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David Spencer nts Becource Cantre Contents | 52 Serr) Tela Poe feas] Study > Unusual degrees helpline 6 Studying at university Effective time management Life at university do and make An informal email Work conditions and responsibilities Nine to five pis > Working life What do you want Working life from work? Phrasal verbs connected with work ‘An opinion essay Rd On the move Words connected p32 Ww nsport and > Ajourney into the future feos Food miles: The great debate journey, travel, weed: Astory Prefixes > The incredible tise of Dynamo Extraordinary talents pad Personality adjectives Noun suffixes The theory of multiple intelligences Ananicle Units 3-4 p Buying and selling > Money: A brief matters pe ps8 Money and banking The dangers of Phrasal verbs Use connected with money and shopping A formal letter/ Present simple, present Organisation: | continuous and Managing study present habits time Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous WB Gerunds and infinitives = 1 The world of work Evaluating jobs Past simple and past continuous WB rast habits Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous Future forms The world around oh you: Investigating Future food miles continuous, future perfect simple and future perfect continuous Learning to learn: | Learning about intelligence ‘Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs Bother ways of making comparisons Articles 50, such, too, enough Modal verbs of obligation, prohibition and advice - present Money and finance: Avoiding debt @ Modal verbs of obligation, prohibition and advice - past Modal verbs of speculation and deduction - past, present and future 1 ee Si -. > Revising for exams > Giving personal Effective time management _'nformation - preferences Giving personal information Interviewing tk > Agap year Job satisfaction Regotiating Talking about dream jobs Answering questions d > The future of drones Talking about 7 Food miles em Talking about transport Comparing photos Making predictions 0 > Hidden talent > Presentations - 1 Study tips Talking about illusionists Giving a presentation Giving explanations Ps} > An informal email replying to a request for information Reading: Matching act Whiting Transactional tasks Ati management plan » An opinion essay — 1 Listening: Matching people A job fact file and statements Speaking: Negotiating and collaborating » Astory Reading: Missing se A presentation about Es food miles Writing: Stories An article —1 Use of English: Word Suacttips sve actives, formation cloze activities ‘Speaking: Giving presentations > Bitcoins > Talking about Planning a budget Pete Talking about money Talking about photos Discussing bitcoins, > A formal letter/email of complaint Listening: Completing notes Speaking: Talking about A monthly budget photos Nr I ORM Clu aL fO3 Healthy Parts ofthe body «Health news Zero, fistand second Physical living Words connected Nutrition and cepciiong. wel being: | p70 with health teenagers inthe unless, as long as, Ungeatancing ldiomsconnected —UR/SuNvey results provided/providing cosa with health and iliness | Aforandagainst hats incase essay Third conditional GBI wishiit only Creative arts Music and film > Aloe Blacc: Reported speech Autonomy and p84 iedihabiy Hf songwriters statements enterprise can't afford to Bringing ideas Compound nouns make music then Feporec'sPeech= ——olife and adjectives who will? aan aa Reported speech ~ Ero mcturicang other reporting verbs FAQs Panne G@ Reported speech other reporting structures, ' Areview Surviving Natural disasters, > Tounamil A 21" The passive Citizenship: disaster Words connected certurysurvival — The passive verbs NelBing@ charity py with natural disasters solution. with two objects. Howwe treat Ebola Pitre pa say, know, be Prepositional phrases with verbs ‘An opinion essay Pe Bight Wied oe ton Relative clauses ICT: Using ’ o fare connectad with generation of * technology : Students and infinitives - 2 computers Newsfeed News sections > News 24/7 Future activities in the Critical thinking: » piz2 Nevis fede aeons past Analysing news : a ee guide Mixed conditional acres 4 etuens with the — Anarticle w idtieet euestone « Question tags Toy pia Ce en eel a > Teenagers and sport > Negotiating and > Afor-and-against essay Use of English: Sentence collaborating ~ 2 transformation activities fod nutrition Abealthy eating campaign Talking about health Writing: Forand-against and opinion essays Discussing sports > Superfans > Discussions - 1 > Areview Speaking: Discussions king Reviews funding campaign bout music A.crowdfunding campaign Writ Discussing @ newspaper Discussing superfans > The tsunami survivor Talking about statistics > An opinion essay-2 Reading: Multiple-cheice ty wh isanexample te taking about natural An information poster _=etiities we disasters Listening: True/False enatng money to chaity Comparing ideas acliiec tee > Solving problems > Discussions — » Areport Use of English: Cloze .chnology for Talking about the use of Aplen for using technology tivities I work nology Writing: Reports J > Was the mystery artist Presentations ~ 2 > An article -2 Reading: Tre/False t Bootsy? Describing headlines Areport somites A media debate Listening: Multiple-choice iscussing the media o g se activities Giving a presentation i, Study eleroll Cla Studying at university ‘1c SPEAKING Work with a partner. How many of these subjects do you know? architecture « business studies » dentistry engineering = geology « law * medicine nursing * philosophy « polities psychology + sociology veterinary medicine 1b What other university subjects can you think of? Make a list. Je Which of the subjects in 1a and 1b interest you? 2. |SFEAKING Work with a partner. Read