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Me lntroduction to | Personality Psychology Personality Defined ‘The Ble of Penoaliy Thay Slandars fr Braluling Pero Thnies Is Thee a Gran Util and True Ty of Pena? ey Tras INTRODUCTION hase who carry humor fo excess are thought be rar buon. sing ‘fer humor a al cos, mc caring ant pin the bc fer fa hile hose who cn eter make ether pa ap wth hse who do are tows 1 be boorch and poised. Ba thve who joe ‘aa way are ale edited adil and the rk fa ‘acl peron sty and listen och hinge bf a good am nell oe person Arita, in The Ncomachean Bic, expressed these wie observations on the subject of mor and people who do and doc indulge in iT hs gua me ‘ee Arte trhaving mech as «personaly pyehologist. Ares aayeng the chances of persons who have an sprit ene of bun, roving ‘ome details on wha features are sscnted with a ese of humor Are doe t his deseriion by comparing people who a exe, vig ee too much oo lit ese of humor. In is book on ets, Arist esrb and anced ‘many personality characeisy, including trates, ceorge nteligence, seltindulgence,angerronetes snd feds, ‘Wemigh conde dt Arsode was an amt personaly psyholgit. But ‘scat ne all amateur personality psychologist some exten? Aren't Weal i os abot the characteristics people posts, iacatng ut own chasers? ‘Don't we al ie personality charset in desrbng people? And haven't we sh wed personality characteris to expin behav, ite ou vm or eh? Exereise When we sy ht ou ied gest lt of pais bees shes onteing. we are ting personality fo expla her behavior When we refer to another fend a Censcesious and ele, weave desebing fetes of fis peso, When we Chorectiaeouelves thoughtless ambitus, we ae Sach fo tures of or personales eres of penal mk people diferent rom one asthe, ad these f= tures oily take the form of jective, such tJ ary, Mary som, and Frei any, Ate tha ca eased fo dere laracebe of people fr cal Wat deseripive adjectives. There we seal 20000 soc rat-dscpve ‘Shectve in the Enlh guage. Tis atoning fat alone tells ox, in vey (hy lie, tere ae compelling reasons for tying To derstand ad Sse the ratice of thse we ltract with a well a frying to understand ad deverive ‘Nace tat the aces descabing personality refer sever wry ifereat aspects of poole, Wort sucha hough refer ner gules f nd. Words ‘ch a charming abd marae refer the eee a pean bs on ser people ‘Ward sucha domineering elton] an ipa pere's pst, or ate, {ower othr Words ch ar ombiiou fer tthe itty of Geue ofeach Ou fle. Words sacha rate refer both oa gut of mb ad he ae of he prods we proce. Words soc as decid reer the Sutegies# Peston Wes fo ‘Stine or ber pols Al of these fests describe aspects of peso). Th of semeoe you know wel fen fail member roma Coser "herman crac tht abn yrs lq Lt the eaves thik ‘her capture hs prs personality Fer example Yo were odor i ener tame, what Bess would ou te? Now ask outage pean 2st he fades he r she nk tat esrb ht pasen Compare youre Personality Definel = sting «cation or enchlg compl ame pl bik ‘heat of os oso nly Algo (199) nd Hey Tay 38) sap i dion Ts pen so eatin eet ton lcety cones cial bese ene Se tacitdonais dap tree sl fc tt mul ef ars seal gos Bras ot com Peto nc epost ron eer, News Michigan cur he onal een a ena: Psonay he selofpnchaual son mechan ith he eel a aerated saitdat ric and thane ho er ran near suena hep on rl eemets Lr eae e- motel hs deaen or Cer Juve na Pane Peal & the Set of Pypinloga Tis . Pychoigial tral ae chris ha stsribe nays in which people ae deen som cach te. Saying hat someone hye te eton one way in ies he o she ifr, ‘om ede a more igen Taso dene ways people se sian. Fox exapl people who ae shy ae si a echo ha they are aus irc aon, par Slay when tee isan ence fortis Consider ater example iit of Inguly pple to persone and dese dimension of diference between them. Type cally 2 ave person i tht way from dy {0 day frm week to week, a om yea 1 ear Cerny even te most lve peso an hae