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mote in a sun-beam. R^qq;^m. Ved. A thief. fiowiug. - 2 Motion, coursed - 3 A

f t ^ 5 R n {rxm\% it^rrX) 1 To rfcR^ 6 P. ( rtqrrq ) To hurt, kil]|, stream, river, - 4 A line, boundary,
crawl, creep. - 2 To go slowly. r'^qt The zodiac, - 5 A met hod, mode, manner, way,
R^°F, f^qfT* 1 Crawling, creep- T ^ ^ r 1 Desire to be pleased fashion, course, general way ; x\\^
ing ( of children who creep on all or to sport. «2 Desire of pleasure or nT^rfFJ<TfTs:qfff ^fF^F Bv. 3 . 19 J
fours ), - 2 Deviating ( from rec- sexual union, lustfulness, libidin- 5FFqlr^F fqTf^r xfx^x Moha M, 2 ;
titude ), swerving, ousness. ^Tfffr'cSFF, ^q'^q' fF^^F &c. - 6 Usage,
fX^X 1 Creeping, sliding. - 2 custom, practice. - 7 Style, diction ;
rC^r Yellow or pale brass.
Dancing - 3 One of a horse's paces. q-^fi^^qr TrrrTt'q^'^w <Tqqq; I ^q^^-
r ^ ^ 6 P . Ved. 1 To tear, rend, ^ rer^Tqf w qq: ^qr^gitqr i
- 4 A horse's hoof. - 5 Deceiving,
- 2 To eat, feed on. - 3 To hurt, %^^1 'qr^ ^\^ 'q qi=^ic?r ^\z^:^: q^r
disappointing. injure.
frFTF: / • Going, moving, creeping. S, D . 624-5, - 8 Brass, bell-
K f W ^ m, Ved. An enemy, metal ; ( ^cfrq also in this sense ), - 9
f^fTFrf Motion, surging ( of waves)
K^n": A foe, Rust of iron. - 1 0 The oxide formed
ft^ I, 7 U. ({xm% (Cqr, f t ^ ) R I J ^ : ( ^^; ) A kind of ante- on the surface of metals. - 1 1 Calx
1 To empty, evacuate, clear, purge; lope.
of brass. - C o m p — ^ 7 calx of
ft^F'^q ^5rf?r%^^r^ Bk. 6. 36 ; BTFFlr-
ft^ 1 . 4 , P . (tqr'^,RsiTf^, rT^) brass.
^ t w%Fq! xxnm xv^^m^^ XXJ^X V-
1 To injure, hurt, harm ; rF^tfF^r Xxl^^ Calx of brass, —qfrr Brass.
1. 8; X^^XXI'^^HX^ ^Jxx^'^^T^^XPS\'
q- Rs^rq- Mb.; #T '^r^F^^^rlF ^F*?T tq" TTf 1 U. ( xm-"^ ) 1 To take.
^W^^ W^^ ^* ^- - ^ ' T O deprive of,
n'eiS'vF fts^^ Ms. 4. 178, - 2 To - 2 To cover.
make destitute of. - 3 To separate,
divide. - 4 To give or deliver up, kill or destroy; Bk. 9. 31. - 3 To "^ ^- 2 p . (^frt, rfrft, ^ ) !<>
part with, - 5 To bequeath ( usually give offence, - 4 To perish, be in- cry, howl, scream, yell, shout, roar;
in p.p., seerrqr). - I I . 1. 10. P . jured ( 4 P . ). - 5 To meet with a to hum ( as bees); to sound in
(t'qrq, f'^rq, l i ' ^ q ) 1 To divide, reverse or misfortune. - 6 To fail, gen era! ; ^ ^ ^^ mHXli dr% ?[r^-
separate, disjoin, - To abandon, K ^ / ! An injury, hurt, harm. f l H ^ H. 1 . 8 1 ; Bk, 3. 17,12.72,
leave. - 3 To join, mix. — Gaus. 1 ft^ a. Injuring, destroying, 14. 21. - I I . 1 A. ( ^q^ ) 1 To go,
To evacuate, make empty. - 2 To R^''2FF% Den, P, Ved, 1 To in- move. - 2 To hurt, kill, - 3 Ved. To
discharge, emit ( as b r e a t h ) . - 3 jure, harm. - 2 To reject, - 3 To break to pieces.
