Transmission Distance: Fade Margin (DB)

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Transmission Distance

Frequency (MHz) 11000 RAy2 (11 GHz Model)

wave speed (m/s) 299792458
Wavelength (m) 0.027253859818182

Distance (m) 300000

Free-space Path Loss (dB) 162.818062019441

PR = PT + GT + GR - FSL
PR, Received power level (dBm) -67.8180620194411
PT, Transmitted Power (dBm) 24
GT, Tramitting antenna gain (dBi) 30 300 mm
GR, Receiving antenna gain (dB) 41 12000 mm
FSL, Free-space loss (dB) 162.818062019441
PS, Receiver sensitivity (dBm) -88 7.4 Mbps 64 QAM, 1.75 MHz
PR > PS -89 6.3 Mbps 32 QAM, 1.75 MHz
-93 5 Mbps 16 QAM, 1.75 MHz
-99 2.5 Mbps QPSK, 1.75 MHz

Fade Margin (dB) 20.1819379805589 7.4 Mbps 64 QAM, 1.75 MHz

21.1819379805589 6.3 Mbps 32 QAM, 1.75 MHz
25.1819379805589 5 Mbps 16 QAM, 1.75 MHz
31.1819379805589 2.5 Mbps QPSK, 1.75 MHz

Rain Attenuation
For 99.99% availability in rain zone P the rain rate (see Fig. 1.1)
R0.01 145

(See Tab. 1.2) Horizontal and Vertical Polarization

kH 0.02
AlphaH 1.21
kV 0.02
AlphaV 1.16

Rain Attenuation, Horizontal (dB) 3.62661603513094

Rain Attenuation, Vertical (dB) 3.43860014822982
Technical literature often gives the minimum fade margin of
20 dB. For very long links (more than 10 km) fade margin will,
indeed, be approximately 20 dB. For shorter links, however,
such large margin is not necessary. It is helpful to first
conduct the calculation above to receive an idea of the
attenuation affecting the link.

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