Grieves Ch9 The Cervical Spine

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Grieve’s Modern Musculoskeletal

Physiotherapy, 4th Edition

Authors: Gwendolen Jull, Ann Moore, Deborah Falla, Jeremy Lewis, Chris McCarthy,
Michele Sterling
Published Date: 23rd June 2015
Imprint: Elsevier
eBook ISBN: 9780702066511

Since the third edition of Grieve’s Modern Manual Therapy was published in 2005, the
original concepts of manipulative therapy have grown to embrace new research-
generated knowledge. Expansions in practice have adopted new evidence which include
consideration of psychological or social moderators. The original manual therapy or
manipulative therapy approaches have transformed into musculoskeletal physiotherapy
and this is recognized by the change in title for the new edition – Grieve’s Modern
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. Grieve’s Modern Musculoskeletal
Physiotherapy continues to bring together the latest state-of-the-art research, from both
clinical practice and the related basic sciences, which is most relevant to practitioners.
The topics addressed and the contributing authors reflect the best and most clinically
relevant contemporary work within the field of musculoskeletal physiotherapy.

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Functional Anatomy

Ch 9.1  The Cervical Spine  93 Ch 9.2  Lumbar Spine  101

Gail Forrester-Gale • Ioannis Paneris Michael Adams • Patricia Dolan


Gail Forrester-Gale • Ioannis Paneris

INTRODUCTION as anatomically the A-A joint is specifically designed

for rotation. It has a central pivot joint between the odon-
The following chapter aims to review and highlight toid peg and the osseoligamentous ring formed by the
the key anatomical and biomechanical features of the transverse ligament and anterior arch of the atlas, double
craniocervical region that are relevant to and support convex joints bilaterally and it lacks an intervertebral
clinical practice. disc.1,12,13 In addition to its large range of rotation, in vivo
The occiput, atlas, axis and surrounding soft tissues studies on asymptomatic subjects have shown that the
are collectively referred to as the craniocervical region. A-A joint plays a key role in the initiation of cervical
It is a unique spinal region that exhibits highly specialized rotation.9,14 Cervical rotation has been shown to start at
anatomy and considerable mobility in comparison to the C1–C2 level and to continue sequentially down the
other spinal regions. Of particular note are the atypical, cervical spine with each joint moving only once the pre-
modified vertebrae (the atlas and axis), the absence of ceding joint has completed its range of movement.1,14
intervertebral discs, the presence of an odontoid peg and
the configuration of double convex joints bilaterally at
the C1–C2 articulation.1
The atlas (C1) and axis (C2) together with the occiput MOVEMENTS AND CLINICAL
form a unique triad of articulations referred to as the IMPLICATIONS
occipito–atlantoaxial (O-AA) complex. This complex is
responsible for approximately one-third or 20° of the Alongside movement analysis studies exploring the range
total cervical sagittal plane movements of flexion and and direction of CCS mobility, there is a growing body
extension.2–8 In vivo movement analysis studies report of evidence from in vivo three-dimensional computed
that 4–7° of flexion and 17–21° of extension occur across tomography (3D CT) scan studies demonstrating the
this complex with the majority of this movement occur- coupling of movements occurring in the CCS.15–19
ring specifically at the atlanto-occipital joint (C0-C1).4–8 A recent study by Salem et al. carried out on 20
The atlanto-occipital joint (A-O joint) configuration is
specifically designed to facilitate upper cervical flexion
and extension (retraction and protraction). The lack of Superior articular surface
(for occipital condyle)
intervertebral disc along with the congruous joint sur-
faces, which are long and thin and orientated in a Articular facet for dens
posterior–anterior direction, facilitate the nodding move-
ment of the head on neck.2,5,8
Clinically, in situations where craniocervical spine
(CCS) pain is associated with movements of upper
Atlas (CI)
cervical flexion and extension, the A-O joint should be
a primary consideration in terms of assessment and
Axial rotation is the largest range of motion available
across the O-AA complex.1 Studies consistently show that Axis (CII)
the atlanto-axial joint (A-A joint; Fig. 9-1) provides 60% FIGURE 9-1  ■  The atlanto-axial joint. (Adapted from Drake et al.
of the total cervical rotation, which amounts to approxi- Grey’s Anatomy for Students. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone;
mately 38–56° to each side.1,5,9–11 This is unsurprising, 2005.)

