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Welcome to Online Class

Course: Export-Import Management

Conducted By
Lata Akter
Department of Business Administration
Dhaka City College
Recommended Books:

1.Justin Paul & Rajiv Aserkar,(2012). Export

Import Management, 2nd Edition, Oxford Press.
2.Verma M. M. & Agarwal K.R.(2015). Export
Management, King Books Educational
Publishers, Delhi, India.
Course: Export-Import Management (510135)


Chapter-1: Introduction
 What is Export?
 What is Import?
 What is Export Import Management?
 Features of Export Import Management
 Advantages of Exporting for the firm
 Risks/Difficulties of Exporting for the firms
Exports are goods and services that are produced in one
country and sold into another country. The seller of such
goods and services is an exporter.

According to Skinner and Ivancevich, "Exporting is

selling domestic made goods in another country."
Imports are goods or services bought in one country that
were produced in another. Import deals with the buying or
getting in goods and products from different countries to
one own country. The buyer of such goods and services is
an importer.

According to Skinner and Ivancevich, “Importing is

purchasing goods made in another country."
Export Import Management is the application of
managerial process to the functional area of exports &

According to Justin Paul, “Export-import management is

the planning ,organizing, coordinating and controlling
export and import efforts to achieve desired objectives in
an orderly manner with confidence.”
1. Large scale operations

2. Integration of economies

3. Dominated by developed countries and MNCs

4. Benefits to participating countries

5. Keen Competition

6. Special role of science and technology

7. International restrictions

8. Sensitive nature
1. Optimum utilization of resources

2. Increase sales and profits

3. Improve organizational efficiency

4. Gain global market shares

5. Spread business risks

6. Increase globalization

7. Gain new knowledge and experiences

8. Create potential for expansion

1. Difficulties of distance
2. High risks and uncertainties
3. Diverse language, customs and tradition
4. Different currencies, weight and measures
5. Problems for non-members of trading blocs
6. Customs formalities
7. Foreign exchange regulation
8. Documentation formalities
9. Trade Barriers

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