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I Describe a dose friend.

You should say: how long you have known this person
how yor met
what kind of person he/She is
and explain why you like him/her.

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PA.RT 2; LONe TURN (5 minutes)


Describe a pJ?ce
_. ,,- --. that you would like to visit. ';.:~.-,; "-

You shoul.d say: where the place is

who you would like to visit the place with
what.would you do there
and explain why you would like to visit that place.

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PART 2: I,ONGTURj'>j" (5 minutes)

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Describe a magazine or newspnper youcnjoy reading. -1

You should say:

what kind of newspaper or magazine it is, e.g. fashion

how often you buy it
what articles and information it contains
I and explain why you enjoy reading it..
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PART 2: LONG TURI'f (5 minutes)


Describe the job you most like to have.

. You shouldsay: what this job would be
where you would work
what qualifications you would need
and explain why you would like to have this job most.

PART 2: LONG 'IURI'\[ (5 minutes)

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Describe a school which you went to ..

You should say: when you went there
how many people studied there
how long you spent there
and explain what you liked and disliked about it.

PART 2: LONG TURl'1 (5 minutes)


Describe something healthy you enjoy doing

You should say: what you do
when you do it
who you do it with
and explain why you think doing this is healthy.

PART 2; LONG TURt'1 (5 minutes)



Describe 3' trip you haverecentlytaken

You should say when that trip was
where you travelled
what happened during the trip
and explain whether the trip was interesting or not,

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PART 2: LONG TURN (5 minutes)


Describe a member ofyourfamily who you are very close to,

You should say: who the family member is

what you and that family member have in common
how you differ from that family member
and explain why you are close to him! her,

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PART 2: LONG TURN (5 minutes)

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T> q J" resort, you 1 rl ..,
·Y,/ l!XB to go to.

, Id say: what that placewould 'be
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what you would like to do while you were there
and explain why you would like to visit this holiday resort
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PliliT 2: LONG TURN (5 minutes)


Describe a piece of e]eetronic~~()'lli1Jl11el1tthatyou find useful.

You should say what it is
how you learnt to use it
how long you have had it
and explain why you find this piece of electronic equipment useful.

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PART 2; LONG TURN (5 minutes)


Yau shou.ld say:
interest or a hobby t11;.t you enjoy,
how 'you 'became interested in it
how long you have been doing it
why you enjoy it
and explain what benefits you get from this interest or hobby.


PART 2: LONG TURN (5 minutes)

Describe a famous person you like or admire.
You should say: who this person is
what this person has done
why this person is famous

and explain why you admire this person.

PA:i{T 2: LOI~'IG TURrr (5 minutes)

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'You should say: what kind of animal it is

where you got it
how you look after it
I and explain why it is important to you.


PART 2: LONG TURNC5 minutes)


Describe a memorable event in your life.

You should say: when the event took place
where it took place
what happened exactly
and explain why this event was memorable for you .

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~DBs,e.db-e your favourite shop.

