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Year 11 Drama
Mini Individual Project
Digital Program:
Pro Create
Syllabus Outcomes:
Is App Suitable Details
Age/year level:
Is the application appropriate for the Yes Allows students to create
age and year level of the students? their own costume design.
Is the reading level of the text and type Yes Their chosen text is of a
of media appropriate? complex readying level, but
the media type is appropriate
for the adaptation of
costume design based on
their text.
Curriculum Links:
Are there links between the Yes Students are required to
content/functions of the application and undertake a unit of work that
the expectations of the curriculum? not only meets Year 11
syllabus outcomes, but is
preparing them for HSC
Are the content and examples relevant Yes Simple to use and gives
to the curriculum? students creative freedom.
Will this help teach the curriculum in No Applying this form of
new or different ways? technology to costume
design will only allow for
augmentation of the
Instructional content:
Is the information accurate, complete Yes
and current?
Are sources reliable? Yes
Does the content encourage higher- Yes
order thinking?
Is the content culturally appropriate? N/A
Does it present multiple perspectives?
Engaging and interactive:
Will the learner(s) be actively involved Yes Students will inderpendently
in using the tool? undertake the task.
Is feedback provided? Is the feedback Yes Feedback will be provided
appropriate and meaningful? by teacher informally and
Are assessment tasks included, or can Yes This costume design will
the teacher develop relevant assessment serve as a formal
tasks that link to the use of the tool? assessment.
Can all aspects of the tool be integrated Yes This tool is being used in
easily into classroom activities? place of a physical sketch.
Can the tool be used for multiple Yes The tool can be used across
curriculum units? different unit ie Art,
Woodwork, Photography etc
Does the medium used support or Yes and No The tool does not have pop
distract from the learning activity? up adds, however off task
behaviours could be a result.
Is the tool easy to use and intuitive? Yes The tool has an easy to
navigate layout and once
understood is simple.
Technical considerations:
Does the tool work consistently? N/A This will be dependent on
students devices.
Are there special technical requirements Yes The tool requires
for using the tool? Does the school have purchasing. The school will
access to those requirements? have to purchase the tool for
school devices or students
will have to purchase the
tool independently.
Support materials:
Does the tool have multiple forms of Yes Tips are given throughout
help (manuals, context-sensitive help, the introduction of the tool
and tutorials)? tutorials are available on
YouTube as well as help
support from the producing
Are teaching support materials or online Yes Website offer education
resources available to help a teacher tutorial for teachers as well
embed the tool into lessons? as free tutorials available on

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