part of ‘an email and decide if the words in red are nouns or verbs. What do you think they mean? Most of the students I've met so far are undergraduates. But there are others who' akeady graduated and are studying to get a second degree or a master’s. On my course have about 12 hours of lectures a week and | attend a couple of tutorials, too. Throughout the term, there's continuous assessment of our coursework and assignments ~ my tutor «gives me a grade or mark for each piece of work, There are usually exams too, so, of course | need to keep my notes up-to-date and revise. In'some cases, you fail an exam, you can resit it. But don't worry, that won't happen to me = I'm sure I'll pass!! What about you? How is fe going at your university? | 3. Now use a dictionary to check any words in 2 that you are not sure about. When using a dictionary, remember that many English words have more than one meaning and can have more than one form (e.g. they can be a noun and a verb). 4 Usteitlé © 01 Listen to the vocabulary quiz. Answer the eight questions with words from 1 and 2. Life at university 5 Complete the sentences with words a-g. 1. Some people don't want to study in their country. They want to study At university it's usually easy to make new When you live away from home, you become more Students who don't live at home often live in a hall of onwn If you haven't got enough money to pay for your studies you can apply for a student 6 Atuniversty, there are lots of clubs that organise extracurricular 7 Universities have gyms, libraries, language centres and other a abroad e. independent b activities f friends residence g facilities loan 6a Complete the questions with the words a-g in 5. 1 Doyyou do any extracurricular ? 2. What special for students are there in your school? 3. Do you find it easy to make new 2 4 Have you become more inthe way you study? How? 5. Would you like to study vin the UK or the US, for example? 6 Would you prefer to live at home or in a hall of 2 7 Isit easy to get a student in your country if you don’t have enough money to study? ‘6b SPEMINS Use the questions to interview your partn: ant you SYK! Work with a partner. Do you think you can study the things above at university? Why/ Why not? 2 REAOING Read the comments (a-e) from an Internet forum and match them to pictures 1-5. a b e d e PAs) In reading activities where you match questions with texts, remember that the words in the question may not be exactly the same in the text. > EXAM SUCCESS page 144 3. Match the people (a-e) with the questions below. F Which person # is excited about going to a particular place for their course? 1 i = is confident about their future thanks to their course? 2 = thinks it’s as valid to study modern culture as older culture? 3 = believes that people think their subject, is all practice and no theory? 4 thinks other people would like to study their course? 5 clearly prefers the practical side of their course? 6 4 e Think! Then compare ideas with your class. # Aro those subjects too specialised, in your opinion? 2 yif 5 What do the underlined words in the text mean? Guess and then check in your dictionary. 5 SHEWIKE What about you? Which of these subjects would you most like to study? Why? ae CHAT ROOM anes ea place for Pola Lag in’ ear Saaren You are here: Home > Forums > Uni courses UNUSUAL DEGREES {Tm having a bilant time at uni at the moment The only problem is that I'm not studying a typical subject lke engineering or business studies. Im ing baking technology management. Some people think that all do is Dake bread and cakes, But there is a lot mere toi than the. I's true that on Wednesdays and Fridays We alwvays do practical assignments, but on the other days we do essays and exam preparation like everybody else, There's ‘anather thing that drives me mad, People are forever asking me tomake them thei favourite cake! b ¥ f [My first degree course wasn't very unusual | did sociology. But now I'm in the meddle of a master’s =" ‘Course ented "The Beatles, Popular music and Society’. When | tell people, usually they'l stat singing an old Beatles tune. Then they'll ask me why I'm wasting my time studying pep music. | don't see why they think it's ‘OK to study classical music or Iterature but rot the music and ‘words of a group that changed the modem word. Anyway, what somebody studies is always a very personal choice. I'm doing a degree that’s relatively new, Digitl and Social Media. People think that | spend allay on social media networks. Of course, | enjoy using social media, but the degree goes into the whole ‘area in great depth. We even study things lke the philosophical ‘and ethical implications of social media, But for me the best thing ‘about the course is that i's very hands-on, For example, we get 12.weaks of work experience in a digital agency, Maya that’s ‘why 91% of students who study this course find a job @s soon as they graduate. You guys have i easy! People never stop asking me where my helmet is when | tol ther that Im ‘doing Viking studies. | suppose that it does seem a strange thing to study, but I've always been fascinated by the Vikings. That's why | decided to specakse. People usualy think that, because I's so specialised, there isn’t much to do, I's just the opposite! We study Scancinevian languages, and learn about contemporary Danish and Icelandic cuiture. Undergraduates spend their third year in a Scandinavian University, which I'm looking forward to. And no, we don't need to wear Vizing helmets when we'ra ther. People are usually relly jaalous when | tel them that I'm studying surt science and technology. It's only a two-year course, but we do a whole variety of subjects, including the history of surfing, sports psychology, and practical work creating a dynamic surfooard. ‘What | realy ko about the course aro th other students. We all share the same passion for suring, so it means we all gat on really well and work together as a team, a Look at the verbs in these sentences and name the tenses. 