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Report of CC & CCC



MR. Romesh Raina

Abhishek Shukla

Skyline Business School


Date: - April 12, 2011 Page 1
Report of CC & CCC

 Acknowledgement

 Topic

 What is corporate culture

 Introduction

 Vision & Philosophy

 Leadership Style

 Define the culture of the organization with help of

one or more examples
 Analysis whether this type of culture helps this
 Likes and Dislikes

 About joining the organization

 Suggestions


Date: - April 12, 2011 Page 2

Report of CC & CCC

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my Professor
Mr. Romesh Raina and the management team of
Skyline Business School for their guidance and support
from the initial to the final level enabled me to develop
an understanding of the subject.
I also wish to express my gratitude to the officials and
other staff Members of library.
I sincerely thank to Mr. Kinshuk Sobti. He gave us his
precious time and helping us in completing our project.

I also thanks to my friend, family and other persons

who help me in completing my research

Lastly, I offer my regards and blessings to all of those

who supported me in any respect during the completion
of the project.


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Report of CC & CCC

Our topic is that we have to find the culture of any

organization. With that we have also give our views on
the culture of an organization and also tell the findings
of the culture in the organization. In the end we have to
write up the suggestions, which are helpful for the

In that case I chose the “Tanishq”. There I meet Mr.

Kinshuk Sobti. From him I ask several types of
questions. He co-operates with me so nicely and he
gave me all the answer in very polite and good manner.

What is Corporate Culture?

Organizational culture is an idea in the field of organizational
studies and management which describes the psychology,
attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values (personal and cultural
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Report of CC & CCC

values) of an organization. It has been defined as "the specific

collection of values and norms that are shared by people and
groups in an organization and that control the way they interact
with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization."
Ravasi and Schultz (2006) state that organizational culture is a set
of shared mental assumptions that guide interpretation and action
in organizations by defining appropriate behavior for various
situations. Although it’s difficult to get consensus about the
definition of organizational culture, several constructs are
commonly agreed upon – that organizational culture is holistic,
historically determined, related to anthropological concepts,
socially constructed, soft, and difficult to change.

This definition continues to explain organizational values,

described as "beliefs and ideas about what kinds of goals members
of an organization should pursue and ideas about the appropriate
kinds or standards of behavior organizational members should use
to achieve these goals. From organizational values develop
organizational norms, guidelines, or expectations that prescribe
appropriate kinds of behavior by employees in particular situations
and control the behavior of organizational members towards one

Tanishq was coined from a combination of Tata/Tamil Nadu and Nishq (meaning
a necklace of gold coins) and, again, from Tan, meaning body and Ishq, meaning
It was launched in 1994 as a range of jewellery and jewellery watches meant for
the European & American markets. But things began to change globally around

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Report of CC & CCC

this time, and the West entered a protracted period of slow economic growth
followed by recession. Supplying jewellery to the Americans & Europeans
suddenly no longer seemed an attractive proposition.
Initially, the criticism for Titan’s foray into jewellery was loud and often bitter.
Eventually, however, the critics were silenced. Tanishq, today, is perhaps the only
major Tata brand with a strong appeal for women. Very importantly, Tanishq has
brought to the market a whole new standard of business ethics and product
reliability, in the process bringing about a transformation in the manner in which
jewellery is bought and sold in India.
It has created a revolution in the Indian jewellery trade and in jewellery buying
behavior, and continues to set new parameters of excellence for others to follow.

Strategically designed health packages are a noteworthy feature of the hospital

services. They have been planned keeping economy and the highest standards of
quality under consideration, with an aim to benefit each and every stratum of

The idea behind starting this hospital was to provide quality services to society at
all times.

The visionary behind the Rockland Hospital, Shri Rajesh Srivastava relentlessly
strives to contribute to the growth and development of society keeping the
cultural traditions intact.