You should say: where it is

what thing.sit sells
who its customers are
and explain why you like the shop so much.
1. Describe a close friend
I would like to tell you about my close friend. Her name is Ngoc. It has been
eleven years since we knew each other. The first time we met was in high
school. She is very nice, friendly and helpful. She is always willing to help me
with my work. She also shares with me all the joys and sorrows in my life.
Besides, we have hobbies in common such as reading novels, shopping and
listening to music. We usually visit each other at the weekend. That is why I
like her so much.
2. Describe a place that you would like to visit
I am really keen on visiting. One of the beautiful places that I would like to
visit is Ba Na Hills in Da Nang city. I really want to visit this place with my
boyfriend. I think it would be a happy time. We will go there by cable Car and
enjoy'the feeling of being in the air. Then we will go to FantasyPark to play
many interesting games. At night, we will take part in a campfire, sing and
dance all night long. I would like to visit Ba Na Hills because it is famous for
its beauty and magnificence and is one of the interesting places in Da Nang
city. From there, visitors can admire the whole city of Da Nang.
3. Describe a magazine or newspaper you enjoy reading
I would like to say that I love fashion. I am a shopaholic. And it is obvious
that I am also a fan of fashion magazines, especially Vogue. I buy and read it
every week. In Vogue, it is written about latest fashion news, hair and beauty,
lifestyle and even celebrity. I enjoy reading this magazine because thanks to it,
I can update new trends and new styles all over the world. Therefore, I know
how to dress up more beautifully and impressively.
4. Describe the job you most like to have
I always want to become an English teacher teaching in a college. To do this, I
need to prepare several things. First, I need to get a degree in education and
get a teacher training course to improve my teaching skills. Of course, I need
to develop my English skills in order to get a chance to go abroad to study
master in English. I love this job most because I can contribute what I have
learnt and experienced over the years to younger generation. This way I will
be paying back and at the same time can fulfill my desire of enhancing the
education system.
5. Describe a school which you went to
I am going to tell you about my high school namely.Phan Chau Trinh. It is
one of the most famous and good schools, which is located in Da Nang city. I
studied in this school for 3 years. This was really a good time to remember.
My teachers were very' sympathetic and tolerant. Most of the lessons were
interesting. Besides, my friends were very nice and helpful. The one thing that
I disliked about this school was that the laboratory. is quite small for a big
class. I think I will never forget the nice memories I had with the school. I
often come back to my school to visit my teachers.
6. Describe something healthy you enjoy doing
I am going to describe cycling. It is not only a healthy activity that I enjoy the
mostbut also a hobby that I have since I was ten. I ride my bike at least once a
week with my best friend along the Han River in early morning from 5 am to
6 am. I consider cycling as a healthy activity for many reasons. The first
reason is cycling is the easiest way to exercise. It builds strength and muscle
tone. Another reason is when I cycle I feel that I am exercising every part of
my body. I feel I can breathe better, and feel my body stronger and I can even
feel that I will have a very energetic day ahead.
7. Describe a trip you have recently taken
On my zo" birthday, I took a trip to Vung Tau with my friends for 3 days. We
started my trip at.Sam. After 2 hours, we got to Vung.taucity. The hotel,
which we stay~d, wasasmallnicc1tot.el.Becausewehada long trip. by
motorbike, we were very tired and only wanted to sleep. On the second day,
we went to the beach to swim. In the evening.we.went.around Vungtau by
motorbike. Everybody wanted to see Vung tau bybight. We came back to our
hotel at 1Opm and we played card together all night, On the next day, we
walked to the beach ami swam with the local people and othertourists. After
that, we went.tocoffee shop and chat together. Until 12 a 'dock, we had.lunch
and we came back to Ho Chi Minh city.'It was really a great trip.
8. Describe a member of your family who you are very close to
In my family, all members love each other so much but my father is whom I
am very close to and admire most. We both feel interested in watching
discovery program and reading science books. Another hobby of my father
and I is that every morning, my father and I always go jogging in a park near
our house. However, there are still some differences between us. While my
father loves eating vegetables, I hate them. I like cats but he does not. I admire
him a lot, because he is so hard-working and understanding. He always helps
me out through discussion whenever I had any problem in my study.
9. Describe a holiday resort you would like to go to
I am going to tell you about a holiday resort that I would like to visit. It is Six
Senses Hotels Resorts Spa, which is located in Con Dao. I think next summer
holiday,. I' will get there by plane with. my family to enjoy the incredible
natural beauty of.this resort. If! was there, I would like. to hire a room that
from which I can see magnificent ocean views. I would go to spa to relax and
release stress. Then I can read. a book and have some green tea in a quiet
relaxing atmosphere. After that, I would like to try many delicious dishes both
in.Vietnamese and Western flavors. At Six Senses, I would also join in some
water sports and beach activities and discover nature. This resort is one of the
world's most unique and beautiful places so I want to visit it so much.

10. Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful.

Laptop is an electronic equipment that I find useful. The first time I used
laptop WaS when I was a first year student. My father gave me a laptop as a
present for my good result in the entrance exam. It was easy for me to use. I
learnt to use it by myself. It took me about thirty minutes to find out all the
buttons of the laptop and the way to use them. Because this laptop is a gift
from my father, I use it velY carefully and clean it every week so it always
looks new. We have been together for four years. The laptop is useful because
it is portable, so I bring it wherever I go. I can use the laptop to contact my
friends by email. I can chat with them on skype or facebook. I can search for
all kinds of information I need. That is why I find the laptop very important
for me.
11. Describe an interest or a hobby that you enjoy
I would like to tell you about my hobby. That is playing football. The first
time I watched football match on TV, I felt I love this kind of sport so much.
At that time, I was just 6 years old. Up to now, it has been nearly 20 years
since I began to play football. I am keen on playing football because it is not
only good for my health but also brings me quick eyes, a quick mind and
quick response. Playing football every afternoon helps me eat well and sleep
12. Describe a famous person you like or admire
Well, one of the famous persons that Llike is Jackie Chan, who is a very
famous film actor in China.. In 2002, he received a star on the Hollywood
Walk of Fame and was honored to be the best action movie star. He is well-
known all over the. world for his talents, especially his unique blend or
impressive martial arts and screwball physical comedy, Most of films that have
him in are very successful and loved by l11any people, for examples: Shanghai
Knights, New Police Story and The Myth. Jackie Chan is not only considered
as an international film star but also as a director and producer.
13. Describe an animal or a pet that you have
The cat I have owned come to me accidentally like the birthday present of my
aunt for my twenty-year-old ceremony. It was tiny Chinese race with a
snowy and smooth fur cover whole its body. My aunt got it in Ho Chi Minh
City. Every morning, I feed it a small bowl of dry food. For dinner, I give it
fish or meat. Sometimes, my cat drinks milk instead of water. I also spend .
time grooming, talking and playing with my cat. I love it so much because it is
so beautiful. It is not only my pet but also a.small friend who helps me feel
happy playing with all the time.
14. Describe a memorable event in your life
I would like to talk about my mother's so" birthday last February, My family
decided to host a big birthday party for her. So, we booked a dinner in a
restaurant near the beach. At the party, we had a big birthday cake. We lit the
candles and my mother made a wish on her birthday, Then all members of my
family wished her a happy birthday in song and gifts, and we all cheered. The
next thing we did was to take many photos. After that, my mother cut and
shared her birthday cake. It was a wonderful night that I will never forget. We
all felt a Warm love between each family member. This party we celebrated to
gratitude for my mother hard work and love in bringing up my sister and me.
15. Describe your favorite shop
My favorite shop is a clothes shop near my house. In this shop, there are
diversified kinds of clothes such as skirts, dresses, shorts, jeans and so on. It
also sells beautiful accessories like watches, bracelets, earrings. Customers of
this shop are mainly girls aged from 18 to 30. I like this shop because the
staffs are friendly and the prices are not too expensive. Besides, the clothes
here are fashionable and the quality of the clothes is good. Most of them are
importedfrom Thailand. I come there every weekend to update my wardrobe.

The place in my country I would like to visit in my country is Phong Nha - Ke Bang national

It is located in Quang Binh province in the Central Region of Vietnam.

Phong Nha-Ke Bang national park was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. I
knew about it because of the advertisement on TV and Internet.

IfI have a chance to go there, I will go mountain climbing, trekking in the rainforest and explore
the caves and travel along the rivers by boat.

I like to visit this place because it is a very famous tourist attraction and I love the scenery there.


