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The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building, The Sainsbury Centre

for Visual Arts, Norwich, UK

Article  in  Indoor Air · October 1999

DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0668.1999.t01-1-00002.x · Source: PubMed


75 2,534

11 authors, including:

Peter Brimblecombe Nigel Blades

City University of Hong Kong National Trust


Dario Camuffo Kristin Gysels

Italian National Research Council University of Antwerp


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Environmental Health and Social Disparities View project

Assessment of Environmental Risk (AEA) View project

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Indoor Air 1999; 9: 146–164 Copyright c Munksgaard 1999
Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved
ISSN 0905-6947

The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building,

The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich, UK

modern open plan building of contemporary construc-

Abstract A multi-disciplinary approach was used to investigate tion materials: the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts
the indoor environment of a modern museum building, and its (SCVA), Norwich, UK. We attempted to evaluate the
suitability for the conservation of the collection therein. Climate,
issues such designs raise for preventive conservation.
gaseous and particulate pollution and the concentrations of bac-
Thus, our study aimed to discover to what extent de-
teria were measured in summer and winter campaigns. While the
environment overall was found to be an acceptable one, a num- sign factors and construction materials affected indoor
ber of drawbacks were highlighted, the most serious of these climate and air pollution and is part of a series of
being the large temperature and humidity fluctuations that oc- studies on different museum buildings.
curred in the summer.
Indoor Environment
Key words Museum; Conservation; Climate; Pollution;
The following environmental factors considered im-
Particles; Aerobiology.
portant for conservation of museum objects were
Received 22 August 1998. Accepted for publication 30 January 1999. studied here:
C Indoor Air (1999)

Relative humidity, specific humidity, temperature and
Introduction dew point were measured throughout the gallery to
The internal environment provided by a museum build up a detailed picture of the internal climate. Lim-
building is of critical importance for the preventive iting relative humidity fluctuations is important in the
conservation of the collections inside. Preventive con- preservation of organic materials, while both metals
servation aims to provide an environment appropriate and organic materials should be stored at appropriate
for the storage and display of objects, such that deterio- relative humidity (RH) ranges (typically 40–70% or-
ration is either stopped, or at least slowed to acceptable ganics and ∞45% metals) (Erhardt and Mecklenberg,
rates. Although the design and construction methods 1994).
used for museums vary, there is some consensus on
the type of environment they should aspire to provide. Gaseous pollution
This is characterised by stability of climate, in which Concentrations of the damaging pollutant gases nitro-
only moderate variations in relative humidity and tem- gen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide were
perature occur; that light intensities should be main- measured in and around the museum, using diffusion
tained at appropriate values; and that gaseous and par- tubes. These invasive pollutants enhance corrosion and
ticulate pollution from inside and outside, should, as damage dyes and pigments, for example. They are not
far as practical, be excluded. the only pollutants of concern, ozone from outdoors is
This paper considers the indoor environment of a troublesome as are the organic acids generated within

School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 2Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR-ICTIMA, Padova, Italy, 3Consorzio
Padova Ricerche, Padova, Italy, 4Department of Chemistry, University of Antwerp (UIA), Antwerpen, Belgium, 5Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik,
Universität Wien, Wien, Austria, 6Institut für Bakteriologie, Mykologie und Hygiene, Veterinärmedizinische Universität, Wien, Austria, 7Current address:
The Bartlett School of Architecture, Building, Environmental Design and Planning, University College London, London, UK, *Author to whom correspon-
dence should be addressed
The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building

