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Alice in borderlands

One day I made some plans with friends alex juley and azam to visit the country of Japan in
hopes of experiencing new culture foods etc.As we got there we were astonished by the
different sites in Tokyo ​Metropolis The capital and most populous prefecture of ​Japan​.​ ,only if i
had known what was about to happen to us over the next few weeks on our vacation.We
each booked a separate rooms in a hotel everything went according to plan until alex
decided to run through a very busy street then a group of police men and women saw
him,so he started to run and we ran after him juley turned back and looked up in the sky and
and saw something like a large firework​She saw the lights go up and the murmurs and
chattering stopped. This was it​. The beginning of the worst vacation ever,​ as we ran in
an alleyway we hid in a building nearby, then the power went out. i came out of the building
the once bustling streets were empty and the sky was blacked out as if it were night azam
said this was bad because we had no way of communicating with other persons all of our
electronics were destroyed.Azam said all of this could have been caused by an EMP.That
would explain the bright light and the ,loud noise after juley saw the firework as if it was an
EMP,Alex said’ what can cause hundreds of persons to go away in an instant?’.We made up
our minds that we are going to find necessities such as food, water, first aid.and a working
mobile phone or payphones.
As we were walking we saw a man running towards us as a laser that had come from the
sky and pierced his head killing him swiftly,we ran in a building after seeing the imminent
danger from the sky but something was wrong this building had power.azam started to
explore the house and found five phones.He brought it to us, i turned it on and it said waiting
for four more players then alex juley and azam took one of the phone and turned it on but
there was only four of us but there was one more phone.A lady was dressed to impress as if
she was a business woman as she entered the building she turned around and as she threw
her shoe out of the door it got shot by a laser revealing to us that we were trapped she got
the last phone it said to begin the game we entered the only room in the building it had two
doors only with the writing life and the other one death the woman swiftly into the door of life
and her head got blown off of her body.So we ran into the other door i took everyone’s
shoes and started and threw one at a time in each room the second set of doors i threw one
of the shoe in the death door the entire room had caught fire.Then i started to think how can
there be this many rooms in this building?.As we reached the last set of doors our phones
said we needed to sacrifice one of us i immediately told everyone that i will be the one to do
this but little did i know that my friends already decided that i will have to survive because i
had a better chance of surviving the games if there was others azam and alex held me
down and juley ran and sacrificed herself after that i was heart broken and said to my self i
will not let her death be in vain that we will survive this mess as we exited the building we
rested in a nearby open building then it lit up and said begin the next phase.

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