Leadership Style
In that organization I found that manager use the “Democratic”
style of leadership. Because he is always give and take suggestions.
He hear all the suggestions from the employees. He is very calm
and cool minded. If anyone need help suggestion he is always helps
the employees.
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Report of CC & CCC

For example in morning meetings he is giving instructions and takes

the suggestions from the employees. In morning meeting he is
always hear the problems of the employees. And tell them the
appropriate solution of the problem.
I spend little time the organization so, it may be for only that time
he is using autocratic style. So I m not fully sure but how fare is saw
him I feel like that.
(What is Democratic Style?)
The democratic leadership style is a very open and collegial style of running
a team. Ideas move freely amongst the group and are discussed openly.
Everyone is given a seat at the table, and discussion is relatively free-

This style is needed in dynamic and rapidly changing environments where

very little can be taken as a constant. In these fast moving organizations,
every option for improvement has to be considered to keep the group from
falling out of date.

The democratic leadership style means facilitating the conversation,

encouraging people to share their ideas, and then synthesizing all the
available information into the best possible decision. The democratic leader
must also be able to communicate that decision back to the group to bring
unity the plan is chosen.

Define the culture of the organization with help of one

or more examples

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The culture of the organization is very good. The organization is

very cleared about their goals. They are also very conscious about
their rules & regulations and about their fundamentals.
I visit in the organization and saw their so many things. Like the
organization is very punctual about their timing. The employees are
reach 15 mint before the timing. If you are late, your whole day’s
salary cut down.
And the truthfulness is very important in the organization. All the
employees have to be truthful towards his/her work and his/her
manager or boss. If they made any mistake so there is no need to
tell a lie. Employees tell the entire real situation. In that case there
is no punishment for them. And if anybody lying and his/her lie
caught out then he/she will throughout from the organization.
One another thing in the organization is very good that is
employees care. They are very conscious about the employee’s
health. For example if anyone not had his/her lunch in the break
time they will find it with the help of a laboratory check. And they
send that person for having the lunch. Because according to the
organization, they are in that field where they take care of the
patient’s health. And if our employees fall sick then how will patient
faith on the hospital & them.

And if a person or employee has a genuine reason then

organization’s manager understand the problem of the employee.
And if he/she wants leave from office, they will give leave without
salary cutting to the employee.

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Report of CC & CCC

Company says that “work is Worship”. They believe If anyone is not

pay his/her full attention on the work. So, the work is done by
him/her is worth less.
There are also some motivations activities. From where employees
are motivated towards their duties and work.



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Report of CC & CCC

This type of culture is helpful for the organization because the

punctuality of the time is very good. This help organization to finish
their all targets or achieve goals in the given time. Employees will
also come on time because they know very well if they come late in
the office their whole day’s salary will be cut down by the manager.
The factor of truth is also very helpful for the organization. The
people who are marketing team, and operational team they do
their work with honesty. So this type of culture is very helpful for
the organization.


 Employees Benefits

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Report of CC & CCC

 Autocratic leadership style (Because with this style all the

employees are stay in under control and get the help from
manager if any one got difficulty in the given assignment or

 Employees care

 Growth of the employees carrier

 Salary cutting

 Autocratic style (If manager is always used this type of style

because if a person want to share anything which is in the
favor of company or organization, he/she don’t got the
opportunity to express his/her views)

 Low salary (Like if the person who is experienced and fresher,

they got equal salary. They have to start from 20,000 Rupees)


If I get the opportunity to join the organization. I will surly join this
organization because this is good and suitable company for me.
The growth rate of the company and the employees is very good.
The people in organization is equally treated. No partiality is there
in the organization. And in training period of this company is very
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good. Because the new people are trained under the experienced
person. So, I will surely join this organization


 Sometime avoid the salary cutting

 Give salary according to the experienced

 Motivation activities should be there

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Report of CC & CCC

 Give the opportunity to the candidates or employees to share

their views with the manager or with their boss

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