cases (Brimblecombe, 1990). It would have been desir- 1978). There are no internal walls; gallery, restaurants
able to have monitored ozone, but existing passive and art history school all share a single open space and
techniques that could parallel the other measurements air volume. Figure 1 shows the ground plan of the
proved unreliable. building.
It is an example of a modern museum with a design
Particulate pollution concept very different from that of more traditional
Suspended particulate matter was measured by cas- museums, such as the Correr Museum, Venice, and the
cade impact sampling. The particle size distribution of Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, that are subjects in
the collected samples was found, and its elemental our parallel studies of internal environment (Camuffo
composition determined, so that sources could be iden- et al., forthcoming). Thus, this paper focuses on the
tified, and the potential harm evaluated. Deposition of special character of the interior environment of the
particles onto surfaces was also measured using ex- modern building. It is of interest to examine this be-
posed Nucleopore filters. Particles within museums cause such construction is likely to become more com-
soil objects (Nazaroff et al., 1993), but there is some mon in the future, despite the lack of studies of the
concern that they may also promote corrosion. way in which such novel design affects conservation
needs. The main design features of the SCVA that set
Microbiology it apart from more traditional museums include the
Airborne bacteria were sampled onto agar strips and following.
cultured in the laboratory so that the numbers of col-
ony-forming units could be counted, and the strains Construction Materials
characterised. Fungal attack on museum objects at high The building is constructed around a metal frame, and
humidity has long been a problem and some conser- clad with painted steel and glass panels. The side walls
vators believe that bacteria may also present risks (e.g., are metal-skinned on the outside, with a 2-m-wide cav-
Krumbein and Urzi, 1991; Krumbein et al., 1991). ity, used to house the building services and for general
Although there has been much interest in setting en- purpose storage. The inner wall is a metal frame, clad
vironmental standards within the conservation field, in metal louvres, backed by a 20 cm thickness of wood-
those that exist are often arbitrary and thus not widely chip insulation. The inner wall extends to a height ap-
accepted. Frequently they reflect what is achievable proximately 2 m below the roof, and above it the wall
with current technology rather than what might be ap- is only single skin, consisting of a row of glass panels
propriate in terms of reducing damage to acceptable running almost the complete length of the building.
levels. The problems of the RH standards are discussed The end walls are entirely of glass, with a very large
by Holmberg (1998) and the need to consider long- venetian blind on the inside of the gallery end, while
term exposures of specific materials (e.g., sixty-year ex- the side walls are surfaced with painted metal louvres.
posure of leather to sulfur dioxide (Brimblecombe, With the exception of the public entrance area which
1996)). has a rubber floor, the floor of the museum is slightly
The assessment of the SCVA’s environment was unusual in being fully carpeted.
made by simultaneously measuring the above factors These aspects of construction have a number of im-
during two short campaigns. These ran in the winter portant implications for the environment of the mu-
(December 1996–January 1997) and summer (July– seum. The metal and glass walls and roof will have
August 1997), so that seasonal differences might be ap- little thermal mass and so may change temperature
parent. rapidly; the huge glass end walls will admit large
amounts of sunlight. Even though they are screened
with a substantial overhang which reduces direct radi-
The Building ation, the sun’s rays are likely to have a considerable
The SCVA was designed by Sir Norman Foster to heating effect.
house the art collection of Sir Robert and Lady The non-porous glass and metal walls have reduced
Sainsbury at the University of East Anglia, which occu- capacity for buffering humidity or absorbing pollutant
pies a relatively unpolluted campus site on the edge of gases, though the large expanse of carpet may be able
a small (population 150,000) city in eastern England. to function in this way. However, carpet also has draw-
Opened in 1978, it is a modern building both in its backs: it may act as a reservoir for particulate material,
design and the materials used, which are mainly metal including bacteria, fungi and arthropods where they
and glass. The philosophy behind its design has been find suitable conditions for survival. From there they
described as that of ‘the well-serviced shed’ (Peckham, can be resuspended to the air by the footsteps of

Brimblecome, Blades, Camuffo, Sturaro, Valentino, Gysels, Van Grieken, Busse, Kim, Ulrych and Wieser

Fig. 1 Ground plan of the SCVA. In the text, the space from the Special Exhibition Area to the Mezzanine Gallery is loosely referred
to as ’the gallery’