que! moment, qt dys oF ever git weeks. Over tine, bower thse wih the wait of tativene tend Yo emit vert eavir with rear eguncy han thse wo ate low on talivenee In this sense, la descr the average tendencies of « pon Pepe iit fn ah tray Tee Pe On average, shige pon ware ree | 7 Pwned hepa er conventions tan alow-altavepenan, | Sealed fom anne Research on peony aise fur Kinds of questions How many tis eter? How ae thet oped? Whar ee te ois of ris? + Whit te te conelaon nd contquences af ei? (ne rimary question show many fanart tate tere ae Are thee doses or hades of itso merely few? Toe trond seach gusto renee rniaton, or stare, of ais. Far exampe how slaves etd othe {mia such a impunity and enuavesio’A od fst qusen ences he ign of washers they come from dom they develop, Does heey ain sce taauivenes? What sors of chikseag practice alles te develope! tits soc a akaivenes? A fourth key qoction peas to he corloton aad consequences of tit in ems of experienc, behavior and fe occ, De ake {ve penons have may tens? Do they have t more exe sail atte ‘aw pon in ies of woube? Do they anoy people wha ae tying to say The four ceearch quetons conte the cre ofthe ele poset of many peony pychologiss. Psychological alsa weal fr ata eee feasons. Fin, they belp deride people and help aderand the imenaleay of siference between peopl. Second ait te eal bens the) help elon behavior The reasons people at maybe ply a fencio offer pean ae occ cance Fone 1 “Tin, nite ave ful Beaute they ct belp pede utr belvion—for ex ‘the sort of caer individuals il find stsyng, who wil tolerate noes {ter and who iy to get along well with ters. Thor, personality wef In detrbing explaining, nd preding Sifereces Between fais Al good ‘Sint theories erable researchers fo dexeribe, expan, and predic in ee Seana. sa an economic theory might be sea ia deserting xplaning, nd roficsingfetations in the economy, personality its describes expla at pe fc ference Dewees persone. ‘And Mechanisms Paycoloieal mechanms ae ke ais, kept hat he term mechani ees more tothe prone of pererliy, For example, most psjhologal metas ive ‘Sintermon processing sty. Someone who exter, for example, ay ook fer ad ote Sypris ta aac with athe peple, That xa ever per son is prepared to note abd act on cain Kins of socal information Mos prchologisl mechanisms have te ese tin ingredient input, decton er, abd eu A Dyctolopsl mechanism may make pone mare St Fite to coin Kinde of infrmatin from te ent ronment Gap, may mk them mre kly 1 tak out serfeepions deison rules) and may guide ‘har evi ward ceri categories of eon (xt ‘Bor ena an exerted perso ay look for ‘pps ob wih eke people, ay consi ip ‘th sun the possiblities for man cont a Iteration, and may encourage testo neat with him or he Oorperoaiies comin many yeaa ic mctaniens of this ron inforon processing ‘sn, ad opt (ee Figure 1). Quy und og Pg “This doesnot mean hat lof our was and prcholopel minis are at ‘ated at al nes Tn at tay point nine, ely 2 fow we ated Come he tri ofcuageounes Tas uit ava nly de parca onions sch hen people fice serious dangers an tents oth Ives Some people me re Courant han ether bt we wll sever tnow which pope ae courageous ne and ol the ih sinazion presents Isell. Lock arand es ie yu ae in cls ‘Who do you think has the wat of corageautes? You won't know ntl you te a Sunion ht setintes courageous bein Within the Individual ‘ti the indians hat personaly orthing apron caries with hin or benef overtime and fom one ston the next. Typ, ne el hat we te toca the ane people we were la wee, as nth dt Yar Wea el at tt wil oan to have hese personae in the coming cts oar. And, although out pesealies ae ceria infencd by our evitament and pect by the sigan tere in ot liven, we fel hat we ey With th sae pena ales fom tuaon station in ou vex. The defn of penoaiy sue tee ‘te ingen sources of peso ese within te nisl uel eae ae teas ‘omevat sale ver tie and somewhat content oer sites, Ta Ae Ogi and Rey