94 PART II  Advances in Theory and Practice

asymptomatic participants used up-to-date imaging tech- axial rotation and lateral flexion across the O-AA
niques (3D CT kinematic analysis) to explore the coupled complex.16,17,37,38 They are strong, collagenous cords
motion patterns of the CCS in maximal axial rotation.1 approximately 1 cm in length, which run from the pos-
This study found that rotation in the CCS was consis- terolateral aspect of the odontoid peg to the medial
tently coupled with contralateral lateral flexion, which is surface of the occipital condyles.15 Due to their posterior
in contrast to the ipsilateral coupling pattern found in the attachment on the odontoid peg, they are wound around
sub-axial cervical spine.20 the process during contralateral axial rotation and become
maximally tightened at 90° cervical rotation. Further
stretch can be added to these ligaments with the addition
SYNOVIAL FOLDS IN THE of upper cervical flexion.16,17,34
Clinical Anatomy and Biomechanics of
The synovial folds of the CCS are formed by wedge- the Transverse Ligament and Relevance
shaped folds of synovial membrane.21–24 They have an to Clinical Testing
abundant vascular network and are innervated.21,25 The
composition of the synovial folds varies across the cra- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies on healthy
niocervical region possibly due to the different amounts participants have confirmed findings from cadaveric
of mechanical stress they are subjected to at each level. studies that the transverse ligament is a broad collage-
The synovial folds found at the A-O joint do not project nous band, approximately 2.5 mm thick, which extends
between the joint surfaces and are therefore unlikely to across the atlantal ring directly behind the odontoid peg
be exposed to mechanical stresses. They are composed of and attaches to the medial aspect of each lateral mass of
adipose-type synovial membrane. The synovial folds of the atlas.16,31 It acts like a sling and serves to hold the
the A-A articulation, however, project as far as 5 mm odontoid peg against the anterior arch of the atlas. In this
between the articular surfaces and will therefore be way it restricts forward translation of the atlas in relation
exposed to mechanical stresses. They are formed of a to the axis particularly during movements of cervical
stronger more fibrous type of synovial membrane.21,24,25 flexion.35,39
The synovial folds have been suggested to perform
various functions in the CCS. They have been described Clinical Anatomy and Biomechanics of
as ‘passive space fillers’ serving to fill non-congruent the Tectorial Membrane and Relevance
areas of the joint and thus enhance joint congruity and to Clinical Testing
stability. They may also help to protect or lubricate the
articular surfaces and assist in weight bearing or shock Combined findings from in vitro cadaveric studies and in
absorption.21 Additionally, the CCS synovial folds may vivo MRI scan studies concur that the tectorial mem-
have a proprioceptive role providing mechanosensory brane is a broad fibroelastic band, approximately 5–7.5 cm
information important for sensorimotor control in the in length, 1.5–3 cm in width and 1–1.5 mm thick.37,40
upper cervical spine.25 Recent anatomical and radiological studies have con-
firmed that it originates on the posterior surface of the
C2 body and runs vertically upwards, as a specialized
cranial continuation of the posterior longitudinal liga-
THE ANATOMY OF CRANIOCERVICAL ment, attaching to the basilar grove of the occipital
STABILITY AND CLINICAL bone.35,37 It is adherent to the anterio superior dura
IMPLICATIONS mater that may be of clinical relevance in patients with
whiplash-associated disorder (WAD) or other disorders
CCS stability is provided through a combination of presenting with head, neck or facial pain and altered
mechanical restraint from the ligamentous system response to neurodynamic testing such as passive neck
and sensorimotor control from the neuromuscular flexion.36,40–42 The tectorial membrane becomes taught at
system.26–33 15° of craniocervical flexion; however, anatomical studies
suggest that its primary role is not to limit craniocervical
flexion but to prevent posterior migration of the odon-
Ligamentous System toid peg into the cervical spinal canal.37,40 Due to its high
The chief mechanical restraints of the craniocervical elastin content it is thought that the membrane acts as a
region are generally recognized as the transverse and alar hammock, stretching and tightening over the odontoid
ligaments with other ligaments such as the tectorial peg in craniocervical flexion thus assisting the transverse
membrane, capsular ligaments, ligamentum flavum, A-A ligament in preventing a posterior movement of the
ligaments, ligamentum nuchea, posterior atlanto-occipital odontoid peg into the spinal canal and preventing
membranes and atlanto-axial membranes acting as sec- impingement of the peg onto the spinal cord.36,40
ondary stabilizers (Fig. 9-2).15,17,34–36
Craniocervical Muscles and Their
Clinical Anatomy and Biomechanics Clinical Significance
of the Alar Ligaments
The key muscles acting directly on the CCS are the
There is consensus in the literature that the alar liga- suboccipital muscle (SOM) group posteriorly and the
ments provide the main passive restraints to contralateral craniocervical flexor (CCF) muscle group anteriorly.
9  Functional Anatomy 95

