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Peripheral nervous system toxicity biomarkers
T.V. Damodaran

INTRODUCTION to known and unknown toxic mechanisms becomes

imperative for effective treatment and management pro-
tocols. Even though the clinical presentation of the dis-
The nervous system is the most complex organ system
ease condition may be useful for preliminary diagnosis
in humans and many of the vertebrates and can be
for symptomatic treatment approaches, permanent cure
defined as the master controlling and communicating
may be possible only after disease-specific treatments.
system of the body. Its activity is the basis for every
The developing nervous system may be more or less
thought, action, and emotion. Along with the endocrine
susceptible to neurotoxic insult depending on the stage
system, the nervous system plays a major role in the
of development. Biomarkers used in adults are often
body’s homeostasis in human and other vertebrates.
applicable for use during development, but develop-
Because of the need to be rapid and immediate, its cells
mental stage-specific and aging related differences may
communicate by electrical and chemical signals that are
be important (Slikker and Bowyer, 2005). While both
highly specific. The dynamic nature of responses of var-
inherited and acquired peripheral nervous system
ious organisms to their extrinsic (external environment)
(PNS) disorders may have common pathways that can
and other intrinsic (homeostatic) factors to ensure their
be identified by biomarker identification and validation,
survival depends on the structural and functional integ-
there may be unknown layers of complexity that need
rity of the nervous system. The unique status of this
to be understood for better treatment protocols.
organ system also makes it relatively more susceptible
Thus, biomarkers (measurable end points by cell,
to toxic mechanisms arising from various day to day
molecular, and clinical parameters) are very important
life activities. These neurotoxic mechanisms can be of
for various applications connected with the accurate
short-term or long-term duration as well as either acute
diagnosis, treatment, and management of neurological
or chronic. The drastic outcome from these neurotoxic
disorders. These biomarkers are also useful for asses-
mechanisms can be immediate or delayed. These
sing clinical responses, identification of risks, selection
mechanisms may have general effects or may affect
of doses, and other aspects in drug development and
very specific parts of this multi-unit hierarchical struc-
evaluation. Positive correlation between symptoms at
ture. Some of these neurotoxic mechanisms may get
all levels (molecular, cellular, and phenotypical) of
resolved quickly by the body’s repair mechanisms,
abnormal and/or normal presentations (both qualita-
while other types may need rigorous therapeutic proto-
tively and quantitatively) of chemicals, metabolites, and
cols. Because of the nervous system’s omnipresent role
other clinical and measurable morphological features
in many other organ systems, the toxic mechanisms that
can help define the biomarker of choice. As per the NIH
affect the nervous system may have direct or indirect,
biomarker working group, a biomarker is a characteris-
mild, or profound effects on other organ systems. Thus,
tic that can be objectively measured as an indicator of
accurate and prompt identification of toxic mechanisms
normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or a
responsible for any neurological disease conditions due
pharmacological response to a therapeutic intervention.

R. Gupta (Ed): Biomarkers in Toxicology. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-12-404630-6 DOI:

Hence, biomarkers can be effectively used to identify which regulates functions during resting stages such as
(a) whether the exposure has occurred, (b) the route of digesting food and emptying the urinary bladder, etc.
exposure, (c) the pathway of exposure, and (d) resulting (Figure 10.2). The enteric nervous system (ENS) consists
short-term or long-term effects, as well as outcomes of of plexuses within the wall of the digestive tract, and it
therapeutic interventions to bring the organism to its controls the digestive system through local reflexes (inde-
original healthy status. Thus, biomarkers of PNS can pendent of CNS).
define structural and functional aspects of the periph- The PNS includes cranial nerves (12 pairs) and spinal
eral nervous system in both health and disease. In this nerves (31 pairs) and their ganglia. While the neuron is
chapter, emerging trends in the broad field of PNS the basic structural unit of the nervous system, the
related biomarkers in health and disease status, with reflex arc is the basic functional unit capable of receiv-
major emphasis on humans and related animal models, ing a stimulus. A reflex is an automatic response (that
are presented. occurs without conscious thought) formed by the reflex
arc. There are three major reflexes: (1) the stretch
reflex, (2) the Golgi tendon reflex, and (3) the with-
drawal reflex that takes care of two types of responses
from the nervous system. The first one is called the
autonomic reflex, for maintaining many of the homeo-
SYSTEM static mechanisms such as constant blood pressure,
blood carbon dioxide levels and water intake, etc. The
The nervous system is divided into two distinct types: second one is called the somatic reflex, which removes
(a) Central Nervous System (CNS) and (b) Peripheral the body from painful stimulation, body imbalances,
Nervous System (PNS). The central nervous system con- and other external forces.
sists of the brain (with all of its highly specialized Schwann cells are the major neuroglia in the PNS.
regions, such as medulla oblongata, brainstem, mid- They simply wrap around axons to form the myelin
brain, and cerebral cortex) and the spinal cord, which is sheath. Another specialized cell type called satellite cells
connected to the brain structure via the medulla oblon- protect the PNS from heavy metal poisoning by simply
gata. The peripheral nervous system, on the other hand, absorbing them, thereby preventing their entry into
consists of the rest of the nervous tissue outside the neurons. The myelin sheath along with the nodes of
CNS. It includes sensory receptors, nerves (bundles of Ranvier are highly efficient in rapid propagation of
nerve fibers called axons and their sheath), ganglia (col- action potentials. The myelin sheath is also involved in
lection of cell bodies located outside the CNS), and several aspects of axonal transport, ion channel activity
plexuses (extensive network of axons and cell bodies of the axonal membrane, and phosphorylation of the
outside the CNS). Highly specialized cells to detect vari- cytoskeletal proteins. Most axonal components such as
ous stimuli such as temperature changes; sensation of synaptic vesicles precursors, cytoskeletal elements, and
pain, pressure, touch; odor perception; light and sound mitochondria-like organelles are very important for the
sensing, constitute the broader definition of sensory proper functioning of sensory and motor neurons.
receptors. The endings of neurons along with the previ- Human beings, like many other life forms on the
ously mentioned specialized cells also constitute sen- earth, are constantly bombarded with multitudes of che-
sory receptors. micals (from household items, from workplace materi-
The peripheral nervous system has two subdivisions: als, and from other habitats connected with their lives),
(a) the sensory division and (b) the motor division. The radiation (of all known and unknown types), and bio-
sensory division which is also called “afferent” 5 “to- logical materials (a variety of microbes, viruses, etc.).
wards,” transmits electrical signals called action poten- Yet, a good majority of these life forms seem to be living
tials (which are nothing but net charge changes at the in comparatively stable and evolving ecosystems.
site of action on the membrane) to the CNS (to the cell However, there has been an increasing realization of the
bodies of sensory neurons). The motor division (also existence of both negative and positive feedback
called “efferent” 5 “away”) on the other hand, transmits mechanisms that silently balance the molecular mechan-
action potentials from the CNS to effector organs (such isms required for maintaining homeostasis in these
as muscle) (Figure 10.1). ecosystems. Spontaneous or induced disruption of
The motor division consists of two subdivisions: (a) homeostatic mechanisms has been identified to be the
somatic nervous system, which is the voluntary division; initial triggering and contributing aspect of disease initi-
and (b) autonomic nervous system, which is involuntary ation and progression. Early intervention has been
(ANS). The autonomic nervous system is further subdi- advocated as the primary step for successful treatment
vided into: (a) sympathetic division, which is more active of any disease conditions. Hence, exposure to chemical,
during physical activity, and (b) parasympathetic division, physical, and biological agents needs to be identified

Receptor → Sensory NS → CNS → Motor NS → Effector

FIGURE 10.1 Organization of the nervous system: The sensory division of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) detects stimuli and
conducts action potentials to the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS interprets incoming action potentials and initiates action potentials
that are conducted through the motor division to produce a response. The motor division is divided into the somatic nervous system and
the autonomic nervous system.

promptly. Similarly, identifying the dose and duration biomarkers can be identified by carefully studying the
of exposure may help to select the appropriate interven- following aspects of PNS structure and function:
tion. Since genetic susceptibility also plays a significant
role in minimizing or exacerbating the pathological out- 1. Integrity of the myelin structure that includes the
come, genomic and genetic data become an important regulation of the development either during embryo-
aspect of diagnostic and prognostic treatment and man- genesis or as a part of the repair process in an
agement aspects of the PNS disorders. injured PNS structure. Defective PNS structures in
inherited PNS disorders are good examples of devel-
opmental dysregulation, while injury response can
be a good example of maintenance of the PNS
2. Protein biosynthesis, sorting, and degradation are
TYPES OF BIOMARKERS OF THE PNS the cyclic events in PNS structures that involve a
multitude of macromolecules, organelles, and other
The complexity of PNS structure and function makes it molecular mechanisms
a daunting task to enlist the potential targets, mechan- 3. Endocytosis, membrane integrity, vesicle dynamics,
isms of neurotoxicity, valid biomarkers, and candidate and recently identified exosome dynamics that
biomarkers from many biological and clinical end- involve several molecules and organelles such as
points. The complexity and extensive nature of the PNS mitochondria
makes it comparatively more susceptible and at the 4. Prominent role of the cytoskeleton in axonal trans-
same time endowed with more resilience for recovery port and in many other known and unknown func-
from injuries (compared to the CNS). In general the tions of the PNS

Preganglionic neuron
Postganglionic neuron
Lacrimal gland Ciliary ganglion

Nasal Pterygopalatine
mucosa ganglion

Sublingual and
Submandibular VII
Parotid gland IX

Otic ganglion Medulla

Sympathetic X
Spinal Trachea


Celiac Heart
splanchnic Liver
ganglion Stomach

Lesser Adrenal Spleen

splanchnic gland
nerve Pancreas
L2 Small
splanchnic Inferior Kidney
nerves mesenteric
ganglion Large
Sacral Pelvic S3
splanchnic Hypogastric splanchnic S4
nerves ganglion nerve
system Preganglionic neuron
and genitalia Postganglionic neuron

Sympathetic (thoracolumbar) Parasympathetic (craniosacral)

FIGURE 10.2 Innervation of organs by the ANS. Preganglionic fibers are indicated by solid lines and postganglionic fibers are indi-
cated by dotted lines.

Bearing in mind the concept of multilevel- e. Surrogate tissue analysis for underlying or ongoing
organizational and functional complexity of the PNS acute or chronic peripheral neurotoxic mechanisms.
from the subject matter discussed above, the following
distinct aspects have been shown to be useful for devel-
oping reliable biomarkers:
The biomarkers of the PNS can be obtained from:
(a) molecular, (b) cellular, (c) tissue level, and (d) phe-
notypic data sets. These biomarkers are identified by MECHANISMS
their specific functions in normal and abnormal scenar-
ios of the PNS’s structure and function. Based on the The following time-tested mechanistic approaches have
type and location of injuries of the following categories, been found to be very useful to identify and validate
several potential biomarkers of various categories have biomarkers of various categories:
been identified by use of the following:
1. By identifying potential disease-associated biomar-
a. Studies on mechanisms of formation of injuries to kers by comparing gene and protein expression pro-
nerve fibers and axons as well as their repair files between normal and diseased samples
mechanisms 2. By characterizing post-translational modifications
b. Studies on the mechanisms of induced or inherited such as phosphorylation and de-phosphorylation
forms of altered axonal transport cycles
c. Studies on demyelination injuries 3. By confirming the tissue-specific changes at all levels
d. Studies on the effect of neuromuscular junction and their relevance from a disease progression point
injuries of view

4. By identifying the prevalent biomarkers in the popu- abnormal or equivocal bilaterally, abnormal unilaterally
lation under study and equivocal on the contralateral side, or abnormal
5. By developing efficacy biomarkers from drug- unilaterally and missing (because of injury/amputation)
associated expression profiles to investigate the on the contralateral side. For tests without laterality
downstream mechanisms of activities (postural tremor, Romberg test, and tandem gait), com-
6. By identifying potential biomarkers for cross-species bined abnormal and equivocal results are used to create
specificities that can be used to identify the ecosys- a dichotomized variable (normal vs. not normal) for
tems impacted by an ongoing onslaught of PNS tox- each outcome (Starks et al., 2012).
icity that affects vulnerable species more readily and Electrophysiological measures. Standard noninvasive
frequently. Extrapolation to humans can be done electrophysiological measures of the dominant peroneal
using data from model animals such as rats, canines, motor nerve are performed with a factory-calibrated
and birds TECA Sapphire II electromyograph (TECA Corp.,
7. By developing a variety of biomarkers that can be Pleasantville, NY) (Starks et al., 2012). Foot temperature
used to test clinical specimens, additional leads in is maintained above 32 C during testing. Distal motor
the potential compounds of similar molecular struc- amplitude (millivolts), distal and proximal motor
tures, and for comparing clinical specimens latency (milliseconds), and short F-wave latency (milli-
8. By identifying gene expression profiles in untreated seconds) are obtained and nerve conduction velocity
clinical samples that correlate with a positive (meters per second) is routinely calculated.
response to therapy, providing outcome-based bio- Hand strength. Gross grip strength and key and pal-
marker discovery. mar pinch strength are obtained bilaterally using digital
grip and pinch dynamometers (JTech Medical, Salt Lake
City, UT) (Starks et al., 2012). A mean z-score for all six
hand strength tests (three tests performed bilaterally)
PNS BIOMARKER METHODOLOGY combined is calculated to create one summary measure
for hand strength.
Sway speed. Standing sway speed is measured with
As mentioned earlier, applying appropriate methodol- a CATSYS 2000 Force Plate (Starks et al., 2012). Four 80-
ogy is the major factor in the rapid identification and sec trials are administered, two with eyes open and two
validation of biomarkers of PNS neurotoxicity. In order with eyes closed. Average sway speed (millimeters per
to make provisional diagnosis of the nature of toxic second) is reported separately for eyes open and eyes
mechanisms in any PNS toxicity related clinical presen- closed.
tation, universal methods to collect clinical data using Vibrotactile threshold. The Vibratron II (Sensortek,
standard methods of neurology clinic settings are essen- Inc., Clifton, NJ) is used to measure bilateral great toe
tial. Biomedical informatics with its ever-increasing 120-Hz vibrotactile threshold with a standard protocol
branches of special categories has become an important (Starks et al., 2012). A single bilateral mean vibrotactile
tool for collection, storage, retrieval, and dissemination threshold is reported in log micrometers. Any abnormal
of relevant information. results from the above parameters can be a useful clini-
The following are the commonly employed methodol- cal biomarker that can be further tested using other
ogies of such categories, providing valuable clinical bio- modalities.
marker data sets.

