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A Filipino is a respectful
person. He calls older
brother “kuya” and older
sister “ate”. He kisses the
hands of his parents and
grandparents. He is always
using “po” and “opo”. He
shows respect to parents,
elders and people in
A Filipino is also a God-
loving person. He believes in
one God. He patterns his life
the way God wants it. He
loves his neighbors. And
most of all, he prays not only
for himself.

“The Sly Fox”

The fox is a wild animal that looks like a dog. It has a
pointed nose and ears , a bushy tail and thick fur. The fox is
said to be a very clever animal in fooling others. The wolf is a
wild animal that looks like a dog too. It has thick fur and
pointed muzzle. Wolves and foxes hunt other animals.
Sometimes, they end up hunting each other.

One night, a fox met a wolf in the forest. The wolf was very
hungry and in a terrible mood. So the wolf said to the fox.
“Don’t move! I’m going to eat you this minute.”
As he spoke, the wolf backed the fox up against a tree.
The fox realized she could not run away.
“I have to use my wits instead of my legs,” she said to
“I could have been a good dinner for you last year. I was
then very fat and plump. But I had three babies then. Now I’m
slim and not delicious.”
“I don’t care if you are plump or not. I don’t care how many
babies you have. I’m going to eat you right now!”
The wolf began closing in on the fox.
“Stop!, the fox shouted. “ Look how skinny I am. I ran off all
my fat looking for my babies. But I know a place where you
can find something good and fat.”
Wolf backed off and listened to Fox.
“There is a well near here. In the bottom of it is a big round
piece of meat. You can get it instead of eating me. Shall we
The wolf trotted off after the fox, making sure that she
could not run away. They came upon a well.
“See for yourself, what a fat juicy piece of meat is at the
bottom of this well. I wanted to get it for my babies. But you
can have it.”
Inside the well was a delicious looking yellow round piece
of meat. Above the well, the moon shone bright and clear. The
wolf leaned over the well wondering how to get the piece of
meat. The fox jumped up quickly and pushed the wolf down
into the deep well.
meat. The fox jumped up quickly and pushed the wolf down
into the deep well.
“ I’m a sly old mother Fox!” Fox said to herself.


Aesop’s Fable
One day a fox fell into a well. He jumped and jumped but he could not
get out. The well was too deep. Soon he began to feel cold and hungry.
Suddenly there was a noise from above. A goat had come to drink
from the well. It looked in and saw the fox. “Why, what are you doing down
there, Mr. Fox?” asked the goat.
The fox was very cunning. Quickly, he thought of a way to trick the
goat. “Oh, I’m drinking,” he said.
“Down there? But there’s water in the bucket up here.”
“Yes, I know,” said the fox. “But the water down here is much sweeter.
Why don’t you come down and taste it for yourself?”
“I think I will do that.” And the silly animal jumped into the well.
At once the fox leapt on to the goat’s back. And from there he soon
jumped out of the well.
“Hey! Where are you going?” cried the goat. “What about me? How am
I going to get out of here?”

Inside the Canteen

by Jean Paul V. Banay
It was 9:30 in the morning at Labuin
Elementary School. It was already break
time for Grade V-Coral. Children line up in
a queue to go the canteen to have their
At the canteen, the children lined up in
a queue waiting for their turn to buy their
food. Luke, a Grade 3 pupil rushed in
front of the queue and shouted at the
canteen manager for food.
Calmly, the canteen manager said to
Luke “Luke, it is not nice to shout at
people, especially when you’re at the
canteen. And we should observe the rules
inside the canteen. Look at these
children, they line up in a queue and wait
for their turn. You should do the same.”
said the canteen manager.
After that day, Luke lined up in the
queue and asked politely for food.

Princess Polite (Short Story)

by Jasmine Logan, Grade pr, QLD

Once there was a girl called Princess Polite but people in her
castle called her Polly or Polly Polite. One day a super star came to
her castle. Polly said “Why have you come here? And what is your
name?” The super star said “My name is Sarah Jones. I’m here to
rock out on your castles stage!” Polly said “I don’t have a stage in
my castle!” 
“Ooooh dear!” Sarah cried. Polly said  “I will make a grand stage
just for you and I will name it Stage Sarah.” Sarah said 
“You don’t have to call it stage Sarah.” Polly called for the best
builders in the land to come build the stage. The building started. It
took them two years to build it! Polly called Sarah on the phone. 
“It’s finished come see!” Polly said.  “Sure, I’ll be there as soon as
possible!” Super star Sarah said.