The film I've recently seen was "The Expendable 3"

It is an American action film about a mercenary group known as "The Expendables" as they
come into conflict with ruthless arms dealer Conrad Stonebanks , the Expendables' co-founder,
who is determined to destroy the team.

The film features many famous action movie stars such as Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson,
Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I enjoyed this movie a lot, it has an interesting storyline and many action scenes, which are very
thrilling and breath-taking.


My favorite book is "Physics of the Impossible" written by Dr Michio Kaku, a very famous
Japanese physicist.

In this book, Dr Kaku uses discussion of technologies to introduce topics of fundamental physics
and their possible implication in the future such as time travelling, unlimited energy,etc.. to the
reader. He also concludes his book with a short epilogue detailing the newest frontiers in physics
and how there is still much more to be learned about physics and our universe.

I like this book a lot because I love physics and their appliance to our daily lives. I'm also very
curious about the technologies often seen in sci-fi movies and their practicability in the future
and this book has helped me understand a lot about these fields.

In my opinion, working for a major airline company as a pilot is a dream job. In fact becoming a
pilot who flies the giant airplanes was my dream in my childhood.

Working as a pilot requires a very comprehensive training and to become a good pilot one needs
very good quality and skill sets. Usually the candidates are hired from Aviation Academies in
Vietnam or other countries, then they are given comprehensive training, both theoretical and
practical, and after a high hours of flawless flying records the candidates are send to work for
their jobs.

It is not very suitable for me because I don't like to work far from home & family.beinga pilot
is also an exhausting job. However, the reason Istilllike this job a lotis because it is an
interesting and prestigious job that would allow me to visit different countries and meet different
people around the globe.


One of the thing that is very important to me is my personal computer (PC).

It was given to me as a gift for passing the university entrance exam 3 years ago, my father
bought it from a computer store in Da Nang.

It is very important to me because I use it almost everyday to do exercises, searching for

information needed for my work & study. I also use my PC to play games and communicate with
my friends to relax after a hard day working.


I once had a pet dog name Kid. Ten years ago, on a rainy day, my father found him wandering
purposelessly on the street near my house and was probably abandoned by his owner. My father
then decided to take him home and take care of him.

At first, he was weak and hungry so I fed him milk so he can recover quickly. Several days later,
he got better and started running around the house, his fur also become brighter and he looked
very nice.

Everyday after I finished school, he was always waiting for me at the front door and when I got
home, he jumped around me and was very happy and playing with him helps me relax a lot. It
was one the best pet I've ever had.

The person I've always wanted to meet is Stephen Hawking. He is an English theoretical
physicist, cosmologist of the University of Cambridge. He is famous for his scientific works and
theories about the universe.

The reason I want to meet him is that I'm very fascinated about the universe - its creation and
history, and his theories about the universe. If I have a chance to meet him, I will ask him a lot of
questions about space physics and astronomy so I can understand more about the universe we're
living in.


It was about 5 years ago when I went to th~annual sports day of my high ~chooLIt was a very
grand event; more than 900 students were participating in different games and my class was one
of those. It was a magnificent event. Things were organized incredibly well and the headmaster
of the school was organizing everything by himself. I was really impressed by the look of the
event and it would not be wrong to compare the event to Olympics.

The best of the SPOIts event was when my class won the final match of soccer game. I was
feeling proud of my class because none of us thought that we would have won the final match. I
have enjoyed a lot by coming to the event and by watching the match.


I suppose one of the most common leisure activities in my country is simply jogging along the
beaches in the morning. It is also a type of morning exercise for many people in Vietnam.

In the early morning, people - especially the elderly, usually wake up and jog around the beaches
near their home. They usually go in groups or sometimes alone. It is a very popular activity in
Vietnam because people taking part in it can socialize with others while having a chance to
improve their health.


Perhaps the person who has taught me many thing useful in my life is my dad.

He taught me about life: about making wise decisions, firmly standing on your principles, being
emotionally strong, staying contented with what you have, keeping relationships and simply
being happy.