people walking through the gallery (Bernardi and Ca- The SCVA is not an air-conditioned building but has
muffo, 1995). a series of fans installed in the walls, which circulate
The construction materials are likely to affect the air. In summer, air is drawn in through vents in the
types of particles found inside the gallery. Previous external walls, exchanging it three times per hour. In
work on the measurement of particulate materials in winter, most of the external vents are closed such that
another museum (De Bock et al., 1996) has found that about 80% of the air is recycled. Exterior air passes
a large number of particles consisted of gypsum, i.e., through coarse particle filters.
plaster particles as a result of disintegration of the The fact that the entire space is open plan, with a
walls. The SCVA has few plastered surfaces, so these high ceiling, means that it has a comparatively low sur-
particles were not expected to be prevalent. face area/volume ratio, compared with a traditional
museum, which is divided into many small rooms and
Open-Plan Design Philosophy galleries. Given that pollutants are often removed from
At the SCVA it seems to have been the architect’s inten- the interior air of a building by surface adsorption, this
tion to have as open a layout as possible, so that galler- means the SCVA design would be expected to be rela-
ies, restaurants and an art history school all share the tively inefficient at removing interior air pollutants.
same interior space. In the early days of the SCVA this Earlier work at this museum (Davies et al., 1984) found
philosophy was taken to extremes, with an open plan a high indoor/outdoor ozone ratio, of 0.7. Since this
lecture area adjacent to the gallery space. However, study, there have been no changes to the museum ven-
this idea proved impractical and was subsequently tilation system. Office spaces might give values in the
abandoned – it was not possible to hear the lecturer range 0.2–0.3, and well-ventilated conference rooms
clearly in so large room, nor could the lecture area be and dining halls may have ratios in the range 0.5–0.7
darkened sufficiently for slide projection. (Weschler and Shields, 1997). As can be seen, the SCVA
The entrance from the outside to the display area is at the top end of this range, so when high external
(known as the ‘Living Area’) is abrupt and immediate, ozone concentrations occur, a high concentration of
and also part of the architect’s intention to increase the this reactive gas may also be found inside the building.
drama of entering the gallery (Peckham, 1978). The This allows us to speculate on the potential for unusual
visitor passes fleetlingly though a shallow transition indoor air composition, most particularly some in-
zone where coats may be hung, and then into the Cafe- creased nitrogen dioxide concentrations resulting from
teria Area, immediately adjacent to the Living Area. high oxidant levels.
This design aspect is likely to have considerable ef- The large volume of air inside this open-plan build-
fects on the internal environment. The direct connec- ing is more likely to be well mixed than the air inside
tion between the external environment and the gallery a museum consisting of many small rooms. The forced
air space may increase the ease of transfer of external flow and turbulence caused by the ventilation system
humidity and gaseous and particulate pollutants to the will probably be responsible for this mixing. This has
interior. implications for the transport of particulate matter,

The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building

sign of this unusual building can affect its internal en-

vironment. The following sections describe in detail
the methodologies used to measure each environmen-
tal parameter, and the results obtained. The final sec-
tions examine these results and attempt to answer the
questions posed above.

The Microclimate
The thermo-hygrometric parameters (air temperature,
relative and specific humidity, and dew point) were
Fig. 2 Solar irradiation model for 10 December (winter cam- electronically logged at 15-min intervals in a vertical
paign). The graph shows how the irradiation changes with time
for horizontal surfaces (H) and vertical walls facing the different profile with thermistors (accuracy of 0.1æC) and psych-
directions (SE, SW). NE and NW are always zero rometric sensors. During the summer campaign, RH
was measured directly with capacitive sensors (accu-
racy of 2% RH). The sensors were placed at different
heights in order to monitor the atmospheric stability
and time trends. The horizontal distribution of these
parameters was also observed every 3 h on a grid
throughout gallery (1.5 m above the floor) with 40 ob-
servation points. These observations were made manu-
ally with a fast response psychrometer (Camuffo, 1983,
1998; Camuffo et al., 1995). The psychrometer used was
an electronic prototype built by CNR-ICTIMA with

Fig. 3 Winter temperature profiles in the Living and Special Exhi-

bition Areas

gaseous air pollutants, heat and humidity. Because

there is no separation between the restaurant (smoking
permitted), cafeteria (with growing trees and smoking
also permitted) and display areas, pollutants such as
combustion products from the kitchens, and organic
debris (insect material as well as plant fragments) may
be carried into the display area. Fig. 4 Winter relative humidity profiles in the Living and Special
There are then a number of ways in which the de- Exhibition Areas

Brimblecome, Blades, Camuffo, Sturaro, Valentino, Gysels, Van Grieken, Busse, Kim, Ulrych and Wieser