“James Sammy and I met him at a wedding.” Sarah said.

“Oh how sweet!” Polly said.

“Nice to meet you Polly Polite.” the handsome prince said.
“You smell like tuna!’ Polly said.
“Oh.” He said.
“We are here to get married!” Sarah said.

“Wait, I thought we were here to see you rock out. I don’t want to
marry you!” James said,
“I want to marry Polly!”

Polly married the prince. The rock star rocked out on the stage but
was crying the whole time.
She stopped crying for a moment then she cried into a bucket it had
a thousand drips in it and it went all the way up to the top.
She had to tip it out and start all over again. The prince and the
princess lived happily ever after.
The rock star spent the rest of her life crying a million tears into a
bucket and starting all over again and again and again and again and
again and again and again and again.
The rock star spent the rest of her life crying a million tears into a
bucket and starting all over again and again and again and again and
again and again and again and again.


When I was a child

I used to go from place to place
Crawling with my hands and feet.
I used to play with all my toys
Tearing and pulling them apart.
Now that I have grown
I would go wherever I want
Going out with all my friends.
I would join all kinds of games

He was a Teodoro F. Valencia

the park commissioner
himself. He was in charge of
Rizal Park and it was he who
managed to make the park one
of the most beautiful parks of
its kind in the world. He
wanted to make children
happy. That is why Rizal Park
has playground for children‚ a
skating rink and palms.
Teenagers sit on the benches
or stroll around fountains and
along flowering hedges or
watch carp and goldfish swim
gaily in ponds. A planetarium
stands beside a library rich in
magazines and books for
young and old.

Ants are found everywhere in

the world. They make their home
in buildings, gardens etc. They
live in anthills. Ants are very
hardworking insects. Throughout
the summers they collect food
for the winter season. Whenever
they find a sweet lying on the
floor they stick to the sweet and
carry it to their home. Thus, in
this way, they clean the floor.
Ants are generally red and black
in color. They have two eyes and
six legs. They are social insects.
They live in groups or colonies.
Most ants are scavengers they
collect whatever food they can
find. They are usually wingless
but they develop wings when
they reproduce. Their bites are
quite painful.

The shark is a sea

animals whose
prodigious strength and
size is unequalled.
A hungry shark attacks
its prey viciously.
Because of this, many
people fear the animal.
But the shark does not
deserve such bad
reputation. In reality,
sharks rarely attack
human beings. The
animals does so only
when provoked by
hunters who invade its
territory. Like any other
animal, the shark resents
invasion of its home.

Malabon Zoo has an

aviary or a place for
keeping birds. Several
tropical birds are keep here
like the toucan, myna, and
cockatoo. These variegated
birds look like colorful
Although many visitors
come to the zoo, the owner
is apprehensive. Defraying
or bearing the cost of the
aviary is heavy. The owner
came up with a novel idea
to help with the expenses.
He sells to the visitors
souvenirs or items to
remember the zoo.


By : Eleonor Farjeon

The night will never

The night will still go
Though with a million stars
You pin it to the sky
Though you bind it with the blowing wind,
And buckle it with the moon.
The night will slip away.
Like a sorrow or a

Where carts are blue

And barns are red,
And the road unwinds
Like a twist of thread.

 2.The moon like a flower

In heaven’s high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles in the night.

 3. My turtle is a tidy boy!

When he is tired of play,
He folds himself up carefully
And puts himself away.

My Mother Dear
Who brought me to this world
To see the wonder works of God
And enjoy life to the fullest?
Who puts her arms around me
During chilly evenings
To make me feel warm?
Who is in great pain
When I am in sorrow
As if a dagger is thrust into her heart?
Who tell me stories at night
And caresses me as I fall asleep,
Till I dream of beautiful things?
Who is there at my side
Whenever I am sick?
She is awake all night.
Who plays with me
To brighten my day?
She never counts the hours
Till her tired body drops.
Who offers her life
For the sake of her child;
Not thinking of herself;
Not thinking of what it may take?
The woman who gave me this life,
My dearest mother, whom I love so much.