1. On Wednesdays and Fridays we always do practical assignments, 2. I'm having a brilliant time at the moment. 2. People study better when they're interested in the subject. 4 People are forever asking me to make them a cake. 5. They think that there isn't much to do. 1b Read the explanations and match them with 2 We use the present simple for routines and habits. b We use the present simple for things that are generally or always true. We use the present simple, not the present continuous, for verbs that describe states and situations, not actions. d_ We use the present continuous for actions that are happening at or around the moment of speaking. ‘@ We can use the present continuous with alnays, constantly, continually or forever for habits that annoy or irritate us. Geese) 2 Choose the correct alternative 11 Thanks to you, | understand/am understanding now. 2. The Moon goes/is going round the Earth. 3. Listen! Somebody comes/is coming, 4 5 Temperatures get/are getting higher each year. My brother usually walks/is usually walking to the University, but this week he goes/is going by bus. 6 Do you wear/Are you wearing a uniform at your school? 7 | don't agree/am not agreeing that it's better to study at home. 8 That course soundl/is sounding really interesting, 3c PROWNEUTON G 02 Listen to the sentences and mark the word which the speaker stresses most. 1. They're constantly arriving late 2 You're always saying that 3. Shes forever complaining, 4 He's continually talking about football, ‘3b Practise saying the sentences with the stress on the correct words. Present simple, present continuous and present habits 40 Complete the dialogues with the present simple or present continuous form of these verbs. coach : What's the matter? : Its my brother. He music loud. : Why isn't your sister here? : She's at the Language Academy. She Italian on Wednesdays. 3. A: You're angry with me, aren’t you? B: Yes, |am. You your dirty plates ‘on the table. 4. A: Why don't you like this TV presenter? B: He the same things. 5. A: Are you coming on the trip on Saturday? B: Ican't | the junior basketball team and there are matches every Saturday. 4b S#EAKING Work with a partner. Practise saying the dialogues using the correct word stress. 5 SPEAKING Talk about things people do that annoy you. Present perfect simple and present aes 6c Match sentences 1-4 with the explanations of their uses a-d. 1 We've been here for four weeks. 2 I've met lots of interesting people. 3. I've just realised something, 4 I've made a timetable. It’s on my wall a Anaction which started in the past and continues in the present b An action that happened at an unspecified moment in the past © A past action which has a result in the present d_ An action which finished very recently 6b Look at these sentences. Which is present perfect simple and which is present perfect continuous? How do we form these tenses? 1 I've been studying here for a month. 2 I've joined three clubs. 6c Which tense gives more importance to ... 11 the completion and result of an action? 2 the process and duration of an action? 3. how many times an action happens? 4 an action that is incomplete or has finished recently? Ea 7 SHEAING: Work with a partner. These words often go with the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. Talk about why and how we use the words. 1 for 5 just 2 since 6 already 3 ever 7 yet 4 never 8 Rewrite the sentences using the correct tense. Correct the words in bold. 1. She's been failing six exams. 2 I've lived here for 2012, 3 We've been to that city in 2008. 4. I've done this assignment for two weeks, but | haven't finished yet 5. My friend has been having an accident. 6 That artist has been painting more than a hundred paintings. They've been revising for that exam since five hours. 8 Oh no! My keys and my wallet! | lost them, 9 |haven't been doing this exercise yet. 10 I've waited here for a bus for 20 minutes. 9a Complete the questions with the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. How long have you ...?, How long have you been ...? Have you ever ..? How many times have you ...? What have you been ...? Have you just ...? eounens ‘9b SPEAKING Interview your partner with the completed questions. Tell the class one interesting thing you found out about your partner. E do and make 1 Look at these words. Do they usually go with do or with make? Make two lists. a cake + a course + a decision « an assignment an exam + anoise » chores « friends » homework the dinner « the shopping = the washing = well 2 Complete the rules with do or make. 1 We usually use with work at school or university. 2 We usually use with work around the house. 3. We usually use with things we produce, create or construct 4 We usually use when we talk about activities in general 5 Weuse a noise, friends, an appointment, an effort, en excuse, with these words: a mistake, a decision, money, progress, a phone call, a plan, a promise, an offer, a suggestion. 6 We use business, sport, your hair with these words: your best, a favour 3 Complete the text with the correct form of do or make. Last year a good university (a) my brother an offer to study electronic engineering there. He (b) the decision to accept their offer. He has to (c) alot of ‘work, but his tutors say that he (d) very well at the moment and that he (e) a lot of progress. He has to 6 a lot of theoretical exercises, but he also has to ) practical assignments. Right now, for example, they (h) a simple computer from old parts. The only use he problem is that my brother is becoming unhealthy bec never has time to (i) sports and he always eats out because he doesn't have time to (i) ork) ® an effort to (m) the shopping lunch or dinner. My mum says he needs to those simple chores, but | understand that its hard. There isn’t time to (n) everything! 