Ending. Organized nics ta the pjcologial tits di chasms, fr a sven pein, tue act simply ram collect of elements Rae, peony is ogaioad cate the mechanisms and trae led to ope anther i “erat shin, Imagine the spl ase of two desires desi Tor food ad a defer nny, It you have st etn fra wie nd ae exerensinghange pags then our Sexi for fod might overide your desire for iting. Or the ees haf you have steady ee, ten your desire fr food my temporal subse, allowing you to ue intimacy. Our personales are ergaized in theses hte coin des lon ales that govers which neds te ataed depending on He ccunauncer, yeholopl tis areal relaively enduring ove ie, pare nal hood, and are Somewhs amit over aon To sy tht Someone sys this momeat is not saying esting to ait A person may be rey now bt oot tomer ce maybe angry in ths station but ot thers, Anger bar ate than a salt To say that somcone i ange prove ce generally bot eng. however, ‘sto esrb pycologial walt Someone whol anger roe is Peuctly mop ‘tive ooh, nd shows this proses tie and ime sn orn fret unos (eg te persone argumentative at work. isbotle sad aggresive while ply Ing tam spr for eration, and auc lt amy mem), ‘Tate may te soe acaoo when thi fncaeaion about he conieny of pesonaity fom sito to station does se hold. Some slaty maybe ‘overpowering and suppres the exresion of psychological rs 2eson who Me aecerally lative fo example, may remain ui dig a lure athe cs ot ‘a dieaor—alboagh you undated have expseaced someone who cull at would nt keep uit nary ofthese cust! ‘The debate aout wheter people re consent cots suis in hi ves as og hs in peony prychology. Some pycbloiss have apes tha he evidence fr consistency 5 weak (Misehl, 1968) For example ows meted oe situation (cheng on est) may ot coelate ith Rees messed in Sra stuaon (ay. chewing oo income uses. We will expoe thi dette sore flyin the bok. For now we wil simply sy that mo pesonaypsyebolo- iss intin tht. although peoples nt perecy consists, tre Is eaough ensiecy to waa nln his chrctern na dein of ptsaaiy “he fot et peony ncladerrelavely ending peyebologeal waits and mechanisms doesnot preci change ver tne. Indeed. eerbing presi he ‘Toy in which we change over ine one gol of peony pyeholoe. ‘And Tha Influence In the dfnion of penalty, an empbais on te intent forces of pesoaliy Ines tet personaly tits tad mechan can have an eft on people Pronaiy fntuenoes how we ac, how we view ores, bow we ink sb te trv, how we intact ith tes, how we fel, ow me let our environment (Gurcalanly oesolleovitonmen), wht gos aod desires we purse in fe and ow we ett our ecumttnces, Prone se oot pie eigs merely respond {ng ta exe foes, Rater, personaly lye Key rein allecing bow people ‘ape ter vs is in th ene ht pertonaiy tit are hog of foes Ua intece bow we hbk Sa el Tis or Her Interactions With Ths fete of peronsityiptips the mot ict o describe, because te matte ‘persn-envronment interaction i compen In Chspler 1, we wil exaiae Ineracois in grester deni Fox oe, However, suc t ate that ie ‘tons ith sition ice peeps, eco, vocals, abd manipulations. ‘Perepion refers to how we "sx" rnp nehvionten Iwo pepe a) te xpre 1 the sume abject ever. yet wht thy ay aeton to nd how they Ieee he event maybe very diferent. And ths ference ra Foneton of ele ‘emonaliis Fr example, two people can look aan ikbl, yet ome eon ses feo cts coking «human over afi, whereas the ober peeves slog ‘own wiving lo, At arate example,» ange may tiles someone 00 te Stet de person might perceive the ses smirk, wheres anther person ight Perceive the sl a2 encly gare. Ie ese ae jas a Ii the sae Fnkbo, ye how peopl ert suchebeive stato ean be determined by ae perme elecion deci the mie a which we nae sions 1 enter—bow we ctooe oe obi, lege cates nd ere: How we go abot mang se ‘sens at lt a ar fection of or eres How we we our ee {especialy avec of eu is, One pron ray take up h obby of praca Jumping, woes anther may peo spend tie uid gang. We ee rm hat fe fers