Sample Requirements for Biomarker Testing

Neurological and physical examination
Adequate quantity of tissue (by biopsy) of investigation
Protocol: In humans, standard neurological physical can be obtained for various biomarker testing proce-
examinations (NPxs) (Starks et al., 2012) include the fol- dures. The tissues include: blood, cerebrospinal fluid
lowing: Assessments of vibration perception and pro- (CSF), nerve tissue and target (end organ) tissue. CT
prioception are generally performed on the great toes, guided needle biopsy and other standard blood collec-
bilaterally. Achilles deep tendon reflexes are examined tion procedures are used for tissue sampling. A nerve
bilaterally, and Romberg test performance, tandem gait, biopsy may help distinguish between demyelination
and postural tremor are routinely assessed. Clinical (damage to the myelin sheath covering the nerve) and
examination results are recorded as normal, equivocal, axon degeneration (destruction of the axonal portion of
or abnormal. For all tests performed bilaterally (ankle the nerve cell). It may also help to identify an inflamma-
reflex, toe proprioception, and toe vibration), examina- tory neuropathy or confirm specific diagnoses. A skin
tion results are classified as “abnormal” if ratings are biopsy is helpful to differentiate certain disorders that

might affect the small nerve fibers, as may be the case components (e.g. anti-MAG antibody), (2) antibodies
with painful sensory axonal neuropathies. A muscle or to cytoskeletal components (NF; GFAP; and tubulin,
other tissue biopsy is used to diagnose and identify etc.); (3) vitamin B12 and folate levels; (4) thyroid, liver,
damage caused to muscles and organs as a result of var- and kidney functions; (5) vasculitis evaluation; (6) oral
ious disorders. glucose tolerance test; (7); antibodies related to celiac
disease; (8) Lyme disease; (9) HIV/AIDS; and (10)
hepatitis C and B.
Biomedical imaging and informatics
Various images spanning the scale from microscopic
and molecular to whole body visualization, encompass-
Testing for toxins
ing many areas of clinical medicine, are important for Toxins, poisons, and chemicals can cause peripheral
selecting, validating, and biomonitoring PNS disorders. neuropathy. This can happen through drug or chemical
Recent years have witnessed impressive advances in the abuse or through exposure to industrial chemicals in
use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the assess- the workplace or in the environment (after either lim-
ment of patients with PNS and CNS disorders. MRI is ited or long-term exposure). Common causes include:
an imaging technique used to produce high quality exposure to lead, mercury, arsenic, and thallium. Some
images of the inside of the human body. A scanner organic insecticides and solvents can result in neuropa-
emits a strong magnetic field inside the brain (or else- thies. Sniffing glue or other toxic compounds can also
where in the body) and produces signals that are ana- cause peripheral neuropathy. Certain herbal medicines,
lyzed by a computer to produce detailed images. especially those that are particularly rich in mercury
Complementary to the clinical evaluation, conventional and arsenic, can lead to peripheral neuropathy. Hence
MRI provides crucial pieces of information for the diag- blood profiling for the presence of parent or metabolic
nosis of acquired and hereditary PNS and CNS disor- products or metabolites of the drug pathways is com-
ders (Filippi and Agosta, 2010). Newer quantitative monly used to identify the basis of toxicity.
MR-based techniques, such as magnetization transfer
MRI, diffusion tensor MRI, proton MR spectroscopy,
and functional MRI, are contributing to elucidate the
mechanisms that underlie injury, repair, and functional
Molecular diagnostics
adaptation in patients with nervous system disorders Molecular profiling techniques such as (a) Sanger
(Filippi and Agosta, 2010). sequencing, (b) quantitative real-time PCR,
(c) amplification of refractory mutation system (allele
specific PCR), (d) fragment length analysis (to detect
any deletions within the coding portion of the gene),
Electrodiagnostic tests
(e) high performance liquid chromatography (to distin-
Electrodiagnostic tests measure the electrical activity guish between wild type and mutated DNA strands
of muscles and nerves. By measuring the electrical using heteroduplex formation), (f) immunohistochemis-
activity, one can determine if there is nerve damage, try (IHC) and fluorescence/chromogenic in situ hybrid-
the extent of the damage, and potentially the cause of ization (FISH/CISH), are used to detect any defects at
the damage. Frequently, noninvasive neurological eva- gene sequence level.
luations such as electromyography (EMG) and nerve
conduction velocity (NCV) testing are used.
Quantitative sensory testing (QST) and autonomic
Molecular, cellular, and histological techniques
testing are also commonly used.
Analysis of patient samples from various medical clinics
as well as from animal model systems using various
combinations of molecular, cellular, and histological
Blood tests techniques has become part of the routine laboratory
Blood tests are commonly employed to check for vari- protocols. Details of nucleic acid extractions (DNA and
ous factors that affect the nervous system directly or RNA), northern blotting, semi quantitative RT-PCR, and
indirectly (vitamin deficiencies, toxic elements, evidence real-time PCR protocols (Figure 10.3) have been
of an abnormal immune response). Depending on the described in detail in several fairly recent publications
individual situation, certain laboratory tests to identify (Damodaran, 2009; Damodaran et al., 2011). Similarly,
potentially treatable causes for neuropathy by the fol- methods of protein extraction and analysis using western
lowing tests are employed: (1) Antibodies to nerve blotting (Figure 10.4) have also been described in several

FIGURE 10.3 Semiquantitative RT-PCR of candidate marker

genes of sarin exposure in the nervous system of hen (Damodaran
et al., 2006b). Representative photographic gel pictures of PCR pro-
ducts (one control and one treated) are provided here for the vali- FIGURE 10.4 Autoradiograms of sciatic nerve cytoskeletal
dated genes. An agarose gel (1%) was prepared using 1X TAE proteins (Gupta and Abou-Donia, 1995). Data from SDS-PAGE gel
buffer and PCR products (from each of the three animals) from and western blotting, followed by quantitative immunoreactivity
both control and treated groups were run in the same buffer for analysis using antibodies for NF-H, NF-HP, vimentin, GFAP, tubu-
2 h at 70 volts. Photographs of these bands were scanned into Tiff lin, GAP-43, dynein and tau after treatment of hens with DFP
files and quantified in IP lab gel quantification software (diisopropylphosphorofluoridate).
(Damodaran et al., 2006b).

publications (Damodaran et al., 2009, 2011). Classical his- modifications that can be caused by phosphorylation,
topathological analysis and other nervous system related glycosylation, protein processing, and other proteolytic
structure specific staining techniques (Figures 10.5 and cleavage (Cahill et al., 2001). Both 2DG (two dimensional
10.6) were also described in detail in recent articles gels) as well as automated mass spectrometry based
(Damodaran, 2009; Damodaran et al., 2011). approaches for proteome and phosphorylation site anal-
ysis as well as proteome data analysis have been
described in detail from several publications (Dunn and
Gorg, 2001). Binding assays to unravel the mechanics of
Toxicogenomics and proteomics approaches protein-protein and protein-enzyme interactions (Gupta
and Abou-Donia, 1995) as well as methodology for
RNA purity verification by Agilent analysis, micro array studying axonal transport (Gupta et al., 1997) have been
chip hybridization, data capturing, data analysis, Tree described in detail in numerous articles.
view analysis and clustering (Figure 10.7), data mining
for classifications, principal component analysis (PCA)
of gene expression (Figure 10.8), and gene validation
approaches are described in detail in many publications
(Damodaran et al., 2006 a,b). Functional analysis of the
proteins expressed in a specific tissue and/or stage Neurotoxicity occurs after the neurotoxicants enter into
of toxic exposure is an essential step towards under- the blood circulation, travel to sites of vulnerability, and
standing biological processes. Once produced, the pro- gain access to tissues. Metabolic transformation is a key
tein can then potentially undergo post-translational mechanism by which the toxicants become either more

FIGURE 10.5 (A) Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section in the proximal part of the sciatic nerve of a control hen showing normal
appearance of nerve fibers (Marchi’s stain 3132). (B) Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section in the proximal part of the sciatic nerve
showing degenerative myelin 17 days post-treatment with DFP (Marchi’s stain). (C) Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section in the proxi-
mal part of the sciatic nerve showing degenerating myelin 21 days post-treatment (Marchi’s stain, 3132) (Damodaran et al., 2011).

toxic or less toxic. These processes predominantly pro- disease courses. Peripheral neuropathies can thus be
duce more polar metabolites that facilitate the increased acute or chronic, symmetrical or not, and be axonal or
excretion (Abou-Donia and Nomeir, 1986). Thus, the involving demyelination and involve only parts of the
process called toxicokinetics encompassing absorption, neuron or its whole. Some of the complex and chronic
tissue distribution, storage, biotransformation, and elim- disease conditions such as diabetes and alcoholism are
ination plays a major role in PNS neurotoxicity. commonly seen in clinical scenarios.
Metabolic status during these stages can be assessed by A great number of peripheral neuropathies involve
measuring the quantity and type of metabolites. either sensory neurons or motor neurons, or both, and
Detailed information about the toxicological outcome of other cell types. The axon degenerates after a nerve
toxicant exposure is required to make decisions about injury, and the myelin part of the Schwann cells around
the long-term therapy protocols. Global profiling techni- it also degenerates. Those Schwann cells that enlarge
ques are rapid in gathering data on the impact made on undergo mitosis to form a column of cells along the
transcripts, proteins, and metabolites within the cell, tis- regions once occupied by the disintegrated axons. The
sue, organ, and organ systems of the living organism. process of repair at the site of injury is complex, involv-
Metabonomics/metabolomics is one such approach that ing the formation of axonal sprouts followed by selective
can provide a global profile of metabolites (Griffin and growth of one axon among the many that eventually dis-
Waters, 2006). High resolution Nuclear Magnetic integrate. Because of the higher abundance of Schwann
Resonance (NMR) along with statistical pattern recogni- cells in the PNS, regeneration after an injury is much fas-
tion analysis can provide valuable data, and detailed ter and with a higher rate of nerve repair. The proximity
step-wise protocols are provided in several of the cut ends of the nerve after an injury decides the
publications. higher likelihood of repairing of the injured nerve in the
PNS. Clearing up irregular segments and other pieces of
debris at the site of injury by macrophages facilitate the
new sprout of synthesis of essential proteins and other
Biomarkers of nerve tissue injury in the PNS cytoskeletal structures at the site of injury.
The pathologies of PNS tissue injury are extremely Besides Schwann cells, SGCs (satellite glial cells) also
diverse, with different etiologies such as genetic, toxic- undergo mitosis and other changes in the PNS. These
ity from various exposures including chemicals of ther- cell types have been implicated in the genesis and main-
apy, infectious agents such as HIV and leprosy, etc. tenance of pain in injured nerves of the PNS (Jasmin
PNS injuries have very diverse clinical pictures and et al., 2010). Thus the coordinated functions of several