40 Choose three expressions with do and three with make. Use the expressions to write questions to ask other people in your class. What do you think is the best way to make new friends? How do you feel when you make mistakes speaking English? What course would you like to dé at university? 4b SPEAKING Interview as many people as possible with your questions. la ee = To plan your study tin a Read the statements in the quiz. Decide how true each one is for you - very true (VT), quite true (QT) or not true (NT). ARE YOU A GOOD TIME MANAGER? | sometimes arrive late to class. 2 I'm not very sure what lessons | have each day. 3. | often have to finish assignments quickly at the last minute. 4. | sometimes hand in work late. 5. Isometimes forget to hand in homework or assignments. 6 | take a long time to get myself ready to do homework or assignments. 7. I'm quite easily distracted when I'm studying or doing homework. 8 don't have much time to relax from schoolwork. ‘Ib SPEAKING! Work with a partner. Are your answers similar? Read the key below and then discuss. If you replied ‘not true’ to most answers, you Pe ee an techniques do you currently aro Seen esr Te ama hy most answers, you need to work on your time Bec Peete cessed Boece ancg Com atary distract [v)/distraction [n]: The television can distract you/be 2 distraction while you're studying. put off [v phri: Do it today, don’t put it off until tomorrow! disturb [v]: Please don’t come to my room and disturb me. I need to concentrate, deadline [nl: The deadline for the assignment is Friday. That the last day you can hand it in. prioritise (VI: We need to learn to priortise, and do everything in order of importance. 2. SPEHINS Work with a partner. Look at these headings from a study guide about effective time management. What advice will each section give? Don't keep putt things off until late Start small and easy Enjoy more free time! Work backwards from deadlines A B c D Use a timetable, study planner or diary E F Watch out for distractions s Expect the unexpected 3. REAING Read the text and match each heading with the correct section. Pa eCtis meh st management ‘This is essential. students are busy people ‘There are always lessons to goto, homework and assignments to do, and exams and tests to prepare for The only way you can ternernber all that is by having it written down somewhere, Write ‘down everything you need to do as soon as you find ‘out about it and make sure you check it at the start and end of each day. Many people find that the most difficult part of doing an assignment, homework or revision is getting started. And so they suddenly find excuses for not beginning, They need to check their emails see if they have any text messages, prepare a hot drink ... Decide on a specific time to start and fnish the work you need to do, and stick to these times, Remember, the sooner you start, the earlier you finish. Sometimes a piece of work seems so long ‘and difficult that we don't know ‘where to begin, But remember the Chinese saying: ‘The longest journey begins with just one Step! So start small Break a big task into smallerpieces. Vy py ‘Another trick can be to do the easiest part of the task first. This can encourage you to continue. 4. Read the text again and answer these questions. 1 es the author fable or study plar ommend using a diary, 2. What is the advantage of starting work on time? 3. Why is it useful to ‘start small’? 4. What things does the author mention that can distract you from your work? 5 sit fair to blame the bus or broken technology for not handing work in on time? 6 How do you ‘work backwards from deadlines’? > 5 Fcee lisioiie| © 03 Watch or listen to four students talking about their time management. What issues do they ask for advice about? 6 © 03 Watch oF listen again. Make notes of Deana's tips to the students about their time management. Student | Deana’s tips let yourself get distracted and be particularly careful with technology, It may be ‘OK to check your phone for urge once or twice. But using social messages ee ee ' edia networks Veuae % is bound to keep you from your work. No excuses ‘a time to study, and another time to check out your friends’ latest posts or a new Bea 0, Also, ask your family politely not to disturb you specific times. ene If you go to school by bus, remember that the - bus can sometimes be late. Ifyou need to use F : computer orprinter foran assignment,have 7 SRM Work with a partner. Which of the ideas + a plan Bif the technology breaks down. What in the video/listening do you . you can’t do is blame the bus five times a week, 1 doaleady? cor spend a week making the excuse that you couldn't print out your homework 2. think are a good idea to try out? \Whien you know the deading 4 piece of work, calculate how lo to doit, Remember to include any eading or research, Decide ifyou need to doa draft a version fist. Finally decide how long you need So write up your fnal version, Calculate the ad xK total time you need and, with your d when you think you can ft the werk in, With al information, decide when you need to startin order to nist before the deadline. iary, check 1 You want to manage your time better. Follow this plan: | 1. Make a list oF all the schoolwork that you know SB the good news is that when you use efficient you have to do in the next few weeks, plus the i time management strategies, you should finish dead eee aR work earlier and have more time to relax! en you should start each piece of ssa Saturday 26" Sept ember and 3 White a plan for the next few wee work which is most urgent in one col the work that can wait in another. * 4 Now make signs with the five most useful tips 7 you 10 manage your study time better. Keep 1em with you or in your room and make sure 1 Match statements 1-10 in Listening exercise 1 with these rules. We use the gerund as the subject/object of a sentence. 