thermistors (accuracy 0.1æC) and a response time of a Area, air temperatures at the four heights were virtu-
few seconds. The spatial data was collected in a fixed ally identical. Only in the daytime was there any evi-
sequence over a 15-min period. dence of temperature stratification and air layering
(Figure 3). The amplitude of the daily cycle was only
Winter Survey 1æC. In the Living Area a different pattern was ob-
Solar irradiation was estimated from astronomical for- served. The measurements at 1 m height showed a col-
mulae for the appropriate latitude, using an average der, floor-based layer, while the 3, 5 and 7 m measure-
atmospheric attenuation for the English Midlands (at- ments followed each other more closely. In the day-
tenuation coefficient of solar constantΩ0.7; Kreith, time, the 3 m measurements were significantly cooler
1973). The model showed that during the December than those at 5 and 7 m. This indicates that some mix-
survey: 1) only the SE, SW faces and the roof can re- ing with the floor-based layer is occurring, probably
ceive solar radiation throughout the whole day; 2) the due to turbulence generated by the ventilation fans
SE glass wall from 8:30 to 15:00 with a peak at 11:00; situated along the gallery wall at 3 m height, and the
and 3) the SW side from 9:00 to 15:30 with a peak at movement of people through the gallery. The daily
13:00 (Figure 2). The December peaks in radiation on temperature cycle had a maximum amplitude of 1.5æC,
these two walls were about half of the peak values dur- measured by the 5 and 7 m sensors.
ing the summer campaign (see Figure 6) and the De- The trend of the RH (Figure 4) was strongly con-
cember duration of solar radiation was 6 h 30 min com- ditioned by the large external changes of the specific
pared with 9 h found for the summer campaign. humidity (SH). The RH and SH concentrations in the
Air temperature and RH were measured in a vertical Special Exhibition Area were similar to the correspond-
profile, at heights of 1, 3, 5 and 7 m in the Living and ing ones in the Living Area, except that in the latter
Special Exhibition Areas. In the Special Exhibitions site these parameters showed more short-term pertur-

Fig. 5 Plan of the spatial distribution of (a) temperature, (b) relative humidity and (c) specific humidity in the gallery (winter)

The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building

roof is dominant and continuous from 5:00 to 19:00,

obviously with a peak at 12:00.
Throughout this survey the indoor temperature (Fig-
ure 7) was higher than the outdoor temperature, prob-
ably due to the greenhouse effect with a small contri-
bution from the gallery lights. The vertical profile in
the Special Exhibition area showed some internal
stratification in the daytime, with temperature increas-
ing with height; the effect became most pronounced in
the late afternoon, and disappeared entirely overnight.
The profile in the Living Area was similar.
In the morning, the Mezzanine Gallery (at 3 m above
Fig. 6 Solar irradiation model for 5 August (summer campaign). the gallery floor) had a temperature close to the
The graph shows how the irradiation changes with time for hori-
zontal surfaces (H) and vertical walls facing the different direc- ground level Living Area; in the late morning and the
tions (NE, SE, SW, NW) afternoon it was warmer following the vertical stratifi-
cation of the indoor atmosphere. In the daytime, the
ground-level doors were open to increase ventilation,
and exchange with the external air. Above this level, a
bation, probably because of the air introduced by the cushion of hot and humid air became trapped just be-
ventilation fans at this location.
Figure 5 shows a plan of temperature, RH and SH.
This was constructed from a matrix of spot readings
taken throughout the gallery in order to determine the
spatial variation of these properties. The cafeteria area
is slightly cooler than the rest of the gallery due to cold
air coming in through the main public entrance doors
situated at this point. The external metal walls, al-
though insulated, dissipated internal heat creating a
colder area all along the sides. The centre of the gallery,
away from the walls and reached by the air flows from
the fans was slightly warmer. The Mezzanine Gallery
was always warm, following the stratification of the
floor-based layer. Since the SH did not vary much at
this point, the RH was conditioned by the temperature Fig. 7 Summer temperature profiles in the Special Exhibition
distribution. Area

Summer Survey
The solar radiation during the August campaign, com-
puted for the four sides of the building and the roof,
is reported in Figure 6. The intensity of the solar radi-
ation falling on the sides SE and SW is exactly the
same, but symmetrical and displaced in time; the same
holds for NE and NW but with a lower intensity and
a shorter duration. As far as the exhibition area of the
SCVA is concerned, the glass wall of the Special Exhi-
bition Area is irradiated from 5:00 to 14:00 with a peak
at 9:15 (in the actual solar model. These are expressed
in true solar time). The SW side with large glass doors
is irradiated from 10:00 to 19:00 (peak at 14:45); the NE
side and entrance doors is sunlit only in the morning
from 5:00 to 10:00 (peak near 7:00); the glass wall of Fig. 8 Dew point spread, i.e. difference in degrees C between the
surface temperature and the dew point, at the gallery ceiling dur-
the restaurant in the afternoon from 14:00 to 19:00 ing summer campaign, measured on glass panes and metal
(peak near 17:00). The irradiation on the horizontal panels