He was able to do this by showing me real life examples from his experiences, which really.helps
me a lot in dealing with problems in many aspects of my life.

One of the things I think I am good at is photography.

I started learning to photograph about 2 years ago, after I bought my first camera. I tried to learn
about photography from many sources such as the Internet, magazines and from my friends who
are experienced in photography. Then I practiced a lot by taking many photos and learnt from the
mistakes I made so as to improve my skill.

Right now, I usually go outside and take photos about once or twice a week with my friends. We
usually take photo of the scenery and people in my city. It is an important part of my life because
it is one of my favorite leisure time activities. Whenever I do it, I feel very relaxed and peaceful
after a hard day at work.


Perhaps the most memorable success I've ever achieved is when I finally graduated from the
University of Foreign Language Studies with honors.

It was a proud moment for me and my family, especially when looking back at the times
studying at the university, it wasn't easy. I had to study very hard but sometimes I was very
discouraged when I received bad points, but then I learnt from the mistake I made and improved
a lot. This success has helped me a lot in my career because I had many advantages in finding a
suitable job for me, it also earned me respects from my friends, which really makes me happy.


I am from Da Nang City and I like the Big C shopping mall that I often visit.. I visit this
shopping mall almost twice in a month and sometimes more frequent than that.
People from nearby places and from the city are the most frequent visitors but it's not uncommon
that tourists and shoppers from other cities come and shop from this shopping mall. This
shopping center and offers a great shopping experience including restaurants, cafe, lounges,
Cinema Theater.
The Big C shopping mall hosts many renowned brands and offers distinctive shopping
experience. You can find almost everything you need to shop from here.
The food court is something you would love about this shopping mall. There are several food
shops that you can pick from and the game center attracts mostly the game lovers and teenagers.
The movie theater of Big C is called cav and is in the 4th floor.
I like this shopping mall mostly because of the quality products and good price offering. Apart
from that the security, customer service and nice environment also attract me. Another reason
that affects my shopping decision from this shopping mall is its distance from my living place. It
takes only 15 minutes to reach there and this is one of the reasons I mostly decide to shop there.

My favorite television programme is Man vs Wild, it is a survival television series hosted by

Bear Grylls on the Discovery Channel.

In this series, Bear Grylls travels around the globe to find the most dangerous tourist locations
and environments, in order to show us how to survive in them. With his simple survival
techniques and his knowledge of the wildlife, he is able to give handy tips on how to survive and
escape safely in case you are lost in the wilderness.

I particularly like this programme because it gives me many valuable and practical information
on survival skills, it also features many thrilling and breath-taking scenes, which looks very
much like an action movie.


To me, one of the friends who has played an important part in my life is Toan. I met him when I
was only 12 years old and was in secondary school. He is a helpful and talented Mend who helps
people and always wished best for people. He studied mathematics very well and he also has a
talent in art.

r like to spend time with him because we have many common interests between us such as
computer games,etc . r never feel bored spending time with him. Since we are friends for a long
time, we understand each other. A good friend always extends helping hands when in need and
I've found Toan by my side always. We do so many fun stuffs together and help each other in
our study. Good friendship, understanding and common interests makes us close friends and
those are the reasons why he has played an important part in my life.



Describe a place in your country you would like to visit.

You should say: where it is

how and what you know about it

what you would like to do there

and explain why you would like to visit this particular place.



Describe a film which you have recently seen.

You should say: the name ofthe film

what the film was about

what the main stars were

and explain why you enjoyed the film..
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Describe your favourite book.

You should say: what it is

who wrote it

what it is about·
and explain why you like that book.


Describe a dream-job.

You should say: what the job is

what qualifications you need to get this kind ofjob

whether you think it is suitable for you

and explain why you like this job so much.


-c::» Describe something you own which is very important to you.
You should say: what it is

where you got it from

how long you have had it

and explain why it is so important to you.
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Describe an animal or a pet that you have owned.