1 ~ a b with go to talk about physical — = activities 1 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Look at these statements made BREE Work wi ] iaeeatarel € after propositions. students about revising for exams. Which ones do you Ravaee (good den? 9 x d after verbs of liking or disliking (except when the verb goes with 11 Reading your notes again and again is useful would, e.g. would like, would 2. Its good to revise with other students. prefer. 3. | always go to the library to revise. @ after certain verbs like admit, avoid, 4 | revise by reading my notes and then asking somebody to test me. eansidas: involve, risk suggest 5. | can't stand revising so | leave all my revision to the last week We use the infinitive before the exams. # to explain why somebody does 6 | fee! stressed when | revise so | go running or swimming regularly something. to help me relax @. Immediately after adjectives 7. My revision strategy involves drinking lots of coffee and going to fh efter too, enough; the first, the last ped ps i after certain verbs like agree, 8 | always need to take a break after 45 or $0 minutes of study. appear, arrange, ask, decide, 9 Thelast thing | do before the real exam is do a practice exam expect, forget, helo, learn, manage, 10 | avoid revising everything, | just revise some of the topics and need, promise, try, want. hope they come up in the exam, EST 2 UST © 04 Listen to two teenagers talking about revision. Which three ideas in 1 does the boy mention? Has he prepared well for the exam or not? 3 © dé Listen again and choose the best answer. 1. Last night the boy a didn't sleep at all b didn't sleep much, € slept badly because of nerves. 2. The students found out about the exam a four weeks ago. b yesterday. € four days ago. 3. On Fridays the boy a goes out b does sport. 4 The boy a doesn’t understand all the exam topics. b_ doesn't like some of the exam topics. ¢ hasn't got notes forall the topics. 5. The boy thinks he isn’t going to pass the exam as a he needs to answer all the questions b he’s studied the wrong topics. € he’s studied last year’s exam 4 SPOKNG What about you? 1 Have you ever had a bad experience in a test or exam? What happened? Was it because you didn’t prepare? 2. What is your top tip for doing well in exams? Why? 2a Choose the correct alternative. TWO UNUSUAL REVISION TECHNIQUES amazing (a) thinkina/to thine how much revision we do while we're at school or university, The problem is that (b) revising/ta re ‘kly become boring, petitive It's important (c) using/to use a variety of different revision ‘anigues for (d) Reeping/eeep revision as effecti of (e) doina/to do the ame old things, here are ;nusual techniques that work for you. mi Pee cacti at you've leat, Put athroor kitchen, living room everywhere. The idea is that you can revise fen when you go to the kitchen cupboard (h) getting/to get a biscuit! But remember that it's essential (i) having/to have a real break from time totime. Most people enjoy () singing/to sing, even if they dor actualy sing very well. Some experts suggest (k) si sing your revision notes to the tune of a song that you like You can j all day long, even Pe you walk to school, go (0) eycting/to keep your he exam your notes t And check * 2b SPEAKING Work with a partner. Would you us i] these techniques? Why/Why not? / 3. Is the gerund or infinitive used correctly in each 4 sentence? If not, rewrite it. 1 I've been studying hard so | expect passing the exam. ; 2 She suggested to study together that evening, 3. We arranged to meet in the library. 4 My friends appeared finding the exam easy. 5. | was happy because | managed passing the exam with 90% 6 Please promise not to cheat again! 7 You risk to fail if you don't start studying soon. 8 Have you ever considered to study another language? 4. Complete this exam advice with the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs given. 1. Plan your time at the start to make sure that you have enough time (finish) the exam. 2 (Start) the exam before you have read all the questions can be a bad idea. 3. We suggest (take) more than ‘one pen or pencil to the exam. 4 Don't write too fast or carelessly to avoid (create) a bad impression. 5. Think about (leave) yourself time (check) your work at the end, 6 Check that you know how many questions you need (complete) because sometimes not all questions are obligatory. 7 Ty that are obligatory. (answer) all the questions 5a Work with a partner. Complete these questions with the gerund or infinitive form of an appropriate verb. 1 Do you enjoy in the evening? 2 When you sleep, do you ever dream of 2 3. Have you ever thought of 2 4 Do you find it difficult 2 5. Have you ever considered 2 6 Doyou think that you are brave enough 7 Would you like to be the first person 2 8 Are you interested in 2 9 Atthe weekend, do you ever go 2 10 Next year do you want 2 ‘5b SPEIKNG Interview other students using your questions. Tell the class some of the things you discovered. ™! 1. ESOS: Se eS ae ee Developing speaking personal information - preferences 1 Read questions 1-6 and match each one with one of the categories a-d. 4. What do you like about the place where you live? 2. What would you like to do when you finish studying at schoo!? 3. Are you happier studying alone or with other people? 