FIGURE 10.6 (A) Photomicrograph of a cross section in the distal part of the sciatic nerve of a control hen showing the appearance of
nerve fiber (Sevier-Munger, 3132). (B) Photomicrograph of a cross section in the proximal part of the sciatic nerve showing a region exhibit-
ing complete loss of axons (arrows) at 15 days post-treatment with DFP. This section is stained with H & E. (C) Photomicrograph of a cross
section in the distal part of the sciatic nerve showing almost complete loss of some of the affected fibers (empty myelin layers) 21 days post-
treatment. Seiver-Munger staining; 3132. (D) Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section in the proximal part of the sciatic nerve showing
Schwann cell hyperplasia (arrows), 15 days post-treatment with DFP; H & E staining, 3132. (E) Photomicrograph of a longitudinal section
in the proximal part of the sciatic nerve showing focal gliosis 10 days post-treatment (H & E, 3132). (F) Photomicrograph of the distal part
of the sciatic nerve showing focal gliosis 21 days post-treatment period. (Damodaran et al., 2011)

important molecules in various cell types are required female mice. These changes were in correlation with
for this repair pathway. Table 10.1 provides a list of the ultrastructural changes. These results from electrophys-
biomarker genes/proteins identified by several studies. iological methods provide valuable data about the sta-
tus of the PNS nerves after acute or chronic

Biomarkers of changes in electrophysiology

Dai et al. (2012) showed that the compound action
Ion channels as biomarkers
potential durations (CAPDs), compound muscle action
potential amplitudes (CAPAs), and conduction veloci- Peripheral sensory neurons are adapted to recognize
ties of sciatic-tibial nerve (NCVs) exhibited progres- danger to the organism by virtue of their sensitivity
sively abnormal changes over time in colistin treated to intense mechanical, thermal, and irritant chemical

environmental irritants such as tear gas and industrial

isothiocyanates, but more importantly, it is also
activated during tissue injury by endogenous molecu-
lar signals including 4-hydroxynonenal and prosta-
glandins (Chiu et al., 2013). An extensive list of
nervous system related ion channel genes used for
expression profiling (SABiosciences, 2013) is provided
in Table 10.2. It is noteworthy to mention here that the
highest number of altered gene expression and highest
level of up- or down regulation were recorded for ion
channel genes, in global gene expression studies on
sarin exposure at early time points (Damodaran et al.,

Biomarkers of axonal regeneration

Successful axonal regeneration is controlled by both
intrinsic factors (i.e. endogenous capacity of adult neu-
rons to extend axons when injured) and extrinsic fac-
tors, such as support or inhibition of regeneration by
glial cells, scar formation, and vascular supply, among
others (Hoke et al., 2013). The role of mTOR and STAT3
pathways in modulating the intrinsic capacity of neu-
rons to regenerate has been proposed by Hoke (2006).
Deletion of the PTEN gene in retinal ganglion neurons
was shown to activate the mTOR pathway and
enhanced regeneration after optic nerve crush (Park
FIGURE 10.7 Tree view analysis of global gene expression at et al., 2008). More recently, another molecular pathway
the 2 h time point is presented here. Hierarchical clustering was controlled by STAT3 has been found to provide a paral-
applied through the Cluster software program, and the results lel mechanism to further enhance regeneration of retinal
were visualized in Treeview (check ganglion neuron axons after optic nerve crush (Smith
software for computational details). The expression level of each
et al., 2009). Notably, manipulation of both pathways
gene relative to the median expression level across all samples was
represented by color: one representing log expression ratios of leads to a synergistic increase in axonal regeneration in
overexpressed genes, and the other representing log expression the optic nerve crush model (Sun et al., 2011). In the
ratios of underexpressed genes. The remarkable homogeneity of adult animal, regeneration has to occur over very long
the coloring pattern validates the reproducibility of the distances. As the rate of axonal elongation is deter-
replicate data from the control and treated groups (Damodaran
mined by the rate of “slow” axonal transport, this is a
et al., 2006b).
very slow process leading to chronic denervation
changes in the Schwann cells in the distal nerve and tar-
get tissues such as muscle (Hoke et al., 2013). A poten-
stimuli. Although CNS-expressed sodium channels also tial approach to overcome this challenge is to “speed
occur in peripheral nerves, several additional channels up” the rate of regeneration by overexpressing a heat
occur mainly in dorsal root ganglion cells. shock protein (hsp27) that plays a key role in axon out-
Complementary roles for Nav1.7, Nav1.8, and Nav1.9 growth in injured neurons. There are several genes
(encoded by SCN9A, SCN10A, and SCN11A, respec- (Table 10.3) identified as playing significant roles in
tively) in sensory transduction and nociception are neurogenesis in the PNS (SABiosciences, 2013).
beginning to emerge (Kullmann, 2010). Transient
receptor potential (TRP) ion channels are the most
widely studied molecular mediators of nociception,
conducting nonselective entry of cations upon activa-
Biomarkers of axonal injury
tion by various noxious stimuli. TRPV1 is activated by Axon degeneration is a hallmark consequence of
high temperatures, low pH, and capsaicin, the valli- chemical neurotoxicant exposure (e.g. acrylamide),
noid irritant component of chili peppers. TRPA1 med- mechanical trauma (e.g. nerve transection, spinal cord
iates the detection of reactive chemicals including contusion), deficient perfusion (e.g. ischemia,

FIGURE 10.8 Principle component

analysis (PCA) of gene expression was pre-
pared on a three-dimensional platform and is
presented here as a graph providing a global
view of the differences among the control
(C1, C2, and C3) and treatment (T1, T2, and
T3) groups. There is a clear separation among
the controls and treatment groups, indicating
differences in their total gene expression pro-
files (Damodaran et al., 2006b).

hypoxia), and inherited neuropathies (e.g. infantile exchange operation which promotes damaging extra
neuroaxonal dystrophy). Regardless of the initiating axonal Ca21/entry and subsequent Ca21/-mediated
event, degeneration in the PNS and CNS progresses axon degeneration (Lopachin and Lehning, 1997). A
according to a characteristic sequence of morphologi- spontaneous mutation called WldS (slow Wallerian
cal changes. These shared neuropathologic features degeneration), described by Lyon et al. (1993), taught
suggest that subsequent degeneration, although us that Wallerian degeneration is not a passive disin-
induced by different injury modalities, might evolve tegration of axon when the axon is severed from the
via a common mechanism. Studies conducted over the cell body but an active process mediated by Nmnat
past two decades indicate that Ca21 accumulation in protein (Mack et al., 2001). More recently, using a
injured axons has significant neuropathic implications powerful forward genetics screen, a new pathway
and is a potentially unifying mechanistic event. It was that involves Sarm protein has been found to prevent
proposed that diverse injury processes (e.g. axotomy, axonal degeneration after traumatic injury (Osterloh
ischemia, and trauma) which culminate in axon et al., 2012). It is not clear whether this pathway is
degeneration cause an increase in intraaxonal Na1 in related to Nmnat protein or plays a role in distal axo-
conjunction with a loss of K1 and axolemmal depolar- nal degeneration as seen in human peripheral
ization. These conditions favor a reverse Na1/Ca21 neuropathies.

TABLE 10.1 Protein markers of Schwann cells

Myelin-Forming Schwann Cell Non-Myelin Forming Schwann Cell Common Markers

P0 NCAM S100
P2 GFAP Vimentin
Myelin basic NGF receptor Laminin
protein L1 Galactocerebroside
CNPase A5E3 Seminolipid
Proteolipid protein Ran-2
Myelin-associated glycoprotein

Proteins/Enzymes Involved in Myelination, Demyelination and other Functions of Myelin

Peripheral myelin protein 22

Connexin 32 (Cx32/GJB1)
GDAP1 (Ganglioside-induced differentiation associated protein 1)
NF-L (Neurofilament light chain)
Dyamin-2 (DNM2)
GARS (Glycyl-tRNA synthetase)
Myelin-specific enzyme 2’,3’-cyclic nucleotide 3’-phosphohydrolase

Transcriptional Regulators of Myelin

EGR2 (Early growth response 2)

Sox10 (Sry-Related high-mobility group box-containing gene 10)

Other PNS Proteins

Gamma-enolase; creatine kinase-B; beta-S100 protein

TABLE 10.2 Nervous system related channels as


Calcium Channels: TABLE 10.3 Candidate biomarker genes involved in neuro-

Voltage-Gated: CACNA1A, CACNA1B, CACNA1C, CACNA1D, trophic signaling, neuropeptides functions, and neurogenesis in
CACNG4 Neurotrophins and Receptors: ADCYAP1R1, ARTN, BDNF, CD40
Transient Receptor Potential Channels: TRPA1, TRPC1, TRPC3, FUS, GDNF, GFRA1, GFRA2, GFRA3, GMFB, GMFG, MAGED1,
Potassium Channels Neuropeptides and Receptors
Delayed Rectifier: KCNA1, KCNA2, KCNA5 (KV1.5), KCNA6, Neuropeptide Hormone: CRH, NPFF, NPY, PNOC, UCN
KCNB1, KCNB2, KCNH1, KCNH2, KCNQ1, KCNQ2, KCNQ3 Bombesin Receptors: GRPR
Inward Rectifier: KCNH2, KCNH6, KCNH7, KCNJ1, KCNJ11, Cholecystokinin Receptors: CCKAR
KCNJ12, KCNJ13, KCNJ14, KCNJ15, KCNJ16, KCNJ2, KCNJ3, Galanin Receptors: GALR1, GALR2
KCNJ4, KCNJ5, KCNJ6, KCNJ9, KCNK1 Neuropeptide Y Receptors: NPY1R, NPY2R, PPYR1
Calcium-Activated: KCNMA1, KCNMB4, KCNN1, KCNN2, Neurotensin Receptors: NTSR1
KCNN3 Tachykinin and Receptors: TACR1
Other Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels: HCN1, HCN2, Other Neuropeptides and Receptors: NPFFR2 (GPR74), HCRT,
Modifier Subunits: KCNAB1, KCNAB2, KCNAB3, KCNS1 Neurogenesis
Peripheral Nervous System Development: GFRA3
Sodium Channels
Negative Regulation of Neurogenesis: MT3
Amiloride Sensitive: ACCN1, ACCN2, ACCN3 Other Neurogenesis Related Genes: ARTN, BDNF, CBLN1,
Chloride Channels: BEST1, CLCN2, CLCN3, CLCN7 Transmission of Nerve Impulse: CBLN1, CNTF, CRH, GALR1,
Sodium/Chloride Transport: SLC12A5 GALR2, HCRT, NPFF, NPY, NTSR1, PNOC

TABLE 10.4 Potential biomarker genes related to pain and related disorders
Conduction of Pain

Ion Channels: TRPA1, TRPV1, TRPV3

Sodium Channels: SCN10A, SCN11A, SCN3A, SCN9A, SLC6A2
Potassium Channels: KCNIP3, KCNJ6, KCNQ2, KCNQ3
Purinergic Receptors: ADORA1, P2RX3, P2RX4, P2RX7, P2RY1
Opioid Receptors: OPRD1, OPRK1, OPRM1
Cannabinoid Receptors: CNR1, CNR2

Synaptic Transmission

Glutamate Receptors: GRIN1, GRIN2B, GRM1, GRM5

Serotonin Receptors: HTR1A, HTR2A
Calcium Channel: CACNA1B

Modulation of Pain Responses

Eicosanoid Metabolism: PLA2G1B, PTGER1, PTGER3, PTGER4, PTGES, PTGES2, PTGES3, PTGS1, PTGS2
Neurotransmitters: ADRB2, COMT, DBH, MAOB, PDYN, PENK, PNOC
Neurotrophins: BDNF, GDNF, NGF, NTRK1
Parkin Complex: HSPA4 (HSP70), PARK7, STUB1
Parkin Substrate: ATXN2, ATXN3, GPR37, SYT11
Cell Adhesion: APC, APP, CDH8, FN1, NFASC, NRXN3, PTEN, TPBG
Ubiquitination: CDC27, CUL2, FBXO9, LRRK2, PAN2, PARK2, PINK1, SKP1, STUB1, UBB, UBA1, UBE2I, UBE2K, UBE2L3, UCHL1, USP34
Inflammation: FN1, PRDX2, YWHAZ


Anti-Apoptosis: APC, BDNF, CASP3, CASP9, NEFL, NR4A2 (NUR77), OPA1, PPID, PRDX2, PSEN2, PTEN, SLC25A4, SNCA, TCF7L2,
Synaptic Vesicles: LRRK2, SEPT5, SV2B, SYNGR3, SYT1, SYT11, TH

Signal Transduction

Dopaminergic: D4S234E, DDC, DRD2, HTR2A, NR4A2 (NUR77), PARK2, PARK7, PINK1, SEPT5, SLC6A3, SNCA, TH
MAP Kinase: APC, FGF13, MAPK9 (JNK2), PRDX2, RGS4
Cytoskeletal Organization: APC, CDC42, MAPT, NEFL, PARK2
Transporters: ATP2B2, GRIA3, SLC18A2, SLC6A3, SLC25A4, SV2B, SYT1, SYT11, VDAC3