Superior longitudinal band Jugular foramen

of cruciform ligament
Anterior edge of
foramen magnum
Transverse process of atlas
Alar ligament
Transverse ligament of atlas Ends of membrana tectoria

Anterior capsule of atlanto-axial joint Posterior longitudinal ligament

Inferior longitudinal band
A of cruciform ligament

Temporal bone
petrous part Internal acoustic meatus

Foramen magnum Occipital bone basilar part

posterior border Membrana tectoria
Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
Apical ligament of dens
Superior longitudinal band
of cruciform ligament
Vertebral artery Dens
First cervical nerve Anterior arch of atlas
Posterior arch of atlas Bursal space in fibrocartilage
Transverse ligament of atlas Remains of intervertebral disc
Inferior longitudinal band
Body of atlas
of cruciform ligament
Ligamentum flavum
Posterior longitudinal ligament
Anterior longitudinal ligament
FIGURE 9-2  ■  The craniocervical ligamentous system.

Both groups are composed of short, deep segmental

muscles that largely function to provide segmental control
and support to the craniocervical joints.18,43–46 Both
muscle groups have been shown to contain a high density capitis
of muscle receptors, particularly muscle spindles, with anterior
the largest concentration of muscle spindles being found
Longus capitis
in the SOM.18,19,46–48 This would suggest that both these C2
muscle groups are likely to act primarily as sensory recep- Upper part
tors monitoring and controlling the position, direction, C3
amplitude and velocity of craniocervical joint movement C4
and therefore have an important role in the maintenance colli
Middle part
of dynamic stability in the CCS. In addition, afferent C5
information from the SOM and CCF muscle spindles is C6
integrated with information from the vestibular and Lower part
visual apparatus via the vestibular nuclei and is thus
involved in various postural reflexes in the control of T1
balance.49–51 T2
The CCF muscle group include longus capitis (LCap), T3
rectus capitis anterior (RCA), rectus capitus lateralis
FIGURE 9-3  ■  The craniocervical flexor muscle group. (Adapted
(RCL) and longus colli (Fig. 9-3). The first three muscles from Palastanga et al. Anatomy and Human Movement. Edinburgh:
all have an attachment in the CCS. LCap arises from the Churchill Livingstone; 2006.)
transverse processes of the third to sixth cervical verte-
brae and ascends to insert onto the inferior surface of
the occiput. It is narrow subaxially but broad and thick
in the CCS.3,13,44
96 PART II  Advances in Theory and Practice