4 What things do you enjoy doing with your friends? 5 Doyyou like going to parties? 6 Are you happier doing mental or physical work? a your home and family b your interests ¢ your studies/work your plans for the future e 2. small © 05 Listen to six students answering the questions in 1. Match each student to one of the questions. Student A Student D Student B Student € Student C Student F 3 © 05 Listen again. Does each student give a reason or any personal details to support thei answer? Is it a good idea to give reasons and/or personal details? Why/Why not? 4 SPEAK Work with a partner. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions in 1. Remember to give reasons and personal details. 5. Look at the different ways of expressing fences in the Speaking bank and then do PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 7a SPAIN Work with a partner. Ask and answer Ceo uas Expressing preferences prefer = | prefer to work alone. = | prefer revising alone. I prefer studying alone to studying with other people would prefer I'd prefer to be a translator (than @ musician) = I'd prefer not to study music. would rather I'd rather live in a big city = I'd rather not live in a small town = I'd rather study than work. Put the verbs in the correct form. 1 I prefer (play) football to (do} homework 2 I'd rather (go) by bus than (walk). 3. She'd prefer weekend {not stay) in at the 4 She prefers (write) essays by hand. 5. He'd rather (write) a project than {do) an exam, 6 I'd prefer (go) by train than fy) ‘the questions. Remember to give reasons and personal details and to use expressions from the Speaking bank. Student A: Ask these questions 1. Which subjects) do you prefer studying? 2. Would you rather study at home or in a library? 3. Would you like to have an end-of-year school trip this year or would you prefer to go somewhere with your family? Student B: Ask these questions. 1. Would you prefer to study in your country or abroad? 2. Do you prefer studying with books or using a computer? 3. Would you rather have a school uniform or wear what you like? 7b Change partners and repeat. An informal email replying to a request for information Read this email from a British girl called Amy to a friend who lives in Italy. Underline the four main pieces of information that Amy asks for. Hi Sorry | haven't written for along time, but I've been revising hard for exams. Ive finished them all now © {hope 've passed! What about you? What have you been doing recent? I've got some great news! | spoke {your invitation to take part in an excl this summer, an they say that | can! hme you thnk is better, July or August? By the way,’ really tke to learn more of language when I'm there. What do you thinkis the best way for me to do that? ‘Then after I've spent some time with you in Kal, you'll come back with me and visit my family herein England, Please let me know what type of things you'd tke to do here ‘Anyway, '™m going out with my friends now to celebrate the end of our exams. I'l tell you all about it in my next email. Wite back soon! Best ws Amy 2 Look at the style of the exclamation marks Look at the Writing bank, Match these topics with the groups of expressions. Can you add any other expressions? 4. Changing topic Signing off Greetings Opening remarks ‘Asking about someone's health and activities my parents about ange programme 00 ail in 1. What things in it are typical of informal emails? 6 Useful expressions in informal emails * Hi, Dear (3 Thanks for your last email, it was great to hear from you, Sorry | haven't written for a long time, I'm writing to tell you about (o) What about you? How are you? How are things? Are you doing exams/on holiday at the moment? What have you been doing? —_(c) By the way, Anyway, (¢) Write back soon, That’ all for now, Bye for now, Best wishes, All the best, (@) Werk with a partner. Imagine that you have received ‘Amy's email. Make notes about the information she wants. What have you been doing recently? — assignments at sehoel, went away with family last weekend, started going to the gym You are going to write a reply to Amy. With your partner, make a paragraph plan. Decide what information to include in each paragraph. Thank Amy far her letter. Tell her what you've Paragraph | been deing PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Write your reply to Amy. Use your notes and paragraph plan to help you. Make sure that you include all of the information she needs. Write between 120 and 150 words. TMLee In this type of writing exercise follow the instructions carefully You lose marks if your reply does not include all the necessary information orifitis notin the correct style > EXAM SUCCESS page 144 Language checkpoint: Unit 1 Grammar reference not when it happened, eu = We use the present simple to talk about current = We use the present continuous with always, constantly, routines and habits. forever, continually for habits that annoy or irritate us. I often listen to music My brother and sister are always fighting. Present perfect simple ‘We use the present perfect simple to talk about: 4 actions or situations which started in the past and 1. anaction that happened at an unspecified moment in continue in the present. the past. What is significant is the actual experience, ‘Mark's lived here for ten years. (= Mark started to live | here ten yeart agé and he still lives here now.) Tie seen Beyancl in concert If we want to emphasise the completion and result of an 2. recent events which have a result in the present. action, or how many times an action happened, we can | She's last her bag. (= She hasnt got it now.) use the present perfect simple 3. actions that finished very recently. Tye peste iy; Deda (fen ‘ é ive seen that fil three