Department of Information Technology - Part2: Remark: Candidates Are Advised To Read All Instructions Before Answering

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In Academic Affiliation with California State University – Northridge

Department of Information Technology

– Part2

Course Code :
Course Name :
Course Instructor :
Due Day :
Due Date :
Assessment tool : Project – Part2
Student Name : ……………………………………………………
I.D. Number : ………………….….…………….……………….
Section : …………………………1…...……………………

Remark: Candidates are advised to read all instructions before answering.

Assignment Objectives:
The aim of this project is to verify a part of practices involved in the following students
learning outcomes of this course which are:
SLO1: Explain the concepts of software development lifecycle and software engineering
SLO5: Explain the principles of software design and develop or design a new software.
SLO6: Conduct an implementation for the designed software with software testing using
specified techniques.

Graduate Attributes achieved through this assignment:

GA1. Critical Thinking
GA2. Problem Solving
GA3. Technology Skills
Description of the Tool:
The tools can be used to conduct this project are:
1. Practical lectures sheets.
2. My video lectures and lecture slides.
3. References in the syllabus.

Assignment Tasks:
Task1: Abstract and Project Structure Documentation [O1] [3+2 = 5 Marks]
1. Write an abstract for your project including part of (introduction, problem, objectives and
part of results in only half page) [O1] [3 Marks]
2. Describe the project structure documentation [O1] [2 Marks]

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Task2: Interface Design [O5] [15 Marks]

Make screenshots for your project interfaces with the description of components in each
Task3: Database Design [O5] [5 Marks]

Make screenshots for your project databases with the description of tables and fields in each
Task4: Implementation and Testing [O6] [15 Marks]

1. Make a complete screenshots for your project implementations with a clear description
for each screenshot [O6] [13 Marks]
2. Use black box and white box testing techniques to test your software with all screenshots
for each technique [O6] [2 Marks]
Task5: Results and Future Work [O6] [10 Marks]

1. List the results of your project [O6] [5 Marks]

2. List the recommendations of your project [O6] [3 Marks]
3. List the references of your project [O6] [1 Marks]
4. Make appendix (not more than 3 pages) for the software codes [O6] [1 Marks]

Assessment Guidelines:
1. The student must submit a soft copy (word file less than or equal 100MB).
2. The project documentation word file must be organized as in the following:
 Continue with the same word file conducted in assignment1.
 The primary pages must be according to the senior project structure.
 Chapter 1: Project Planning (Conducted in Assignment1)
 Chapter 2: System Analysis (Conducted in Assignment1)
 Chapter 3: System Design (part of it Conducted in Assignment1)
 Chapter 4: Implementation and Testing
 Chapter 5: Results and Future work
 References
 Appendixes

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3. The student must submit a compressed file include the software (with the user name and
password if they are existed in the software.
4. The first page in your word file must be the first page in this document.
5. The answer of task1 must be in chapter1 [Project Planning]
6. The answer of task2 and Task3 must be in chapter3 [System Design].
7. The answer of task4 must be in chapter4 [Implementation and Testing].
8. The answer of task5 must be in chapter5 [Results and Future Work].
9. In each chapter do not write task number but write chapter number and title in
independent page. (Example: Chapter 1: Project Planning), with (size: 16, style: Bold,
colour: Black, font type: Times New Roman, Alignment: Centre).
10. All words in the titles must start by capital letter with (size: 14, style: Bold, colour:
Black, Font Type: Times New Roman, Alignment: Left).
11. The text below the titles (definitions) must be (size: 12, style: Bold, colour: Black, font
type: Times New Roman, Alignment: Justify).
12. The tables in the projects must be clear and the table title must be in the upper part of the
table with (size: 12, style: not Bold, colour: Black, font type: Times New Roman,
Alignment: Centre).
13. The diagrams in the projects must be clear and the diagram title must be in the bottom
part of the diagram with (size: 12, style: not Bold, colour: Black, font type: Times New
Roman, Alignment: Centre). Also the definition of the diagram must be assigned to the
reference (Better to use Roger Pressman References).
14. The primary pages (From title page to Acknowledgement page) must be numbered by
Roman numbers (i, ii, iii, …) and the pages (From chapter 1 to the end) must be
numbered by the Arabic number (1, 2, 3, …).
15. The project documentation list of content is optionally for the student with no marks but
if it is conducted will be appreciated.

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Submission Date (s):
Assessment Weighting:
Assessment Criteria:

Marks Assessment Criteria No.

/5 Task 1: Abstract and Project Documentation Structure 1
/15 Task 2: Interface Design 2
/5 Task3: Database Design 3
/15 Task4: Implementation and Testing
/10 Task5: Results and Future Work
/50 Total Mark

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