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Assignment 2 ETH305V 2021

Question 1 (a) Multicultural education (3)

I. Multicultural education is based on the basis that all cultures are equally important and
should be respected in the school context. Multicultural education takes cognizant of the
fact that learners come from different backgrounds and as such there must be respect for
every culture in the school. For example South Africa has learners at school, some are
whites, Indians, Black Africans, Coloureds, Asians, and Immigrants and as such schools
must practice tolerance and respect amongst all learners.

II. Prejudice – is how we feel about people, a preconceived thought about someone that is
not based on experience or anything that has happened. For example, something might
go missing in the classroom and immediately the teacher points out that it has been
stolen by a particular learner of a certain race.

III. Assimilation – according to Vally and Damba (1999), assimilation is the main model of
integration and learners of the majority group will see that the minority group changing
and adapting to the school. The minority group is expected to assimilate into the main
dominant group and adopt the language, culture and values of the dominant group.

1 (b)

I. The school has two groups of learners in terms of religious differences. The main group is
mainly Muslims (Indians) and Christians (black Africans) being in the minority. The Muslim
religion is taught at the school and sometimes Christian learners end up learning the
Muslim culture and religion as they are dominated and outnumbered. Girls and boys are
taught separately

II. No in the sense that the majority Muslims are given lessons every day based on their
religion and Christians are not.
Yes, because they then all do same secular subjects besides the Islamic teachings.


 Avoid grouping learners by using gender and race as the yardstick

 You must inculcate the same expected behavior and learning attitude to both boys and
 Develop with your learners, rules and code of conduct of expected positive behavior
Question 2

a) South Africa needs a more encompassing approach like the antiracist approach.
Multicultural education fails to address the sophisticated ways in which individuals develops
attitude towards one another

(i) Language offers many opportunities for multicultural approach. Language allows
teacher to expose learners to the richness and value of diversity, making learners to
understand each other. Teacher must introduce topics that stimulates both boys and
girls, uniting learners in the process no matter where they come from

(ii) Educators must put more emphasis on who the learners are and who they live with.
Educators must provide the broadest meaning of what a family is in the classroom.
E.g. teacher must become the parent in the absence of the parents and the learners
must form a family amongst themselves.
c) By having a welcoming environment and avail the need to know information for the
new learner
The teacher should conduct baseline assessments to determine the student’s abilities
as soon as possible on every academic level.
(i) Define -.what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action.
(ii) Describe- tells us what something specific is like
(iii) Discuss -talk or write about (a topic) in detail, taking into account different issues or

Question 3

a. Explicit culture is where the aspects are easy to recognize and pick up that is they are highly
visible. E.g. Language
Implicit culture is discreet and not visible. E.g. attitude

b. Ready-to-sign contracts are pre-negotiated and no further negotiation is allowed. The

idea of the other person is not to regulate their relationship with the other.
Co-created contracts are fully negotiable and are hindered only by personal preferences
of those signing the contract. They are considered the best way to regulate a relationship.

c. Social values – are beliefs on how individuals must not behave, learnt from the system or
community in which one grows up. E.g. do not take anyone’s property without permission.
Respect and greet everyone in your community
(i) Cultural relativism -the theory that beliefs, customs, and morality exist in relation to
the particular culture from which they originate and are not absolute. What is
accepted in another culture may not be acceptable in another like, polygamy is
identifiable in another culture and not accepted in another culture.
(ii) The question of what is universally acceptable and what is not, is a sophisticated
challenge. School teachers are forced to decide on the minimum level of
acculturation necessary for learners to fully participate in society.

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