunderstandings

Expectations for the course of this course
Think about your expectation for the
course (10 mins)
o “I am just a teacher, not
Form a group of 4-5, exchange a school leader”
contacts & select group leader o “Not practical. I am not
Present your expectations to your going to be a school
groupmates leader in the future”
Group leader presents your
group’s expectations

9 10

Why do preschool teachers need to learn

educational management and leadership ? Discussion
Misunderstandings Response
“I am just a subject In effective schools, leadership is a quality What are the differences between
teacher, not a school
of all staff. Teams and individuals
demonstrate leadership and accept
leadership and management? And
leadership responsibilities willingly in order what is the relationship should be?
to contribute to school improvement
(Department of Education & Training. Give you 10 mins to search for the
(2005). Professional learning in effective
Schools : The seven principles of highly
definition and then tell me what are
effective professional learning) they?
“Not practical. I am not Every role in the school has to show some
going to be a school level of leadership
leader in the future”. relationship: leadership & mgmt must be hand in hand

11 12


The meaning of leadership

Closest Furthest
1. Leadership means having a clear personal vision of what you

Part II
want to achieve, a commitment to a set of deeply held set of
values and principles, and the ability to inspire people and take
them with you.

Conceptualization of Leadership 2. Good leaders are in the thick of things, working alongside with
their colleagues, sharing power, demonstrating a capacity to learn
as well as to lead by example, encouraging the leadership of
3. Leadership in a school context means respecting the autonomy
and professionalism of the individual teacher, protecting him/her
from extraneous demands, allowing him/her to be effective in the
4. Good leaders have the capacity to look ahead, to anticipate
change, to prepare people for it so that it does not surprise or
disempower them. They create a climate in which change is seen
as challenging and professionally invigorating.
5. Good leaders are pragmatic. They are able to grasp for realities
of the political and economical context. They know how to
negotiate and when to compromise and how to get the best out of
the system for the benefit of their own school.
Source: Dr. Qian, H. Y. Lecture 1. Purpose and context. Original source from Macbeath, J., & Myers, K. (1999). Effective school leaders: How
to evaluate and improve your leadership potential. London: Pearson Education.

13 14
different situation / context / stages of development
will require different leadership styles

The meaning of leadership Definitions of leadership

1. Which of the five definitions of 1. Leadership is the ability to influence a group

leadership is the closest to your own toward the achievement of a vision or set of
goals (Robbins & Judge, 2010).
perspective? Why? 2. Leadership is an influence relationship
2. Which of the five definitions of among leaders and followers who intend real
changes that reflect their shared purposes
leadership is furthest away from your (Daft, 1999).
own perspective? Why? 3. Leadership is a process that influences others
3. Can you work out with your group a to achieve organizational objectives without
manipulation (Bass, 1960; Katz & Kaha,
definition which is the closest to the 1966). process --> not one off
group’s perspective?
lead with whole heart

15 16

Five elements of leadership Difference between

People Leaders-followers Organization Influence Change leadership and management
al objectives
Management Leadership
• • Leaders and • What is • A process of • • About coping with complexity • About coping with change
Leadership followers often ethical and a leader Influencing (Robbins & Judge, 2012) (Robbins & Judge, 2012)
is about change roles beneficial for communicatin followers to
leading throughout the the g ideas, bring about
people influencing process organization, getting change • Management is concerned with • Leadership is concerned with
• Leaders get the followers and acceptance of toward the doing things right (Sergiovanni, doing right things (Sergiovanni,
• Good commitment and leaders them and desired 1995) 1995)
leaders enthusiasm of motivating future for
must be followers who are followers to the
• Good management brings about • Leaders establish direction by
able to get willing to be support and organization order and consistency by drawing developing a vision of the future,
along with influenced implement up formal plans, designing rigid then they align people by
people • Good followers give the ideas organization structures, and communicating this vision and
input and influence through monitoring results against the inspiring them to overcome
leaders change
plans (Robbins & Judge, 2012) hurdles (Robbins & Judge, 2012)
Source: The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. Tomorrow’s Leaders: Lecture 1 introduction.

17 encourage followers 18
influence follower to give input and feedback
and influence them to work whole-heartedly


Leadership and management skills

Leadership – soft skills Management – hard

skills Part III
communications scheduling Educational reforms and the
motivation staffing impacts on preschool teachers
stress management activity analysis write report and school leaders
team building project controls
change management control budget, staff plan
Source: Bramlett, D. C. Some thoughts on leadership.

