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Table of Contents

II.TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONS................................................................................................................3
1.Public sector...................................................................................................................................3
2. Private Sector................................................................................................................................3
3. Voluntary Sector...........................................................................................................................4
III.LEGAL FORM OF BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT.....................................................................................5
IV.SPORT INDUSTRY IN VIETNAM.........................................................................................................6
V. OVERVIEW OF NIKE COMPANY........................................................................................................7
VI.VFF (VIETNAM FOOTBALL FEDERATION) PLC...................................................................................9
1. Introduction of VFF.......................................................................................................................9
Size and Scope of VFF........................................................................................................................9
2. Logo meaning of VFF.....................................................................................................................9
3.Vision,Mission and Goals of VFF..................................................................................................10
VII. REEBOK COMPANY LTD................................................................................................................12
1.Background of Reebok.................................................................................................................12
2.Logo meaning of Reebok.............................................................................................................13
3. The relationship between Reebok and Adidas...........................................................................13
Size of Reebok company:................................................................................................................14
4.Vision,Mission and Goals of Reebok...........................................................................................14
VIII.OPERATION SMILE VIETNAM.......................................................................................................15
IX. Relationships between various organizational activities and How they relate to the structure of
the organization..................................................................................................................................18
Organizational structure of Reebok company................................................................................18
What impact does the organisational management have?...........................................................20
X.MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS OF EACH COMPANY...........................................................................20
Nike Company :...............................................................................................................................20
Operation Smile Vietnam...............................................................................................................21
The phrase "business environment" refers to all individuals, organizations, and other factors
that are not within the control of industry yet can influence its output. “Withhold the subset
that describes the system, and the rest, like the cosmos, is the environment,” says an
anonymous writer. As a result, external financial, cultural, legal, technological, and other
elements are considered part of a company's environment. The environment of a firm
includes individual customers or opponents, as well as management, customer groups,
competitors, the media, courts, and other external organizations [CITATION BYJ20 \l 1066 ].
The Nike organization and the sports business in Vietnam will be the subject of this article.
I'm a junior insights strategist at Nike, and my task is to present to Nike executives a report
on an analysis of three business types: Reebok company, VFF, and Operation Smile VietNam

Specifically, a thorough examination of each chosen institution, down to the tiniest

organizational aspects .What strategies are used to distribute products and services to
customers? What's the size of that business? Examine their vision, purpose, and objectives
in detail. In this article, the organizational structure, legality, and information regarding
stakeholders will be extensively investigated and included. Examine the organization's
business operations in-depth, using diagrams to demonstrate how the major points are
connected, and weigh in on the organization's advantages and disadvantages.
This gathering of individuals working towards a common goal is referred to as an
association. It's a political model that encompasses all official interactions between people.
Employees' labor is divided among them, and duties are aligned with the company's overall
purpose. This is considered as the second least essential management role, since it
integrates employee labor, obtains assets, and integrates the both in order to achieve the
corporate goals.[ CITATION Bus211 \l 1066 ]

1.Public sector
-Governments, as well as any publicly owned or sponsored organizations, companies, and
other entities that offer public programs, commodities, or services, make up the public
sector. However, it is not always apparent whether or not a certain organization should be
included within that umbrella. As a result, certain criteria must be identified to aid in the
definition of the borders.The public sector encompasses more than just core government
and might include non-profit and private organizations.

- A publicly sponsored, citizen, or governmentally, company that affects the sales of private
goods & services and is constantly run professionally. Architecture of the law There seem to
be three main tiers of governmental agencies:

- State vs. Federal

- State-wide (State or Provincial)

- Nearby (Municipal or County)

-The public sector is defined as an expanding ring of entities that includes core government,
agencies, and public businesses. A gray zone surrounds this ring, consisting of publicly
sponsored contractors and publicly held firms that may or may not be part of the public
sector, but for the most part, are not.

2. Private Sector
-The private sector refers to the portion of the economy that is operated for profit by
individuals and businesses rather than the government. As a result, it covers all for-profit
enterprises that aren't government-owned or operated. The voluntary sector includes
charities and other nonprofit groups, whereas the public sector includes government-run
businesses and companies.

- The private sector is a diverse industry that makes a major contribution to many
economies. It consists of a diverse group of individuals, partnerships, and organizations. The
following entities make up the private sector:

Limited-liability corporations (LLCs) (LLCs)

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises)

Large enterprises and multinational corporations

Professional and commercial associations


The government has legal power over the private sector, but it does not directly supervise
it. Any company or corporation doing business in that nation must abide by the laws.

