Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

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Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

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Economic, environmental and social optimization of solid waste T

management in the context of circular economy
Pradeep Rathore , S.P. Sarmah

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India


Keywords: Rapid growth in population and urbanization is increasing the generation of solid waste as well as demand for
Circular economy natural resources. Moreover, increasing demand and fixed available quantity of natural resources are making the
MINLP problem more complex and challenging. It has been identified that; the concept of the circular economy can
PSO provide the solution to the problem. This study examines the economic, environmental, and social feasibility of
Solid waste
circular economy in municipal solid waste (MSW) management. This study proposes a concept for the utilization
Clean energy
of collected organic MSW by converting it into biogas and then use it as a fuel in a thermal power plant (TPP) to
reduce the burden on coal mines. A mixed-integer non-linear programme (MINLP) model is formulated for the
minimization of the total cost which is the sum up of (i) functioning cost, (ii) transportation cost, (iii) hiring cost,
(iv) environmental cost, (v) social cost, and (vi) penalty cost. The proposed system is validated by a case study on
a city Bilaspur, India. Developed model is evaluated for two scenarios: (i) present scenario, in which deseg-
regated MSW is collected from sources and dispose it to landfill, and TPP gets its fuel only from coal mine; and
(ii) proposed scenario, in which collected organic MSW is sent to biogas plant and from there, biogas is trans-
ported to TPP as a fuel. The model is solved for both the scenarios and identifies that the proposed system is
performing better. It is reducing the total cost of the present system by around INR 30,462,326 per day which is
consists of a reduction in functioning, transportation, environmental and social cost by INR 225580, 30120443,
113905 and 2397. In addition to that, it is also reducing the carbon emission by 186.43 tonnes daily. Further,
sensitivity analysis is performed by varying the collection efficiency and TPP capacity parameter for testing the
fitness of the model globally and in different cities. From the analysis, it is identified that the model is globally
implementable and best suited for cities having low TPP capacity.

1. Introduction landfills constitutes 4% greenhouse gas (carbon) emission globally,

uncontrolled disposal in oceans threatening marine life, etc. (Lu, Zhang,
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a threat to the global economy and Hai, & Lei, 2017).
ecosystems (Darda, Papalas, & Zabaniotou, 2019). It is estimated that MSW generation mainly depends on two factors: population and
globally 7 to 10 billion (10 9) tonnes of waste got generated annually urbanization, and they are increasing rapidly. The urbanization level is
and MSW contributes 3.2 billion tonnes (Wilson, Rodic, Modak, Soos, increasing since the last few decades. It was 30% in 1950, then rises to
Carpintero, Velis, Iyer, & Simonett, 2015). From this generated MSW, 54% in 2014 and expected to reach 66% by 2050 (World Urbanization
around 47% sent to landfills, 31% recycled and the remaining 22% got Prospects: the 2014, 2014). Dutta, Daverey, and Lin (2014), predicted
incinerated (Tisserant et al., 2017). This indicates, nearly 70% MSW not that by 2050, the planet would have 9 billion populations. These sta-
get recycled or reused. It is a huge loss of resource and it also demon- tistics are alarming to the world, as it is going to generate an enormous
strates the massive burden on primary resources (Zeller, Towa, Degrez, amount of MSW and increase the resource extraction rate. For instance,
& Achten, 2018). Add to that; it has been identified that, high extraction it has been identified that resource mining has reached a three times
of available resources and MSW treatment on landfills and incineration higher level compared to the past four decades (Schaffartzik et al.,
plants have a negative impact on the environment and socio-economic 2014), and it is not slowing down (Wiedmann et al., 2015). This in-
structure (Garibay-rodriguez, Laguna-martinez, Rico-ramirez, & creasing resource mining can cause severe damage to the habitat of our
Botello-alvarez, 2018). For instance, emission of methane gas from planet (Steffen et al., 2015). Therefore, currently, world leaders are

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Rathore), (S.P. Sarmah).
Received 15 May 2019; Received in revised form 19 February 2020; Accepted 24 April 2020
Available online 11 May 2020
0360-8352/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

