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For Grade 7

Prepared by: Raissa P. Rebato


I Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Distinguish the differences between abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem.
B. Create a model that shows the biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem.
C. Reflect on the importance of the components for a balanced ecosystem.

II Subject Matter
The biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem
Reference: Science and Technology 7 by Lilia M. Rabago, pp. 154 – 157
Copyright 2012 Vibal Publishing House Inc.

III Materials
Visual aids, coloring materials, art materials, hand-outs

IV Procedure
A Preparation
 Greeting
 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Pick – up the pieces of the paper
 Checking of prior knowledge

B Motivation
The class will play the game “lap sit”. All of the members of the class will stand
in a circle side by side (close enough so that the shoulders can touch). Tell them to
turn 90 degrees to their right and put both of their hands on the shoulders of the
person in front of them. Then on the count of three, they will sit down slowly on the
knees of the person at the back of them. They should be able to form a continuous
circle and hold the position for 30 seconds or so. After, have everyone stand up at the
same time.
Note: This might be an uncomfortable task for anyone who doesn’t feel to be too
close to anybody and a risk when mixing tall people with small people. A person who
chooses not to participate could be a watcher to see if the class is lined up properly.

C Motive Question
The teacher will ask the students to connect the lap sit game to the fact that
“everything has an important role to play in the web of life”.

D Lesson Proper / Presentation

D.1. Pre – reading

 Overview
The teacher will show a picture of an ecosystem in which the biotic and
abiotic factors are present. The students will identify which is which.
 Vocabulary preview and development
The students will be asked to define the terms written on the board. Then write
as many words as they can which can be associated with the given terms.
1. biotic
2. abiotic
3. producers
4. consumers
5. climate

D.2. During reading

 Silent reading activity
The teacher will give hand-outs to the students then the students will read it
 Immediate oral feedback
The teacher will raise questions about the text material and the students will
be encouraged to respond and share their thoughts.

D.3. Post reading

 For comprehension response, the teacher will require the students to reflect
and write an essay, minimum of 500 words about the importance of the biotic
and abiotic components for a balanced ecosystem.
Content – 25%
Organization of thoughts – 25%
Convention (Grammar, sentence formation, spelling) – 20%
Word choice – 15%
Style – 15%
Total- 100% (Self-produced)

E Generalization / Application
The class will be divided into 4-5 groups and they will synthesize the lesson through
making diagrams, charts or concept map.

F Evaluation
On a ¼ sheet of paper, match related ideas in lists A and B. Use letters only as
answers. (2 points each number)

List A List B

______1. altitude a. producers

______2. carnivores b. topography

______3. saprotrophs c.phagotrophs

______4. phytoplankton d.decomposers

______5. mineral nutrients e. edaphic factor

G Assignment
Every life form has a place under the sun because even unknown to man, every living
thing is important to someone or to something. And even those that have no life are
part of the pattern. For your assignment, your task is to create a model of an
ecosystem with biotic and abiotic components in it. Be creative! 

Sample model (from

Creativity - 30%
Neatness - 10%
Originality - 20%
Content - 20%
Resourcefulness - 20%
Total - 100% (Self-produced)

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