3. Voluntary Sector
-The voluntary sector is separate from the private sector and operates independently of
both multiple levels of government. Charities are the most prevalent in the volunteer sector.
Others include community benefit organizations and cooperatives, non-profit community
businesses, credit unions, and small and personal community organizations.

- Voluntary groups work on a wide variety of topics, from youth clubs to specialized medical
research, as a whole. Most of them concentrate on a specific problem that needs to be
addressed, such as climate change or affordable housing, or on a specific group of people
who want assistance and representation, such as women who are victims of domestic
violence. Other groups, such as think tanks and research institutes, may work on a variety of
topics but do so through a philosophical or political lens.
-There are 3 basic legal form of business :

 A sole proprietorship is a private company. The company and its owner are treated
as one entity in legal terms. On the bright side, this implies that the owner owns all
earnings (after taxes are paid, of course). The proprietor, on the other hand, is
personally liable for the company's losses and obligations. This entails a significant
danger. For instance, if a lone proprietor loses a major case, his personal assets may
be lost. The majority of single private limited companies are tiny, and many do not
employ anyone. In most communities, for example, a lot of self-employed repair
workers, plumbers, and electricians work on house repair projects alone. In
addition, many single owners operate their operations from their buildings in order
to save the costs of maintaining an office.
 A partnership : A partnership is similar to a sole ownership in that the partners are
the only ones profiting from the company's earnings, but they're still liable for any
losses or debts. Partnerships are particularly appealing when one person's skill
complements the others. An accountant who concentrates on filing individual tax
returns and another who knows company taxes, for illustration, could decide to
team up to provide consumers with a much more comprehensive set of tax
preparation than each could do alone.
 A corporation : The separation of ownership and management is a major distinction
between a corporate entity and a single trader or a partnership. Corporations offer
stock that is publicly exchanged on stock exchanges, and they are managed by
talented people. These officials may possess a large number of the company's
shares, although not required

-Public limited company(Plc) : In the United Kingdom, a public limited company (PLC) is a
public corporation. PLC is the British counterpart of an Inc. or corporation-designated
publicly listed business in the United States. The inclusion of the PLC acronym following a
business's name is required, as it informs investors and anyone interacting with the firm
that it is a publicly listed company. [CITATION Tho21 \l 1066 ]

-Private limited company (Ltd): A private limited company, or Ltd, is a popular corporate
form with a length of 50 stockholders and no public companies shares.

-Size: The summation among all variables, organizations, and pressures that implicitly or
explicitly impact financial statements is the company environment's size.

-Scope: Overall project is made up of a variety of elements that have a direct impact on a
company's success. Its local surroundings and the surrounding atmosphere, the manageable
habitat and the uncontrollable ecosystem, the internal factors, and the industrial level are
all included in one operation.
-The Communist Government of Vietnam's physical conditioning and sporting activities have
received a lot of attention and orientation from the Party and the State, with many
important decisions made, the first of which was Circular 33 of the General Secretary of the
Communist Party of Vietnam dated 5/05. March 1984 on trying to conduct Sports and
Sports Congress at all levels 1985. The Council of Ministers adopted Decision No. 25/CT on
January 29, 1991, declaring March 27 to be "Vietnam Sports Day" every year.

- Every year, "Vietnam Sports Day" is organized to encourage people from different walks of
life to engage in physical activity and beneficial sports. The Prime Minister then approved
Instructions 133, "Planning for the Development of the Physical Training and Sports
Industry," which required the physical training and sports segment to conduct a population
count and improve a genius program for the future of the physical education industry sports
to the year 2000 and the early years of the twenty-first century.

- With 74 years of building and growth, Vietnamese sports have left significant footprints for
both sphere of mass sports and elevated sports, as well as on the path to cooperating with
nations across the world in the area of sports. Social sports have grown in popularity and
expanded throughout provinces and cities, from developing countries to developed
countries. Vietnamese people involved in sports is a well-known image. The number of
persons who participate in sports on a constant schedule in the United States is projected to
be 33.5%; the number of families participating in sports is believed to be 24.5%.
Company Nike
Legal form Public limited company
Ownership Private sector
Profit or Non-profit Profit
Key players Shareholders ,employees ,customers
Business activities Design, development and worldwide
marketing of high quality footwear,
apparel, equipment, and accessory
Industry Accessories for Industry Apparel Sporting
Scope Wide
Headquarters USA