Nomenclature (Km)
Fkl Distance travelled by vehicle from BGP ‘k’ to TPP ‘l’ (Km)
Index Gal Distance travelled by vehicle from coal mine ‘a’ to TPP ‘l’
i Source of MSW generation Gal Distance travelled by freight wagon from coal mine ‘a’ to
j Landfill TPP ‘l’ (Km)
k Biogas plants Ecb Carbon emission from vehicle type ‘b’ (tonne/km)
l Thermal power plants Ecq Carbon emission from vehicle type ‘q’ (tonne/km)
a Coal mine Ecs Carbon emission from vehicle type ‘s’ (tonne/km)
b Type of road vehicles between sources ‘i’ and landfills ‘j’ or Ecw Carbon emission per tonne of MSW from landfill (tonne)
BGPs ‘k’ Ecp Carbon emission per tonne of coal from TPP (tonne)
q Type of road vehicles between BGPs ‘k’ and TPPs ‘l’ CT Carbon tax on carbon emission due to transportation (Rs/
s Type of road vehicles between coal mine ‘a’ and TPPs ‘l’ tonne of carbon)
r Type of freight wagon used in railway for coal transfer Cw Carbon tax on emission from landfill (Rs/tonne of carbon)
Cp Carbon tax on emission from TPP (Rs/tonne of carbon)
Set Cse Social cost conversion factor for emission (Rs/tonne of
N Set of sources i Csn Social cost conversion factor for noise pollution due to
M Set of the landfills j vehicle (Rs/vehicle-Km)
K Set of bio plant k Csc Social cost conversion factor for congestion due to vehicles
L Set of TPPs l (Rs/vehicle-Km)
A Set of coal mines a Csa Social cost conversion factor for accidents due to vehicle
B Set of type of vehicles b (Rs/tonne-Km)
Q Set of type of vehicles q Cpt Penalty cost for unit-time violations of the maximum
S Set of type of vehicles s working time by vehicle
R Set of type of freight wagons r b Total number of vehicles of type ‘b’ available for trans-
ferring MSW from ‘i’ to ‘j’ or ‘k’
Parameter q Total number of vehicles of type ‘q’ available for trans-
ferring bio gas from ‘k’ to ‘l’
Chvb Fixed cost for hiring vehicle type b (Rs.) s Total number of vehicles of type ‘s’ available for trans-
Chvq Fixed cost for hiring vehicle type q (Rs.) ferring coal from ‘a’ to ‘l’
Chvs Fixed cost for hiring vehicle type s (Rs.) r Total number of freight wagons of type ‘r’ available for
Chtr Fixed cost for hiring freight wagon type r (Rs.) transferring coal from ‘a’ to ‘l’
TSLijb Transportation cost of transferring MSW from source ‘i’ to Vb Capacity of the vehicle type ‘b’ (tonne)
landfill ‘j’ using vehicle type ‘b’ (Rs/tonne/Km) Vq Capacity of the vehicle type ‘q’ (tonne)
TSBikb Transportation cost of transferring organic MSW from Vs Capacity of the vehicle type ‘s’ (tonne)
source ‘i’ to BGP ‘k’ using vehicle type ‘b’ (Rs/tonne/Km) Vr Capacity of the freight wagon type ‘r’ (tonne)
TBPklq Transportation cost of transferring biogas from BGP ‘k’ to i Service time at source ‘i’ by vehicle
TPP ‘l’ using vehicle ‘q’ (Rs/tonne/Km) j, k Service time at landfill ‘j’ or BGP ‘k’ by vehicle ‘b’
TCPals Transportation cost of transferring coal from mine ‘a’ to t max Maximum allowable working time
TPP ‘l’ using road vehicle ‘s’ (Rs/tonne/Km)
TCPalr Transportation cost of transferring coal from mine ‘a’ to Decision Variable
TPP ‘l’ using rail freight wagon ‘r’ (Rs/tonne/Km)
Pi population at source ‘i’ Xijb Binary variable takes value 1 if vehicle type ‘b’ is selected
ni MSW generation rate at source ‘i’ (Kg/person/day) for transporting MSW from ‘i’ to ‘j’, otherwise 0
RLj Running cost of landfill ‘j’ (Rs/tonne) Xikb Binary variable takes value 1 if vehicle type ‘b’ is selected
RBk Running cost of BGP ‘k’ (Rs/tonne) for transporting MSW from source ‘i’ to BGP ‘k’ , otherwise
RTPl Running cost of TPP ‘l’ (Rs/tonne) 0
RCMa Running cost of coal mine ‘a’ (Rs/tonne) Xklq Binary variable takes value 1 if vehicle type ‘q’ is selected
f Frequency of MSW collection from sources for transporting bio gas from bio plants ‘k’ to TPP ‘l’,
i Collection efficiency of MSW at source ‘i’ otherwise 0
i Organic fraction of collected MSW from source ‘i’ sent to Xals Binary variable takes value 1 if vehicle type ‘s’ is selected
BGP for transporting coal from mine ‘a’ to TPP ‘l’, otherwise 0
k Fraction of organic MSW converted into biogas at BGP ‘k’ Xalr Binary variable takes value 1 if rail freight wagon ‘r’ is
CF Conversion factor of biogas into equivalent amount of coal selected for transporting coal from mine ‘a’ to TPP ‘l’,
al Fraction of coal coming to power plant ‘l’ from mine ‘a’ otherwise 0
using road transport dij , dik Binary variable takes value 1 if source ‘i’ selects landfill ‘j’
1- al Fraction of coal coming to power plant ‘l’ from mine ‘a’ or BGP ‘k’ for transmitting the MSW, otherwise 0
using rail transport Binary variable takes value 1 if a landfill ‘j’ or BGP ‘k’ got
CAPj Capacity of landfill ‘j’ (tonne) selected for sending the MSW, otherwise 0
CAPk Capacity of BGP ‘k’ (tonne) Y Binary variable takes value 1 if desegregation of MSW is in
CAPl Capacity of TPP ‘l’ (tonne) practice, otherwise 0
Dij Distance travelled by vehicle from source ‘i’ to landfill ‘j’ Y Binary variable takes value 1 if segregation of MSW is in
(Km) practice, otherwise 0
Eik Distance travelled by vehicle from source ‘i’ to BGP ‘k’ Wij Amount of MSW going to landfill ‘j’ from source ‘i’ (tonne)

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

Hik Amount of MSW going to BGP ‘k’ from source ‘i’ (tonne) Tjb, Tkb Amount of time exceeds above given working hours at
Ukl Amount of bio gas produced from MSW ‘Hik ’ (tonne) landfill ‘j’ and BGP ‘k’ by vehicle type ‘b’ . It takes only
Ukl Amount of coal equivalent to biogas ‘Ukl ’ (tonne) positive integer value, otherwise 0
Qal Amount of coal going to TPP ‘l’ from coal mine ‘a’ (tonne)

Fig. 1. The current concept of circular economy (Mihelcic et al., 2003). The CE message is that, the resource and energy demand of inner circles is less, and they are
more economic as well. Therefore, it is required to maximize the time period of resources inside the inner circle.

focusing on an increase in the production of renewable energy and the into compost and biogas and emits a negligible amount of carbon (Jin,
adoption of the concept of the circular economy (CE) (Korhonen, Nuur, Yang, Li, Liu, & Shan, 2017). Compost is used as an organic fertilizer
Feldmann, & Birkie, 2018). and biogas as an energy input in electricity generation, domestic
The concept of CE was first presented in 1966 by the economist cooking, fuel in transportation vehicles, etc. (Ruiz, Juarez, Morales,
Kenneth Boulding in his essay ‘The Economics of Coming Spaceship Munoz, & Mendıvil, 2013).
Earth’ (Boulding, 1966). Then, it is further discussed by the environ- Apart from biofuels, there are many MSW treatment technologies
mental economists Pearce and Turner in their book ‘Economics of based on the type of MSW. For example: recycling technology for re-
natural resources and the environment’ (Jensen, 1998). As per the cyclables, RDF (refuse-derived-fuel) technology for waste cloths, flam-
European Union (EU), the CE is supposed to ‘enhance global competi- mable waste, composting for organic, etc. (Dasappa, Subbukrishna,
tiveness, substitute sustainable economic growth and create new jobs’ Suresh, Paul, & Prabhu, 2011; Mardoyan & Braun, 2015). But these
(European Commission, 2015). CE applies the Resource Recovery and technologies are implementable only if collected MSW is segregated2
Reuse (RRR) system which involves a flow loop of resources (Fig. 1) for (Liu, Adams, & Walker, 2018). As mention before, around 50% of the
the sustainable utilization of resources while enhancing the economy collected MSW sent to landfill. This percentage varies, depending upon
(Geissdoerfer, Savaget, Bocken, & Hultink, 2017). Simultaneously, it the status of the country and their collection efficiency (Fig. 2(a) and
also reduces the environmental pollution and cost of the production (b)). According to the Moh and Manaf (2017) report, countries having
system while increasing waste recycling (Andersen, 2007). For ex- low-income (Ghana, Ethiopia, etc.) collect 50% or less of their gener-
ample, MSW can be used as a resource to produce biogas which can be ated MSW. While countries having middle-income (India, Thailand,
used as fuel in power generation and reduce the dependency on coal. etc.) collect 50–80% and countries with high-income (US, UK, etc.)
This will decrease the pressure from coal mines and reduce environ- collect higher than 90%. From this collected MSW, approximately 60%
mental pollution. transferred to landfills in low and middle-income countries while the
As mentioned earlier, resource extraction is going to increase in the uncollected MSW considered as dumps (see Fig. 2(a) and (b)). A major
future; therefore, to reduce it, a rise in renewable energy sources is reason for sending the MSW in a landfill is the desegregation3 of solid
required (Mihelcic et al., 2003). It is estimated that among the sources
of renewable energy, biofuel will provide the one-third fuel (Scarlat,
Dallemand, Monforti-Ferrario, Banja, & Motola, 2015). According to (footnote continued)
Yadvika, Sreekrishnan, Kohli, and Rana (2004), biomethane or biogas vegetable peels, food waste, etc.), recyclables (plastic, paper, metals, glass, etc.)
will play a very key role in MSW management (MSWM) under the and toxic substances (paints, pesticides, used batteries, medicines) (Kausal
et al., 2012; Upadhyay, Jethoo, & Poonia, 2012).
umbrella of CE. Biogas is a technology for renewable energy produced 2
Segregation of MSW is a scenario where different types of generated MSW
from the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes, feedstock, agricultural
are kept in different types of bins. So that, the quality of MSW does not degrade
waste, etc. (Wall, McDonagh, & Murphy, 2017). It is a sustainable due to mixing of solid waste and it can be used for further processes (Rathore
technology for managing organic MSW.1 It converts the organic MSW et al., 2019).
Desegregation of MSW is a scenario where all types of generated MSW are
kept in only one type of bin. In this scenario all waste got mixed and become
MSW is a composition of different type of waste like organic (fruit and useless for any further process (Rathore et al., 2019).