Potential biomarkers of pain kingdom members have either transient or chronic pain
disorders, thus making it a useful route to understand-
Neuropathic or neurogenic pain is defined as pain initi- ing the molecular mechanisms of nervous system func-
ated or caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction of the tion. There are two types of pain: (i) neuropathic pain and
nervous system. Pain is the outcome of noxious envi- (ii) inflammatory pain. While neuropathic pain often
ronmental stimuli, mechanical tissue damage, and infec- results from damage to the PNS and/or CNS, peripheral
tious or other pathological disease processes. This can tissue damage and/or inflammation generally initiates
be the result of (a) spinal cord injury (SCI), (b) periph- inflammatory pain. Neuropathic and inflammatory pain
eral nerve damage resulting from diabetes or other both cause activation of nociceptors (damage-sensing neu-
autoimmune diseases, (c) treatment with anti-cancer rons) that innervate the skin, muscle, and viscera and ter-
drugs that affect axon integrity, or (d) post-herpetic minate in the laminae of the spinal cord dorsal horn.
neuralgia (PHN) (Goins et al., 2012). Pain provides a Nociceptors conduct information to the CNS via neuro-
large therapeutic target for biomarker development, as transmission and action potentials generated by a variety
a good proportion of humans and other animal of ion channels and receptors (purinergic, opioid, and

cannabinoid) leading to secondary activation of neuronal Potential biomarkers of psychiatric diseases,

pathways. This stage is followed by synaptic transmission neurodegenerative diseases, and insomnia
(via glutamate, serotonin, and dopamine systems).
Inflammatory mediators released by immune cells and Dysregulation of GABAergic or glutamatergic synaptic
damaged neurons can modulate the transduction nocicep- transmission results in a wide variety of nervous system
tion process. Consequently, the excitability of spinal neu- disorders, including chronic pain, psychiatric diseases,
rons is modulated via activation of resident microglia that neurodegenerative diseases, and insomnia. Of the great
release growth factors (such as BDNF), chemokines, and variety of neuronal receptors in the brain, the major
cytokines. Endogenous opioid peptides and arachidonic excitatory receptors recognize the ligand glutamate, and
acid metabolites acting through G-protein coupled recep- the major inhibitory receptors respond to the ligand
tors also modulate neuronal excitability. A number of these GABA. The GABA neurotransmitter system includes
pathways are currently being evaluated as potential phar- the GABAA and GABAC classes of ligand gated ion
macological targets and biomarkers for analgesic develop- channels. The glutamate neurotransmitter system
ment for pain management. Table 10.4 provides the list of includes NMDA, AMPA, and kainate ligand-gated ion
genes, identified to be playing important roles in human channels. Key enzymes synthesize GABA or glutamate
neuropathic pain and inflammation (SABiosciences, 2013). as necessary, which are then transported into synaptic
They are involved in the transduction, maintenance, and vesicles. Release of GABA or glutamate from vesicles
modulation of pain responses. A good proportion of these activates postsynaptic GABA-responsive or glutamate-
genes have been validated as biomarkers, while several responsive ion channels, respectively, initiating
others are potential biomarkers for studying the specific downstream G protein signaling to propagate neuro-
sub pathways within the complex networks. There are transmission. There are a many drugs that are agonists
observations of mitochondrial abnormality associated with or antagonists of the GABA and glutamate neurotrans-
pain in the absence of axonal degeneration, suggesting mitter systems. There are a number of genes essential
a link between pain and impaired axonal physiology for the synthesis and transport of GABA and glutamate,
(Flatters and Bennett, 2006). as well as responsive ion channels and downstream sig-
NGF acts as a peripheral pain mediator. It is upregu- naling. Studying and monitoring these genes at all
lated in inflammatory states; high-affinity NGF recep- levels may yield insights into the interaction of these
tors (trkA receptors) are expressed by many excitatory and inhibitory neuronal systems during
nociceptors; NGF sensitizes peripheral nociceptive essential cognitive functions, thereby facilitating the
terminals; NGF is retrogradely transported to sensory process of biomarker development (Table 10.5:
neuron somata and regulates genes involved in pain SABiosciences, 2013).
processing; and NGF neutralization alleviates many
sensory abnormalities in models of persistent pain.
TABLE 10.5 Potential biomarker genes related to glutama-
There is also evidence that a second neurotrophin, tergic and GABAergic synapses
BDNF, acts as a central modulator of pain: BDNF is
expressed by nociceptors, and its expression is upregu- Glutamatergic Synapse
lated in inflammatory conditions by peripherally pro- Receptors: GRIA1, GRIA2, GRIA3, GRIA4, GRIK1, GRIK2, GRIK4,
duced NGF. BDNF acts through postsynaptic trkB GRIK5, GRIN1, GRIN2A, GRIN2B, GRIN2C, GRM1, GRM2,
receptors that trigger intracellular signaling cascades GRM3, GRM4, GRM5, GRM6, GRM7, GRM8
Downstream Signaling: ADCY7, APP, CACNA1A, CDK5R1,
(Pezet and McMahon, 2006). Many of the common tar-
gets for drug actions in the pain pathways have been ITPR1, MAPK1 (ERK2), PLA2G6, PLCB1, SHANK2
identified. Some of the candidate targets (which Transport & Secretion: ADORA1, ADORA2A, AVP, BDNF, IL1B,
become useful biomarkers) are as follows: (a) TRPV1 P2RX7, SLC17A6, SLC17A8, SLC1A1, SLC1A2, SLC1A3, SLC1A6,
receptor, which has been targeted by many drugs, SLC17A6, SLC17A7, SLC17A8, SLC38A1, SLC7A11, SNCA
Metabolism: ALDH5A1, GAD1, GLS, GLUL, PRODH, SLC1A3,
including capsaicin; (b) NMDA receptor; drugs target-
ing this receptor has not been found to be effective in
the treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN); GABAergic Synapse
(c) cannabinoids have been tested in studies; Receptors: GABBR1, GABBR2, GABRA1, GABRA2, GABRA4,
(d) calcium channels are targeted by pregabalin and GABRA5, GABRA6, GABRB1, GABRB3, GABRD, GABRE,
gabapentin; (e) sodium channels are the targets for GABRG1, GABRG2, GABRG3, GABRQ, GABRR1, GABRR2
many antiepileptic drugs, some of which have been Downstream Signaling: ADCY7, ADORA1, ADORA2A,
tested in the PHN with only minimal efficacy; (f) the
Transport & Secretion: CACNA1A, NSF, P2RX7, SLC1A3,
norepinephrine (NE) transporter is a new target; (g) SLC32A1, SLC38A1, SLC6A1, SLC6A11, SLC6A12, SLC6A13
drugs that target the aminopeptidase N (APN) and Metabolism: ABAT, ALDH5A1, GAD1, GLS, GLUL, PHGDH,
neutral endopeptidase (NEP) (SABiosciences, 2013). SLC1A3

Potential biomarkers of motor function, and degradation of dopamine and serotonin as well
emotional behavior, temperature regulation, as the transcriptional regulation key genes linked to
multiple neuropathological conditions (Table 10.6:
sensory perception, locomotion, and psychosis
SABiosciences, 2013).
Two of the major neurotransmitter systems such as
dopamine and serotonin play a major role in the previ-
ously mentioned aspects. Dopamine affects brain pro-
cesses that control both motor and emotional behavior
and plays a role in the brain’s reward mechanism.
Potential biomarkers of sleeping disorders
Serotonin is critical in temperature regulation, sensory (apnea, insomnia, and desynchronosis)
perception, locomotion, sleep, and psychosis. Synchronization, or “entrainment,” of the circadian
Pharmacological agents targeting dopaminergic/seroto- clock occurs via light stimulus of the hypothalamic
ninergic neurotransmission have been clinically used to suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the brain and via
manage several neurological and psychiatric disorders hormone signaling from the SCN in peripheral tis-
including Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, bipolar sues. Interacting positive and negative circadian gene
disorder, depression, attention deficit and hyperactivity feedback loops at the transcriptional and post-
disorder (ADHD), and addiction. Besides significant translational level sets up the circadian “oscillator”
progress in understanding their structural, genetic and and ensures tight control over transcription factors
pharmacological properties, recent studies have uncov- regulating expression of the appropriate genes
ered the complexity, intricacy, and plasticity of intracel- required during circadian days or nights. Genes regu-
lular signaling mechanisms involved in dopamine and lated by circadian rhythms are involved in a diverse
serotonin receptor function. These receptors act through range of biological processes that affect physiology,
diverse G-protein coupled and G-protein independent metabolism, and behavior. Although the circadian
mechanisms that trigger downstream intracellular sig- rhythm target genes in its “output” pathways vary
nal transduction events involving the cAMP/PKA, PI- widely from tissue to tissue, the transcription factors
3Kinase/AKT, phospholipase A2 (PLA2), and phospho- encoded by central clock and clock-controlled genes
lipase C (PLC) pathways. These pathways in turn regu- are mostly shared across all cell types. Sleeping disor-
late various functions including synthesis, transport, ders (such as apnea, insomnia, and desynchronosis)
disrupt the timing of the circadian clock, requiring
TABLE 10.6 Potential biomarker genes related to dopamine re-entrainment and causing fatigue. The list of genes
and serotonin identified to be involved in these processes is given
Receptors: in the Table 10.7 (SABiosciences, 2013).
Dopamine: DRD1, DRD2, DRD3, DRD4, DRD5
Serotonin: HTR1A, HTR1B, HTR1D, HTR1E, HTR1F, HTR2A,
TABLE 10.7 Potential biomarker genes of sleep/wake cycle
Synthesis & Degradation
Circadian Clock: ARNTL (BMAL1), ARNTL2, BHLHE40 (DEC1),
Dopamine & Serotonin Transporters: SLC6A3 (DAT), SLC6A4 Casein Kinases: CSNK1A1, CSNK1D, CSNK1E, CSNK2A1,
Signal Transduction Pathways
Light Sensing Proteins
GSK3A, GSK3B Melatonin Receptors: MTNR1A, MTNR1B
PLA2 Pathway: ALOX12, CYP2D6, PDE4A, PDE4B, PDE4C, Opsins: OPN3, OPN4
PLC Pathway: ITPR1, PLCB1, PLCB2, PLCB3 Circadian Regulated Transcription Factors: ALAS1, EGR1, EGR3,
G-Protein Coupled Receptor Regulation: ADRB1, ADRB2, EPO, ESRRA, HLF, IRF1, MYOD1, NFIL3, NKX2-5, PAX4,
Dopamine & Serotonin Gene Targets: BDNF, EPHB1, GDNF, Other Common Circadian Regulated Genes: CARTPT, CCRN4L,

Biomarkers of PNS infection whether endogenous danger signals activate immune cells
in a similar manner as nociceptors.
Interestingly, sensory neurons share many of the same A key means of communication between immune
pathogen and danger molecular recognition receptor path- cells and nociceptor neurons is through cytokines. Upon
ways as innate immune cells, which enable them also to activation of cytokine receptors, signal transduction
detect pathogens. In the immune system, microbial patho- pathways are activated in sensory neurons leading to
gens are detected by germline encoded pattern recognition downstream phosphorylation of membrane proteins
receptors (PRRs), which recognize broadly conserved exog- including TRP and voltage-gated channels. The result-
enous pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). ing sensitization of nociceptors means that normally
The first PRRs to be identified were members of the toll- innocuous mechanical and heat stimuli can now acti-
like receptor (TLR) family, which bind to yeast, bacterial vate nociceptors. Interleukin 1 beta and TNF-alpha are
derived cell-wall components, and viral RNA. Following two important cytokines released by innate immune
PRR activation, downstream signaling pathways are cells during inflammation. IL-1beta and TNF-alpha are
turned on that induce cytokine production and activation directly sensed by nociceptors which express the cog-
of adaptive immunity. In addition to TLRs, innate immune nate receptors, induce activation of p38 map kinases
cells are activated during tissue injury by endogenous leading to increased membrane excitability. Nerve
derived danger signals, also known as damage-associated growth factor (NGF) and prostaglandin E(2) are also
molecular patterns (DAMPs) or alarmins. These danger major inflammatory mediators released from immune
signals include uric acid, and heat shock proteins released cells that act directly on peripheral sensory neurons to
by dying cells during necrosis, activating immune cells cause sensitization (Chiu et al., 2013)
during noninfectious inflammatory responses. PRRs
including TLRs 3, 4, 7, and 9 are expressed by nociceptor
neurons, and stimulation by TLR ligands leads to induc-
tion of inward currents and sensitization of nociceptors to MicroRNAs as potential biomarkers of
other pain stimuli. Furthermore, activation of sensory neu-
PNS injury
rons by the TLR7 ligand imiquimod leads to activation of
an itch-specific sensory pathway. These results indicate The microRNAs (miRNAs) are a recently identified
that infection-associated pain and itch may be partly due class of small regulatory RNA molecules found in most
to direct activation of neurons by pathogen-derived factors, organisms. They are encoded by the genomes and pro-
which in turn activate immune cells through peripheral cessed into 22 nucleotide products, which play impor-
release of neuronal signaling molecules. A major DAMP/ tant roles in the post-transcriptional regulation of
alarmin released during cellular injury is ATP, which is important cellular pathways in diverse biological pro-
recognized by purinergic receptors on both nociceptor neu- cesses, including cell proliferation, apoptosis, tissue
rons and immune cells. Purinergic receptors are made up morphogenesis, tumorigenesis, and heart disease
of two families: P2X receptors, ligand-gated cation chan- (Dugas and Notterpek, 2011). Recently, changes in
nels, and P2Y receptors, G-protein coupled receptors. In microRNA expression profiles have been detected in
nociceptor neurons, recognition of ATP occurs through different injury models, and emerging evidence strongly
P2 3 3, leading to rapidly desensitizing cation currents and indicates that these changes promote neurons to survive
pain, while P2Y receptors contribute to nociceptor activa- by shifting their physiology from maintaining structure
tion by sensitization of TRP and voltage-gated sodium and synaptic transmission (Wu and Murashov, 2013).
channels. In macrophages, ATP binding to P2 3 7 receptors The list of miRNA that showed altered expression is
leads to hyperpolarization, and downstream activation of presented in Table 10.8.
the inflammasome, a molecular complex important in gen-
eration of IL-1beta and IL. Therefore, ATP is a potent dan- TABLE 10.8 mi(RNAs) whose expression changed the most
ger signal that activates both peripheral neurons and in the referenced studies
innate immunity during injury, and some evidence even (Bremer et al. (2010), Yun et al. (2010), Verrier et al. (2010))
suggests that neurons express parts of the inflammasome miR-138, miR-138, miR-129
molecular machinery. The flip side of danger signals in miR-140, miR-338, miR-145
nociceptors is the role of TRP channels in immune cell acti- miR-146b, miR-193
miR-195, miR-222
vation. TRPV2, a homologue of TRPV1 activated by nox-
miR-204, miR-29a
ious heat, is expressed at high levels in innate immune miR-27b
cells. Genetic ablation of TRPV2 led to defects in macro- miR-30a
phage phagocytosis and clearance of bacterial infections. miR-338-3p
Mast cells also express TRPV channels, which may directly miR-34a
Highly upregulated: miR-21, miR-221
mediate their degranulation. It remains to be determined