Background of Nike :
- Nike is the most well-known sporting footwear brand on the planet. The firm grew
fast, from a few sales at a conference to a publicly traded Fortune 500 organization.
Throughout its history and background, Nike has used good marketing to set
themselves including its rivals. Thanks to two major marketing efforts, "Just Do It"
with "Air Jordan," Nike has established themselves being one of the most
fashionable companies on the planet.[CITATION Jas17 \l 1066 ]

-Nike provides items such as shoes,

bags, clothing, sports accessories, and
more to fulfill the demands of all clients.
These products are suited for all classes,
ages, and vocations. Every Nike product
is built with quality in mind, giving
clients complete peace of mind and
keeping Nike at the forefront of well-
known sports companies. In addition,
Nike's credo of putting customers' interests and pleasure first by actively soliciting
consumer input provides a distinct advantage over certain sportswear

Mission : Nike's mission is to get more every player in the globe with motivation and
technology. This purpose inspires them to achieve their full developmental
capabilities. They accomplish this through developing floor athletic breakthroughs,
improving the sustainability of their goods, assembling an extensive international
and inventive workforce, and making an impact. They are involved in their
neighborhoods, both at home and in the workplace.[ CITATION Com21 \l 1066 ]

Vision : They envision a future where everybody is a sportsman, connected by a love

of progression. They seek to encourage every sportsman in the globe and create
fitness a regular ritual, motivated by a love for sports and an aptitude for invention.
[ CITATION Com21 \l 1066 ]
Company VFF
Legal form Public limited company
Ownership Public sector
Profit or Non-profit Profit
Key players Trainer , football-players
Business activities Manage and operate football activities in
Industry Player training
Scope Narrow
Headquarters Vietnam.

1. Introduction of VFF
-Football was one of the first contemporary sports to be brought to Vietnam (around the
turn of the century), and it was well welcomed and developed, despite the fact that the
country had already been through two wars. the fight for national freedom Football is an
early sport with a professional social structure recognized by international organizations,
dating back to the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The VFA (Vietnam
Football Association) was founded.[ CITATION VFF19 \l 1066 ]

-The 1st Vietnam Football Federation Congress, comprised of 120 delegates representing
the country's football forces and organizations, convened in Hanoi in August 1989 after a
three-month preparatory period. The Congress declared the formation of the Vietnam
Football Federation (VFF), adopted the Federation's Charter, and elected the Executive
Committee after passing a report on the state of Vietnamese football and immediate duties.
A total of 26 members make up the first term (which lasts four years). VFF has contributed
to introducing and developing the image of the country and Vietnamese people in general
through football after nearly 25 years of creation and development. To regional and
worldwide friends, Vietnamese stone in particular. [ CITATION VFF19 \l 1066 ]

Size and Scope of VFF

VFF is a Vietnamese international organization that picks a number of young talents each
year, develops them into national players, and competes against a number of other
countries. Every year, the association nominates a squad to compete in other nations, which
is a great honor for Vietnamese football.

2. Logo meaning of VFF

-VFF asked well-known artists from the Vietnam Fine Arts Association, as well as lecturers
from the School of Fine Arts, to serve on the jury and conduct the test in accordance with
the rules. As a consequence, artist Nguyen Ngoc Than (General Department of Sports) won
first place and the VFF adopted his model as the Federation's official emblem.
- The logo seems to have a yellowish backdrop with red representing the country's flag, blue
representing grass in the inner circle, and the name of
the Vietnam Football Federation displayed clearly (from
1994 until 31/12/2008). Similarly, the golden star upon
that red flag in the exaggerated red border of a soccer
ball. Mostly on right side of the red and yellow strokes
are three letters. VFF is an abbreviation for three
English words ( Vietnamese Football Ferderation).

-Since November 21, 2006, VFF has been holding a

contest to design a new logo
template with the support of Football newspaper. The contest has
gained the passionate support of a significant number of artists as well
as the audience after nearly three months of operation.The contest
organizers received 647 entries on January 4, 2007, and on January 6,
2007, the Jury Council (which included representatives of the Vietnam
Association of Visual Artists, the Art Council of the Vietnam Association
of Visual Artists, lecturers from the Vietnam University of Industrial Fine
Arts, the Legal Department of the Sports Committee, and others)
conducted the judging and selection process.The Jury continued to
choose the three most exceptional works for the final round from
among the ten fantastic works that entered the competition, and the delegates formally
validated the contestants' work selection. The work of author Nguyen Cong Quang took first
place in the VFF logo design contest.