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

120% Recycled
100% Compost

Waste collection rate

1% Dumps

Other Landfills
26% 59%

High Income Upper Lower Lower
Middle Middle Income Income
Income Income 1%

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Shows the (a) collection rate of different income countries, (b) waste disposal of low-income country. Source: World bank report 2012.

waste. Desegregation lowers the quality of waste and makes it useless feasibility of numerous alternatives (Anghinolfi, Paolucci, & Robba,
due to which it sent to landfills for final disposal (Rathore & Sarmah, 2013). Over the years, researches have given their prime focus on the
2018). Therefore, it is necessary that sources (households, commercial collection of MSW only, as it constitutes around 80% expenditure share
and institutional establishments, parks and gardens, urban agriculture, in MSWM (Tavares, Zsigraiova, Semiao, & Carvalho, 2009;
construction and demolition, and safety and healthcare facilities) seg- Hemmelmayr, Doerner, Hartl, & Vigo, 2014). Apart from the collection,
regate their MSW at the point of generation (Kausal, Varghese, & many researchers have investigated the impact of various MSW solu-
Chabukdhara, 2012). tions (generation to disposal) on the environment using life cycle as-
This inappropriate practice of disposing of MSW has become a very sessments (Winkler & Bilitewski, 2007; Bernstad and la Cour Jansen,
crucial issue for the global economy and environment. These issues are 2012; Astrup, Tonini, Turconi, & Boldrin, 2014). Along with this, Cost-
the primary motivation for this study and the current study focuses on benefit analysis (Dijkgraaf & Vollebergh, 2004; Eshet, Ayalon, &
the implementation of the circular economy on the MSWM system, Shechter, 2005; Moutavtchi, Stenis, Hogland, Shepeleva, & Andersson,
where segregated organic MSW collected from the households’, sent to 2008), energy balance analysis (Dornburg & Faaij, 2006; Luoranen &
biogas plant (BGP) to produce the biogas. After that, produced biogas Horttanainen, 2007; Murphy & McKeogh, 2004) and various other
will be sent to the thermal power plant (TPP) as a fuel to replace the tools, e.g., multi-criteria decision analysis (El Hanandeh & El-Zein,
coal and to reduce the pressure on coal mines. This study proposes a 2009; Longden, Brammer, Bastin, & Cooper, 2007; Shmelev & Powell,
mixed-integer non-linear programming model (MINLP) with the ob- 2006), were also considered in the literature, but to a very few extents.
jective of minimization of the total cost. The model is validated by a Additions to them, other alternatives were also analyzed using opti-
case study of Bilaspur city, India. The novelty of the research lies in two mization models (Broitman, Ayalon, & Kan, 2012; Juul, Münster, Ravn,
parts. First, the introduction of the concept of utilization of biogas & Ljunggren Söderman, 2013; Kan, Ayalon, & Federman, 2010). In most
produced from collected organic MSW as an input in TPPs for reducing of these studies, researchers have used mathematical programming
the pressure from coal mines by imposing the CE concept. Second, techniques (MPTs), such as integer programming (IP), linear pro-
development of cost minimization MINLP model to perform the eco- gramming, multi-objective, and nonlinear programming to estimate the
nomic analysis for the feasibility of the proposed concept. Apart from minimum cost for the MSWM system. For instance, Münster and
these two novelties, the introduction of environmental and social costs Meibom (2011), developed a linear programming model to determine
is also a contribution to the study in the domain. Along with this, the the least-cost technologies to convert the MSW into energy while con-
study answers the following research questions. sidering the carbon emission impacts. Further, Münster, Ravn,
Hedegaard, Juul, and Söderman (2015), improved the model to eval-
(RQ1) Is the implementation of the circular economy in MSWM is uate the capability of generating biofuel, biogas, and power from MSW.
feasible and economical? Yedla and Parikh (2001), presented a quantitative cost-benefit analysis
(RQ2) Is the proposed concept environmentally beneficial? of a landfill system with gas recovery by formulating a linear pro-
(RQ3) Does the proposed model has the same impact on lower, gramming model. They identified that it would be an immense cost
medium and higher-income countries? saving if MSW turned into gas. Similarly, Salvia, Cosmi, Macchiato, and
(RQ4) Does the proposed system is equally beneficial for all the Mangiamele (2002), investigated the impacts of hike in landfilling fees
cities? on the choice and implementation of MSW recycling decisions by using
a linear mathematical model. Later, Shadiya, Satish, and High (2012),
The remaining paper organized as follows. A brief review of the introduced the mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) models for
literature presented in Section 2. Problem description and the devel- incorporating the complexities of the selection of various technologies,
oped mathematical model discussed in Section 3. Section 4 provides the processes, and capacities over a long period. Chang, Qi, Islam, and
case study. Results and discussions along with sensitivity analysis made Hossain (2012) proposed a MILP model to demonstrate the importance
in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 represents the practical implications, of MSW recycling for reducing carbon emissions. Later, a similar type of
conclusion, and future direction for the further research. modeling approach was applied for evaluating the costs and profits for
different recycling rates of MSW (Santiba~nez-Aguilar et al., 2013).
2. Literature review Tan, Lee, Hashim, Ho, and Lim (2014), developed a multi-annual, MILP
model to optimize the selection of several RRR options, comprising
The efficient management of MSW requires proper planning of MSW landfill gas flaring, incineration, facility of material recovery, and
collection, disposal, and recycling while considering the economic composting. The model also incorporated the installation and operation