19 20

ECE in Hong Kong before 1997 Objectives of the EC7 (1997) (1)
No systematic curriculum guideline or 1. to enhance community appreciation of the
specifications provided by Government need for quality school education;
Little attention paid to the qualifications 2. to inculcate a quality culture in the school
and professional development of KG system to contribute to the personal growth
principals and teachers of students, and the pursuit of excellence;
Until the release of Llewellyn Report, 3. to provide a practical framework for key
(1982), government started to pay more players in the school system to achieve the
attention to ECE aims of education in an efficient, cost-
Set up of Education Commission in 1984 effective and accountable manner;

21 22

Objectives of the EC7 (2) Documents related to Education Reform

1. Reform proposals for the Education System in
4. to recommend an integrated strategy for HK (September 2000)
quality assurance and development;
2. Reporting session on Progress of Education
5. to provide incentives for quality performance;
6. to assist and remedy under-performing schools
Reform 2002
to encourage initiatives and continuous 3. Reporting session on Progress of Education
improvement; and Reform 2003
7. to recommend a framework for raising the 4. Reporting session on Progress of Education
professional standards of principals and Reform 2004
teachers and enhancing their professional 5. Reporting session on Progress of Education
education and development. Reform 2006

23 24


Education Reform: Education Blueprint Education Reform: Education

for the 21st Century (2000) Blueprint for the 21st Century (2000)
Section 1: Early Childhood Education (P49-56)
Building a New Culture for Quality Early Reform proposals for the early childhood
Childhood Education education sector:
 Enhancing professional competence 1. Enhancing professional competence
 Enhancing the quality assurance mechanism 2. Enhancing the quality assurance mechanism
 Reforming the monitoring mechanism 3. Reforming the interface between early
 Enhancing the interface between early childhood and primary education
childhood and primary education 4. Enhancing the monitoring system
 Mode of subsidy 5. Promoting parent education and

25 26

Mode of subsidy Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme

(2007)-Increase Investment, Enhance Quality
Progress Report No.2 (2003) Objective: Offers a direct fee subsidy to parents and provide
• The Kindergarten Fee Remission Scheme replaced the subsidy to KGs for designated purposes and subsidy for teacher
existing Child Care Centre Fee Assistance Scheme and training
expanded to cover children attending CCCs Targets: Young children aged between 2 years and 8 months
• The 5% Subsidy Scheme for CCCs will no longer be in and 6 years old studying in non-profit making KGs, with right
place, instead, the Kindergarten Subsidy Scheme was of abode, right to land, or citizenship
expanded to cover CCCs Form of subsidy: a sum equivalent to the monetary value of
the total number of vouchers they receive from parents for
paying the tuition fees of their children and a one-off subsidy
“Kindergarten Direct Subsidy Scheme”
• Non-profit making KGs/CCCs are provided with various
forms of assistance such as reimbursement of rental 1. Non-profit making KGs
and rates, provision of school premises 2. Required to pass a Quality Review (QR)
• In 2007, the government implemented the Pre-primary 3. Complete the professional development for principals and
Education Voucher Scheme (PEVS) teachers in 5 years

27 28

Policy objectives
• The new free quality KG education policy
Since 2017/18, EDB has launched will replace PEVS with effect from the
2017/18 school year.
the 15-year Free Quality • The policy objectives are to provide good
Kindergarten Education quality and highly affordable KG education,
and enhance the accessibility of students to
different modes of services that suit their
specific needs 29

29 30


1. Raising the requirement in TP ratio

Under the new policy, the quality of from the current 1:15 (including the
KG education will be improved in principal) to 1:11 (principal not included)
various aspects through the following so as to allow teachers more capacity to
measures: cater for the diverse needs of students,
engage in curriculum development, lesson
planning, professional development,
communication with parents, etc.

31 32

Difficulties and strategies for professional

2. Upgrading teachers' professional
development of teachers and principals
competence through various means
including developing a continuous
professional development policy;
formulating a Teacher Competencies
Framework and a Principal Low Not Lack of course
qualific enough supervi teachers
Competencies Framework; and revising ation training sion and
the Certification Course for KG

33 34

1. Enhancing professional competence 1. Enhancing professional competence

Issues Current situation Proposal
Issues Current Proposal Profession • Serving KG • All new KG teachers
al training teachers must have complete one-year
Entry • 2 passes in Preliminary Target
for complete a pre-service training
qualificatio the HKCEE, • 5 passes in HKCEE including
n including Chinese and English subjects KG/CCC recognized course • Serving teachers
requiremen one teachers of teacher training complete QKT
t of KG/CCC language Next Stage’s Target (appx. 360 hrs) programmes
teachers subject • Raise the entry qualification • No less than 60% • Serving teachers to
requirements to sub-degree level of KG teachers in enhance their
every kindergarten professional level
Long-term Target
• Raise the entry qualification should be qualified through continuing
requirement to degree level KG teachers learning