TABLE 10.9 Differential expression of microRNAs after peripheral denervation and renervation

Condition Denervation (4 mo) Reinnervation (4 mo)

Upregulated miRNAs rim-miR-1 rno-miR-133a rno-miR-1 rno-miR-133a rno-miR-206

Ampd1 LOC49S749 Akap9 G0s2 Cit Hnrpu
Atp2c1 LOC680782 Elf2 Hnrpu Gdnf Lsamp
Cacnb2 MGC108776 Gas6 Hspb1 Mcf2l MGC108776
Cenpc1 Mns1 Gp1bb MGC108776 Ptprd Mef2
Chac2 Npy I12rg Npy RT1-A2 Npy
Cltc Rasa1 Klhl24 Sgk Stau1 Ppfibp2
Potential target genes Ddx5 Serpina3k LOC500110 Sox6 Sv2b
Echdc1 Ubc Nexn Wif1
G6pdx Usp33 Nr3c1
Havcr2 Pdk4
Hnrpu Plp
Hspd1 Ptprd
LOC292666 Rnf103
LOC299282 Zfp131

Source: Jeng et al., 2009.

Yu et al. (2011) noted altered microRNA expression decreased survival rate. Biomarkers to assess the suscep-
following sciatic nerve resection in dorsal root ganglia of tibility or tolerance level of such treatment approaches
rats. The expression pattern of miR-206 was different can be very useful in making decisions about the choice,
from that of miR-1 and miR-133a. Notably, two genes dose, and duration of the drugs that can help those can-
(Hnrpu and Npy) and one gene (Ptprd) were potentially cer patients. Inflammatory cascade activation, proinflam-
regulated both in the denervated and reinnervated mus- matory cytokine, upregulation, and neuroimmune
cle by miR-1 and miR-133a, respectively. There were six communication pathways play essential roles in the initi-
potential target genes (Hnrpu, Lsamp, MGC108776, ation and progression of CIPN. Most notably, TNF-a, IL-
Mef2, Npy, and Ppfibp2) of the upregulated miR-206 in 1b, IL-6, and CCL2 are involved in neuropathic pain.
the reinnervated muscle. Among these, three (Hnrpu, These cytokines could be used as biomarkers for predict-
Npy, and MGC108776) were potentially regulated by ing the onset of painful peripheral neuropathy and early
both miR-1 andmiR-206. Because theMef2 transcription axonal damage (Wang et al., 2012). Reactive oxygen spe-
factor was reported to promote the transformation of cies (ROS) have been shown to play a causal role in the
type II fast glycolytic fibers into type I slow oxidative development and maintenance of paclitaxel-induced
fibers, the upregulation of miR-206 with decreased pain (Fidanboylu et al., 2011) and hence the levels of ROS
expression of the Mef2 transcript in the 4-month reinner- can be used as a biomarker for certain drugs. Xiao et al.
vated muscle, which presented type II fiber predomi- (2012) demonstrated highly similar data on mechano-
nance 4 months after nerve microanastomosis, might allodynia, mechano-hyperalgesia, and cold-allodynia
indicate the role of miR-206 in determining the fibertype that have a delayed onset, gradually increasing severity,
after peripheral nerve regeneration (Tables 10.9 and a distinct delay to peak severity, and significant increase
10.10 provide the details of target genes for these altered in the incidence of swollen and vacuolated mitochondria
miRNAs and their functional role) (Jeng et al., 2009). in peripheral nerve axons, but not in their Schwann cells
in oxaliplatin and paclitaxel treatments. They attributed
this commonality to their mitotoxic effect on primary
afferent neurons.
Chemical-induced peripheral neuropathy
Because of the need for complete eradication of cancer
cells, a higher dose of drugs are used in cancer chemo-
therapy (Table 10.11) which very often results in
Biomarkers of altered axonal transport
chemical-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), a dose- Axon transport mechanisms play a major role in trans-
limiting neurotoxic effect of chemotherapy, that can lead porting nutrients, organelles and other molecules
to early cessation of cancer treatment (Wang et al., 2012). towards the presynaptic terminals by a process called
This can result in an increased risk of relapses and anterograde transport, while the retrograde transport is

TABLE 10.10 Target genes of modulated microRNAs by peripheral denervation and reinnervation

Gene Symbol Accession no. Gene Description

Akap9 NM_001037093 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein (yotiao) 9
Ampd1 NM_138876 Adenosine monophosphate deaminase 1 (isoform M)
Atp2c1 NM_131907 ATPase, Ca11 transporting, type 2C, member 1
Cacnb2 NM_053851 Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, beta 2 subunit
Cenpc1 NM_001004098 Centromere protein Cl
ChaC2 NM_001025016 Cation transport regulator homolog 2
Cit NM_001029911 Citron (rho-interacting, serine/threonine kinase 21)
Cltc NM_19299 Clathrin, heavy chain (He)
Ddx5 NM_001007613 Ddx5 gene
Echdc1 NM_001007734 Enoyl coenzyme A hydratase domain containing 1
Elf2 NM_001012181 E74-like factor 2
G0s2 NM_001009632 G0/G1 switch gene 2
G6pdx NM_017006 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase X-linked
Gas6 NM_057100 Growth arrest specific 6
Gdnf NM_019139 Glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor
Gp1bb NM_053930 Glycoprotein lb, beta polypeptide
Havcr2 NM_001100762 Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2 homolog
Hnrpu NM_057139 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U
Hspb1 NM_031970 Heat shock protein 1
Hspd1 NM_022229 Heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin)
Il2rg NM_080889 Interleukin 2 receptor, gamma
Klhl24 NM_181473 Kelch-like 24
LOC292666 NM_001025641 Similar to pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoprotein
LOC299282 NM_182474 Similar to serine protease inhibitor
LOC498749 NM_001034947 Similar to putative TRAP and TNF receptor associated protein
LOC500110 NM_001024327 Similar to zinc finger protein EZI
LOC680782 XM_001058844 Similar to signal peptidase complex subunit 3 homolog
Lsamp NM_017242 Limbic system-associated membrane protein
Mcf21 NM_053951 MCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequence-like
Mef2 NM_001014035 Myocyte enhancer factor 2
MGC108776 NM_001017466 Similar to Snf7 homolog associated with Alix 3
Mns1 NM_001007752 Meiosis-specific nuclear structural protein 1
Nexn NM_139230 Nexilin (Nexn), transcript variant s
Npy NM_012614 Neuropeptide Y
Nr3c1 NM_012576 Nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1
Pdk4 NM_053551 Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 4
Plp NM_030990 Proteolipid protein
Ppfibp2 NM_0011005S2 Protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor-type, F interacting protein,
binding protein 2 (liprin beta 2)
Ptprd NM_019140 Protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, D
Rasa1 NM_013135 RAS p21 protein activator 1
Rnf103 NM_053438 Ring finger protein 103
RT1-A2 NM_001008829 RT1 class 1a, locus A2
Serpina3k NM_012657 Serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 3K
Sgk NM_019232 Serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase
Sox6 NM_001024751 SRY-box containing gene 6
Stau1 NM_053436 Staufen RNA binding protein homolog 1
Sv2b NM_057207 Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2b
Ubc NM_017314 Ubiquitin C
Usp33 NM_001017379 Ubiquitin specific peptidase 33
Wif1 NM_053738 Wnt inhibitory factor 1
Zfp131 NM_001100698 Zinc finger protein 131

Source: Jeng et al., 2009.

a process by which damaged organelles and recycled Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
plasma membrane (packed in endocytotic vesicles) (ALS), that display axonal pathologies including
are transported back to the neuron cell body. There abnormal accumulations of proteins and organelles,
are many major human neurodegenerative pathologi- highlighting that disruption of axonal transport is an
cal disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, early and perhaps causative event in many of these

TABLE 10.12 Genes involved in hereditary peripheral

TABLE 10.11 Chemotherapeutic agents causing peripheral
Platinum Compounds CMT2A
Cisplatin NF-L
Oxaliplatin Gigaxonin
Carboplatin Mitofusin
Taxanes MAP8
Paclitaxel MAP1B LC
Docetaxel G-protein Rab7
Vinca alkaloids RILP
Vincristine Dynein
Vinblastine Myotubularin-related protein 2 (MTMR2)
Vinorelbine MTMR13/set-binding factor 2
Other agents GDAP1
Bortezomib DNM2
Thalidomide Apolipoprotein C-I precursor (Diabetic PNS)

Anti-alcohol Drugs Epigenetic biomarkers of axonal regeneration

Disulfiram Gadd45 alpha, one of the key regulators of epigenetic
Anticonvulsants modification of gene expression, is highly upregulated
Phenytoin (Dilantins)
after axonal injury. In parallel, many genes involved in
Heart or Blood Pressure Medications axonal elongation and synaptic activity are demethy-
lated upon axonal injury. Further studies are required
Hydralazine to verify whether it is possible to use epigenetic manip-
Perhexiline ulation to bring the adult neurons to a more “imma-
ture” state to promote better regeneration (Hoke et al.,
Infection Fighting Drugs
Metronidazole (Flagyls)
INH (Isoniazid)
Biomarkers from studies on inherited
Skin Condition Treatment Drugs peripheral neuropathies
A number of peripheral neuropathies are inherited, of
which a number of them are associated with documen-
ted defects in axonal transport (De Vos et al., 2008).
Table 10.12 lists genes involved in hereditary peripheral
diseases. Several studies on neurodegenerative disor- neuropathy, discussed in this section. In Charcot-Marie-
ders have shown that defects in axonal transport are Tooth disease (CMT) type 2E, caused by mutations in
early pathogenic events in a number of human neuro- the neurofilament light gene (NF-L), mutant protein
degenerative diseases (De Vos et al., 2008). Similarly, aggregates perturb the cytoskeletal network (particu-
defective axonal transport has been shown to be larly microtubules), and disrupt the normal localization
involved in organophosphate-induced delayed neuro- of mitochondria (Perez-Olle et al., 2004). The overex-
toxicity (OPIDN) (Damodaran et al., 2011). pression of CMT2E-linked NF-L leads to impaired axo-
Disruption to axonal transport can occur via a num- nal transport in vitro (Brownlees et al., 2002) and in vivo
ber of routes (De Vos et al., 2008). These disruptions (Dequen et al., 2010). Furthermore, in a mouse model of
include damage to (a) molecular motors, (b) microtu- CMT2A caused by mutations in mitofusin, axonal trans-
bules, (c) cargoes (such as inhibiting their attachment port of mitochondria was compromised (Baloh, 2007),
to motors), and (d) mitochondria, which supply and in giant axonal neuropathy, caused by mutations in
energy for molecular motors (De Vos et al., 2008). At gigaxonin, deletion of gigaxonin in mouse led to
cellular and tissue level axonal degeneration accom- impaired retrograde axonal transport (Ding et al., 2006).
panied by synergistic neuronal and glial cell death This impairment of axonal transport appears not only
pathways (e.g. apoptosis, necrosis, autophagy) have true for axonal but also for demyelinating hereditary
been implicated as major factors in neurotoxicity neuropathies. Indeed, in an animal model of X-linked
(Damodaran et al., 2011). demyelinating/type I Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy