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

costs along with the effect of carbon emission on the environment. Lee, framework of the model is presented in Fig. 3. In the figure, Xj or Xk and
Yeung, Xiong, and Chung (2016), applied an integer programming dij or dik are binary variables, Xj or Xk will be 1 if landfill
method to investigate the alternatives of MSW transportation from ( j = 1, 2, ...,M ) or BGP (k = 1, 2, ...,K ) got selected for MSW, whereas
collection points to the recycling plant and the requisite capacities of dij or dik will be 1 if the source (i = 1, 2, ...,N ) choose landfill ‘j’ or BGP
incineration plants and landfill sites. Cucchiella and D'Adamo (2016), ‘k’. In the proposed conceptual framework, solid lines are demon-
proposed a mathematical model to analyze the economic performance strating the definite flow of waste from sources (i = 1, 2, ...,N ) to
of biomethane plant produced from the feedstock, organic fraction of landfill ( j = 1, 2, ...,M ) or BGP (k = 1, 2, ...,K ), whereas long dashed
MSW, etc. Parker, Williams, Dominguez-Faus, and Scheitrum (2017), lines are representing the likely possible movement of MSW from
studied the feasibility of the production of a large quantity of renewable sources to landfill or BGP.
natural gas fuel for transportation. The authors developed a spatial
techno-economic model for the analysis of biofuel policies of the United 3.1. Notation and assumptions
States. Chinnici, Selvaggi, D’Amico, and Pecorino (2018), investigated
the potential of biogas and second-generation bio methane obtained The notation developed to describe the model are explained during
from the Mediterranean feedstock. The authors also provided analytical the description of the equations and presented in Table A.
analysis to determine the quantity of biomass required for anaerobic
digestion. Bekchanov and Mirzabaev (2018) proposed an economic Assumption 1.. In most of the countries, organic MSW collected a daily
optimization mathematical model to calculate the impact and economic (Yadav, Karmakar, Dikshit, & Vanjari, 2016). Therefore, in this model,
feasibility of compost production and marketing. The authors con- all cost (functioning, transportation, environmental and social) has
sidered the organic waste for producing the compost and compared the been taken on a daily basis.
results with the cost of open dumping. Antoniou et al. (2019), devel- Assumption 2.. Carbon emission from coal mines not considered in the
oped a model to enhance the digestate for anaerobic digestion using model. As mines are full of carbon dust, consideration of emission from
mixed agricultural waste. mines will dominate the model and give a biased result.
Researchers have contributed to enhance the knowledge of MSWM
using various recycling technologies and mathematical models. It can Assumption 3.. In the proposed study it has been considered that
be observed from the literature; no one has modeled the input of biogas biogas will be used as fuel in TPP. But feeding biogas in traditional TPP
in TPP and calculated the reduction in coal and carbon. Add to that, till needs some modification in the input mechanism which is associated
now researchers have proposed only linear and MILP models. The with some cost. In the developed model these costs are not considered
proposed study bridges these gaps by introducing the MINLP model because these are a one-time investment and in the long run, the
considering biogas as input in TPP. The study will improve the math- industry will quickly overcome this cost.
ematical models in the context of a circular economy and utilization of Assumption 4.. Carbon emission from BGP is very less compared to
MSW as a resource. It will also help researchers and practitioners in the TPP (Sims, Rogner, & Gregory, 2003). Therefore, the emission of carbon
designing of MSWM from its generation to utilization in an economical from BGP is not considered in the model.
Assumption 5.. The running cost of a power plant using biogas is very
low compared to using coal as fuel (Chinnici et al., 2018; Mohan,
3. Materials and methods Chiranjeevi, Dahiya, & Kumar, 2018). Therefore, the running cost of
TPP using biogas has been neglected in the model.
This section presents the proposed MINLP model for the proposed
Assumption 6.. The model is developed to assess the economic and
concept. The originalities of the model are (i) consideration of coal
environmental feasibility of the concept. Therefore, revenue generated
mines which provide coal to TPP, (ii) impact of transporting vehicles,
from biogas, recycling, composting, RDF, and TPP not considered in the
landfill, BGP, TPP, and coal mines on society and environment in terms
model. Along with this purchasing and selling cost of MSW, biogas,
of cost, (iii) consideration of types of vehicles, (iv) multiple mode of
compost, recyclables, RDF pellets, coal, and electricity have not been
transportation, (v) time window, (vi) functioning cost of landfill, BGP,
considered in the model.
TPP, and coal mines, and (vii) introduction of constraints which restrict
the source to transfer the various type of waste to respective landfills or Assumption 7.. Cost of conversion of biomass into biogas and
BGPs. Add to that; the model is developed considering two scenarios liquefaction of biogas for transportation not taken in the model.
desegregation (Y) and segregation (Y ) of MSW. The conceptual Because the costs incurred in these processes are very less compared

Fig. 3. The conceptual structure of the proposed model showing all the facilities and flow of MSW, biogas, and coal.

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

to the costs of other components considered. equation which indicates the fraction of coal sent to TPP from coal
Assumption 8.. It is assumed that trains do not emit any carbon.
Because at present most of the trains run by electricity and emit a very N M B
less amount of carbon compared to road vehicles. Wij TSLijb Dij Xijb Y
i=1 j=1 b=1
Assumption 9.. Material loss due to transportation is negligible N K B

compared to the actual amount of material transported. Therefore, + Hik TSBikb Eik Xikb Y
i=1 k =1 b =1
the loss of material neglected in the model. K L Q
+ Ukl TBPklq Fkl Xklq+
Assumption 10.. Generally, TPPs take precautions to reduce carbon k = 1 l= 1 q= 1
emission as per government norms. But, in the proposed study, it has A L S
been assumed that the carbon emission is equal to the carbon emitted (Qal Ukll Y) al TCPals Gal Xals
by coal during burning. a=1 l=1 s =1

Considering the above-mentioned assumptions following model is + (Qal Ukl Y) (1 al ) TCPalr Gal Xalr
a=1 l=1 k =1 r =1

3.1.1. Objective function Hiring cost (HC): This cost includes the fixed cost of hiring vehicles
Total cost function (Z) is calculated by summing up the functioning between (i) source and landfill; (ii) source and BGP; (iii) BGP and TPP;
cost, transportation cost, hiring cost, environmental cost, social cost, (iv) coal mine and TPP via road; and (v) coal mine and TPP via rail. This
and penalty cost. All these costs are bear by the local authority re- cost is applicable in mostly those cities where a municipality or local
sponsible for MSW management without any profit and revenue gen- authority hires a vehicle or firm for the collection and transfer of MSW.
eration. Therefore, it is required to minimize the total cost so that the Similarly, the hiring cost of the vehicle for transferring coal and biogas
whole operation of the collection and processing of MSW can be per- will be included only if it is done by some other organization or hired
formed at least cost and effectively. vehicle. Here, in this equation Chvb , Chvq , andChvs represent the fixed cost
of hiring a vehicle of b, q, and s. Whereas, Chtr represents the fixed cost of
Minimize Z hiring freight wagon of type r.
= Eq. (2) + Eq. (3) + Eq. (4) + Eq. (11) + Eq. (10) (1)