-The VFF's Executive Board formally announced a decision on April 28, 2008, to announce
the adoption of the VFF's new logo (logo) in all connected transactions beginning May 1,
2008. The previous logo will be phased out on December 31, 2008. [ CITATION VFF19 \l 1066 ]

3.Vision,Mission and Goals of VFF

 Vision :
-Determine and decide the two-level VFF structure in line with the unique conditions
of our nation in order to improve sociality.
-Prioritizing kids and female's football training; the football movement aims at
contributing actively to the Program "Improve the physical strength and stature of
Vietnamese via sports nutrition and exercise till 2020."
-Looking for a high development, young talented players, and national teams in
order to firmly maintain their place as one of the top three nations in the area and
attain a position in the "Top 15" leading countries on the continent” by 2020.
-Keep promoting Vietnamese sport's cooperation with the rest of the globe
-Perform investigations and implement practical methods to increase the value of
Vietnamese football "products" in order to provide steady and growing income
streams to support the goals outlined in the Vietnamese soccer development plan
until 2020.
• Mission :
-Enhance the performance of international and national football teams.
-Framework for the foundation's athletes, as well as talented young athletes, to get
-Raise the effectiveness of the National Championship (V-League) and other national
football competitions.
-Human resource development and training for managing, operating, and organizing
football operations
-Establishing sports facilities, hosting wide football contests, and promoting football
initiatives, as well as finding ways to collect finances
• Goals :
-Concerning the development of young football players,
+ Per year, an average of 4,000 young athletes aged 11 to 18 who have a lot of
potential train intensively.
+ Yearly, around 400 young athletes aged 14 to 18 are focused at the central level
and trained by international specialists; each year, about 24-48 young athletes train
-The Vietnam Football Federation is self-sufficient in terms of finances:
+ The VFF's yearly income ranges from 100 to 130 billion VND.
+ Each professional league's annual profit is between 40 and 50 billion VND.
-A system of playing fields, training facilities, athlete training facilities, sports medical
centers, and a staff of skilled sports coaches and physicians are available to 100%
professional football clubs. Professional accreditation and training. [ CITATION VFF14 \l
1066 ]
Company Reebok Company
Legal form Public limited company
Ownership Private Sector
Profit or Non-profit Profit
Key players Shareholders , customers
Business activities Produces and sells a variety of running,
fitness, apparel, and footwear goods.
Industry The world's second-largest manufacturer of
sports clothing and a shoe industry leader.
Scope Wide
Headquarters Canton, Massachusetts, US
Bolton, Greater Manchester, UK
1.Background of Reebok
-Since 2005, it has been a component of the German business Adidas, which produces
sneakers, clothes, and accessories. The identity of the firm is derived from the Afrikaans
translation of the African antelope rhebok. When Joseph William Foster came up with the
notion of a running shoe in 1890 in the little town of Holcombe Brook, six miles northeast of
Bolton, England, he produced a shoe that is still popular today. Sporting sneakers that are
brand new. In 1895, he and his sons formed J.W. Foster and Sons, a shoe firm based on their

-Reebok International Ltd. is a prominent sports footwear and clothing manufacturer in the
globe. The firm rose to prominence by creating a new market for athletic shoes for women
who were interested in both fashion and function, and then building on that success by
diversifying into other sports and goods, as well as pursuing business all over the world.
Reebok presently offers footwear and apparel under the names Reebok, Weebok, Greg
Norman, Rockport, Ralph Lauren, and Polo Sport in the sports, fitness, and casual markets.
About 150 factory direct outlets, including Reebok, Rockport, and Greg Norman, are also
operated by the business.[CITATION Ref20 \l 1066 ]
- Many Vietnamese fashionistas, particularly those with a penchant for sports shoes, are
familiar with the brand Reebok Vietnam (Reebok Vietnam). The brand runs advertising
strategies on a regular basis to allow sports fans to flaunt their skills and win important
prizes at the Reebok shop. Reebok items are also reasonably priced; you can acquire a good
pair of quality sports shoes for around 2 million VND, or a cap and apparel item for around
500 thousand VND. Furthermore, when you use iPrice Vietnam's promos and discount
coupons, you may be able to get a better deal on the goods.

