Heart Touching Quotes

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Touching Quotes
Sometimes you have to accept that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life…

What is stress…The gap between reality and expectations so don’t expect anything and accept

Life asked death why people hate you and love me…. death replied because you are a beautiful lie
and I am a painful truth

Overthinking is some of the main reasons of sadness…do indulge yourself so much into work that
you don’t get the time to think about the bitter memories

Success gives us the confidence and failure gives us the lesson

I have not failed but I have found just 10,000 ways which won’t work

Perfect words for true relationships …. if you don’t know then ask it …if you don’t like then say it
politely but don’t judge them silently

There is no better friend who tells the wrong things about you on your mouth and no bigger enemy
who stabs on the back

Honesty and faithfulness are expensive thing…cheap people can’t afford it

Nature has its own rule the things which you will share will be unlimited with you whether it is love,
hate, money, respect, disrespect

God’s concept of life was never about winning or losing it was about learning

Once a reporter asked APJ Abdul kalam which is the most easiest thing in life

He replied mistakes …easy to judge when others do it and difficult to realize when we commit them

7 bitter truth of life

People respect the money and not the person

The person you will love the most will hurt you the most

There is no unconditional love in the universe except for a mother” Love

Broken mirror can never be ratified it will only hurt the

Hand of person trying to do it

If there is trust strangers also appear to be known and no trust then known also become strangers

Distance doesn’t matter when the roots of our relationship are strong

Success is not eternal and failure is not the final

Shakespeare once said that I started crying when I had no shoes but I stopped crying when I saw a
man without legs
Life is full of blessings but sometimes we don’t value it

Time is not visible but makes many things visible to us …

Work hard in such a way that one day your signature becomes your autograph

One pen, one teacher and one student can change the world

Life is a challenge accept it

It is a game play it

It is riddle solve it

It is roller coaster ride it

It is a book read it

Life is a struggle mug it

Life is toady live it to the fullest

Happiness can be found even in the slums otherwise people cry even in bungalows

If your life is difficult then accept it as a disguise because

God give the hardest roles only to its best actors

If you help someone then do it God had chosen you for answering someone prayers …don’t think
that you are being used

The greatest discovery would be to find out the difference between who is praying for you and who
is playing with you

The fortune is in the palace and talent is on roads

Never win the people with arguments rather defeat them with your smile because the people who
always wish to argue with you cannot bear you silence

Silence is the best answer to some questions and smile is the best reaction to some situations

Always be happy people should worry what makes him so happy

Chameleons are unnecessarily blamed the true power of changing the colours is with the humans

Some say I am good while the other say I am bad what the person is himself I am also the same to
that person

Till you have money people are like…How are you …. if not …. who are you??

That success is no success which raises his standard but vanishes his humanity

If someone ever asks me where I want to be live

In a world where there is no respect nor insult, no happiness neither sadness, no friend no enemy,
no fame no success only and only PEACE

Truth is like a surgery it hurts but cures …lie is like a pain killer giving temporary relief but side effects
are for ever
Whenever someone hurts you or broke you trust then always thank him for letting you find a better
person than him

Whenever we trust someone more enough, we get hurt more than we deserve

Opportunity was negligible in yesterday, limited in today and infinite in tomorrow never lose the

Don’t be a parrot be a eagle a parrot speaks so much and cannot fly so high while a eagle is silent
and has the power to touch the sky

Never let yourself fall in the eyes of the people even the bricks of a rooted house are taken away by

Knowledge = 1/Ego

Lesser the ego more the knowledge

And more the ego lesser the knowledge

Every day there comes a challenge in a human’s life and every challenge changes the human

Give someone pain only to that level which you can bear yourself

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