The RCA muscle is a short, flat muscle, situated complex. However, studies have shown that both muscles,
immediately behind the upper part of the LCap. It arises in particular the RCPminor, have a high density of muscle
from the anterior surface of the lateral mass of the atlas, spindles suggesting that they have a more important role
and passes obliquely upward and medially to insert on the in CCS proprioception than in movement and may help
inferior surface of the occiput in front of the foramen to stabilize the atlas in relation to the occiput.18,19,47 This
magnum. The RCL is another short, flat muscle, which has been supported by a recent electromyographic study
arises from the upper surface of the transverse process of on RCPminor muscles that demonstrated activity in the
the atlas, and is inserted onto the undersurface of the muscle with the head in a neutral position but signifi-
jugular process of the occiput.3,13,51–53 cantly increased activity with the head in a retracted
Acting as a group, the CCF muscle group provides position.46
support to the cervical lordosis and segmental stability to Anatomical connections between the anterior surfaces
the cervical spine as a whole. RCA and LCap in particular of RCPmajor and RCPminor muscles and the posterior
provide stability to the upper cervical motion segments.54 cervical spinal dura mater through fibrous connective
In addition to their proprioceptive role, they serve to tissue or myodural bridges have been consistently
produce flexion of the upper cervical spine or a nodding reported.56–58 These connections may provide a form of
movement of the head on the neck.55 anchorage for the dura mater but more importantly,
The SOM group includes rectus capitis posterior due to findings of proprioceptive fibres throughout the
major (RCPmajor), rectus capitis posterior minor (RCP- myodural connections, are believed to be involved in
minor), obliqus capitis superior (OCS) and obliqus capitis the monitoring and controlling of dural tension during
inferior (OCI) (Fig. 9-4).13,52,53 flexion and extension movements of the head and neck.46,56
RCPminor is stated to be the only muscle with a direct Additionally, the fibrous bridge may provide propriocep-
attachment to the atlas (C1). It is documented to arise tive information regarding the position of the AO and
from the posterior arch of the atlas (C1) and to insert AA joints to help prevent infolding of the pain-sensitive
onto the occipital bone below the inferior nuchal line dura mater during head and neck movements.46,56 Clini-
lateral to the midline and medial to RCPmajor.20 cally, the myodural bridges between the SOM and the
The RCPmajor muscle is commonly cited to arise cervical spinal dura may be of relevance in relation to
from the spinous process of the axis (C2) and to ascend cervicogenic headache.46,56,59–61
to its insertion on the lateral part of the inferior nuchal The OCS is a small muscle arising from the lateral
line of the occiput.13 However, Scali et al. carried out an mass of the atlas (C1) ascending to attach onto the lateral
anatomical and histological study on 11 cadavers primar- half of the inferior nuchal line on the occiput. It acts at
ily to explore the atlanto-axial interspace.56 They found the A-O joint to extend and side flex the head. The OCI
in all 11 cadavers examined that the RCPmajor muscle muscle is the larger of the two oblique craniocervical
was firmly attached to the spinous process of the atlas muscles. It lies deep to semispinalis capitus, arising from
(C1). It would therefore appear that both RCPmajor and the apex of the spinous process of the axis (C2) and
RCPminor have an attachment onto the atlas (C1). passing laterally and upwards to insert on the posterior
The main actions of RCPmajor and RCPminor are aspect of the transverse process of the atlas (C1). It is
extension, side flexion and rotation of the O-AA joint responsible for rotation of the A-A joint.13 Similarly to
RCPmajor and RCPminor, both OCS and OCI have a
high density of Golgi tendon organs and muscle spindles
indicating that proprioception is likely to be the primary
role of these and indeed all the SOM allowing for accu-
rate positioning of the head on the neck.