times. Ere-been-secing-that-ftme- They/ve just had an accident. ne y. Present perfect continuous | @ The present perfect continuous has a similar meaning _-For that reason, if an action is very short, we don’t use the to the present perfect simple. However, we use the continuous form. £ve-been-breaking-the-window. continuous when we want to emphasise the process and duration of an action. Te been studying in thie school for five monte We also use the continuous to emphasise that an action finished very recently or is incomplete. Te been washing the dishes ... and my hands are wet. Gerunds and infinitives — We use the gerund: [We use the infinitive: z ‘as the subject/object of a sentence. to explain why somebody does something. Studying is hare but interesting Why did he.go t0 university? Ta study languages. | after prepositions. immediately after adjectives. Tim interested in studying history. It's goad to revise with other people. “i after verbs of liking or disliking, e.g. like, love, enjoy, can’t after expressions with too, enough, the first, ‘stand, don't mind, hate. the last. | 1 enjay watching TV. 7 It's too cold £0 go out. with go to talk about physical activities. ‘after certain verbs like want, learn, agree, ga ronning, sninsming, cycling, shopping, swimming decide, expect, forget, hope, seem, try, would like, appear, arrange, ask, try, manage, help, after certain verbs like admit, avoid, consider, risk, suggest. inde: protilse. | Eswagest reading this eek. T wane to work for a newspaper. Vocabulary —<—$ $< << “Studying at university Subjects architecture business studies » dentistry ~ engineering ~ geology * law medicine « nursing = philosophy = politics + psychology + sociology * veterinary medicine Other assignment continuous assessment + course + coursework + degree * fail = grade/mark + graduate = lecture + master’s notes + pass « resit * revise * term + tutor = tutorial + undergraduate Life at university become independent « extracurricular activities * hall of residence + make new friends student facilities * student loan + study abroad doand make do a course, a favour, an assignment, an exam, business, chores, homework, sport, the shopping, the washing, well, your best, your hair make a cake, a decision, a mistake, an appointment, an effort, an excuse, an offer, anoise, a phone call, a plan, a promise, a suggestion, friends, money, progress, the dinner Other words and phrases > page 136 Grammar revision Present simple, present continuous and present habits 1 Complete the sentences with an appropriate word. 1 Normally | like classical music, but 4 My parents are telling me to get this song is beautiful my hair cut. It’s so annoying, 2 This year my best friend and his brother 5. My little brother is shouting! Day studying abroad. after day! It drives me mad. 3. In most universities they the first 6 Why are you always me for help term with special activities for new students. with your homework? ee ae Re 2 Choose the correct alternative. 41 Have you switched/been switching the TV off? 5 This is my American friend. She's stayed/been ere Giaiee ae aa ee eee, 3 My feet ache, I've stood/been standing here for ages. & My eyes are tired. I've read/been reading without 4. love this film! I've seen/been seeing it six times. * the light on. 7 That's it! I've finished/been finishing my work. Gerunds and infinitives 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words. 1 Don't do that as there's a chance you'll fll. RISK 5 | think it’s essential to have a valid passport. Don't do that because you PASSPORT 2 He loves to ride his bike at the weekend. GO | think is essential He loves to atthe weekend. 6 Nobody finished the exam before Sarah. FIRST 3 [think it's terrible to get up early. STAND Sarah was the exam. 1 early, _7__It would be great to see him in concert next week 4 Please think about joining our club. CONSIDER Taye: 1 him in concert next week. Please our club. Vocabulary revision [77 points) Complete the sentences with these words. ‘There are two extra words. 2 Complete the sentences. = ees Hi) 1. Some people study instead of oe ines : studying in their own country fee + grades + lecture « notes + pass 3. This university has got great , 41 hope I dont fl. ont want to such as the science laboratories the exam next month, 4. ts g00d to be and to do 2 igotenAvendalBtor iy last 0 pieces gf things for yourselt work. What did you get? 5 [live with other students in a of residence. 3 Can | borrow the you took in 6 activities can help to yesterday's history class, when | was il? 4 Ineed to speak to my because 1Im having some problems with my studies 5 My brother graduated last year. His was in economics. 6 This course is only for students, people studying at university for the frst time 7 The professor gave a really interesting There were 200 people there. — 7-40 ponte take your mind off your studies. poanmmnr | points) 3. Choose the correct alternative. 1 do/makeacourse 5 do/make progress 6 do/make the lunch 7. do/make the shopping 2 do/make a decision 3. do/make a favour 4 do/make a suggestion Vocabulary Work conditions and responsibilities || SPIKING Work with a partner. Try to think of one job for each letter of the alphabet. A - architect 8 - builder C~ chef 2. Read the job descriptions. What are the jobs? a You don't need special qualifications to do my job, except for a driving licence. | deal with the public. 'm responsible for getting them where they want to go. It's quite a stressful job because of the traffic and because my passengers are 3 often in a hurry. | work outdoors, but because I'm inside my car | work in quite good conditions. I'm self-employed, not an employee in a company. | don't earn an enormous salary. bb I work in dangerous conditions. One day I'd just like to work indoors in an office and do paperwork, or maybe even manual work. I'm rot very well paid considering the amount of work | do. It's a skilled job because you need special training to do it. For example, you need to learn to control a big crowd of people. But really, its experience that teaches you to deal with criminals. 