(CMT1X), an inherited peripheral neuropathy caused by The hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies
mutations in the gap junction protein connexin32, (HSAN) encompass a number of inherited disorders
Vavlitou et al. (2010) observed reduced axonal transport that are associated with sensory dysfunction (depressed
and axonal pathology before demyelination occurs. reflexes, altered pain, and temperature perception) and
Dynein dysfunction appears directly involved in at least varying degrees of autonomic dysfunction (gastroesoph-
a subset of these diseases. First, the deletion in gigaxo- ageal reflux, postural hypotension, and excessive sweat-
nin in mouse leads to increased MAP8 and MAP1B LC ing). Numerical classification of four distinct forms of
levels. This, in turn, traps dynein and impairs axonal HSAN has been proposed. Each HSAN disorder is
retrograde transport. More directly, mutations in the likely caused by different genetic errors that affect spe-
G-protein Rab7 trigger CMT2B, leading to constitutive cific aspects of small fiber neurodevelopment, which
activity of mutant proteins. Rab7 controls dynein/ result in variable phenotypic expression (Axelrod and
dynactin recruitment to lysosomes and late endosomes Gold-von Simson, 2007). Types I to V have been shown
through its effector protein RILP and was demonstrated to have mutations in the following genes: SPTLC1,
to be essential for axonal retrograde transport HSN2, IKBKAP, NTRK1 (TRKA), and NTRK1.
(Deinhardt et al., 2006). It is thus probable that CMT2B Wallerian degeneration (WD) is one of the most ele-
mutations affect, in a still incompletely understood mentary reactions of the peripheral nervous system. It
manner, dynein dependent transport. occurs when nerve fiber continuity is interrupted
Some proteins implicated in demyelinating CMT, through traumatic, toxic, ischemic, or metabolic events.
peripheral myelin protein 22, protein zero (P0), and con- Axonal injury triggers a cascade of events including,
nexin32 (Cx32/GJB1), are crucial components of myelin for example, breakdown of the blood nerve barrier
(Shames et al., 2003). Periaxin is involved in connecting (Mellick and Cavanagh,1968), proliferation of Schwann
myelin to the surrounding basal lamina. Early growth cells and recruitment of circulating macrophages
response 2 (EGR2) and Sox10 are transcriptional regula- (Taskinen and Röyttä, 1997), and reorganization of the
tors of myelin genes. Mutations in the small integral endoneurial space and changes in the endoneurial
membrane protein of lysosome/late endosome, the extracellular matrix (ECM) components, as well as ele-
myotubularin-related protein 2 (MTMR2), and vation of neurotrophin and cytokine production.
MTMR13/set-binding factor 2, are involved in vesicle Neurodegenerative diseases characterized by brain, spi-
and membrane transport and the regulation of protein nal cord, and PNS involvement often show widespread
degradation. Pathomechanisms related to alterations of accumulations of tau aggregates. Leroy et al. (2007) gener-
these processes are a widespread phenomenon in demy- ated a transgenic mouse line (Tg30tau) expressing a human
elinating neuropathies because mutations of myelin tau protein bearing two pathogenic mutations (P301S and
components may also affect protein biosynthesis, trans- G272V) in the forebrain and the spinal cord. These mice
port, and/or degradation. Related disease mechanisms developed age-dependent brain and hippocampal atrophy,
are also involved in axonal neuropathies although there central and peripheral axonopathy, progressive motor
is considerably more functional heterogeneity. Some impairment with neurogenic muscle atrophy, and neurofi-
mutations, most notably in P0, GJB1, ganglioside- brillary tangles and had decreased survival. Axonal spher-
induced differentiation-associated protein 1 (GDAP1), oids and axonal atrophy developed early before
neurofilament light chain (NF-L), and dynamin 2 neurofibrillary tangles. Neurofibrillary inclusions devel-
(DNM2), can result in demyelinating or axonal neuropa- oped in neurons at 3 months and were of two types, sug-
thies introducing additional complexity in the patho- gestive of a selective vulnerability of neurons to form
genesis. Often, this relates to the intimate connection different types of fibrillary aggregates. A first type of tau-
between Schwann cells and neurons/axons leading to positive neurofibrillary tangles, more abundant in the fore-
axonal damage even if the mutation-caused defect is brain, were composed of ribbon-like 19-nm-wide filaments
Schwann-cell-autonomous. This mechanism is likely for and twisted paired helical filaments. A second type of tau
P0 and Cx32 mutations and provides the basis for the and neurofilament-positive neurofibrillary tangles, more
unifying hypothesis that, also, demyelinating neuropa- abundant in the spinal cord and the brainstem, were com-
thies develop into functional axonopathies. In GDAP1 posed of 10-nm-wide neurofilaments and straight 19-nm
and DNM2 mutants, both Schwann cells and axons/ filaments. This Tg30tau model thus provides evidence that
neurons might be directly affected. NF-L mutants have axonopathy precedes tangle formation and that both
a primary neuronal defect but also cause demyelination. lesions can be dissociated from overt neuronal loss in
The major challenge ahead lies in determining the indi- selected brain areas but not from neuronal dysfunction.
vidual contributions by neurons and Schwann cells to This study also established that the size, shape and width
the pathology over time and to delineate the detailed of the tangles and the biochemical component can be dif-
molecular functions of the proteins associated with ferent in various parts of the nervous system (Leroy et al.,
CMT in health and disease. 2007). Thus, these aspects could be useful as biomarkers

that define the pathology and disease progression. They production with the increased energy needs of nerve
have also shown the appearance and disappearance of var- conduction. The induction of ATF3 supports an axonally
ious types of tau epitopes (phosphorylation independent initiated/derived signal that is transported to the neuro-
and dependent as well as conformational epitopes) as a nal cell body. In this regard, ATF3 expression is modu-
function of aging (1, 3, and 12 months), thus establishing lated by retrograde axonal transport of JNK (Lindwall
the potential of using phosphorylation and conformational and Kanje, 2005). Axonally-derived signaling pathways
alternates as potential biomarkers to evaluate disease pro- can also be initiated by neurotrophins and the myelin
gression in both CNS and PNS. proteins, NOGO, MAG and oligodendrocyte-myelin gly-
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 is the major molecular motor coprotein, and involve activation of cAMP and protein
moving cargoes such as mitochondria, organelles, and kinase A (Hannila and Filbin, 2008). Similar pathways
proteins towards the minus end of microtubules. and additional transcription factors may be modulated
Dynein is involved in multiple basic cellular functions, following demyelination in both PNS and CNS.
such as mitosis, autophagy, and structure of endoplas- Mitochondrial function in Schwann cells has been shown
mic reticulum and Golgi, but also in neuron-specific to be important in maintenance of axons, and disruption
functions, in particular retrograde axonal transport. of mitochondria in Schwann cells also can lead to axonal
Dynein is regulated by a number of protein complexes, degeneration (Viader et al., 2011). Hence, gene products
notably by dynactin. Several studies have supported involved in the mitochondrial structure and function
indirectly the involvement of dynein in neurodegenera- may qualify for biomarker status.
tion associated with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s
disease, Huntington’s disease, and motor neuron dis-
eases (Eschbach and Dupuis, 2011). First, axonal trans-
port disruption represents a common feature occurring Biomarkers of neuromuscular junction injuries
in neurodegenerative diseases. Second, a number of
dynein-dependent processes, including autophagy or Neurotoxicants that act at the neuromuscular junction can
clearance of aggregation-prone proteins, are found be divided into two classes: Those that alter the pheno-
defective in most of these diseases. Third, a number of typic synthesis, storage, or release of acetylcholine (ACh)
mutant genes in various neurodegenerative diseases are and those that disrupt the postsynaptic function of the
involved in the regulation of dynein transport. This effector cells, usually associated with the recognition of
includes, notably, mutations in the P150Glued subunit ACh by its target receptor, activation of conductances
of dynactin that are found in Perry syndrome and through the receptor-associated ion channel, or impaired
motor neuron diseases. Interestingly, gene products that hydrolysis of ACh (Atchison and Spitsbergen, 1994).
are mutant in Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, There are two specific steps in the neurotransmission
motor neuron disease, or spinocerebellar ataxia are also at the neuromuscular junction such as: (a) presynaptic
involved in the regulation of dynein motor activity or of processes that are associated directly with the synthesis
cargo binding (Eschbach and Dupuis, 2011). and release of neurotransmitter, which occur in the pre-
synaptic nerve terminal, and (b) post-synaptic processes
that are associated with the binding of transmitter to its
receptor sites in the postsynaptic membrane, resulting
Biomarkers of demyelination injuries in opening of ion channels, thereby leading to postsyn-
Axonal degeneration contributes to permanent neurolog- aptic polarization. The neuromuscular junction has been
ical disability in inherited and acquired diseases of mye- the specific target for neurotoxins such as botulinum
lin affecting PNS and CNS (Kiryu-Seo et al., 2010). The toxin or many of the cholinesterase inhibitors.
role of mitochondrial dysfunction in axonal degeneration
through the cyclic events of myelination, demyelination,
or remyelination has been proposed. Demyelination has
been shown to induce ATFm 3 (activating transcription
TABLE 10.13 Surrogate tissue markers
factor 3) in DRG neurons. Knockdown of neuronal ATF3
by shRNA abolished the demyelination-induced increase Blood:
in axonal mitochondrial transport and increased nitro- Erythrocyte acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) for organophosphates
tyrosine immunoreactivity in axonal mitochondria, sug- Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) for lead
gesting that neuronal ATF3 expression and increased Lymphocyte neurotoxicity target enzyme (NTE) for
mitochondrial transport protect demyelinated axons organophosphates
from oxidative damage. In response to insufficient ATP Blood aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALA-D) for intermittent
production, demyelinated axons increase the size of sta- Carboxyhemoglobin (CO-Hb) for carbon monoxide
tionary mitochondrial sites and thereby balance ATP

TABLE 10.14 Candidate biomarker genes connected with inherited PNS disorders
The Candidates that were Genotyped for PNS Disorders:


Other Genes Connected with Inherited PNS Disorders:


Biomarkers from surrogate tissue analysis for DNA biomarkers of toxicity in the peripheral
peripheral nervous system disorders nervous system
Surrogate tissue analysis can be very useful for monitoring Recently, Johnson et al. (2011) showed that an indivi-
toxicant exposure and effect, monitoring disease develop- dual’s risk of developing a peripheral neuropathy after
ment and progression, and drug efficacy testing (Tang thalidomide treatment can be mediated by polymorph-
et al., 2006). There are many accessible tissues (e.g. blood, isms in genes governing repair mechanisms and inflam-
urine, cerebrospinal fluid, cord blood, buccal cells, or milk) mation in the PNS. They found an association between
that can be used as a surrogate tissue (Table 10.13). Tang TrPN (thalidomide related peripheral neuropathy) with
et al. (2001) showed the specific global gene expression pro- SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) ABCA1
files of blood samples from animals that had various neu- (rs363717), ICAM1 (rs179999), PPARD (rs2076169),
rological disorders such as ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic SERPINB2 (rs6103), and SLC12A6 (rs7164902). They
stroke, kainite-induced seizures, hypoxia, and insulin- analyzed DNA samples from 1495 patients and selected
induced hypoglycemia. Most of the components of the SNPs from functional regions of 964 genes spanning 67
PNS and CNS may not be accessible for tissue or cell pro- molecular pathways thought to be involved in the path-
curement. Blood has the genetic complement of the PNS ogenesis, treatment response, and other adverse effects.
and CNS structures; in addition, signaling and other path- They have conducted similar studies with vincristine to
ways of PNS require abundant receptors and other special- verify the specificity of the data obtained for TrPN,
ized molecules and cells that are very often represented in thereby establishing the usefulness of SNP screening for
the peripheral blood. Furthermore, recent studies from personalized therapy approaches for victims of toxicant
human disease conditions such as neurofibromatosis type exposure. Table 10.14 provides the list of candidate
1 (NF1), Tourette syndrome, and anticonvulsant drugs in genes genotyped for mutations in PNS disorders.
pediatric epilepsy indicated the existence of quantifiable
markers while highlighting the need for more studies to
optimize the methodology for peripheral tissue biomarker
development (Tang et al., 2006). Global gene expression
Biomarkers of cholinergic system and its
studies using whole blood from patients with post- relevance to the peripheral nervous system
traumatic stress, stroke, and migraine yielded valuable Acetylcholine (ACh) is widely distributed in the nervous
data on candidate biomarkers (Segman et al., 2005; Moore system and has been implicated as playing a critical role
et al., 2005). Measuring viral load as a surrogate marker for in cerebral cortical development, cortical activity, control-
HIV infection and development of antiretroviral therapies ling of cerebral blood flow, and the sleep wake cycle as
has been proposed and practiced (Hoke et al., 2013). well as in modulating cognitive performances and learn-
Another potential surrogate marker is the density of intrae- ing and memory processes (Schliebs and Arendt, 2011).
pidermal nerve fibers, which correlates with neuropathy Changes in the cholinergic system during aging and in
severity as gauged by the total neuropathy score, sural sen- AD have been documented by assessing the major func-
sory nerve action potential amplitudes, and quantitative tional components of cholinergic cells and signaling; the
sensory testing using toe cooling and vibration detection ACh synthesizing and degrading enzymes choline acetyl-
thresholds, and with neuropathic pain as measured by the transferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE),
Gracely visual analog scale (Ebenezer et al., 2007). respectively; the vesicular ACh transporter (VAChT) that