Functioning cost (FC): It is obtained by taking the sum of the daily (Chvb Xijb) Y+ (Chvb Xikb) Y
b=1 i=1 j=1 b=1 i=1 k=1
running cost of landfills, BGPs, TPPs and coal mines. It includes mostly Q K L S A L
the cost of operations, maintenance, and resources like electricity + Chvq Xklq Y + (Chvs Xals )
charges, water charges, employee salaries, maintenance charges of q= 1 k=1 l =1 s=1 a=1 l=1

equipment, taxes, etc. (Yadav et al., 2016). In the equation R A L

RLj ,RBk ,RTPl , and RCMa represent the running cost (Rs./tonne) of the + Chtr Xalr
r=1 a=1 l=1
facilities (landfills, BGPs, TPPs and coal mines). For calculating the total
running cost of the facility it has been multiplied by the amount of MSW
Environmental cost (EC): Running of facilities and transferring of
(Wij and Hik ), biogas (Ukl ), and coal (Qal ) with the respective facility.
material emits carbon in the atmosphere. This emitted carbon harmful
Here, Wij representing the amount of MSW sent to ‘j’ from ‘i’. Similarly,
to the environment and increases air pollution (Zsigraiova, Semiao, &
Hik is the amount of MSW going to ‘k’ from ‘i’.Ukl is the amount of biogas
Beijoco, 2013). Therefore, to reduce the emission, nowadays, govern-
produced and sent to ‘l’ from ‘k’, and Qal is the amount of coal coming to
ments are incorporating the taxes on carbon emission (Zakeri,
‘l’ from ‘a’. Ukl is the amount of coal equivalent to the biogas in terms of
Dehghanian, Fahimnia, & Sarkis, 2015). The cost generated by these
energy. As it has been assumed that the running cost of TPP using
taxes is included here in EC. EC is a summation of (i) cost of carbon
biogas is negligible compared to coal. Therefore, in the third term of the
emission due to the transportation of MSW, biogas, and coal using road
equation ‘Ukl ’ has been subtracted from the ‘Qal ’. In the equation, Y and
transport; (ii) cost of carbon emission because of the burning of MSW at
Y are representing the desegregation and segregation scenario.
landfills; and (iii) cost of carbon emission due to the burning of coal in
TPPs. Here, in Eq. (5), carbon cost due to transportation, landfills, and
Wij RLj Y+ Hik RBk Y TPPs have been presented byC T , C w , andC p . In addition, 1, 2 , and
i=1 j=1 i=1 k=1
K L A L 3 are explaining the total carbon emission from transportation, landfill,
and TPPs. However, in Eq. (6), Ecb , Ecq , andEcs are representing the
+ (Qal Ukl Y) RTPl + (Qal Ukl Y) RCMa
k=1 l=1 a=1 l=1 carbon emission (tonne/km) from vehicle types b, q, and s. Further, in
Eqs. (7) and (8), carbon emission from landfill and TPPs due to MSW
and burning of coal (per tonne) has been described by Ecw andEcp .
Transportation cost (TC): It is the addition of (i) transferring cost of
MSW between sources and landfills; (ii) transferring cost of MSW be- EC = C T 1 +Cw 2 +Cp 3 (5)
tween sources and BGPs; (iii) cost of transferring biogas from BGP to
TPP; (iv) cost of transferring coal from coal mines to TPP using road Where,
transportation; and (v) cost of transferring coal from mines to TPP using
rail transport. In Eq. (3), TSLijb , TSBikb , TBPklq , TCPals , and TCPalr re- 1
present the transportation cost (Rs./tonne/Km.) of vehicle type b, q, s,
= (Ecb Dij Xijb) Y+ (Ecb Eik Xikb)
and r. Whereas, Dij , Eik , Fkl , Gal , and Gal are shortest road and rail routes i=1 j=1 b=1 i =1 k =1 b=1
between the facilities. Shortest distance has been calculated using GIS K L Q
software between source, landfill, BGP, TPP, and coal mine. Moreover, Y + (Ecq Fkl Xklq)
Xijb , Xikb , Xklq , Xals , and Xalr are binary variables that take value 1 if the k=1 l=1 q=1

respective vehicle type gets selected between the facilities, otherwise 0. A L S

As mentioned before, coal is transferred from mines to TPP using both Y + (Ecs Gal Xals )
a=1 l =1 s =1 (6)
road and rail networks. Therefore, al has been introduced in the

