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Do the practice exercise 1 and 2 using online tools. If result showed that the difference among groups is
statistically significant then explore the differences between multiple group means using Tukey HSD
(“Honestly Significant Difference”) test. Interpret the result meaningfully.

1. As we looked in the table results it revealed that T1 is not significantly different from the
other treatments, same as T2 it is not significantly different from T1 and T3, and also T3 is not
significantly different from T1 and T2. As we observed the mean of T1, T2 and T3 they are not
significantly different at 5% the level of significance.
Tukey HSD

2. The table below shows that the total mean of T1, T2 and T3 is almost similar; otherwise they
are not significantly difference at 5% level of significance.
Tukey HSD

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