How The Sun Works

The sun is a giant ball of

burning, glowing gases. It is 333
400 times the mass of the Earth
and 109 times its diameter. The
sun shines because of the
incredible amount of energy
produced by a nuclear reaction
called nuclear fusion. This
reaction occurs in the center of
the sun, also called the core.
Nuclear fusion works by taking
the nucleuses of atoms - in this
case, hydrogen atoms - and
forcing them together, creating a
new element - in this case,
helium. Nuclear fusion creates
immense amounts of energy
which is radiated in the form of
electromagnetic radiation,
which includes infrared radiation,
visible light, x-rays and gamma

Tooth Fairy
Jenny snuggled under for blanket with her eyes wide open.
“I will stay awake. Oh, I want to see the fairy,” she muttered
That afternoon in school, her milk tooth had wiggled and
turned for the last time. It fell on a page of the book that Jenny
was reading. Now she had a space just as most of her
schoolmates had, right in the middle of her beautiful grin.
Before going to bed that night, Jenny put the tooth under her
pillow to see whether a fairy would take it away and leaved a
surprise in its place. She wanted to stay awake, but her eyelids
drooped and closed.
The room was still quiet. Then, a tinkle, like the sound of a
music box, filled the air. Out of the darkness, the shiniest little
fairy any could imagine, floated into the room. She knelt down
beside Jenny’s pillow and found the hidden tooth.
The fairy dropped the tooth into a golden purse and
whispered, “Now I have another pearl for my queen’s necklace.
Thanks to you Jenny. Out of gratitude, I will leave you this coin.
It will be your reward and will bring you luck, Jenny.” The music
began again, and the fairy fluttered away.
“Wake up, Child,” Jenny’s mother bent over her.
Before she opened her eyes, Jenny reached under the
pillow. She was surprised when she felt something there. When
she saw the coin, she sat up smiling.
“Mother,” she cried, “did the fairy come or was I dreaming?”
Mother smiled and said, “You want to believe that she came,
don’t you? So why don’t we just make believe that she did?”
With that thought, Jenny just smiled.
“But I saw her, Mother. I just don’t know how. I wish I didn’t
fall asleep,” she said winking at Mother. “Oh, well, I still have
baby teeth anyway!”

Sajid and Zarinah are just two of our many Muslim brothers and
sisters in Mindanao.
Sajid and Zarinah are neighbors and over the years they have
become good friends. They live near the sea which Sajid calls “waters.
Another neighbour has a boat and the two children are allowed to
use it any time they like. They sail the boat or spend their afternoon
swimming. Sajid loves fishing but Zarinah finds it boring. She just
swims or gather shells.
On Saturdays and Sundays they often have beach picnics with their
friends. The boys including Sajid make a charcoal bonfire and the girls
set a picnic mat on the sand. Most of their friends prefer fishing but
sometimes they have roast chicken.
Sajid usually plays his guitar and everyone sings or dances. After
every picnic they clean up the beach and carry all the dishes and food
back home. They go home before dark or they wait for the beautiful

Carol’s Diary
On March 3, 2003 a great event took place in our school. It was the
start of our annual foundation week. Many contests and games were held
and big prizes were at stake. My friends and I bagged the first place in the
MTAP competition for grade V pupils. We were very happy and our
teachers congratulated us for being the winner.
The next day I led the program intended for our teachers and principal.
The pupil-participants of the program showed their best in singing,
dancing and even acting. It was a tiresome afternoon but an exciting day.
On the 3rd day, we heard a mass in our school’s chapel and in the
afternoon a sportsfest was held. Being with my friends and classmates,
while participating in all the sports events is an experience. We joined the
relay contest, volleyball and badminton.
We launched the school project dubbed as “May PerasaBasura” a day
before the end of the week-long celebration. We also served the
community through tree planting and cleaning the environment.
Finally, the much awaited moment for us was the fifth day of the
celebration, the awarding ceremony was held and we received our awards
and prizes. I felt so happy and relaxed during the afternoon for I could
already rest. I thanked God because I learned many things.