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

collection, and collection efficiency of MSW at source i.
2 = Ecw Y Wij
i=1 j =1 (7) M
Wij = Pi ni f i Y i = 1, 2, ...,N
A K L j=1 (13)
3 = Ecp * (Qal Ukl Y)
a=1 k =1 l=1
ii. MSW entering to BGP ‘k’ should be equal to organic MSW collected
Social cost (SC): It can be defined as the cost of a negative impact on from source ‘i’. Here, i symbolizes the fraction of organic MSW.
society due to different kinds of pollution (Fankhauser, 1994). For ex- K
ample, as mentioned before, air pollution due to carbon emission from Hik = Pi ni f i i Y i = 1, 2, ...,N
vehicles, landfills and power plants cause global warming, health pro- k= 1 (14)
blems to a living being, etc. Likewise, noise pollution from vehicles also
causes health issues, and congestion in traffics raises both carbon and iii. All the MSW entering BGP ‘k’ should be converted into biogas and
noise pollution. In addition to that, accidents due to the running of sent to TPP ‘l’. In this constraint, k and CF denotes the fraction of
vehicles are fatal and can lead to even deaths of a living being (Maiyar organic MSW converted into biogas at BGP ‘k’ and conversion factor
& Thakkar, 2018). Therefore, in this study, the social cost of carbon of biogas into an equivalent amount of coal.
emission, noise pollution, congestion and accident due to road transport L K N K
have been considered. Along with this, carbon emission from landfills Ukl = Hik * k
and TPP also calculated. As there is no direct method for quantifying l=1 k=1 i=1 k =1 (15)
the ill effects of the air and noise pollution in terms of cost. Therefore, it K L K L
is required to use a conversion factor that converts the amount of Ukl = CF Ukl
pollution in terms of cost. In Eq. (9), conversion factors Cse , Csn , Csc , and k=1 l =1 k=1 l=1 (16)
Csa have been used to represent the carbon emission, noise pollution, 2. Capacity: These constraints ensure that entering MSW, biogas,
congestion, and accidents in terms of cost. Moreover, different types of and coal should not exceed the capacity of the landfill, BGP and TPP.
vehicles produce a different level of emission and noise, and it also
depends on the distance travelled by the vehicle. Therefore, 1 is used to i. MSW entering the landfill ‘j’ should not exceed its capacity (CAPj ).
show the calculation of distance travelled by different types of vehicle
between sources and facilities. Further, for considering the accidents by Wij Capj j = 1, 2, ...,M
different types of vehicles along with the weight carried by them is i=1 (17)
represented by 2 .
SC = Cse ( 1 + 2 + 3) + (Csn + Csc ) 1 + Csa 2 (9) ii. MSW entering the BGP ‘k’ should not exceed its capacity (CAPk ).
where, Hik Capk k = 1, 2, ...,K
i=1 (18)
= (Dij Xijb) Y+ (Eik Xikb) iii. Coal and biogas entering the TPP ‘l’ should not exceed its capacity
i=1 j=1 b=1 i =1 k =1 b=1 (CAPl ).
Y + (Fkl Xklq) Y + (Gal Xals ) Qal + Ukl Capl l = 1, 2, ...,L
k=1 l=1 q=1 a=1 l =1 s =1 (10) a=1 k=1 (19)
2 = Wij Dij Y+ Hik Eik Y iv. The combined capacity of vehicles (Vb ) transferring MSW from
i=1 j=1 i=1 k=1 source ‘i’ to landfill ‘j’ or BGP ‘k’ should be greater than the quantity
of the MSW generated.
+ Ukl Fkl Y+ (Qal Ukl *Y )* al *Gal +
k=1 l =1 a =1 k=1 l=1 N M B N M
A K L Xijb Vb Y Wij
(Qal Ukl *Y )*(1 al ) Gal i =1 j =1 b=1 i=1 j=1 (20)
a=1 k=1 l=1 (11)
Penalty cost (PC): As mentioned before, in many cities’ municipality
Xikb Vb Y Hik
hire a private firm for the collection and disposal of MSW. Thus, to i =1 k =1 b=1 i=1 k=1 (21)
restrict the collection and disposal of MSW within the working hours,
the municipality imposes a penalty on lateness. The firm has to pay the v. The combined capacity of vehicles (Vq ) transporting biogas from
penalty (Cpt ) if it exceeds the given working hours for the collection of BGP ‘k’ to TPP ‘l’ should be greater than the quantity of biogas.
MSW from sources and disposal of it at landfills or BGPs
( Tjb and Tkb ).
Xklq Vq Y Ukl
PC = Cpt ( Tib Y + Tkb*Y ) (12) k= 1 l= 1 q= 1 k=1 l=1 (22)

vi. The combined capacity of vehicles (Vs ) transporting coal from mine
3.1.2. Constraints: ‘a’ to TPP ‘l’ should be greater than the quantity of coal.
1. Mass flow: This constraint is applied to ensure the flow of all
generated MSW from sources to landfills or BGPs along with the flow of
Xals Vs (Qal Ukl *Y )*
biogas and coal. al
a=1 l=1 s =1 a=1 k=1 l =1

i. MSW entering to landfill ‘j’ should be equal to MSW collected from vii. The combined capacity of freight wagons (Vr ) transporting coal
source ‘i’. Here, Pi , ni , f, and i are representing the population at from mine ‘a’ to TPP ‘l’ should be greater than the quantity of coal.
source i, MSW generation rate at source i, frequency of MSW

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

Xalr Vr (Qal Ukl *Y )*(1 al ) Xijb Y b j = 1, 2, ...,M
a=1 l=1 r=1 a =1 k=1 l=1 (24) i=1 b=1 (25)
3. Availability constraint: These constraints allow the resources to be B

used as per the availability. Xijb Y 1 i = 1, 2, ...,N ; j = 1, 2, ...,M

b=1 (26)
i. The number of vehicles transferring MSW between source ‘i’ and N B
landfill ‘j’ or BGP ‘k’ should not exceed the availability ( b ) of the Xikb Y b k = 1, 2, ...,K
vehicle type ‘b’. i=1 b=1 (27)

Fig. 4. Study area Bilaspur city, India, along with all 55 wards.

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

disposal of MSW should be done within the working hours. In this
Xikb Y 1 i = 1, 2, ...,N ; k = 1, 2, ...,K constraint, j and k are service times at landfill ‘j’ or BGP ‘k’ by vehicle
b=1 (28)
‘b’, and t max is Maximum allowable working time.
ii. The number of vehicles transporting biogas from BGP ‘k’ to TPP ‘l’ N M
Dij Xijb Y
should not exceed the availability ( q ) of the vehicle type ‘q’. N
i=1 j =1
Tib = i + b
+ j t max 0 i
i=1 Vavg
Xklq Y q l = 1, 2, ...,L
k= 1 q= 1 (29)
= 1, 2, ...,N ; b = 1, 2, ...,B (39)
Xklq Y 1 k = 1, 2, ...,K ; l = 1, 2, ...,L N K
q=1 (30) N Eik Xikb Y
i=1 k =1
Tib = i + b
+ k t max 0 i
iii. The number of vehicles transporting coal from coal mine ‘a’ to TPP i=1

‘l’ should not exceed the availability ( s ) of the vehicle type ‘s’.
L S = 1, 2, ...,N ; b = 1, 2, ...,B (40)
Xals a = 1, 2, ...,A
(31) else, Tib = 0 i = 1, 2, ...,N ; b = 1, 2, ...,B (41)
l=1 s=1

S Scenario selection constraint: This constraint restricts the selection of

Xals 1 l = 1, 2, ...,L; a = 1, 2, ...,A scenarios. Only one scenario can be selected at a particular instance.
Y+Y =1 (42)

iv. The number of freight wagons transporting coal from coal mine ‘a’
7. Non-negativity constraints: This constraint ensures that the amount of
to TPP ‘l’ should not exceed the availability ( r ) of the freight wagon
MSW, biogas, and coal should be positive or zero.
type ‘r’.
Wij, Hik , Ukl, Ukl, Qal 0 i , j, k, l, a (43)
Xalr r a = 1, 2, ...,A
l=1 r=1 (33)
4. Case study
Xalr 1 l = 1, 2, ...,L; a = 1, 2, ...,A For the validation of the model, it is applied to an MSWM system of
Bilaspur city, India, as a case study. The developed model is generic in
4. Transferring: If a landfill ‘j’ or BGP ‘k’ is chosen for transferring of nature, and for the specific problem, some additional assumptions have
MSW from source ‘i’, then all the generated MSW at source ‘i’ should be been made according to the existing MSWM system of the case study
sent only to chosen landfill ‘j’ or BGP ‘k’. area. Two scenarios considered in the model (i) desegregation; and (ii)
segregation. Desegregation represents the existing MSWM while; seg-
Pi*ni*f i dij Y Wij i = 1, 2, ...,N ; j = 1, 2, ...,M (35)
regation represents the proposed system. The present MSWM system
M and proposed system along with the assumptions are described in the
dij Y=1 i = 1, 2, ...,N subsequent sections.
j=1 (36)
4.1. Study area and current MSWM system
Pi *ni *f i i dik Y Hik i = 1, 2, ...,N ; k = 1, 2, ...,K (37)
K Bilaspur (Latitudes 210.37″ to 230.07″ N; Longitudes 810.12″ to
dik Y =1 i = 1, 2, ...,N 0
83 .40″ E) (Fig. 4) is a city in state Chhattisgarh, India. It is in the
k= 1
eastern part of the state. Currently, Bilaspur Municipal Corporation
Time window: This constraint makes sure that the collection and (BMC) is the local authority for MSWM and provides service to a

Fig. 5. Schematic flow chart of the existing waste collection and disposal system.