3. Look again at the expressions in red. Check that you understand what they mean. Use a dictionary if necessary. 4. USING! © 06 Listen to four people descr their jobs. Match each person to one of these jobs. | architect + bank manager « construction worker head teacher + office worker personal assistant (PA) + physiotherapist school caretaker + software engineer * vet t 1 3 2 4 5 SHAKING! Work with a partner. Describe a job using the expressions in red in 2. Can your partner guess the job? 7 Working life 6 Match the definitions 1-5 with the expressions a-g. There are two extra expressions. 1 You have flexible a work long hours ordlog neue: bdo shift work 2 You sometimes work during the day and sometimes at night, work from nine to five work fll-tim 3 You work extra hours. falans is Noliapard's long be on flexitime d time working £ work part-time 5 You don't work all day 9 work overtime 7. SHAKING Work with a partner. In which jobs or situations do you think it is common to work ... 1. from nine to 3. overtime? five? 2. Jong hours? 0 Put these different events in a logical order. apply for a job + be offered a job get a promotion + look for a job + sign a contract 1 = look for a job ‘8b Use © 07 Listen and check. 9 Match the expressions 1-5 with their meanings ae, Use a dictionary if necessary. 1. become unemployed 4 retire bbe made redundant 5 2 resign 3 be sacked/ired/dismissed general expression for when you lose your job o state formally that you are leaving 2 job permanently < stop working, usually because you are officially too old to work d lose your job, usually for doing something wrong @ lose your job because it is no longer necessary 10 SPEAK Work with a partner. Talk about your work plans. Id like to find a job as a software engineer, designing games. 'd prefer aE 9 -BEWNE Work with a partner. Look at the photos of two people with unusual jobs. Where do you think they work? ing into a dream job 22-year-old student Sebastian Smith was doing university assignment, he heard an advert on 0 asking people to apply for ‘the best job in worl’. Spent the re to onpl, nie, 2,000 other peopl fe same. In the end, five lucky people got tothe final selection ft, which took piace at a hokday resort in Egypt. After fuenber of tele, Sebastian convinced the judges that he was He best candidate Sebastian finished his degree course in design, graduated siralght into his new joo. it came wth ood annual salary and al his travel expenses paid, 2. Read the articles and check your answer int. Some time ago, Paul made 2 special metal suctuce and tached i toa heavy structure in his gold-painted suit and leamt to st Unfortunately, the job was only for sx months, but it ided a sever-night, altincusive hoi, back ith just one Sebastian ft thatthe job was a droam come tu. Bee outegendend ke Used fo be a waterside ciose to where he fs oka wen chai Tee a don baene re ayatty, Paul became on of the thousands o vg statues fed as a young child and he would beg his mother Totake him. Sadly, the waterside closed before me could visi il. But now he has tried waterslides Hover 15 counties, from Turkey to Jamaica, orking the UK. “These statues have fo pul up vith chidren and adults coming upto them and touching them to see i they are real, And standing stl for hours can bring serious heath problems. Matt Walters has been a living statue for over 30 years. He used 10 = be able to stand completely stil for three hours at atime, But in bacame too much. The cold certainly doesn't irs of trousers and three pairs of socks, ‘And there are other, even worse dangers, Members ofthe Dublic sometimes hit Paus, nut him, or even steal the money he makes. Once when he was working in Trafalgar Square, yang suddenly appeared and started kicking him. Lucklly 12 was a serious side to the job, too. 2 Jo ho was enjoying himsaf onthe slices, rad to tak to famlies and find out ai they thought of the atract responsible evaluat tors, such as . Sebastian's predecessor the jab, Tammy Lynch, said hat the only crawivack was pine nt or ec, bute was el becavs he was worng jay woarng ony 8 sorabooy 608 pot : So, what abou promotion oa pays? st poss . ahead nthe pression? Pau says hat hing caren vey popu nthe Unt Arab En 5 ms eres gon Bu the robes the ha, which fora ng ates even worse than the cold jes again. Are these statements True (1), 4 False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)? 41. Sebastian was an undergraduate when he first Think! Then compare ideas with your class. heard about this special ob. T/FINM Sarat SO ahreae 2 At first, Sebastian wasn't very interested in the job. T/F/NM. es. Le ene 3. Sebastian's mother thought waterslides were too a What Betarsdovau uiiiecould ma 8 dangerous for children. T/F/NM ob adem nioe? 4 Part of Sebastian's job was to see if any waterslides were dangerous. T/F/NM 5 Its important that people can't see the 5 What do the underlined words in the mechanism that Paul built. T/F/NM ‘texts mean? Guess and then check in 6 One problem that living statues have is that your dictionary. people are not sure if they are real statues. VF/NM. 7. The worst problem for living statue is the cold. T/F/NM_ © SREAKINS What about you? Would either of the jobs in the articles be your 8 The paychologieal pressure of being livin ee a = ° idea of a dream job? Why/Why not? statue is difficult to bear. F/NM

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