Competitors of Reebok: ASICS, FILA,Skechers,New Balance ,Adidas,PUMA,Nike ,Under


2.Logo meaning of Reebok

-Reebok's new logo, dubbed "Delta," debuted in 2013. The word
"Reebok" is printed in black lettering and is followed by a red
triangle symbol in an aesthetically simple design. The brand
name is written in a slick beaucoup de font that stands out
thanks to a few modest grammatical tweaks. The uppercase B's
top, the R's midsection, and the K's center are all trapezoidal

-The aircraft form at the ending of the logo is mirrored by these rectangular sections of the
Reebok typeface. The shape is made up of three bright red elongated triangular prism that
create either side of the delta. It has a little rectangle of empty space in the center since
they don't contact at their tips. As a result, it's also known as the Reebok triangle logo.

3. The relationship between Reebok and Adidas

-Adidas launched a "blockbuster" contract to purchase
Reebok for $ 3.8 billion in 2006 to establish a
counterbalance to competitor Nike in the North
American market, but it did not generate results after a
little while. In recent years, stakeholders have begun to
push Adidas to take particular steps in a location that is
Swoosh's home turf. After more than a decade of
fruitless attempts to resuscitate the Reebok's commercial
viability, Adidas finally put the brand on sale in February 2021.

-And, more recently, Adidas has reached an agreement to sell Reebok, but not with the well-
known names in the sports field that were known and explored when adidas began selling it
at the beginning of the year, such as VF Corp. (currently owning Supreme, The North Face,
Vans, Timberland, Dickies...) or Anta International Group Holdings (owning Anta, Fila,
Salomon, Arc'Teryx...), but with a completely different company. Adidas is selling Reebok to
Authentic Brands Group (ABG) for 2.1 billion euros (5.5 billion dollars) in order to plan and
focus more on core principles in the face of investor pressure. [ CITATION Mar21 \l 1033 ]
Size of Reebok company:
-With a lot of employees, this is a pretty large firm. The Reebok Company has several
locations across the world. In Australia and India, the Reebok Company operates one branch
each. This function provides residents of these businesses, as well as nationalities of other
businesses, with several possibilities to purchase Reebok footwear and use Reebok's goods.

-The firm operates 100 unique locations around India and seems to have a dealer network in
2500 multi-brand boutiques. The company has been opening one store every week and has
a goal of opening one every 24 to 48 hours. The business also takes use of Adidas' efficient
supply chain in India's main cities.[ CITATION Hit19 \l 1033 ]

Variable Sports shoes, apparel and accessories
Age People of all ages
Religions Every religion in the world
Income Mid- and high-income earners all use
Reebok products
Social class Middle and upper class
Gender All genders can use Reebok products
Reebok's products are created for everyone, according to the target customer table above.
These items are available to everyone, from the young to the old, from the upper to the
lower classes, and from the upper to the lower classes. Reebok's greatest goods,
demonstrating that the company always provides customers with the most convenient
options.[ CITATION Ree21 \l 1066 ]

4.Vision,Mission and Goals of Reebok

 Vision : -Achieve all maximum capabiliti
+Reebok is committed to giving every individual, from elite athletes to
occasional joggers to youngsters in the playground, the tools, products, and
motivation they need to reach their goals. power. Everyone should have the
ability to achieve greatness.
+Reebok has a one-of-a-kind chance to assist customers, athletes and artists,
customers and workers realize their full potential and achieve new heights.
 Mission : -Reebok's purpose expresses its belief in its own potential,
innovation, and desire to be different.
+With its ingenuity, Reebok demonstrates its determination to always
challenge and lead. Reebok rose to prominence by forging its own route with
freestyle aerobics, and the company recognizes the value of originality in a
competitive corporate environment. Emphasizes the significance of
innovation in the success of the project by defying standards.
+Reebok's creative potential has a number of outlets. The belief in creative
exploration is reflected in Reebok's marketing campaigns and products
Goals : -Reebok has a single goal: to assist individuals all over the world
achieve their full potential in brain regions involved, psychological, and
interpersonal well-being. Their goal is to be the finest fitness company in the
world, therefore they design and develop the best exercise equipment and
experiences for individuals who live a healthy lifestyle. This is a purpose that
its staff wholeheartedly embrace. It's something that people witness in
themselves and in fitness communities all across the world on a daily basis.
Staff at their offices are encouraged to set up a time during their workweek
to pursue new physical objectives in addition to achieving personal and


Company Operation Smile Vietnam
Legal form Volunteer Organizations
Ownership Voluntary sector
Profit or Non-profit Non-profit
Key players Citizen
Business activities Helping poor children and adults
with cleft lip and cleft palate
Industry Healthcare
Scope Wide
Headquarters Vietnam.

