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On-Premise SQL Server to Azure SQL Cloud Data Migration

(Migrate Multiple tables in one go)

1. Create one storage account blob storage and inside that create one container to hold the
information of source table and destination table.

Above image displays that I want to migrate 3 tables from on premise sql server to Azure SQL.

2. Drag and drop the lookup activities and configure the text file which is stored in the
container which contains source and destination table information.
Keep First row only Unchecked just as above image.

3. Drag and drop the for each activities in the development canvas and connect lookup activity
with the for each activity just as below.

4. Configure below in the For each activity settings.

5. Now configure the copy data activity and in that configure source and sink properties.

In the source, we are not extracting data from a single table so we are retrieving data dynamically
from all tables which is there in that file which is stored in container.

So we are writing query just as above.

6. Now are configuring sink and in sink , we have to configure connection, parameter and
properties of sink just as below.
Parameter configuration in sink.

Connection configuration in sink

Properties configuration in sink.

After validate all. And publish the changes.

And finally trigger or debug.

That is transfer all the 3 tables specified in the text file to your cloud Azure SQL Database

Thank you.

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