Oblique capitis
Although the first, second and seventh vertebrae have
Rectus capitis special features, the rest of the vertebrae of the cervical
posterior minor spine are almost identical with the sixth having only
Rectus capitis minor distinguishing features.62
posterior major
Obliquus capitis The Vertebral Body
The typical vertebra consists of two parts: the vertebral
body and the vertebral arch. The body of the typical
vertebra is a relatively small and broad mass of trabecular,
spongy bone covered by a layer of cortical bone.63 The
shape of the cervical vertebral body is oval with the trans-
verse diameter being greater than the anteroposterior
FIGURE 9-4  ■  The suboccipital muscle group. (Adapted from diameter and height.63 The cervical intervertebral joints
Middleditch & Oliver. Functional Anatomy of the Spine. Edinburgh: are saddle-shaped and they consist of two concavities
Butterworth Heinnemann; 2005.) facing each other at 90°.64 The opposing surfaces of the
9  Functional Anatomy 97

vertebral bodies are gently curved in the sagittal plane a contralateral rotation and side flexion pattern seem to
with the anterior part of the vertebra sloping downwards take place on C2.64 The orientation of the superior facets
partially overlapping the anterior surface of the interver- in relation to the transverse plane seems to change gradu-
tebral disc. The superior surface of the vertebral body is ally from posteromedially at C3 to posterolaterally at C7
also curved on the coronal plane forming a concavity of to T1. However this change could be either gradual or
which its sides are the uncinate processes.62 sudden and the level of change of the orientation was not
The uncinate processes are projections that arise from constant, occurring at any level of the lower cervical spine
most of the circumference of the upper margin of the with the most common being the level of C5–C6.70 The
vertebral body of C3 to C7. Although the uncinate pro- shape of the superior articular facets gradually changes
cesses are present in utero, they start to enlarge gradually from almost circular at the level of C3, to oval with an
between the ages of 9 to 14 years reaching their maximum elongated transverse diameter at C7.70
height.63,65 In mature spines the uncinate processes artic- The cervical zygapophyseal joints were found to be
ulate with the superior vertebra at its incisures forming the most common source of pain after whiplash injury.71
the uncovertebral joints or joints of Luschka. The size of This could be due to the mechanical compressional and
the uncinate processes varies slightly from level to level. shear forces applied to the dorsal part of the joints during
Their average height ranges from 3–6.1 mm and the this form of impact.72–74 Further, the absence of articular
anteroposterior length from 5–8.3 mm,66 and they are cartilage, especially at the dorsal part of the joint, could
significantly higher at C4 to C6 compares to C3 and C7 lead to impingement and bone to bone contact and
levels.67 trauma.75 The facet joint capsule consists of bundles of
The uncinate processes and the uncovertebral joints dense, regularly arranged, collagen fibres, containing
limit side flexion of the cervical spine and stabilize the elongated nuclei of fibroblasts and loose connective tissue
intervertebral disc in the coronal plane during axial rota- with areas of adipose-like tissue.76,77 Fibroblasts with
tion.5 The uncovertebral joints play a stabilizing role ovoid and round nuclei are found within the loose con-
primarily in extension and side flexion followed by nective tissue.76 The capsule of the lower cervical spine
torsion.68 The uncinate processes, by forming the saddle is also covered by an average of 22.4% by muscle fibres,
shape of the superior surface of the vertebra, working possibly by the semispinalis and multifidi, suggesting a