35 36


1. Enhancing professional competence Progress of enhancing professional competence

Progress Report No.1 (2002)

Issues Current Proposal
Situation Issue Progress

Professional • ALL new • Requiring new CCC Entry qualification • Raised the entry qualifications requirement of
requirement of KG/CCC kindergarten teachers to 5 passes in HKCEE in
training for principals supervisors to have teachers 2001/02 school year
principals must have completed the Certificate of
Professional training for • Provided 200 places (in 2000/01 school year) and
completed Early Childhood Education KG/CCC teachers 440 places (in 2001/02 school year) in one-year full-
the Course time pre-service early childhood education courses
Certificate of • Requiring ALL serving KG • Variety of training courses for early childhood
Education principals and CCC teacher education, e.g. Certificate in Early Childhood
Education and Bachelor of Early Childhood
(KG) course supervisors who have not
Education programmes
been professionally trained
Professional training for • Provided 120 places in a principalship training
to receive suitable principals course each year starting from 2001/02 school year
professional training

37 38

Progress of enhancing professional competence Progress of enhancing professional competence

Progress Report No.2 (2003)

Progress Report No.3 (2004)
Issue Progress Abridged course in Certificate in Early Childhood
Entry qualification • The professional training requirement Education jointly arranged by EMB and Social
requirement of KG/CCC for new kindergarten teachers was Welfare Department for serving kindergarten
teachers enforced with effect from 1 principals and child care supervisors was organized
September 2003
Qualification • The requirement of all new
Progress Report No.4 (2006)
requirement of kindergarten principals to have
principals completed the Certificate in Early Additional training places for each of the 2005, 2006
Childhood Education Course was and 2007 intakes of a three-year part-time in-service
enforced in 2002/03 school year Certificate in Early Childhood Education course

39 40

EDB’s 5-year policy (2007-2012) Joyful Learning Through Play Balanced

Development All The Way
3. Reviewing the Guide to the Pre-
“All serving KG teachers will obtain the Certificate in early primary Curriculum, taking into
Childhood Education qualification by the end of the 2011/12 consideration the experience of
school year…
serving principals and aspiring principals are expected to learning and teaching in KGs, the
complete the certification course by the end of the 2011/12 changes of society and future needs;
school year, and all serving principals are encouraged to obtain
the BEd (ECE) [Bachelor in Early Childhood Education]
qualifications” (EMB, 2007, p. 3).

41 42


Reviewing the Guide to the Pre-

• Kindergarten education should be aligned
primary Curriculum with primary and secondary education to
foster in children a balanced development
in the domains of ethics, intellect,
What are physique, social skills and aesthetics, thus
between the achieving the goal of whole-person
guideline of
2006 and
2017? What
• Rename EarlyMathematic as Early
element has Childhood Mathematic, Science &
been added?
Technology as Nature & Living, Arts as
EDB, Curriculum Guideline (27.2.2017)
Arts & Cretivity.


43 44

The Kindergarten Education curriculum

adopts the principle of promoting
comprehensive and balanced development in
children covering fve developmental
objectives, namely “Moral Development”,
“Cognitive and Language Development”,
“Physical Development”, “Afective and
Social Development” and “Aesthetic

45 46

The five developmental objectives

mentioned above are to be achieved
through six learning areas, namely
“Physical Fitness and Health”,
“Language”, “Early Childhood
Mathematics”, “Nature and Living”,
“Self and Society” and “Arts and

47 48


Quality assurance processes

• School level – School self-reflection
Each school produces and implements
4. Refining the Quality Assurance its development plan based on the
school aims and priorities. The school
Framework; enhancing the conducts self-evaluation and produces
a school report towards the end of the
governance and transparency of KGs, year for stakeholders’ information

and the EDB stepping up • Territory level – Quality Assurance

monitoring; EDB conducts QA inspection to
provide an external review of the
performance of the school

• International level – Review by

The overall performance of schools in HK
and the quality of QA processes will be
To ensure that these QA processes are
pertinent to their purpose, a review of Source: Education Bureau. Quality assurance processes.
QA processes by external experts, both Retrieved from
local and overseas, will be conducted. framework/framework/processes.html

