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Birbal and the Washerman

Scene 1

Akbar: Birbal, I have heard that the water in this river is extremely cold. Is that true?

Birbal: Yes Your Majesty. I have been told so.

Akbar: What do you think will happen if the man stands in the river all through the night? Do you think
he will die?

Birbal: Certainly, Your Majesty. No man will be able to survive the cold water for an entire night.

Akbar: I have an idea! (Akbar whispers something in Birbal’s ear. Birbal is surprised at what he says, but
he does not look too pleased.)

Scene 2

Town-crier: (loudly) Everyone, listen! Here is n order from Emperor, Shahanshah Akbar! Any man who
stands in the cold waters of the river in front of the Emperor’s palace, all through the night, will be
amply rewarded.

Narrator: He moves on, making the same announcement at another busy corner of town. The
townspeople stand in small groups, discussing the announcement. It is clear that no one is ready to
accept the challenge .But the poor washerman, Denu, listens to the announcement and whispers
something into his wife’s ear.

Denu: Kusum, this is a good opportunity. I should try my luck. If I succeed in standing in the river, I’ll get
a reward, and we’ll be able to live well.

Kusum : Are you insane? No! Don’t ever think of talking such a rick.

Denu: Don’t you worry. Nothing will be happen to me. After all, I am used to washing clothes in cold
water every day.

Scene 3

First man: I feel sorry for this poor washerman. Why he want to kill himself?

Second man: I think he has gone mad! Imagine doing such a foolish thing just for money! Let us hope he
return safely.

Narrator: The next morning, Denu is shivering badly. He had stood in the river all through the night, and
now wants his reward from the emperor. The people of the town are happy he has managed to survive
through the night.
Kusum : You have done it Thank God, you are fine! I have been so worried. I prayed for your safely the
whole night. At last, God has heard our prayer! You will now be reward.

Scene 4

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