together with the zygapophyseal joints dictate the cou- potential path for loading of the facet capsule.78 A number
pling movement of side flexion and ipsilateral rotation of of animal and human cadaveric studies have verified the
the vertebrae of the low cervical spine on an the axis presence of mechanoreceptors and nociceptors in the
perpendicular to the plane of the facet joints.64,69 capsules of the cervical facet joints.76,77,79–81 The dorsal
part of the cervical facet joint is innervated by the dorsal
ramus via its middle branch.41
The Vertebral Arch Intra-articular inclusions, or synovial folds, are present
The vertebral arch consists of the pedicles and the in the majority of the zygapophyseal joints. Because of
laminae. The pedicles are short, projecting posterolater- the location, to the ventral and dorsal parts of the joints,
ally and arising midway between the discal surfaces of the it has been hypothesized that they act as space fillers
vertebral bodies making the superior and inferior verte- protecting the parts of the cartilage that become exposed
bral notches of similar depth. The laminae are longer and during translatory movements by maintaining a film of
thinner and project posteromedially. They have a thinner synovial fluid between themselves and the cartilage. In
superior border compared to the inferior and they are addition, and due to their fibrous consistency, it has also
slightly curved. The junction of the laminar forms the been hypothesized that meniscoids could play a role in
spinous process which is short and bifid and the two mechanical stress distribution.82 Although, an earlier
tubercles being often of unequal size. study has indicated that intra-articular meniscoids are
The junction of the pedicle with the ipsilateral lamina features of cervical spine in the first two decades of life,83
bulges laterally forming the superior and inferior articu- more recent cadaveric studies have confirmed their pres-
lar processes. The articulations between the superior and ence in the majority of facet joints of cervical spines of
inferior processes (facet or zygapophyseal joints) form the advanced age.82,84
articular pillar (lateral mass) on each side. The superior
articular processes are flat, oval-shaped and face supero-
posteriorly. Small morphological differences exist for the
superior articular processes of the C3 which, in addition The main ligaments that are associated with the interver-
to facing superiorly and posteriorly, also face medially to tebral and zygapophyseal joints are the anterior longitu-
about 40°. Also, the superior articular facets of C3 lie dinal ligament, the posterior longitudinal ligament and
slightly inferiorly in relation to their vertebral body com- the ligamentum flavum.
pared to the rest of the typical cervical levels.64 This The anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL) is attached
morphological specificity of the superior processes of the to the anterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies and discs.62
C3 lead to alteration of the biomechanical behaviour at The ALL is comprised of four layers with distinguishable
the C2–C3 level. Indeed, the expected coupling of ipsi- patterns of attachment.85 The fibres of the superficial
lateral rotation and side flexion does not seem to exist at layer of the ALL run longitudinally crossing several seg-
this level. The medial orientation on the facets at this ments and they are attached to the central areas of the
level serves to minimize rotation, thus stabilizing the C2 anterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies. They cover
during rotational movements of the neck.14 On average roughly the middle two-quarters of the anterior vertebral
98 PART II  Advances in Theory and Practice