Brimblecome, Blades, Camuffo, Sturaro, Valentino, Gysels, Van Grieken, Busse, Kim, Ulrych and Wieser

higher temperature, preventing condensation. The am-

plitude of the daily cycle of indoor temperatures was
up to 9æC, only slightly less than the external variation,
and this was measured on an overcast day.
The indoor RH oscillated daily between 30 and 70%
(Figure 9), which was less than the external variation.
The SH varied between 7 and 10.5 g/kg without a
marked daily trend; indoor values were close to out-
door ones.
The horizontal distribution of the air temperature
(Figure 10a), generated from spot readings, revealed
a pattern which was controlled by the heating of the
Fig. 9 Summer relative humidity profiles in the Living Area solar radiation penetrating the glass walls, doors and
windows. The internal venetian blind stops the pene-
tration of the solar radiation, but all the energy ab-
low the roof and remained there until the night-time. sorbed by the blinds is transformed into heat, locally
It was then cooled by contact with the cold glass and warming the Special Exhibition Area. The RH hori-
metal structure and sinks to floor level. zontal distribution (Figure 10b), followed the tem-
During the night-time the internal temperature of perature distribution because the indoor SH (Figure
the glass panes on the roof approached or reached the 10c) had only a modest variation. The constancy of
dew point causing condensation (Figure 8), while the SH in the Living Area (Figure 11) may be related to
insulated metal roof panels maintained a slightly the relatively small number of visitors in the gallery.

Fig. 10 Plan of the spatial distribution of (a) temperature, (b) relative humidity and (c) specific humidity in the gallery (summer)

The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building

The SH in the Special Exhibitions Area behaved in a

similar fashion.

Gaseous Pollution
Concentrations of the gaseous pollutants nitrogen
dioxide, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide were
measured at the SCVA in the winter and summer cam-
paigns using diffusion samplers. These are plastic
tubes of either acrylic or FEP (an inert, high-density
plastic, similar to PTFE), with internal diameter 1.1 cm
and length 7.1 cm. During sampling one end of the Fig. 11 Summer specific humidity profiles in the Living Area
tube is open to the atmosphere. The other end is fitted
with a cap containing two stainless steel meshes,
coated with an absorbing compound appropriate for
the pollutant of interest. Polluted air diffuses down the Sulfur Dioxide
tube, and the pollutant reacts with the trapping agent This pollutant always occurred at low concentrations
to form an non-volatile compound, which is retained externally, as might be expected in the semi-rural en-
on the meshes, and can be analysed on retrieval of the vironment of the Sainsbury Centre, which is far away
tube. The amount of pollutant collected is related to from any industrial sources. There was no significant
the average concentration it was exposed to by Fick’s difference between winter and summer. Inside the
Law of diffusion. building gaseous sulfur dioxide was below the detec-
The nitrogen dioxide tube uses a coating solution of tion limit (0.2 ppb).
triethanolamine (TEA). Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide
reacts with TEA to form a nitrosamine derivative. Dur- Nitrogen Dioxide
ing analysis, this is converted to nitrite by reaction In winter the nitrogen dioxide pattern was the same as
with water in the presence of phosphoric acid, which has been found in many naturally ventilated buildings:
in turn reacts with sulfanilamide in a diazotization re- the internal concentration is slightly lower than the ex-
action. The resulting diazonium salt then forms a dye ternal. Inside the gallery the nitrogen dioxide was ap-
by reaction with 1-naphthylethylene-diamine dihydro- proximately 80% of the external value, at a level of
chloride (NEDA), which can be determined colorim- about 10 ppb. Concentrations were homogeneous
etrically, at 540 nm. Calibration is by liquid nitrite stan- throughout the building. Interestingly, this ‘normal’
dards, prepared from sodium nitrite. The method is de- pattern of nitrogen dioxide behaviour reversed in the
scribed in Shooter (1993). Sulfur dioxide is collected summer data. At this time, the interior concentrations
in with potassium hydroxide coating solution, which are actually higher than the external ones. We believe
reacts with sulfur dioxide to form sulfite. On analysis, there to be no significant internal nitrogen dioxide
dilute hydrogen peroxide solution is added to the tube, sources, although gas cooking is used in the kitchen
ensuring that the sulfite is fully oxidised to sulfate, and air from the kitchen vents directly to the building
which can then be determined by ion chromatography. exterior. Additional measurements conducted in the
The method is described by Hargreaves et al. (1991). months that followed the campaign showed nitrogen
Hydrogen sulfide is collected on a silver nitrate coating dioxide indoor/outdoor ratios greater than one per-
solution which reacts with hydrogen sulfide to form sisted through summer into autumn. Elevated indoor
silver sulfide. This is extracted from the samplers using concentrations might be expected in a room where
sodium cyanide solution. Analysis is by fluorescence ozone was high because of the way atmospheric chem-
spectrophotometry, relying on the ability of the sulfide istry links ozone and nitrogen dioxide as discussed
ion to quench the fluorescence of a solution of the flu- later in this paper.
orescent agent, fluorescein mercuric acetate (FMA).
Thus, as the concentration of sulfide increases the Hydrogen Sulfide
amount of fluorescence measured from a standard con- In the winter campaign, there was no significant differ-
centration of FMA, decreases. Calibration is carried out ence between the hydrogen sulfide concentrations in-
using liquid sodium sulfide standards. The method is side and outside the Sainsbury Centre. Hydrogen sul-
described by Shooter et al. (1995). fide behaves quite differently from nitrogen dioxide or