Background: -After the horrific war, the Smile Surgery Foundation was one of
the first non-profit organizations to arrive in Vietnam as a sign of hope and
healing between the two countries. In February 1989, a group of 38 US
volunteers, including seven Vietnam veterans, arrived in Vietnam and
embarked on a 30-year mission to provide free medical examinations and
surgery to children. Cleft lip, cleft palate, and other facial abnormalities are
common in Vietnamese children. The Smile Surgery Foundation has already
reached over 62,000 youngsters, up from the original 100 who had their lives
and futures changed.[CITATION Ope21 \l 1066 ]
-As their goal enters a new age, Smile Surgery Foundation continues to work
for the stability of each program by educating and training healthcare
professionals, improving local medical systems, and assisting policymakers.
This will result in substantial and long-term improvements that will benefit
millions of people. The mending process might take a long time, but even a
thousand-mile trip starts with a single movement.
Vision,Mission and Goals: Operation Smile Vietnam has a clear objective of
growing the experience of volunteer doctors and recruiting more volunteers
to serve the community in the future, with the intention to reach out to the
globe to help people in tough situations. better organization.

Memorable achievements:[ CITATION Ope211 \l 1066 ]

-They provide medical and dental practice to thousands of people by
connecting renowned medical and health specialists around the country.
-Over the course of the organization's 32-year history, medical volunteers
have offered free and effective medical services to more than 62,000 people.
-Nearly 800,000 volunteer hours from medical experts in the United States
and internationally have been donated, equating to $62,400,000 in values.

Size and Scope: Operation Smile Vietnam is a volunteer group that goes to
many nations and assists a huge number of people. Since a result, the
organization's size is fairly vast, as each event attracts more volunteers from
all over the world. People are also pleased by their contribution or sincerity
to the organization. The majority of the organization's volunteers are young
and educated doctors and students, as well as students with a kind and
passionate heart.
IX. Relationships between various organizational activities and
How they relate to the structure of the organization
Structures reflect the lines of power, communications, rights, and responsibilities of an
organization. The way roles, authority, and duties are allocated, managed, and coordinated,
as well as how information moves across levels of management, is determined by
organizational structure. Any structure would be determined by the organization's goals and
strategy. The highest layer of management in a centralized system holds the majority of
decision-making authority and tight control over departments and divisions. [ CITATION Squ20
\l 1066 ]

Organizational structure of Reebok company

-Reebok's organization chart shows the company having its headquarters exclusively
in the United States. A single manager is in charge of each employee. The Chairman
is the top executive of the company, overseeing key departments. As seen in the
diagram, there are departments that can work together to get the best results, for
example, the Marketing department and the strategy department can support each
other in making advertising strategies. the best report to get the fastest market
access.The global market department will receive products from the Product
department responsible for bringing those products to customers and generating
significant sales for the company. The apparel department will work with the
creative department to come up with unique and bold ideas about the wear,
packaging, and quality of each product. The chief operating officer is the person who
runs the day-to-day operations of the divisions and reports directly to the CEO, the
finance department will provide economic support to other departments in the
company. This complements the company with quick management and monitoring,
as well as fixing weak areas and gaps of departments. Ensure that all employees
complete their tasks with high productivity and high monthly turnover.
 Chief Operating Officer : The COO is the person who runs the day-to-day affairs of
the business and reports directly to the president. Receive direction from the
chairman to hold meetings with subordinates and support leaders of different
 Senior Vice President and General Manager : The Senior Vice President has the same
responsibilities as the President but with less authority. In case the President is
absent, the Senior Vice President will be the legal representative in accordance with
the law. The General Manager is a senior manager with overall responsibility for
managing both the company's revenue and expenses. A General Manager typically
oversees almost all of a company's marketing and sales functions as well as the day-
to-day operations of the business.
 Vice president of Apparel and Director Apprel : Monitor production and preparation
as well as employee productivity
 Vice president of creative direction and Vice president of global strategy,
tranformation and purpose: The Vice President of Creative direction is someone who
has the experience to provide creative teams with guidance and ideas for launching
impressive new projects. It is someone who will come up with concepts and
strategies for a particular business company and will monitor its progress. Vice
president of global strategy, transformation and purpose is a person who applies the
knowledge, techniques and methods of strategic management of enterprises to
provide strategic services for the integrated or single system of development
planning and structure. organization, business model, operating process, corporate
culture, brand, marketing, human resources, tax obligations, informationization,
management for businesses.
 Vice president of product operation , product director and global product director
,energy collaboration: Operating System will be in charge of creating internal goods
that will form the foundation of the company's intellectual property.
 Vice president global market : For all local, international, and global transactions, the
day-to-day manager is in charge of implementing marketing partner initiatives.
Working together with global brand partners to develop the highest quality products
and bring them to market.
 Vice president finance and Director cosumer finance : In terms of maintaining track
of the company's finances and forecasting future financial investments and goals.
The vice president of finance (VP of finance) is comparable to the chief financial
officer (CFO), and in smaller organizations, the two jobs are merged into one.
What impact does the organisational management have?
Positive : The benefit of Reebok's management structure is that it substantially promotes
the manufacturing and innovation such as machines and athletic shoes, which are current
and in high demand. Furthermore, thanks to worldwide and influencer department like
Marketing and Global Market, the company's products are more extensively marketed,
allowing buyers to obtain the items. Getting ever closer towards other economies, such as
Europe or Africa, is easier. These assets help the firm compete in current economy,
particularly against a large rival like Nike. Additionally, depending on the efforts of workers
and the faith of consumers, these objective factors will assist the firm in improving its
finances as well as sales.