To leave, abandon, fail, miscarry, ^: 1 Sound, noise, - 2 Pear,
f ? : ^ 1 A. (^ofq- ) To fry, parch. fX^ p. p. 1 Injured, hurt, - 2 alarm, - 3 War, battle, - 4 Cutting,
flStt 1 The crackling of flames, Unlucky. —g* 1 Mischief, injury, dividing.
- 2 Black salt. —3 A musical instru- harm. - 2 Misfortune, ill-luck. - 3 ^ r T p . p. [ ^ - ^ ] 1 Sounded, - 2
Destruction, loss. - 4 Sin. - 5 Broken to pieces. — rF A cry, yell,
ment. - 4 N, of an attendant of
Good luck, prosperity. —S"; 1 A roa r, sound or noise in general;
Siva; cf, itq- ( q- ) r?f^J.
sword. - 3 Ths soap plant.
ft;^ll: 1 Spring, - 2 Love, note (of birds ), humming (of bees);
Wtx / . See (xi above. —?/i. A
qF%'', t ^ ° , ^rfq7r?°, ^r%°, -Comp.
f^T- [ i : q ^ q ? t c u ^ . 1 . 2 6 ] i sword.
— ^: an augur. —o2[f^: 1. simulat-
A n enemy, a foe, an opponent. - 2 ftsq- a. Injurious, hurtful. ed cry. - 2 . mimicry.
A hostile planet. - 3 N , of the sixth ftf 1 P . ( ^ffS ) 1 To hurt, kill;
astrological house. - 4 Ved, A see K5". - ^ Yed. A form of ^ r ^qpT a. Liberal, bountiful.
cheat, rogue. -Comp. —^rrrF^T, fF? ^^ff a. [ ^^-^q: \^o ^cqrr^]
q. V
-qfT^, -F'?FTFr%5T, -^^ <^- killing or Bright, radiant. —q:q"; 1 A golden
ftfF^^r, X^^\ni, Ved. A thief,
vanquishing foes. — ¥fq;f,-^F^ N. ornament ; Si. 15. 78, - 2 A thorn-
;dr L 4 A. ( fr^Td- ) To trickle, apple,' — q:jT 1 Gold. - 2 Iron.-Corop^
of the 6th astrological house,
drip, distil, ooze, flow, - I I . —B^TFf cc, wearing golden armlets.
jX^ a. Bad, vile. -»it 1 Sin, - 2
9 U, ( \xmt, r'C'qrq, Xi^^ j cans, ^qq--
Dirt, impurity, — cRF^cFT; a goldsmith. — I'^'q? a_,
r'q-q' ) 1 To go, move. - 2 To hurt,
gilded, coated with gold, —5C^r'-.q-r-
f^q^ 6 P . (RqfTra-, f?i^q ) 1 To injure, kill, - 3 To howl.
f q": N . of Dro^a.
utter a rough grating sound. - 2 ^TT p. p» Oozed, flowed, dripped ^F^q^q^T a. 1 Wearing golden orna-
To revile, blame. - 3 To speak, say. &c.
m e n t s . - 2 Gilded. — ??z. N , of the
- 4 To boast. - 5 To give. - 6 To ^F^'SJT 1 Censure, reproach, blame. eldest son of Bhishmaka and brother
fight. - 7 To hurt, kill, - 2 Shame, modesty, of Rukmiiii.
P C ^ 1 A,(?>TW)1TO crackle,creak. ^^Tf^q-ofr The daughter of Bhi-
^ S " ^ * The back-bone.
- 2 To murmur ( as a stream &c. ) shmaka of Vidarbha. [ She was be-
- 3 To sound in general, - 4 To chat- ^ S T Disrespect, contempt, irre- trothed by her father to Sisupala, but
ter. - 5 Ved, To praise, worship. - 6 verence. she secretly loved Knsh?ia and sent
To shout with joy. ^TT%: / . [tf-rqril 1 Moving, h im a letter praying him to take her

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