Brimblecome, Blades, Camuffo, Sturaro, Valentino, Gysels, Van Grieken, Busse, Kim, Ulrych and Wieser

sulfur dioxide, in that it appears to be less readily ab- impactor stages with the largest cut-off sizes. The col-
sorbed, or consumed by reaction at surfaces (apart, lection substrates of the impactor stages with smaller
perhaps, from reactive metals such as copper and sil- cut-off sizes were retrieved after shorter sampling
ver) than the other pollutants. In the summer cam- periods (7 to 30 min) in order to avoid overloading.
paign hydrogen sulfide was below the detection limit In every sample, 300 to 500 individual particles were
of 50 ppt. analysed automatically by SEM-EDX on a JEOL JSM
3600 instrument, at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV
and a beam current of 1 nA. The diameter of the par-
Suspended Particulate Matter Analysis ticles was assessed and an X-ray spectrum was col-
Sampling Strategy and Instrumentation lected with a 20 s integration time per particle. Pro-
Indoor bulk aerosol samples were collected on Nucle- cessing of the SEM-EDX data was performed by Hier-
pore filters of 0.4 mm pore size and 47 mm diameter. archical Cluster Analysis, producing a classification
These filters were fitted in Sartorius filter units, con- into groups of particles with a chemically similar com-
nected to a vacuum pump. The samples were collected position (Bondarenko et al., 1996). This method allows
during the night, with a sampling duration of about 15 for the identification of the types of particles present
h. Flow rates through filters are not constant, but vary in the museum atmosphere and their relative abun-
with the particle loading on the filter. Average flow dances. Absolute concentrations of the identified par-
rate values are about 32 L/min. These samples were ticles cannot be obtained with this method.
analysed by EDXRF on a TN Spectrace 5000 instru- Information about dry deposition was obtained from
ment. In this way the elemental composition of the in- 51 Nucleopore filters attached vertically to the mu-
door aerosol could be determined. Parallel outdoor seum walls and horizontally inside display cases for a
samples were not collected as it was not possible to period of 9 months. The dry deposition on these filters
leave a door or window open during the night. was assessed by EDXRF on a TN Spectrace 5000.
Size-segregated aerosol samples were collected with During each of the two sampling campaigns seven
May and Berner cascade impactors (flow rates 20 and sets of indoor and outdoor size-segregated aerosol
29 L/min respectively). Apiezon-coated Nuclepore fil- samples, as well as three indoor bulk aerosol samples,
ters were used as collection substrates. During each were collected. The different types of samples are rep-
campaign, seven sets of indoor and outdoor samples resented in Table 2, along with the corresponding sam-
were collected. Sampling times were up to 3 h for the pling and analysis techniques.