a hse ces are ton pert ‘Bocoflons we the rac we proce in aes fen gute unintentional. ‘To some ete, we cette soil oirnmen that we nb Acid wih igh seit lee for example, may evoke i pets atmo costae ci even Tough these steps Hot iended or desire bythe Fick s penalty carte you well Hk meare. Sart by ming down 2 (ler tion of ht charcere Fr empl ou mish chine mich hares ‘ru fend, cnet, asian or ace Then wit sb quae, ‘owt ve er log, to marr th sharactera. You ms canbe ements oe ‘jess ad they canbe opeende, abe, oom a Liber response scale The Pry sNews ea Da a Seltepot eas, all mets, hve lmitions an weakness. Forte seltepor mats to beefs respon stb both will tds ose the questions put ten. Ye people are ot lays bana ely Woon ota shou ncoaeational expres, such a tui desi, unconetoel sex pe ‘is, nd nese tat See prin may lack sunt eipedge, ene of the tmtations,persoalty psyco otn ie sources of dts ht Sool onthe bones right ofthe pray One of hse sates ebacre, Experience samping—o wrintle nfrprt. Ot source of dat a percalty roach all experience sampling eg, Harmith, 186 Lan, 1905 Met & eek 20 I this method eple ner sme ues rhe stot al ‘mondo kal symptoms very ay fr ser we ogee Pea ae ea Somtacted cn (pgs) oe emer tines» ay a tnd eo tthe mens In oe st, clog dns npr on the mene es oy far 6 conscatvedys (ase & Kasia, 1990, The vestige weasel in covering th ns berwen the yo he weck nd mod, Tey Yad sea ‘esky cyclin he monde ofthe calles students ith pte maais pation Friday and Saturday and mgnve monde peaking on Tuesday and Wednesay (Monday was atthe wort ay of he weet) The never tre to hanes ach Imre rele wey mod jl than eran. That te mode a the eet ere more pda rom this Tyee than he mond of xv, Fe iterace was pobbly due t th fact hat exten are has Bay te eee {or he wekcod things hat pu then rod mont tornng mealang ig out or» seca mal wit ends: Exons pill seo osteo -aly Ines an torts ply ed more pede es, ‘Alou epee sampling wes seperate dat sure, iors om ‘moro leper etd being sl Jet pater of ede tine. Tha experince sampling provides iran ot realy slab seg ose mais ken toon poet inte yan ecelent met, or sol ain informa tet how» perm’ elsam may gow ae Jonson ting or how a peson mace he cro ted ts doy Chere Rpt Dat (Dat) In eveyy fe we form inressions and make evn of ters with whom we some ito contact. Fer exch inv, hee pc Sven of crs who fee inpeosins. Our ens tae, each. and snentnenatcns ae ol pee Source af iomaton about aur personas Oberverseport dia (O.dat cpr ‘ize on Bese cues for gaering infomation seu pens reo Otserver repos fer both adtanages and advantage sources of per fonaity dat. One advantage i tht eboavers may have access infomton et ‘tinal rough te: sources. Fr expe bere can epee abe Ines sions apron kes on ts, his rer scl reputation hs itracno cah thers ae socth or fl fs, andthe persons rele mats wie tie ee each, Appl rg A second atvanag of obtener repos that male obese in be ied ‘reenea ning cbserver—aso knows os late rater relly. Furthermore "ial poole, such a averaging the sessment of mile observes, have the svanage of ecg the sya Fens and biases of sige cberes. Typ Ilya more sad and ale assesment of peronity cn be eheved when ml ple obverer ae we. Selection of Observers ‘Ay decison pat hat searches face when wag Chutes show o eet hem Pencnlty resent have developed two satel. Or stag i 0 ws reson! pensnlity assess who donor the Frsicpnt in advance The erty ito wend Fido who scaly know the pet prac, (ne sting is which profnsoal observes ae sed fe the lvtite for Percelty and Soci Revere (ISR) atthe Uaiversty of California st Berkeley. Pugnts go he Inte or peas of time rangag rom ove ove dys hat a wie vas yf in-eph pesonaliy seston can ake pla Olsrer rpc eunatensaeefsey —_Paripn se nie 1 30 to he IPSR apr of i of cites who were je by thie peso be gh creat pr tay 'o dezrmine the peony pedo of cei. Ante tly looked a nove ‘su judged to be rete Add assed graduate students nat MBA prope 1 ‘dcmine