Why the Carabao has Split Hoofs

Once, Carabao and Turtle met on a way to the

meadow. Turtle was very happy. He had long hoped to
befriend Carabao. He felt a big fellow like Carabao would
help him if he got into trouble. He said to Carabao.
“Let us live together. Let us hunt food together! We
will be happy in our friendship.”
“You slow foot! How dare you make this proposal.
Live with the ants and worms. But not with a powerful
animal like me.”
“So, you do not want me for a friend. Who told you
that you are powerful? I bet you could not even win a
race with me.”
Carabao snorted and walked away. Turtle followed
and nagged.

“You cannot even race against me. You are a

coward! I will tell all the animals what a big coward you
Don’t you do that! You want a race? A race you
shall have! When do you want it?”
“I will give you three days to prepare. The race
would be long. It would cover seven hills.”
Turtle took to his confidence his most trusted
friends. He gave instructions to his friends.
The day of the race came. At a given signal,
Carabao and Turtle ran. The two runners lost sight of
each other. When Carabao reached the second hill. Turtle
was waving his arms at him.
“I am here a long time.”
And at every hill, Carabao found Turtle relaxed and
much ahead of him. When Carabao reached the seventh
hill, he saw Turtle foolishly smiling. Carabao was so
angry. He kicked Turtle hard. And Carabao broke his hoof
at the force of the blow. Turtle was not hurt. His shell was
at the force of the blow. Turtle was not hurt. His shell was

The Lark and the Wren

“Goodnight, Sir Wren!” said Little
“The daylight fades it will soon be
I’ve bathed my wings in the sun’s last
I’ve sung my hymn to the parting day.
So now I fly to my quiet glen
In yonder meadow – Goodnight
“Good night poor Lark.” Said the
haughty Wren
With a flick of his wings towards his
happy friend.
“I also go to my rest profound
But not to sleep on the cold damp
The fittest place for a bird like me
Is the topmost bough of a tall pine

The Long Necked Giraffe and the Humble Pullet

There was a giraffe that was very tall. He
always said, “It is good to be tall. Oh. How good
it is to be tall”.
“Oh no. It is good to be short. Honestly, it is
wonderful to be short,” said the pullet.
“Let us take a walk and see, “the giraffe
answered back. They came upon a wall. There
were trees near the wall. The giraffe ate and ate
leaves of the trees while the pullet just looked
and looked.
“See, it is good to be tall! I told you so,” the
giraffe said to the pullet in between big bites.
“Let us walk farther and see,” said the pullet.
They came upon a very high wall. The pullet
wished she could cross the tall wall, but with
her size, she thought she couldn’t. All of a
sudden, she saw a hole at the bottom. The
pulley squeezed herself and went into the
vegetable garden. There she ate and scratched
while the giraffe waited patiently.
“See it is good to be short,” the pullet said
when she joined the giraffe again.
The giraffe remarked. “You know what I
think? I think it is best to be what you are.”
“You are right, my friend,” cackled the pullet
And then they became best of friends.

A Bundle of Sticks
Once upon a time, an old man lived with his three
sons in a village. All his three sons were hard workers.
Still, none of them agreed with each other and quarreled
all the time. The old man tried a lot to unite them but he
failed. While the villagers were surprised at their hard
work and efforts, they also made fun of them on their

Months passed by and the old man fell sick. He

talked to his sons to stay united, but none of his sons
heard his words. So, he decided to teach them a practical
lesson so that they would shed off their differences and
stay united.
The old man called as his sons. He told them, ‘I will
give you a bundle of sticks. Separate each stick and you
will have to break each stick into pieces of two. The one
who breaks the sticks quickly will be rewarded more.’
All sons agreed.
The old man gave a bundle of 10 sticks to everyone
of them and asked to break it into pieces. All the sons
broke the sticks into pieces in minutes.
And again they started to quarrel among themselves
as who came first.
The old man said, ‘Dear sons, the game is not over.
Now I will give another bundle of sticks to all of you. You
will have to break the sticks as a bundle, not as separate

The sons agreed and began to break the bundle of

sticks. Unfortunately, they could not break the bundle.
They tried very hard but failed to complete the task.

All sons said to the father about their failure.

