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LEVEL: 02nd Year Lit and Philo Date:02 nd , Dec 2012

Time: 02 H


A- Reading and Interpreting (07 pts)

.Read the text carefully then do the activities

Farmers Daily Life in the Maya Empire

Many of the Maya peasants were farmers. Families lived in thatched roofed
houses - one family per house. Farmers and their families used to eat very well on the
farms. Food included hot corn porridge for breakfast, and tortillas filled with cooked
vegetables for lunch and dinner. 
Farmers used to work very hard. The Mayas did not use to work with metal
tools. Fathers and sons had to work their land mostly by hand. They were helped a little
with stone axes. Even though their tools were very simple, farmers used to grow so
much food that they produced surplus crops. 
Wives and daughters used to cook, clean and sew. Girls babysat their youngest
siblings. Women used to carry goods in baskets on their heads from the fields and to
market. They also had to help in the fields when necessary.
When the growing season ended, farmers worked alongside slaves (captured
people from other tribes) to build the magnificent cities. They were the labour.

:Answer these questions according to the text -1

a- What was the major job the Mayas practiced?
b- Did they use to eat well?
c- Who used to build the cities?

2- Pick up from the text one (01) sentence that expresses past habit.

:Say if these statements are true or false -3

a- All the Maya peasants were farmers.
b- More than one family could live in one house.
c- The Maya peasants used modern machinery in their agriculture.
d- Girls had no special work to do within the family circle.

?What/Who do these words in the text refer to -4

- Their (§2) - They (§3)
B- Text Exploration (08 pts)
:Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to -1
* Warm (§1) = …………………..
* Brothers and sisters (§3) = ………………

:Ask a question on the underlined word -2

Farmers used to work very hard
...................................................................................... ?

:Correct the verbs between brackets -3

Joy ………… (to be) my mate in the primary school. We …… (to go) school
together. Now, she ………. (to direct) a big company. She ……. (to spread) her work
out of the country soon.

:Divide the following words into roots and affixes -4

Words Prefix Root Suffix


PART TWO: Written Expression (05pts)

:Choose only ONE topic

Topic One:
Use the notes below to write a short paragraph about the Eskimo :
 Past Habits: - To live / Illinois (South Canada)
- To build/ ghettoes / snow
- To use/ animals (dogs/ wolves )/ to travel
- To eat / fish + marine food……
- To wear / skin / clothes
 Present Habits: - To live / houses
- To have/ new means of transport (cars, buses …)
- To put up / modern clothes styles

Topic Two:
Imagine you are a candidate for the local elections of 29/11/2012.
Write a short announcement to tell people about your program.

Your teacher : L .AEF

Do your Best to be the First

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