the personaly pedo of suses in bosiess, Dating sce the [PSR tine personality seen ober the papnte ina vary of cones. Sobroquenly, each observer provides a independent personal descpon oF the scaly Hnow the tet papas. For example, clove fend, spouses, mathe, nd roomates hve al teen wed to provide pesoaliy dala c parla (es. ‘Bas, 1954; Vx & Ml in pes). The ue of observes whe hive exiting fl ‘lowhip with the parca has avanages and dadvanages when compared wit profesional assessors. One nvanage Is that sch observe rein beter postion {0 observe the tre’ aia ebair In the rly pubic context of am IPS ‘seamen in ona pfesonsl seer cant wir the nore pat ons rend ar acest to pleped information ln inccessie a ter Sous. ‘A second advanage of wing inmate observers that mull socal per sonal att assessed (ral, 1986, 2008), Each oe of ws cays flere: es Gf oustes to erent people—ke may be Kindo ou fends rules 9 ot ene Ines, Toving toward a spouse, nd conflicted toward or pats Oxt manifest pe ona, nother wor, ay from one sail sting to anh, depending othe tutors of lone we have with ther indvdol The eo ipl teers “Aouph here re advantages ning tial teres perso) ass: mest, tee ar lp ravtucls Becaute iatte cheer bave latches (401% TH Np a Rs Big the tet person, hey msy be Basel in cern ways A parties tit for ‘sample may ovelook the neptive and emphasize pose fens of a ele [Naturalistic Versus Artificial Observation nao w eng wit eo bres owe, pesos reseros must ter: ine wheter tecservtion cr intro austin ata servation olsevers wines 2d ear evs at oc ine pre coos of les of tet purges er example, id gh be flowed hgh oa cae ky. oan observer may sit pagans ome. In conta, cherie eke pine in contved aii setings, sch ar ecu te IPSR Expo cae eset urkgns to perfor «ik ich st pericaen int op acon Sat the obser fw nds bebave in these Coste setngs Fr hale fe flops Jon Gottman anf Rober Levene bate hd marl coups ge te hee labor tod sce pic on whch ey dice, The pychologi en csc the coupe having srl agent. The way in which couple conduc tempers ‘an pred eto ht th cool wil main ogee et ved (Oona, 1938), Bre the fil exressinscoplyed ring then aoraty sles pee ‘stsegent marl outcomes (Gatiran, Levenson, & Woody S00, Natu observation ofr researchers the avecage of ig sl to secre lnfrmation in he eli ome of a pero's every He bet ae est ato being able vo contol the evens and bail samples witeaed, Oscoren "etinentr geese sahons as th abaniage of contingents od che, ‘ing the eleva behavior Bus advantage comes a ost sari the ea ism of everday ie, In summary, the are many dimensions slong which O-sdfer and pen lity rescuers mst tate hese no aesout, Dens show whet ware fesonal users rim observers and) a mate oan aoa eg soservaton muse mac the bas fhe pce pupae of he pests sey ‘The seaphs and weakest Ofte options mus Bs vated Wit Be gals ot ‘nvestiaton nmin No singe methd is ely sited fr al scree paps Test Data (Pa) Beyond selepet and cbserversepor date sources, tid commos sue of Dersonaliy-reevant information comes rom stndaded tetas (Redan Indhese meas, prints ae place ina standard eng itt, The tee § sei erent pope reat ferent to an Metal stuston Th stan designe o el behaves tha serve a indict of peronaliy varies foe '877 Ao interesing example she tide ung tt found Heng Marys 9B) clase bok The Asesmen of Men. nthe the pasa tea weed fen two asst and clacton of wen, sope and tae he ose has tf bing trie over a smal eck. The Feeon beng sed cone ‘Nott him Reef Bt mat inset be two asians on how fo ule ds Viteknowest ote peo eingmsse, th tm is rt paying ene ae ‘ng invited nds wsble undesanding inet; her nt on bo has his or Ber nies abot how te rie sal be bl snd eee adits the person being assed Tes a "belpe” acl we hee eae ‘be perton beng assed. While the person being sect thins eo lng served on lesderip sills, the pein is actly beng erated Oe Slecnee of Fustaton ad perormane tie event,

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