You should say: what kind of animal it was

where you got it
how you looked after it

and explain why it was important to you.

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Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

You should say: "Wila theperson is

why hel she is famous

why you would like to meet this person

and explain what you would like to do if you met this person.



Describe a sport event that you have witnessed.

You should say: what the event was

what took place in that event

how you felt about that event

and explain how the event is important to you or people in your area.
- --



Describe a common leisure activities in your country.

You should say: what the activity is

what type ofpeople often do it

where and when people often do it

and explain why it is so popular.


Describe someone who has taught you something useful ill your life.

You should say: who the person is

what they taught you

how they taught you

and explain why the thing you learnt was useful.




Talk about something you are good at.

You should say: when you started doing it

how you became good at it

how often you get involved in it

and explain how it is important in your life.

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Talk about a success that you achieved.

You should say: what kind of success it was

what you did to achieve this success

how you felt when you were successful

and explain how this success has helped you in your life.


Describe your favourite shop.

You should say: where it is

what things it sells

what sort of people are its customers

ancI explain why you like the shop so much.


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Describe your favourite television programme.

You should say: when you watch it

what it is about

who involve in this programme

and explain why you particularly like it.

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Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life.

You should say: how you met-this person

how long you have known him / her .

the kinds of thing you do or did with him / her

and explain why he / she has been important in your life.
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PAu'i.T 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

~ Tell me about yourself / family.

• TeE me about your hometown.
a What do you like/dislike about your job?
e What do people in your hometown do in their free time?
• Do you like travelling? Where in your hometown do you think people
should visit?
," How long have you been learning English?
" What do you think is the most difficult aspect of English?
" Do you have many friends? What do you do together in your free time?


PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

o Could you tell me your name please?

• What's your job?
.. How longhave you been doing your job?
.. What do you like/ dislike about your job?
.. Would you like to change your job in the future?


PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

• Could you tell me your name please?

• Where do you live?
• How long have you been living there?
o Who do you live with?


PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

o Could you tell me your name please?

• What do you like to do on the weekends?
• Do you spend much time with you family
• Do you enjoy spending free time with friends or with family?
• Would you like to have more free time?



PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

• Could you tell me your name please?

• Do you live in a big or small family?
• How sorts of things do you like doing together?


PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

• Could you tell me your name please?

• Where do you live?
• How long have you been living there?
e Who do you live with?
• What do you like / dislike about the town / village / district where you live?

PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

.. Could you tell me your name please?

.. Do you go out a lot or do you prefer home entertainment?
.. What kind of things do you watch on TV?
.. Are there many places for entertainment in your area?


PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

" Could you tell me your name please?

.. Do you enjoy going shopping?
.. How much time do you spend on shopping every week?
.. Where do you often go shopping?
.. What do you dislike about shopping?


PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

.. Could you tell me your name please?

.. Do you have a lot of friends?
.. How important is friendship to you?
.. What kind of things do you like to do when you get together with friends?


PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

.. Could you tell me your name please?

.. What's yourjob?
.. What do you hope to do when you have finished your current studies?
.. How do you spend your leisure time?
.. What would you like to change in your life?

PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

• Could you tell me your name please?

• What sort of things do you do to keep healthy?
• How can we get young people to do more exercise?
• What sort of exercise do you dislike? Why?


PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

• Could you tell me your name please?

• How often do you listen to music?
• What is your favourite type of music? Why?
• Do vou think people's tastes in music change when they get older?


PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

• Could you tell me your name please?

• Do you often play sports?
• What is the most popular sport in your country?
• What new sport would you like to try?
• What are advantazes of doino srmrte r"all1~rl,,?


PART 1: INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

• Could you tell me your name please?

.. Do you live in town or in the city?
• Is it a convenient place to live?
.. What is interesting about the area where you live?
@ Where would you like to live in the future?

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