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

terrestrial area of 30.42 sq. km consists of 55 wards (N). The urban 2016b). Similarly, according to the case study some more modifications
produces MSW around 181 tonnes/day (TPD) of which households have been made in the model: (i) there is only one BGP and it is situated
contribute to 80% (Singh, Mishra, & Mishra, 2013). The collection ef- at Matiyari, Bilaspur (K = 1); (ii) the collection and transfer of organic
ficiency ( i ) is about 60% (108 TPD) and the MSW generation rate (ni ) MSW is done by BMC, therefore time window constraint is not applic-
is around 365 g/capita/day (g/c/d). The composition of the MSW able and penalty cost (PC) would be considered as 0; and (iii) all the
produced is like organic ( i ) (40%); recyclables (8%); plastics (8%); and vehicles used for the collection and transfer of organic MSW, biogas,
inerts (textile, fine earth, rubber, etc.) (44%) approximately. and coal are owned by the parent organization, so there is no need for
In the existing MSWM system (Fig. 5) BMC collects desegregated hiring vehicle. Thus the hiring costs (Chvb , Chvq , Chvs , and Chtr ) can be
MSW (Wij ) (Y =1; Y = 0 ) from households using 7 and 10 tonnes (Vb ) considered as 0.
type of trucks (b) and dispose of it in landfill Kachhar (j). Kachhar, as The suggested MSWM system consists of two systems:
shown in Fig. 6, is the official and only landfill site (M = 1) (220.11″N,
820.06″E) of Bilaspur city situated around 15Kms away from the city. At (i). Segregated organic MSW will be collected from households of all
Kachhar the collected MSW is burnt, and as a result, causing air pol- the wards (i) and sent to BGPs (k) (see Fig. 7). For example, in this
lution (Ecj ) a nd creating a nuisance environment for the habitat. case study, organic MSW will be collected from wards and sent to
Meanwhile, TPP of National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) the BGP at Matiyari (220.07″N, 820.15″E), Bilaspur, using 7 and 10
(22°0.07″N 82°0.17″E) imports coal from Gevra coal mine (A = 1) tonnes type of trucks.
(220.20″N, 820.32″E) of Dipka, Korba, Chhattisgarh using both road (ii). Organic MSW (Hij ) will be converted into biogas (Ujl ) in BGP and
and rail transport (Fig. 6). For road transportation 12 and 16 tonnes (Vs ) sent to NTPC (TPP) (L = 1) (220.07″N, 820.17″E) Sipat, Bilaspur,
trucks (s) are used and for rail transportation 54 and 56 tonnes (Vr ) using 15 tonnes (Vq ) truck (q).
freight cargo box (r) is used. From Gevra, around 60% (1 al ) coal
(Qal ) is sent through railway while, remaining ( al ) sent through road- This will help in reducing the amount of coal used as a fuel for
ways. NTPC is having 3 units of 660 MW and 2 units of 500 MW power power generation.
generating unit. In this study, only 1 unit of 660 MW has been con- The study conducted for a period of 5 years (2019–2024). According
sidered. to (Census of India, 2011), BMC used to serve about 355,745 in-
habitants and it is projected that by the end of the year 2024, the ser-
ving residents will reach to 434,676 (prediction of the inhabitants is
4.2. Suggested MSWM system considering CE performed by taking an average of arithmetical and geometrical in-
crease method). The prediction of inhabitants presented in Fig. 7(a) and
In comparison to the present situation, this study proposes the im- the forecast of MSW generated by an individual (Fig. 8(b)) at a rate of
plementation of CE in MSWM for using the MSW as a resource for the 1.3% annually. The projected population divided among the wards as
production of biogas (Fig. 7). In the proposed system, segregation of per their current contribution to the total population of Bilaspur city.
MSW at source considered (Y =0; Y = 1) as per Clean India Mission
(Swachh Bharat Abhiyan) 2014 norms (CPHEEO, 2016a, CPHEEO,

Fig. 6. Showing the location of city Bilaspur, landfill Kachhar, NTPC and Coal mine Gevra in Chhattisgarh, India.

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

Fig. 7. Schematic flow chart of the proposed collection and disposal system under circular economy concept.

Fig. 8. Shows forecasted (a) Population and (b) waste generation rate of Bilaspur city, India.

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

Table 1
Results of present and proposed scenarios.
Present scenario (INR) Proposed scenario (INR) Reduction (INR)

Functioning cost (FC) landfill 63082 13263082 0 13037502 225580

BGP 0 15140
TPP 7200000 7103107
Coal mine 6000000 5919256
Transportation cost (TC) Ward to landfill 448132 780380932 0 750260488 30120443
Ward to BGP 0 68128
BGP to TPP 0 5652
Coal mine to TPP via road 288960000 273208308
Coal mine to TPP via rail 491932800 476978400
Environmental cost (EC) Vehicle 25369 7833317 24380 7719412 113905
Landfill 7948 0
TPP 7800000 7695032
Social cost (SC) Emission 6244393 53148439 6244222 53146042 2397
Noise 18740426 18739677
Congestion 28110640 28109515
Accident 52980 52628
Total cost 854625769 824163444 30462326