transports ACh into the vesicles; the cholinergic musca- et al., 2011). Excessive accumulation of aggregated micro-
rinic receptors (mAChRs) and nicotinic ACh receptors tubules and neurofilaments in the distal part of the large
(nAChRs) for synaptic signaling; as well as the require- myelinated axons is a major pathological hallmark of
ment of cholinergic neurons to receive neurotrophic sup- OPIDN (Figure 10.3). As the disorder progresses, neuro-
port by NGF mediated through high- (trkA) and low- filaments are partially matted and comparatively rari-
affinity (p75NTR) receptors for survival (Schliebs and fied, but microtubules are better preserved and visible
Arendt, 2011). for a long time in OPIDN (Damodaran, 2009). Although
the exact mechanism of OPIDN development is yet to be
determined, there have been suggestions that OPIDN is
Peripheral nervous system biomarkers for related to specific inhibition of a particular protein
exposure to organophosphates known as neuropathy target esterase (NTE). To add to
the complexity, other suggested pathways include cho-
Organophosphate insecticides share a common mecha-
linergic inhibition of AChE and differential alterations of
nism of toxicity, through inhibitory effects on cholines-
several upstream and downstream molecules, and their
terase enzymes in the nervous system.
associated biochemical machinery significantly contri-
Organophosphates undergo chemical changes in the
butes to the pathophysiology of OPIDN (Damodaran,
environment as well as in the human body. It is neces-
2009). AChE inhibitors (e.g. sarin, DFP) exposure may
sary to understand these changes in order to measure
alter the regulation of the cholinergic system differen-
and interpret biomarkers of exposure to organopho-
tially, depending on the dose, duration, and mode of
sphates. One chemical reaction that occurs in humans is
exposure as evidenced by numerous studies, thus affect-
a transformation at the double bond of the central phos-
ing various functions such as muscle function, cognition,
phorus atom from sulfur to oxygen. This metabolic reac-
and sleep (Damodaran, et al., 2003; Damodaran et al.,
tion takes place in the liver and results in activation of
2006a,b; Damodaran, 2009).
the organophosphate to a more potent inhibitor of cho-
Various hormonal or chemical stimuli cause increased
linesterase enzymes (CDC, 2009). Hydrolysis of the
concentration of cAMP in the cell, but the majority of
organophosphates yields a dialkylphosphate and the
cellular responses resulting from increased level of
leaving group, which do not inhibit cholinesterase
cAMP are mediated by PKA. It is generally recognized
enzymes and can be measured as biomarkers of expo-
that phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of target pro-
sure to organophosphates, as the metabolites are subse-
teins is involved in early cellular functions such as pro-
quently eliminated from the body in the urine (CDC,
liferation, differentiation, apoptosis, or degeneration by
2009). An individual with acute symptomatic overexpo-
toxic chemicals (Gupta et al., 1997, 2000). The cAMP
sure to organophosphates will usually have an abnor-
response element binding protein, CREB, is a transcrip-
mally low level of activity of cholinesterase enzymes
tion factor. CREB is phosphorylated by PKA and initi-
measured in the serum (as butyrylcholinesterase, also
ates the synthesis of target proteins. Increased
known as pseudocholinesterase) or in red blood cells
phosphorylation of several cytoskeletal proteins and
(as RBC cholinesterase, which is more closely correlated
alterations in the levels of several enzymes and proteins
with acetylcholinesterase activity in the nervous sys-
were reported (Abou-Donia and Nomeir, 1986).
tem). Paraoxonase (or PON1) enzyme is responsible for
Alterations in the levels of mRNA of CamKinase II
the hydrolysis and deactivation of organophosphates.
alpha sub-unit (Gupta et al., 1997), neural filament trip-
Polymorphisms in the PON1 gene exist in humans add-
let proteins (Gupta et al., 1997), GFAP, vimentin
ing variability in OP-exposure response. In a recent
(Damodaran et al., 2001), alpha tubulin (Damodaran
study on the associations between OP pesticide use and
et al., 2001), beta tubulin subtypes (Damodaran et al.,
PNS function, by administering PNS tests to 701 male
2009), and GAPDH (Damodaran et al., 2002b) have been
pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
shown. Immediate early induction of c-fos (Gupta et al.,
(AHS), it was shown that long-term exposure to OP pes-
2000) and c-jun (Damodaran and Abou-Donia, 2000b)
ticides is associated with signs of impaired PNS func-
has been demonstrated. Furthermore, differential induc-
tion among pesticide applicators (Starks et al., 2012).
tion of PKA, CREB, and p-CREB (Gupta and
Abou-Donia, 1995; Damodaran, 2009) in DFP-treated
Biomarkers of organophosphorus-ester induced hen brain at some time points has been found. The pro-
tein levels of protein kinase C (PKC), CaM kinase II,
delayed neurotoxicity and several phosphatases (i.e. phosphatase 1 (PP1), and
Organophosphorus-ester induced delayed neurotoxicity phosphatase 2A (PP2A), phosphatase 2B (PP2B)) in the
(OPIDN) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized spinal cord of DFP-treated hens after 1, 5, 10, and 20
by ataxia progressing to paralysis with a concomitant days were estimated and their potential roles discussed
central and peripheral distal axonopathy (Damodaran (Gupta and Abou-Donia, 1995).

In a comparatively recent study, sarin (molecular Cardiac measurement

structural analogue of DFP) exposure initiated several
Cardiac activity, one of the most commonly assessed
validated and hitherto unreported pathways immedi-
ANS pathways, is among the most sensitive areas to
ately (within 15 minutes of exposure) and a significant
ANS changes. Cardiac activity is measured via heart
number of important genes (pathways) showed persis-
rate, with increased rate signifying activation of the
tently modified levels at 2 hours and 3 months post
SNS, and via heart rate variability. One widely used
treatment (Damodaran et al., 2006a,b). Furthermore, val-
measure is manually taking the pulse; it offers a nonin-
idation and candidate gene studies showed a similar
vasive, nonpainful, relatively quick measure of heart
overall pattern for both DFP (exposure to hens) and
rate. An EKG is a standard measure of the electrical
sarin (exposure to rats), in spite of the differences in
activity, i.e. the depolarization of the heart during each
species tested and structure of the analogues used
beat over time. Sensors placed on the skin using two,
(Damodaran et al., 2000a; Damodaran and Abou-Donia,
three, five, or twelve leads capture electrical activity
2000b; Damodaran et al., 2002a,b,c,d). Thus, there are
(Brierley-Bowers et al., 2011).
common and evolutionarily conserved pathways (gene
clusters) that are sensitive to AChE and NTE inhibition
and probably other esterases’ inhibition, irrespective of Vascular measurement
the test organism and differences in the structures of
OPs tested. These organophosphorus esters-exposure The vascular or circulatory system is measured via tem-
related physiological genomic and nongenomic effects perature and blood pressure. As part of the stress
(such as hormonal, inflammatory, and other types) very response when the SNS is activated, blood vessels in
often persist for a long time, if appropriate remedial the limbs constrict, causing a decrease in temperature in
measures are not taken (Damodaran, 2009). the extremities while increasing the blood flow to the
muscles, brain, lungs, and heart, increasing core temper-
ature. While thermometers can accurately measure
body temperature, tools which may measure the
decreased temperature of the extremities (i.e. stress)
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM include auxiliary sensors such as those used on the
intelligent garment and biodots. Blood pressure, the
Autonomous nervous system (ANS) activity may be cat- measure of the pressure of the blood within the arteries,
egorized into nine measurable physiological systems or is a product of heart rate, intravascular volume status,
pathways, activated through sympathetic and parasym- cardiac muscle contractility, and systemic vascular resis-
pathetic mechanisms. These pathways provide a frame- tance. As part of a response to a stressor arterial blood
work for a comprehensive review of stress reactivity pressure increases. Blood pressure can be measured
measures. through the following three methods: (i) the ausculta-
tory method, (ii) oscillometric method, and (iii) photo-
plethysmographic method (Brierley-Bowers et al., 2011).

Measuring autonomic nervous system activity

Respiratory measurement
Approximately 50 tools identified according to the auto-
nomic nervous system (ANS) pathway are listed in the The respiratory system includes the inhalation of air,
ANS Measures Table in Appendix A of the monograph which is then channeled into the alveoli of the lungs to
published by Defense Centers of Excellence for deliver oxygen to the circulatory system, and the exha-
Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (web lation of carbon dioxide. When the SNS is activated due
site: (Brierley-Bowers et al., 2011). to exposure to a stressor, breath rate increases and
Some of these tools, such as the electrocardiogram breaths become shallower. There are two methods of
(EKG), are established and widely used. The utility of monitoring the respiratory system: direct and indirect.
each tool is dependent upon its purpose of use, target One form of direct measurement includes spirometers.
environment, and the sensitivity of measurement Spirometers measure the amount and rate of airflow
needed. The three ANS pathways most often used to over a period of time by having the individual breathe
measure the impact of mind-body skills, as seen in into a device, which visually illustrates the volume of
Table 2 on page 9 of the above mentioned monograph, air displaced, much like a breathalyzer. Indirect mea-
are cardiac, vascular, and respiratory (Brierley-Bowers sures of respiration include the use of a plethysmo-
et al., 2011). These are the ANS pathways that physi- graph. A pulmonary plethysmograph measures the
cians monitor via the vital signs (blood pressure, heart total lung capacity and functional residual capacity of
rate, temperature, and respiratory rate). the lungs (Brierley-Bowers et al., 2011).

Galvanic skin response measurement levels: 24-hour urine collection, blood testing, and saliva
sampling (Brierley-Bowers et al., 2011).
The galvanic skin response (GSR), one of the earliest
tools used in psychological research, offers a method of
measuring the electrical resistance of the skin. In Pupillary response measurement
response to a stressor, GSR nonspecific increase and
The pupillary response may occur for several reasons,
basal resistance decreases. GSR is obtained by attaching
such as exposure to light, sexual stimulation, before sleep,
two leads to the skin and acquiring a base measure. As
or in response to a stressor. Pupillary response varies the
an activity is performed, recordings are made from the
size of the pupil of the eye via the iris dilator muscle,
leads. Active GSR is when a current is passed through
which dilates in response to a stressor. Three widely
the body and the resistance is thereby measured. GSR is
accepted and used measures of pupillary response are the
sensitive to immediate emotional arousal as well as gen-
Colvard Pupillometer, Dynamic Binocular Infrared
eral mood or acute stress responses. The e-meter and
Pupillometer, and the NeurOptics VIPt-200 Pupillometer.
polygraph are also versions of a GSR which are widely
The pupillometer is widely used to diagnose narcotic
used (Brierley-Bowers et al., 2011)
influence, head injury, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid
arthritis, or lupus. It may also be used to assess degenera-
Catecholamine measurement tion of eye tissue in people with severe diabetes. All the
tools have been shown to be satisfactory and reliable
Catecholamines, such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, and (Brierley-Bowers et al., 2011).
cortisol, are hormones released during a stress response. In
response to a stressor, an endocrine signal cascade is initi-
ated primarily by the release of corticotropin-release factor Salivary amylase measurement
(CRF) from the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothala- Most measures of salivary amylase, the enzyme that initi-
mus, resulting in increased secretion of glucocorticoids (i.e. ates the chemical breakdown in the mouth, and gastroin-
cortisol), mineralocorticoids, and androgens. As a result, testinal activity, have limited use. Acinar cells, which
catecholamine metabolites, specifically vanillylmandelic produce salivary amylase, are innervated by sympathetic
acid (VMA), can be used to gauge sympathetic activity. and parasympathetic pathways. Some studies have found
Concentrations of catecholamine metabolites can be deter- sympathetic activity increases amylase synthesis, which
mined by measuring the following: VMA concentration in increases amylase concentration in the saliva, and para-
urine samples; dihydroxyphenylglycol (DHPG), sympathetic activity increases saliva flow rate with no or
3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), and VMA little effect on amylase synthesis. As these effects produce
levels in serum; and catecholamine and related metabolites an overall increase in absolute salivary amylase output,
in saliva. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) with High they should be considered in relating salivary amylase to
Performance, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay stress reactivity (Brierley-Bowers et al., 2011).
(ELISA), and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
(LC-MS) can be used (Brierley-Bowers et al., 2011).
Sweat analysis
One noninvasive and nonstressful approach to evaluat-
Cortisol measurement
ing neural and immune systems is through collection of
Cortisol, commonly referred to as the stress hormone, is sweat. The cutaneous sweat patch is commercially avail-
secreted by the adrenal glands and impacts the sympa- able and FDA approved. It is easily applied at any time
thetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Cortisol is of day and can be worn for an extended period of time
the most potent glucocorticoid produced and is secreted with minimal discomfort. After collection, plasma and
by the adrenal cortex. Its release is activated through sweat neuroimmune biomarkers are detected by recy-
the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, also cling immunoaffinity chromatography (RIC) coupled
known as the limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal with laser-induced fluorescence (Marques et al., 2010).
axis (LHPA axis). In response to a perceived threat, Preliminary data in a population of women with major
CRF is released from the hypothalamus and binds to depressive disorder (MDD) showed elevated sweat
receptors on the anterior pituitary lobe. This activates levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, sympathetic neu-
release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from ropeptides (neuropeptide-Y [NPY]) and pain-related
the anterior pituitary. Cortisol is released when ACTH neuropeptides (substance P [SP], calcitonin gene-related
binds to receptors in the adrenal medulla. In addition to peptide [CGRP]), but decreased parasympathetic (vaso-
stress or trauma, many studies link cortisol levels to cir- active intestinal peptide [VIP]) neuropeptides relative to
cadian rhythms, temperature, infection, exercise, and controls, which strongly correlated with plasma levels
obesity. Several tests are available to monitor cortisol (Marques et al., 2010).