Table 1 Mean pollutant concentrations at the SCVA

Location Nitrogen dioxide (ppb) Sulfur dioxide (ppb) Hydrogen sulfide (ppt)
Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer
External (west) 13 11 1.5 2.3 103 ∞50
External (east) 12 10 1.3 1.8 88 ∞50
Living area (by security point) 9 13 ∞0.2 110 ∞50
Living area (centre) 9 13 112 ∞50
Special exhibitions area 9 14 ∞0.2 107 ∞50

Table 2 Sampling and analysis techniques used to determine the particulate matter composition at the SCVA

Type of samples Sampling technique Analysis technique

Indoor and outdoor size-segregated aerosol May and Berner cascade impactors (theoretical O Individual particle analysis:
samples (0.5–20 mm) cut-off sizes 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 20 mmad) automated SEM-EDX
O X-ray mappings: SEM-EDX
Indoor bulk aerosol samples Filter unit EDXRF
Indoor and outdoor dry deposition samples Filters attached vertically to the display panels O EDXRF
and horizontally inside display cases for a O SEM-EDX
period of 9 months
The abbreviations used are as follows: Scanning Electron Microscope – Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (SEM-EDX); Energy
Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF)

The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building

Table 3 Average elemental concentrations detected by EDXRF in size ranges were completely dominated by S-rich and
the winter and summer campaigns
low-Z element compounds (particles for which no ele-
Element Winter concentration Summer concentration ments with Z±11 could be detected in the X-ray spec-
(mg/m3) (mg/m3)
trum). These particles could have a purely organic
Al 0.03∫0.01 composition or they might consist of low-Z inorganic
Si 0.08∫0.02 0.03∫0.02
P 0.03∫0.01 0.008∫0.015 species, such as NH4NO3. The S-rich particles are most
S 1.2∫0.4 0.6∫0.4 likely composed of (NH4)2SO4 or NH4HSO4, or biologi-
Cl 0.05∫0.05 0.05∫0.02
K 0.04∫0.01 0.02∫0.01 cal particles serving as nucleation sites for SO2 (Xhoffer
Ca 0.05∫0.01 0.03∫0.01 et al., 1991). In the larger size fractions (±2 mm), alumi-
Ti 0.003∫0.001 0.001∫0.001 nosilicates (mainly soil dust but also high temperature
Fe 0.06∫0.02 0.052∫0.008
Zn 0.008∫0.003 0.007∫0.008 combustion fly ash) also became important, especially
during the second part of the sampling campaign (De-
cember 10 and 11, 1996). The composition of the out-
door samples was very similar to that of the indoor
Bulk Particulate Material samples. This is most pronounced for the smallest par-
During both campaigns, bulk aerosol samples were ticles, which were also characterised by S-rich and low-
collected during three successive nights. The average Z particles. In the larger size ranges (±4 mm), sea salt
elemental concentrations detected by EDXRF in the particles and marine crystallisation products domi-
winter and summer samples are shown in Table 3. In nated the outdoor aerosol. These particles were also
both seasons, S was found to be the most dominant identified to a lesser extent (∞10%) in the indoor at-
element. On the average, the winter S-concentration mosphere, along with minor amounts of Fe-rich, Si-
(1.2 (0.4 mg/m3) was double the summer S-concen- rich, Si-S, Ca-rich, CaSO4 and K-S particles.
tration (0.6 (0.4 mg/m3). Minor elements were Al, Si, The HCA-results obtained for the summer samples
Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Fe and Zn with concentrations more than are summarised in Table 5. The indoor samples were
ten-fold lower than the S-concentrations. In the SCVA, characterised by aluminosilicates, sea salt and Si-S-Cl-
the particulate S-, Cl- and K-concentrations were Ca particles. The latter particle type also contained mi-
higher than the corresponding concentrations detected nor concentrations of Na, K, Al, Fe and sometimes Ti.
in no-smoking houses in Houston, but lower than the The outdoor atmosphere was characterised by sea salt
concentrations in smoking households (Kim and Stock, and aged sea salt particles in every measured size
1986). In the Uffizi Gallery in Florence (De Santis et al.,
1992) and the San Luigi Church in Rome (De Santis et
al., 1996), as well as in houses in the Rio Grande Valley
Table 4 The main particle types identified by HCA in the winter
(Mukerjee et al., 1997) and Korea (Lee et al., 1997), S- campaign
concentrations were comparable to the SCVA values.
Size range Major particle types (±10% relative abundance)
The Al-, Si- and Ti-concentrations in the SCVA were
much lower than in the Houston, Taipei (Li et al., 1993) Indoor Outdoor
and Rio Grande Valley residences. These elements oc- 0.5–1 mm S-rich (48%) S-rich (45%)
cur mostly in the larger size fraction, which is more Organic – low Z (48%) Organic – low Z (31%)
subject to gravitational settling. The absence of human 1–2 mm S-rich (54%) S-rich (33%)
activity during the night, when the SCVA samples Organic – low Z (27%) Aluminosilicates (26%)
Fe-rich (16%)
were collected, prevents the resuspension of deposited
particles, so the concentration of the larger particles 2–4 mm S-rich (35%) S-rich (24%)
Aluminosilicates (24%) Organic – low Z (20%)
will be reduced. The Fe-concentrations were compar- Aluminosilicates (15%)
able to the literature values.
4–8 mm S-rich (23%) Aluminosilicates (17%)
Organic – low Z (19%) Sea salt (14%)
Single Particle Analysis Aluminosilicates (16%) Aged sea salt (14%)
CaSO4 (14%)
Quite different results were obtained during the two S-rich (13%)
sampling campaigns. The major particle types iden-
8–20 mm Aluminosilicates (29%) Organic – low Z (21%)
tified by HCA in the indoor and outdoor aerosol Organic – low Z (14%) Fe-rich (20%)
samples collected in December 1996, are shown in
±20 mm Very low particle loading: Sea salt (30%)
Table 4. The relative abundances of the particle types results not representative Aluminosilicates (17%)
were averaged over the seven sampling periods of the Marine particles (13%)
winter campaign. It is clear that the smallest indoor Aged sea salt (11%)