49 50

School Self
Free Quality

51 52

Quality assurance inspection reports

Source: Education Bureau. Quality assurance inspection reports. Retrieved from

53 54


5. Strengthening the support for 6. Enhancing parent engagement and

students from needy families, NCS parent education; encouraging
students, and students with diverse more researches to facilitate the KG
learning needs; sector’s understanding of the
latest trends in children development,
learning needs of children and
development in KG education; and

55 56

7. Improving school premises and

facilities, and exploring feasible
measures to increase the provision Part IV
of KG premises in the long run. Sustainable Development

57 58

What is sustainable development? Background –

The concept of “sustainability” originates from Education for sustainable development (ESD)
ecology. 1987 The United Nations World Environment and Development Committee
raised the concern of sustainable development.
Development that meets the needs of the present 1999 The Chief Executive first introduced “Sustainable Development” in his
without compromising the ability of future 1999 Policy Address.

generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland

Report, World Commission on Environment and
2000 Established the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC), released
Development (WCED), 1987). “Sustainable Development for the 21st Century in Hong Kong” (SUSDEV
21) and finalized the definition and principles of sustainable
2003 Formulated and released the first sustainable development strategy for
2005- UNESCO is the lead agency for the UN Decade of Education for
2014 Sustainable Development (2005-2014)
Source: What is sustainable development? Retrieved from

59 60


Sustainable development for Hong Kong means: What is education for sustainable
finding ways to increase prosperity and improve development (ESD)?
the quality of life while reducing overall pollution
and waste; ESD means “including key sustainable development issues into
teaching and learning; for example, climate change, biodiversity,
• meeting our own needs and aspirations without poverty reduction, and sustainable consumption. It also requires
doing damage to the prospects of future participatory teaching and learning methods that motivate and
generations; and empower learners to change their behavior and take action for
sustainable development. ESD consequently promotes competencies
• reducing the environmental burden we put on like critical thinking, imagining future scenarios and making
our neighbours and helping to preserve decisions in a collaborative way” (UNESCO. Retrieved from
common resources.
~1999 Policy Address


61 62

Implementation of education for sustainable 3 domains of sustainable development

development in Hong Kong
Sustainable development involves 3
School is the ideal place for the implementation of main domains: environment, economy World

and society.
education for sustainable development • Based on students’ life experiences,
Personal, Social, &

Three principles proposed for the implementation students can discuss how an issue

of education for sustainable development: may be connected with these three Art
domains Social

 Issues related to environment, economy • The depth of the issue depends on Community
and society students’ life experiences, grade Mathematics

 Holistic, integrated interdisciplinary level, and the knowledge they Family

already have.
approach • Explore the effects of the issue on
Liberal Studies

 Whole school approach individuals, families, schools,

community, society and the world

63 64

3 domains covered: Role of teachers

Environment 1. Teachers can integrate the topic into the
• ecology , earth conservation, environmental curriculum and activities based on the students’
responsibility level;
2. Teachers can design appropriate learning
• law & justice, education, health
activities for students so that they can grasp the
concept of sustainable development and
cultivate correct values;
3. Teachers can discuss with students how the
• material life, trade and business, transportation
topic(s) impacts on individuals, families,
schools, communities, society and the world.

65 66


New topics for sustainable development Difficulties for implementation

1. Air quality 1. The curriculum guideline has not show how to
2. Population policy integrate the three domains of environment,
3. Tourism economic and society as a whole.
4. Screen building 2. The suggested topics are mostly related to
5. Heritage conservation primary and secondary education, the
6. Use of resources guideline for kindergarten is not enough.
7. Public participation 3. The professional development programs need
8. Low carbon life more varieties, with updated content relevant
9. Corporate social responsibility to the social development, and suggest degree
10.Green consumption holder as a necessary 4. Need more resources support such as staffs, materials and equipment…etc.

67 68

1. What are the characteristics of teaching mode &
learning environment in the early stage of Hong
Kong ECE system? How are they different
from today’s ECE situation?
2. What has been done by the government hence Part V
to improve the learning environment of ECE Conclusion
setting? What else should be done more?
3. For Sustainable Development of Early
Childhood Education, what should be done
hence to enhance the effectiveness?


69 70

Process of educational reform References

1. Quality Education Bureau. (2019, September 18) Performance
Indicators Kindergarten. Retrieved from
2. Change agent (leader and management)
3. Impacts on teacher, parents, school, kindergarten/quality-assurance-framework/performance-
community and the ECE industry indicators-kindergartens/index.html
Education Bureau (2018), Handbook on Quality Review for
4. Sustainable development (research & Kindergartens, Hong Kong
experiment) Education Bureau (2020 September 9) Quality Assurance
Framework. Retrieved from

71 72


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