Assignment 1 Iste Standards For Students

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Emily McElwain

EDUC 301
Assignment #2: ISTE Standards for Educators

The ISTE Standards for Students are located at Each of

the seven standards and substandards are accompanied by videos of the standard/sub-standard in
action. Choose at least one video in each playlist of the seven standards to view and respond to
the following in 400-450 words:
- How do you see yourself using the ISTE standards in your classroom? Choose a content
subject and describe how you would teach the topic incorporating at least one of the sub-

After watching these videos, I see how the ISTE standards are very important to the new style
of classroom teaching. Technology has ever been changing like ISTE says as they evolved from
in the 1998 where the goal was learning to use technology, 2007 where they used technology to
learn, and in 2016 to now transformative learning with technology. All of the substandards from
empowering the learners, to innovative designers, and even global collaborators to name a few
are very important and helpful to educate the students of the world about things that are going on
around them and how technology can benefit them to change themselves and the world around
them. I feel that in my own classroom I will try to incorporate all of these standards in some
ways; however, I will probably prioritize empowering the student, giving them the knowledge to
be good digital citizens, the ability to become a innovative designers, becoming creative
communicators, and also put some global factors into my lesson as well.
I feel that the most important standard that all teachers should be teaching their students is the
empowerment of the learner. Students should be able to take the responsibility of determining
what they see as their goals, be able to reflect on those goals and their learning process, build
networking and their own learning environments, use technology to seek feedback, and
understand fundamental concepts of technology operations to demonstrate the ability of choice.
Students need to gain confidence at a young age and giving them responsibilities and letting
them choose is one of the best ways to do that. There is a limitation that all teachers must apply
to this, but using technology and giving the students an active role in their own learning by
giving them choice, achievements and being able to demonstrate competencies for learning their
goals is a great way to do that within the needed limitations of the classroom. Next, the most
important thing other than giving the students confidence is teaching them the do's and don’t of
technology, by showing them how to be a proper digital citizen. Working as a teacher in this
generation is different then one us learning to become the teachers we are learning ourselves.
This is because even children in elementary school have telephones and accounts to social media
that didn’t exist when we were in middle school. So, as the teacher we need to demonstrate and
show how to be a proper citizen in the digital age, while we are also showing them the skills they
need for the future along with how to be a proper citizen in general.

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