The old man replied, ‘Dear sons, See! You could

easily break the single sticks into pieces, but you were
not able to break the bundle! The sticks were same. So, if
you stay united, nobody can make any harm to you. If you
quarrel every time with your brothers, anyone can easily
defeat you. I request you to stay united.’
quarrel every time with your brothers, anyone can easily
defeat you. I request you to stay united.’
The three sons understood the power of unity and
promised their father that whatever be the problem, they
would all stay together.

Fight Among the Fingers

by kathavarta
Once there was a fight among the fingers. Each
of them was fighting, “I am the king of the fingers, I
am the greatest, I am the most important”. All of
them went to the court and stood in front of the
judge for his decision.
In the court, the thumb stood in front of the
judge and said: “I am the king, because I am the
strongest and firmest. Without me no one is able to
do work. Hence I am the king”. The judge heard all
Next the index finger got up and said, “I am the
king, because I threaten everyone. I point to things,
direct people and show things. Hence I have names
like threatener, shower, and pointer.” The judge
heard all that.
Next, the middle finger got up and said, “I am
the strongest and longest of all the fingers. Hence I
deserve to be the king”. The judge heard all that.
Next the ring finger stood and said, “I am the
richest, because I wear a ring made of gold, studded
with all the precious gems. Hence I am the king”.
Next, the little finger stood up with eyes filled
with tears and said, “I am not strong like the thumb. I
cannot threaten others. I am very small and
negligible. I am very poor and do not wear a gold
ring. But when I do Namaskara, there I stand in
front. I am lucky to have the first sight (Darshan) of
all the great people.”
Having heard that, the judge decided that the
little finger deserves to be the king of all the fingers.
Having heard that, the judge decided that the
little finger deserves to be the king of all the fingers.

Earthquakes and Tsunamis

By: Sue Peterson

Earthquakes are the sudden shock of the earth’s

surface that result in the earth shaking and rolling. They can
be felt over large geographical areas for brief moments of
time. This is a natural way for the earth to release stress. Did
you know that more than a million earthquakes shock the
world each year? Let’s look at what causes this
unpredictable phenomenon.

There are nearly 20 tectonic plates that are along the

earth’s surface that continuously move past each other.
When these plates stretch or squeeze, huge rocks form at
their edges and the rocks shift causing an earthquake. You
can visualize an earthquake by holding a pencil horizontally
in the air and applying force to both ends by pushing down
on them. Eventually, the pencil will break somewhere
between the two pencil ends to release the stress placed on
it. This is exactly how the earth’s crust reacts to produce an
The plates move and put forces on each other so the
earth’s crust breaks for this stress to be released in the form
of energy. This energy then moves at a terrifying rate through
the earth as an earthquake. A seismograph is an instrument
used to record the strength of the earthquake. It also
measures how long the earthquake occurs. Other significant
terms to know concerning the topic of earthquakes include
the “epicenter” which is the point on the earth’s surface
above the source of the earthquake; “seismic waves” which
is the energy created by the quake that causes building,
structures, and the earth to move horizontally; and the
Richter Scale, a measurement of an earthquake’s intensity.
The points on the Richter Scale correspond to the
amount of shaking of the earth (ten times the amount of
shaking and 33 times the amount of energy). It has been
reported that the energy released by a large earthquake may
be equal to 10,000 times the energy of the first atomic bomb
and cause anxiety-ridden victims to panic. Following is a
chart that shows the types of earthquakes and the rating of
each on the Richter Scale.
chart that shows the types of earthquakes and the rating of
each on the Richter Scale.

Pailah Festival
Pailah Festival named after from its town's ancient name Pila, Laguna.
"PAILAH" also derived as Palay (Rice) as their major crop since Hispanic era,
Isda (Fish) since the municipality is also near in the lake, Tilapia is also one of
their livelihood, Lilok Antigo (Antique Carvings) along the district not only from
the crops farming and fishing they have dependent but they also have handicraft
products to make this town also known as one of the best suppliers of native
products and wood carvings which is Laguna is famous to its talents and skills.
Halaman (Ornamental plants) they have produced a lot of supplies for different
places of Manila and its neighboring provinces for their premier class of
ornamental plants.
This event were duly attended by Nayon Photographers' Club who were
invited to cover the yearly event. From manila we prepared to depart as early as
5:00 am to witness this event by 8:00 am. As we arrived we have ample time to
set up and prepare our things. One you can observe if you are in Pila is like you
are travelling back in time, the old houses are well maintained and preserved its
Hispanic architectural designs, same as the church as well. This municipality of
Laguna is a sleepy town but were not affected by war for its excessive
bombardments during Japanese American battle, up to now the evident of the
town is still on its finest preservation of heritage village such as their houses,
church and other structures that you can find here.
Read the paragraph. Answer the
questions that follow.