bodies and, in contrast to the upper cervical levels, at the attention, especially in the mid and low cervical seg-
lower cervical segments the fibres of the ALL are less ments. Despite the fact that in most anatomical texts the
densely packed and the ligament expands laterally. The LN is described as a ligament homologous to the supra-
fibres of the second layer also run longitudinally. At this spinous and interspinous ligaments, the LN is not a liga-
layer the fibres cover one intervertebral disc and attach ment but a structure that consists of a dorsal nuchal raphe
to the anterior surfaces of the inferior and superior ver- and a midline fascial septum.89 The dorsal raphe and the
tebrae but never further than half way up or down that ventral fascial portions of the LN are a single entity and
surface. The fibres of the third layer are similar to the consist of muscular aponeurotic fibres and in the mid-
ones of the second one in orientation, but these fibres are cervical spine; they are derived from the trapezius and
shorter, covering one intervertebral disc and attaching splenius capitis. The aponeurotic fibres decussate at the
just cranial of caudal to the margins of the adjacent ver- midline, forming a triangular body representing the
tebrae. The fibres of the fourth layer are of more alar dorsal raphe which becomes progressively larger caudally
disposition. They arise from the anterior surface of the with a progressive increase in aponeurotic fibres. The
vertebra above, close to its inferior margin, and passing decussate fibres then project ventrally to attach to the
inferiorly and laterally insert to the vertebra below just spinous processes of the C2 to C5 vertebrae forming
inferiorly to its superior margin. The most lateral of these the ventral portion of the LN. At the C6, C7 levels the
fibres reach the summit of the uncinate processes.85 two portions of the LN are not distinguishable and
The posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL) covers the the LN is formed by horizontal aponeurotic fibres of the
entire posterior surface of the vertebral bodies in the trapezius, rhomboideus minor, serratus posterior minor
vertebral canal, attaching to the central posterior surfaces and splenius capitis.90
of the vertebral bodies and has three distinct layers.85 The
superficial layer contains longitudinal fibres that bridge
three to four vertebrae and lateral extensions that extend
inferolaterally from the central band to cross an interver-
The Intervertebral Disc
tebral disc and attach to the base of the pedicle one or The intervertebral disc of the cervical spine shows dis-
two levels below.85 The fibres of the intermediate layer tinct morphological and histological differences to the
are longitudinal, span only one intervertebral disc and rest of the discs of the spinal column. The intervertebral
occupy a narrow area close to the midline of the posterior disc consists of the nucleus pulposus and the annulus
surface of the vertebral body. The deep layer consists of fibrosus as in the rest of the sections of the spine. However,
fibres that cover one intervertebral disc and arise from the nucleus pulposus at birth constitutes no more than
the inferior margin of the cephalad vertebra and extend 25% of the entire disc and quickly changes from gelati-
inferiorly and laterally to the superior margin of the nous to fibrocartilagenous in consistency by the middle
caudal vertebrae. The most lateral fibres extend in an alar of the second decade of life.65
fashion to the posterior end of the base of the uncinate The annulus fibrosus has a crescentic form anteriorly
process.85 In the cervical spine the ALL and the deep with a thick anterior part in the sagittal plane, which
layer of the PPL are continuous, surrounding the entire becomes progressively thinner when traced to the unci-
vertebral body while the superficial layer of the PPL sur- nate processes. The posterior part consists only of a
rounds the dura matter, nerve root and the vertebral thin layer of collagen fibres. The anterior part of the
artery suggesting a dual role for this structure: as a con- annulus is covered by a thin layer of collagen fibres.
ventional ligament; and as a protective membrane for the This is a transitional layer between the deepest layers
soft tissues inside the vertebral canal.86 of the anterior longitudinal ligament and the annulus.
The ligamentum flavum (LF) connects the laminae of The fibres of the transitional layer pass inferiorly and
the adjacent vertebra and extends from the facet joint diverge laterally, whereas more laterally they pass infe-
capsules to the point where the laminae fuse to form the riorly and laterally in a more alar disposition attaching
spines.62 In the low cervical spine the majority of liga- to the edges of the vertebral bodies. The fibres of the
menta flava do not fuse at the midline,87 leaving gaps that annulus fibrosus proper arise laterally from the apex
admit veins connecting the internal and posterior exter- and anterior surface of the uncinate process and the
nal venous plexuses.62 The LF consists of yellow elastic superior part of the inferior disc and run medially to
and collagen fibres that are longitudinal in orientation insert on the inferior surface of the vertebrae above.
connecting the anterior surface and lower margin of the Towards the midline the fibres interweave with the fibres
lamina above to the posterior surface and upper margin coming from the opposite side. Deeper layers of the
of the lamina below. At the cervical spine the LF is thin, annulus progressively originate closer to the midline
broad and long and it limits separation of the laminae in maintaining the interweaving pattern. At its deepest
flexion and assists restoration of the neutral posture after (2–3  mm), the fibres of the annulus are embedded with
flexion.62 The LF becomes thinner in cervical flexion and proteoglycans to form a fibrocartilagenous mass increas-
thicker and shortened in extension protruding in the ingly becoming less laminated, forming the nucleus of
spinal canal to an average of 3.25 mm approximately.88 the disc.85 The posterior part of the annulus is about
At the levels of C6–C7 and C7–T1 the LF is uniquely 1  mm thin and covers a small posteromedial section.
thick in extension, which may predispose to cord Its fibres run vertically between the facing surfaces of
compression. the adjacent vertebral bodies. The rest of the posterior
From the rest of the ligaments of the cervical fibrocartilagenous core to the uncus either side is covered
spine, the ligamentum nuchae (LN) commands the most by periosteofascial tissue.65,85
9  Functional Anatomy 99

The Intervertebral Foramina 3. Jull G, Sterling M, Falla D, et al. Whiplash, Headache and
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