ROLE OF PERIPHERAL NERVOUS CGRP, were shown to have tight correlation with levels
SYSTEM IN PARKINSON’S DISEASE in plasma in patients with a history of depression
AND LEWY BODY DISEASE (Marques-Deak et al., 2006). The sympathetic and para-
sympathetic (vagus nerve, mediated by ACh) branches
of the ANS play an important role in the regulation of
Autonomic nervous system involvement occurs at early the cardiovascular system and the immune system,
stages in both Parkinson’s disease (PD) and incidental where the parasympathetic nervous system has been
Lewy body disease (ILBD), and affects the sympathetic, shown to have an anti-inflammatory influence on the
parasympathetic, and enteric nervous systems (ENS) immune system. A prominent circadian variation in
(Cersosimo and Benarroch, 2012). It has been proposed HRV, with significant increases during the night and
that alpha-synuclein (α-SYN) pathology in PD has a dis- decreases during the day, is observed in healthy indivi-
tal to proximal progression along autonomic pathways. duals. Previous studies have shown that this increase in
The ENS is affected before the dorsal motor nucleus of nighttime HRV is blunted by acute stress, as well as
the vagus (DMV), and distal axons of cardiac sympa- conditions such as chronic alcoholism. Decreased HRV,
thetic nerves degenerate before there is loss of paraver- indicative of reduced parasympathetic vagal tone, is an
tebral sympathetic ganglion neurons. Consistent with independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality.
neuropathological findings, some autonomic manifesta-
tions such as constipation or impaired cardiac uptake of
norepinephrine precursors occur at early stages of the
disease even before the onset of motor symptoms. BIOMARKERS OF ENTERIC NERVOUS
Biopsy of peripheral tissues may constitute a promising SYSTEM
approach to detect α-SYN neuropathology in autonomic
nerves and a useful early biomarker of PD. Parkinson’s Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the
disease (PD) is among the most frequent neurodegener- enteric nervous system (ENS). Prolonged stimulation of
ative disorders associated with aging. Over the past enteric ganglia by glutamate caused necrosis and apo-
decade, advances in genetics and neuropathology have ptosis in enteric neurons. Acute and delayed cell deaths
provided further insight into the etiopathogenesis of were observed. Excitotoxicity was more pronounced in
PD. Several nonmotor manifestations, such as auto- cultured enteric ganglia than in intact preparations of
nomic, sleep, and olfactory dysfunction, may occur at bowel, presumably because of a reduction in glutamate
early stages of disease and precede the onset of motor uptake. Glutamate immunoreactive neurons were found
symptoms. Strong evidence indicates that autonomic in cultured myenteric ganglia, and a subset of enteric
involvement in PD starts in the periphery. Both its early neurons expressed NMDA (NR1, NR2A/B), AMPA
involvement and the accessibility of peripheral tissues (GluR1, GluR2/3), and kainate (GluR5/6/7) receptor
make the peripheral autonomic system an attractive tar- subunits. Glutamate receptors were clustered on enteric
get for detection of early biomarkers of the disease. neurites. Stimulation of cultured enteric neurons by kai-
Cerebrospinal-fluid-based kinetic biomarkers of axonal nic acid led to the swelling of somas and the growth of
transport in monitoring neurodegeneration of PD varicosities (“blebs”) on neurites. Kainic acid also pro-
patients and animal model systems have been shown to duced a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential in
be valuable for this purpose (Fanar et al., 2012). cultured enteric neurons at sites where blebs tended to
form. These observations demonstrate, for the first time,
excitotoxicity in the ENS and suggest that overactivation
Neural stress system of PNS of enteric glutamate receptors may contribute to the
intestinal damage produced by anoxia, ischemia, and
The two main arms of the stress system include the excitotoxins present in food (Kirchgessner et al., 1997).
autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. These two
neural stress systems coordinate the response of many
other physiological systems to a stressor, including the EMERGING AVENUES OF PNS
immune and cardiovascular systems, bringing the body
back to homeostasis. The nervous and immune systems
communicate with each other in a bidirectional manner.
Collection of sweat and saliva, and measurement of
heart rate variability are noninvasive methods that can Most, if not all, types of mammalian cells release small
be applied to evaluate neuroimmune interactions. membranous vesicles known as exosomes. In addition
Levels of neuropeptides, such as NPY, VIP, SP, and to their protein content these vesicles have recently

been shown to contain messenger RNA (mRNA) and CONCLUDING REMARKS AND FUTURE
microRNA (miRNA) species. Roles for these vesicles DIRECTIONS
include cell cell signaling, removal of unwanted pro-
teins, and transfer of pathogens, such as prions,
between cells. As exosomes can be isolated from circu- In this chapter, the latest evolving concepts about PNS
lating fluids such as serum, urine, and cerebrospinal pathology and efforts to identify biomarkers regarding
fluid, they provide a potential source of biomarkers for the following have been discussed: (a) mechanisms of
neurological conditions. Exosomes have been proposed PNS injury; (b) inherited forms of PNS disorders,
as being a means of intercellular communication in the (c) molecular and cellular mechanisms of the demyelin-
normal physiology of the nervous system; several ation and remyelination process, (d) nature of neuro-
reports have demonstrated the release of exosomes by muscular junction injuries and recovery, and
different cell types such as astrocytes or microglial neu- (e) surrogate tissue analysis. Brief summaries of newer
rons (Corrado et al., 2013). Recently, Lachenal et al. approaches of methodologies currently applied in bio-
(2011) demonstrated that exosomes released by differen- marker development were presented. Extensive lists of
tiated neurons are regulated by synaptic glutamatergic proven biomarkers and candidate biomarkers identified
activity, and might thus be part of normal synaptic so far were also presented. Biomarkers that are involved
physiology. Exosomes may also play a key role in neu- in ANS functions as well as general categories such as
ronal communication during neurodegenerative dis- ion channel functions, pathways of pain, neurodegener-
eases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or prion ative disorders, motor function, emotion, sleep disor-
diseases. For example, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s dis- ders, infection response, axonal transport, chemically
ease are also characterized by the accumulation of mis- induced PNS disorders, OPIDN, neural stress systems,
folded proteins; recent studies have shown that the miRNA, exosomes, and other categories involving PNS
misfolded protein incorporation into exosomes protects structure and function have been presented and dis-
them from degradation and also facilitates their delivery cussed. The following future directions will be of great
over long distances. Parkinson’s disease is characterized help.
by intracellular aggregates of α-synuclein, the Lewy With the recent announcements about the human
bodies, in dopaminergic neurons. Alvarez-Erviti et al. brain mapping initiatives by NIH promoting great
(2011) showed that α-synuclein released from cells over- enthusiasm in functional mapping of the human brain,
expressing the protein is efficiently transferred to recipi- it will be a productive effort to extend the efforts to the
ent normal cells through exosomes. Moreover, PNS, in addition to the CNS, to promote better under-
Surgucheva et al. (2012) showed that another member of standing about PNS structure and function in health
the synuclein family, γ-synuclein, secreted from neuro- and disease. The following specific areas require imme-
nal cells into exosomes, can be transmitted to glial cells, diate attention and action:
thus promoting the aggregation of intracellular proteins.
In Alzheimer’s disease, exosomal proteins were found 1. In spite of a reasonable amount of knowledge about
to accumulate in the plaques of AD patient brains, thus well-defined reflex reactions in the human body,
suggesting that exosome-associated-amyloid peptides which take care of both voluntary and involuntary
may be involved in plaque formation. Another charac- functions, more biomarkers are needed to identify
teristic of Alzheimer’s disease is the intraneuronal deviant pathways in PNS disorders of various
aggregation of abnormally modified microtubule- types to identify the cause and the response to any
associated tau proteins. Saman et al. (2012) have recently form of therapy.
shown that tau proteins are mainly secreted through 2. The role of post-translational modifications such as
exosomes in vitro and in vivo. phosphorylation and conformational alternates
(resulting from pathological mechanisms) as poten-
tial biomarkers to evaluate disease initiation and
progression in PNS disorders and their effect on
the CNS, need further investigation.
PERSONALIZED MEDICINE 3. Despite a constellation of indirect evidence, direct
links between the motor (Dyenin) itself and neuro-
degeneration in inherited and acquired PNS disor-
The convergence of advancing research using the latest ders are few, and further research on its ability to
“Omics” technology in biomarker development and serve as biomarker of PNS disorders are warranted.
drug-testing approaches has made it feasible to have an 4. The role of mitochondria in Schwann cell pathology
accurate, individual specific targeted therapy for PNS and myelination requires more extensive work,
toxicity disorders. which can lead to identification of novel markers.

5. Research on exosomes could be rewarding, to iden- neurofilament assembly and axonal transport. Hum Mol Genet
tify mechanisms that may explain variations in clin- 11: 2837 2844.
Cahill, D.J., Nordhoff, E., O’Brien, J. et al. (2001) Bridging genomics
ical severity of various neurological disorders
and proteomics. In Proteomics: From Protein Sequence to Function,
where the boundaries of CNS and PNS involve- Pennington SR, and Dunn MJ (Eds). Bios Scientific publ., pp.
ment become vague due to a paucity of reliable 1 22.
information in vesicle transport. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (2009) National Center for
6. Studies on miRNA can be of very special signifi- Environmental Health, Atlanta, Georgia. Organophosphorus
Insecticides: Dialkyl Phosphate Metabolites. In: Fourth National
cance, as they are seen in exosomes and elsewhere,
Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, pp.
playing important roles in stimulus response in 117 133.
effector tissues. Cersosimo, M.G., and Benarroch, E.E. (2012) Autonomic involve-
7. More studies on inherited disorders of PNS are ment in Parkinson’s disease: Pathology, pathophysiology, clini-
required as they have been such a good source of cal features and possible peripheral biomarkers. J Neurolog Sci
313: 57 63.
identifying the mutant macromolecules involved in
Chiu, I.M., Von Hehn, C.W., and Woolf, C.J. (2013) Neurogenic
pathogenesis of PNS disorders. inflammation the peripheral nervous system’s role in host
8. Even though studies on chemical-induced PNS dis- defense and immunopathology. Nat Neurosci 15: 1063 1067.
orders seen in patients receiving chemotherapy for Corrado, C., Raimondo, S., Chiesi, A. et al. (2013) Exosomes as
cancer as well as other chronic disease conditions intercellular signaling organelles involved in health and dis-
ease: basic science and clinical applications. Int J Mol Sci 14:
such as diabetes and high blood pressure are cur-
5338 5366.
rently underway, the efforts need to be stepped up, Dai, C., Li, J., Lin, W. et al. (2012) Electrophysiology and ultrastruc-
keeping in mind the large number of individuals tural changes in mouse sciatic nerve associated with colistin
affected around the globe. sulfate exposure. Toxicol Mech Meth 22: 592 612.
9. Epigenetic marker studies are still in their infancy, Damodaran, T.V., Rahman, A.A., and Abou-Donia, M.B. (2000a)
Early differential induction of c-jun in the central nervous sys-
and there are only very few studies published so
tem of hens treated with diisopropylphosphorofluoridate
far. More studies are required in this regard. (DFP). Neurochem Res 25: 1579 1586.
10. Global approaches have yielded several sets of use- Damodaran, T.V., and Abou-Donia, M.B. (2000b) Alterations in
ful data on potential biomarkers. These biomarkers levels of mRNAs coding for glial fibrillary acidic protein
need to be tested using multiplex assay approaches (GFAP) and vimentin genes in the central nervous system of
hens treatedwith diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP).
for diagnosis and therapy response, so the best
Neurochem Res 25: 809 816.
ones can become a part of routine clinical testing Damodaran, T.V., Ab del-Rahman, A., and Abou-Donia, M.B.
and reflex testing modalities. (2001) Altered time course of mRNA expression of alpha
tubulin in the central nervous system of hens treated with
diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP). Neurochem Res 26:
43 50.
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