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In my family, my mother is a person I admire most.

To be sure, she is a caring

person. When I’m scared or hurt, my mother's care and protection will make me
feel secure. when I was 6 years old, I still remember that I was participating in a
running competition when I fell and failed. My mother was not upset because I
lost, but asked if it hurt if I fell. Whether I’m a child or an adult, my mother will
follow and encourage me. Additionally, she not only is cheerful also easy going . I
can share my secrets with her cause she won’t tell anyone. After dinner, I confide
in my mother everything I did and some of the things that happened. She always
understands my story and gives me the advice to solve some problems. I like to
cook, on weekends I will go shopping with my mother to cook. Mom even taught
me to cook some of my favorite dishes such as sweet and pork ribs, rice cake,
caramelized pork and eggs,... Lastly, she a stern person .Although my mother very
strictly, she forgives me for my mistake. My mom is disciplined but mom’s
strictness makes me a better person. One when I played truant, my mother didn’t
punish me but she reminded me not to do it. To sum up, I admire mom because she
is a caring, easy going, stern person

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