Teacher Nena was sad because of the

misbehavior of her pupils. Tito was
disrespectful and impolite. He laughed at
the misfortunes of his classmates. He
teased the unfortunate ones. Allan, Tito’s
seatmate was dishonest during the
pretest. He copied answers from Tito.
Teacher Nena called their attention and
advised them to behave properly. She told
Allan to retake the test. The two boys
promised to be good boys and to obey
their teacher always.

Who was disrespectful and impolite?

Who was dishonest?
What did Teacher Nena do to them?
Why is it good to behave properly in
school and at home?
Read the paragraph. Study the underlined

The praying mantis is another garden

friend. The praying mantises are not only
harmless but they are also helpful. They
eat insects that harm garden plants. They
also eat flies and mosquitoes. With their
two legs which are large and provided with
spines, they strike their prey. Then they
hold the insect securely and bring it to
their mouth.

Answer the questions.

How do praying mantises help us?
Is it good to kill them? Why?
Identify the correct meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. Encircle the letter
that carries your answer.
1. The children enjoy writing scripts of playlets.
a. funny games c. short plays
b. long stories d. a and b
2. A destructive earthquake struck Luzon on July 16, 1990, causing a great loss of lives
and properties.
a. ruinous or damaging
b. strong and lengthy
c. strong and frightening
d. right for the purpose
3. Before drinking river water you should purify it because it may be polluted.
a. cleanse
b. clearness
c. fineness
d. correctness
4. Mariz is a creative individual.
a. original and artistic
b. believable
c. public
d. interior
5. Marita’s sister is boyish in her manner of dressing.
a. playful
b. a little boy
c. similar to a boy
d. all of the above
What are dictionaries?
Dictionaries are books that give definition
of words. Dictionaries list words in
alphabetical order. Guide words at the top of
each page show the first and last words listed
on the page. All other words on the page are
listed in alphabetical order between the guide
words. This helps you locate the word you
want quickly and easily.
In using the dictionary, you should always
remember that there are certain things to
remember and understand. The pronunciation
keys are very important because they help
you pronounce the word clearly and
correctly. Syllabication is also important
especially when it comes to spelling
exercises or when writing too long words.

You can cut or divide the words in the right way.

Directions: Use a dictionary to look up the words in parenthesis.

Then write the correct words in the blanks. The first

one has been for you.
gallery 1. Our class visited an art ( galley / gallery ) last
week to learn about painting and sculptures.
Start Here:
___________ 2. He didn’t ( scrutinize / scruple ) his essay very carefully
before handing it in.
___________ 3. She squeezed the clay in her hands until it became
( plentiful / pliable ).
___________ 4. The quarterback’s ( laudable / laughable ) performance
helped his team win the game.
___________ 5. The science that deals with the universe beyond Earth’s
atmosphere is known as ( astronomy / astrology ).
Pollution of the atmosphere is one of our most serious ecological problems.
The main waste products that pollute the air are gases such as Sulphur dioxide and
carbon monoxide. Smoke can also cause pollution as it consists of small particles of
solid materials such as tar and carbon, suspended in the air. These are bad for our
health and cause plants and crops to grow less abundantly. The sources of these
pollutants are mainly traffic, specially exhaust fumes of cars, can also cause
dangerous pollution of the air we breathe.
Air pollution can be controlled and minimized. Nature offers some help.
Through gravity pollutants descend from the atmosphere. Wind also breaks up
concentrated pollutants away from the crowded cities. And through photosynthesis,
oxygen is emitted by green plants which, in effect, provide the counter balance to
harmful gases like carbon dioxide. In this aspect, man can help by keeping the
surrounding clean and green with trees.

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