5. Result and discussion reduces the cost; (ii) TC by INR 30.12 million due to decrease in number
of trucks between wards to BGP and coal mine to TPP; (iii) EC by INR
The proposed mathematical model is non-linear. Therefore, it is 11,3905 because of decrease in number of vehicles and removal of
solved using a metaheuristic approach. The common metaheuristic landfill; (iv) SC by INR 2,397 due to decrease in number of vehicles
approach which is effective and highly used for this kind of model is which leads to reduction in social cost of emission (INR 171), noise
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) approach (Maiyar & Thakkar, 2017; pollution (INR 750), congestion (INR 1124), and accident (INR 352).
Anescu & Paul, 2018; Mohsen, Pardalos, Taghi, Niaki, & Fügenschuh, The impact of the proposed system over the present MSWM system can
2019). Thus, to solve the developed model, PSO has been applied using be observed in Fig. 9.
MATLAB R2017. The model is solved for both present and proposed
MSWM system and results are presented in Table 1. From Table 1 it can
5.1. Sensitivity analysis
be observed that in the present system the total cost incurred is around
INR 855 million (10 6) which consists of functioning cost (FC) (INR 13.3
To evaluate the robustness or effect of parameters in the model,
million), transportation cost (TC) (INR 780.4 million), environmental
sensitivity analysis is performed. In this study, the impact of collection
cost (EC) (INR 7.8 million) and social cost (SC) (INR 53.1 million).
efficiency ( i ) and TPP capacity (CAPl ) is analysed on the total cost.
Further, it can expand as (i) FC comprise running cost of landfill (INR
63,082), TPP (INR 7.2 million) and coal mine (INR 6 million); (ii)
transportation cost includes transferring costs between wards and 5.1.1. Analysis of collection efficiency ( i )
landfill (INR 448,132), and coal mine and TPP using road transport As described previously, collection efficiency varies from country to
(INR 289 million) and using rail transport (INR 492 million); (iii) en- country. Therefore, to evaluate the feasibility and performance of the
vironmental cost is summation of cost of emission from vehicles (INR proposed model globally. The effect of collection efficiency has been
25,369), landfill (INR 7,948), and TPP (INR 7.8 million); and (iv) social analysed by varying it from 50% to 100% against the total cost of the
cost is made up of social cost of emission (INR 6.2 million), noise present system and proposed system (Fig. 10). From Fig. 10 it can be
pollution (INR 18.7 million), congestion (INR 28.11 million), and ac- observed that the proposed system is feasible and performing better
cident (INR 52,980). In addition to that, the total carbon emission than the present system at every collection efficiency point. It is also
found to be (7,892 tonnes) which is a combination of emission from identified that an increase in i has very less effect on the present
vehicles (11 tonnes), landfills (18 tonnes), and TPP (7,800 tonnes). system. While the proposed system keeps on decreasing with increasing
For the proposed system from Table 1, it can be identified that the i value. This shows that the proposed model will perform better in
total cost incurred is around INR 824 million, in which, FC is INR 13 high-income countries compared to low-income countries considering
million, TC is INR 750.2 million, EC is INR 7.7 million, and SC is INR the same scenario. This also signifies that the proposed system is
53.1 million. From these, (i) FC comprises running cost of BGP (INR globally applicable and improve the existing MSWM system.
15,140), TPP (INR 7.1 million) and coal mine (INR 5.92 million); (ii) TC
include transferring costs between wards and BGP (INR 68,128), BGP
and TPP (INR 5,652), and coal mine and TPP using road transport (INR 5.1.2. Analysis of TPP capacity (CAPl )
273.2 million) and using rail transport (INR 477 million); (iii) EC is TPP capacity varies among the cities. Therefore, an analysis is
summation of cost of emission from vehicles (INR 24,380), and TPP performed to understand the relationship or effect of TPP capacity4 on
(INR 7.7 million); and (iv) SC is made up of social cost of emission (INR the total cost of the proposed system (Fig. 11). From Fig. 11 it can be
6.2 million), noise pollution (INR 18.73 million), congestion (INR 28.1 observed that the rate of increase in total cost is higher than the rate of
million), and accident (INR 52,628). In addition to that, the total increase in TPP capacity. This shows that there is a non-linear re-
carbon emission found to be (7,705.57 tonnes) which is a combination lationship between TPP capacity and the total cost of the proposed
of emission from vehicles (10.57 tonne) and TPP (7,695 tonnes). system. Thus, it can be inferred that the proposed model will be much
From the results, it can be observed that the proposed system is more effective for TPP of lower capacity provided all the other para-
reducing the total cost by about INR 30.4 million and carbon emission meters remain constant. Therefore, the proposed system will be more
by 186.43 tonnes daily. Along with this, it can also be identified that the suitable for the cities having similar MSWM condition and TPP of low
proposed system is reducing (i) FC by INR 225,580 due to a reduction in capacity.
the amount of coal (equivalent to biogas produced) from TPP and coal
mine. Add to that, difference in running cost of BGP and landfill also 4
Here TPP capacity represented in megawatt (MW).

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

Fig. 9. Showing the comparison between present and proposed scenarios (a) functioning cost (b) transportation cost (c) environmental cost (d) social cost and (e)
carbon emission.

Fig. 10. Shows the effect of collection efficiency on total cost of present and proposed scenario.

6. Conclusion and future scope heating, electricity, and mobility (transport). Therefore, this study
proposes an MSW management (MSWM) system considering the cir-
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a very serious problem for the so- cular economy in which organic MSW of households is converted into
ciety. It is becoming threatening due to urbanization and population biogas and used as a fuel in thermal power plants (TPP) to reduce the
growth. Moreover, due to high demand for resources, natural resources burden on natural resource coal mines. The study develops a cost
are depleting and meanwhile becoming costlier with time. However, if minimization MINLP model to analyse the economic feasibility of the
generated MSW is managed properly, it can be used as a resource to proposed system in comparison to the present system where collected
reduce the burden on natural resources. For example, bioenergy ex- MSW is disposed in the landfill.
tracted from biomass of organic waste currently considered as the For the validation of the model, a case study on Bilaspur city, India
biggest source of renewable energy and capable of providing fuel for has been considered. The model is solved using well established meta

P. Rathore and S.P. Sarmah Computers & Industrial Engineering 145 (2020) 106510

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Author contributions system to take advantage of carbon trading under competing policies: The role of
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Eshet, T., Ayalon, O., & Shechter, M. (2005). A critical review of economic valuation
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European Commission, 2015. Closing the Loop - an Action Plan for the Circular Economy.
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the
Pradeep Rathore: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions,
Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - original draft. S.P. Brussels. [ Accessed on 25
Sarmah: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Octuber 2017].
Fankhauser, S. (1994). The social costs of greenhouse gas emissions: An expected value
Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - original draft. approach. Energy Journal, 15(2), 157–184.
Declaration of Competing Interest Garibay-rodriguez, J., Laguna-martinez, M. G., Rico-ramirez, V., & Botello-alvarez, J. E.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial (2018). Optimal municipal solid waste energy recovery and management : A math-
ematical programming approach. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 119, 394–405.
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ- Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N. M. P., & Hultink, E. J. (2017). The Circular
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Management. Transactions Science, 48(1), 103–120.
The authors acknowledge the support of Bilaspur Municipal Jensen, H. J. (1998). Self-organized Criticality: Emergent Complex Behavior in Physical and
Corporation for providing the necessary data and having discussions Biological Systems. Cambridge University Press10.
Jin, Q., Yang, Y., Li, A., Liu, F., & Shan, A. (2017). Comparison of biogas production from
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