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Alpheus and
Presented by: Norielyn Damaso
''Never run from
someone loves you
because you might be
together in the end.''

Alpheus Arethusa

In the city of
Syracus in Sicily
The story takes starts off in Greece. Arethusa had
just finished a long and tiring hunt when she decides
to take a dip in a river. This river is the River Alpheus.
She came to a crystal
clear stream, she
decided to take a swim
and slipped into the
water then she
seemed to feel

something beneath her

in the water.
Arethusa scampered
out of the water, she
ran into the forest as
fast as she could
The unknown voice
told her that he was
Alpheus the God of
Arethusa called
Artemis for help.
The goddess answered her
plea but she was changed
into a spring. Arethusa
plunged down and emerged
near Syracuse.
Alpheus turned
himself into a
river and
plunged down in
the same

was not free
of Alpheus,
their waters
An Afterward
"They say that often Greek flowers
are seen coming up from the
bottom, and that if a wooden cup is
thrown into the Alpheus in Greece, it
will reappear in Arethusa's spring in
Thank you!

for bubbles

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