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Babao, Mark Anthony L.

BSA 2.1
STI College Batangas
Rizal’s life and works

Title of the Reading

Rizal and Theory of Nationalism
Based on our previous discussion, I have learned the definition and
other significant information which helps me to better understand the
differences of the four categories including nationalism, patriotism,
volunteerism, and nation. Nationalism is the identification with one's own
nation and support for its interests, even to the exclusion or detriment of
the interests of other nations. In one nation, we have our own nationality
but, in our country, we defined ourselves as a Filipinos. We can show the
importance of being a nationalistic by manifesting our own unique cultures,
tradition particularly our own different kind of languages while patriotism
is the devotion to and to support one's country; the feeling of love,
devotion, vigorous, support, and a sense of attachment to one's country or
homeland, as well as the unity with others who share the same sentiment.
In my opinion, Dr. Jose Rizal is an example of a patriotic person because we
all know that at his young age until he became matured, he showed his love
and devotion for our country by using the power of letters because he
believes that pen is mightier than a sword. Volunteerism is the use or
involvement of employed labor and for me, it is defined as an action or
doing something and we should do our responsibility with all our hearts. For
me, Nation pertains to a community wherein people have shared culture,
language, history, and united by common descent. Popular Nationalism
pertains to daily responsibilities of a person while underside is an action
that we rarely show to someone around us.
How does this develop and/or promote nationalism to you?
I have learned a lot of information which helps me to understand
more the broad meaning of nationalism. Furthermore, I have learned to
give importance and show my love and support for our country by valuing
different unique cultures, traditions, heritage, languages, and many more.
We, as a Filipinos need to make as one and united to have a better nation.
I know that each of us have our own way to express our love and support
to our country. I was amazed by how people contributed and be a
nationalistic person which makes me inspire and do the same thing because
it’s part of our daily living to show what we can do, what we can contribute
to our society, specifically and to help each other. We have to show the true
meaning and spirit of one nation.

Did Rizal demonstrate popular nationalism through his works?

Justify your answer.
Yes, Dr. Jose Rizal demonstrates popular nationalism through his
works. In his life, he supported and truly sacrificed his own life in order to
help us. He also showed his love and support by using his time and life to
write novels and poems in order to fight for our country. We are all aware
that his novels and editorials made a big contribution to save us from the
inhuman behavior of other countries. Accordingly, he had been vocal
against the Spanish government, but in a peaceful and progressive manner.
He believes that pen is mightier than sword. Through his writings, he
exposed the corruption and wrong actions of government officials as well
as the Spanish friars. He used his words to fight and protect Filipinos. Among
his created novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo stood out from
the rest. In both novels, Rizal harshly criticized the Spanish colonial rule in
the country and exposed the ills of Philippine society at the time. And
because he wrote about the injustices and brutalities of the Spaniards in
the country, the authorities banned Filipinos from reading the controversial
books. Yet they were not able to ban it completely. As more Filipinos read
the books, their eyes opened the truth that they were suffering
unspeakable abuses at the hands of the friars. These two novels by Rizal,
now considered his literary masterpieces, are said to have indirectly
sparked the Philippine Revolution.

Reference: (
How will the study of our national history affect your actions in
the present?
Studying our national history gives us a detailed picture of what
happened in the past. We are all aware how Filipinos fought to achieve our
main goal which is freedom and rights. They sacrifice their own life in order
to protect every Filipinos from those people who want to govern us.
Moreover, we all know that our country truly experienced the dark past. By
knowing our national history, I used to think what I can do because I cannot
afford to experience those happenings in the past. In the present time, I
would rather show my support and love for my own country by valuing
cultures and traditions. I will volunteer wholeheartedly and help those
people who are in needs. I am not sure but I guess I can be one of those
only politicians with a good heart. I can lead and show how I can be a role
model and lead our country with better governance. I will encourage every
Filipinos to also show their support and love because I believe that unity is
one of the keys to achieve our goals. Becoming a leader is totally hard but I
will do what is right and what's best to have a progressive and peaceful

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