Negative: Even though this management chart has many strengths, it also has numerous
downsides, such as duplication and redundant human resources, which causes problems in
corporate communication between heads and departments. divide. As a result, it's likely
that the company's departments will have to compete with one another. However, despite
the aforesaid advantages, buyers continue to trust that Reebok will have flawless
coordination and deliver high-quality items at cheap costs.


Nike Company : Nike is a huge and productive corporation that delegated responsibilities
and set very clear objectives. Nike has been able to grow strongly in each of its product
groups because to the hierarchy department then the above efficient clustering.Each item
seems to have its own set of plans, policies, and development objectives in order to best
meet consumer demands. Separating the corporation into business units is also more costly
than a consolidated strategy.Furthermore, enabling parts of the business to support the
organisation in the international markets has a disadvantage when it comes to negotiating
long-term licensing terms with vendors and distribution processes, because each unit is
primarily concerned with its own aims, not really the company's current objectives.

VFF : Within the framework of the legislation and the Federation Charter recognized by the
Ministry of Home Affairs, VFF organizes and functions just on ideas of voluntariness,
democracy, unity of action, majority decision, and self-management. VFF is under the
Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism's state supervision of physical training and sports.
As a result, this organization may need to work with state agencies, economic and social
organizations to mobilize and gather members to participate in the development of the
Vietnamese football movement, particularly among teenagers, students, and students, in
order to improve people's physical health and create an environment conducive to
discovering and nurturing football talents. Furthermore, developing and improving a
framework for training football talent of all ages and professional football-oriented national
teams. Finally, managers' training programs will be developed. Football managers, coaches,
trainers, and referees should all be utilized effectively.

Operation Smile Vietnam: Since it's a volunteer-run non-profit. Operation Smile Vietnam
has established a network of medical experts who offer to take out surgery missions in
disadvantaged and underprivileged areas in accordance with international standards.
Through efficient and safe surgeries, joint development partnerships with the government,
departments, health insurance industry, healthcare facilities, associates, individual citizens,
as well as sponsors, and a broad range of training, natural science enrichment, tech
assistance, hospital instruments, machinery, and human people, Operation Smile Vietnam
helps to close the gap. As a result, many people in severe financial conditions and in poor
health across the country have benefited.

In summary, despite the fact that these businesses have various management tasks, they all
have the desire to provide the greatest and most flawless products to their customers. Apart
from that, these organizations help to develop a strong economy for the country and will
continue to reach out to the rest of the globe in the future.
We have such a good handle of the business environment, organizational structure, and
how they interact as a result of the study. To emphasize the variations between the four
firms, we may describe three distinct sorts of organizations, their sizes, and categories, as
well as their legal form, vision, mission, and commercial goals, as well as their shareholders
in different corporations. Furthermore, we obtain a better grasp of the structure of the
organization and the interactions between its sections by looking at the organizational chart
of a public business.
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