Brimblecome, Blades, Camuffo, Sturaro, Valentino, Gysels, Van Grieken, Busse, Kim, Ulrych and Wieser

Table 5 The main particle types identified by HCA in the summer cates the existence of an indoor source. Combustion
products from the restaurant or the smoking area
Size range Major particle types (±10% relative abundance) might be responsible for the smaller indoor organic
Indoor Outdoor particles, while the larger ones could originate from
0.5–1 mm Fe-rich (25%) Sea salt (28%)
carpet or plant fragments (Owen et al., 1992). The mi-
Aluminosilicates (17%) Aged sea salt (12%) nor particles types encountered in the indoor winter
Sea salt (11%) Fe-rich (11%) samples all find their origin in the outdoor atmos-
S-rich (10%)
phere. The Fe- and Si-rich particles originate from soil
1–2 mm Sea salt (27%) Sea salt (38%) dust, or, for the smaller size range, combustion prod-
Si-S-Cl-Ca (12%) Aged sea salt (14%)
Aluminosilicates (11%) ucts (Van Malderen et al., 1993). S-coatings can be
formed on quartz particles (Anderson et al., 1996) re-
2–4 mm Si-S-Cl-Ca (27%) Sea salt (45%)
Aluminosilicates (16%) Aged sea salt (24%) sulting in Si-S particles, a process more likely to occur
Sea salt (14%) in misty weather conditions (Xhoffer et al., 1991). This
Ca-rich (10%)
explains the occurrence of this particle type during the
4–8 mm Si-S-Cl-Ca (30%) Sea salt (39%) winter sampling campaign, which was characterised
Aluminosilicates (18%) Aged sea salt (18%)
Sea salt (15%) by foggy weather. CaSO4 and Ca-rich particles can
Ca-rich (11%) both have a marine origin (Hoornaert et al., 1996).
8–20 mm Aluminosilicates (36%) Sea salt (59%) The average indoor and outdoor abundances of sea
Si-S-Cl-Ca (22%) Marine particles (17%) salt and aluminosilicates (0.5–20 mm) in the summer
Si-rich (12%)
samples are compared in Figure 13. The sea salt par-
±20 mm Si-rich (23%) Si-rich (34%) ticles do, of course, have an outdoor origin. The indoor
Aluminosilicates (17%) Aluminosilicates (13%)
Si-S-Cl-Ca (13%) P-S-K (12%)
abundance is lower but follows the outdoor trend. The

range, during the first three days of the sampling cam-

paign (August 3, 4 and 5, 1997). On the last day (Aug-
ust 6, 1997), the outdoor particle composition changed,
and became relatively variable as a function of particle
size. Sea salt and aged sea salt particles became less
important. Instead, aluminosilicates were detected in
every size range, along with Fe-rich particles in the
0.5–2 mm range and K-S and S-rich particles in the
smallest size range (0.5–1 mm). The largest particles (Ø4
mm) also contained significant amounts of P-K-rich
compounds (with some S and Cl).
The outdoor atmosphere appears to be an important Fig. 12 Relative abundances of low-Z elements in particles meas-
ured in the winter
source of indoor particles during the summer as well
as during the winter, especially for those in the small-
est size ranges, as can be expected because of their
higher mobility and lower deposition velocities (That-
cher and Layton, 1997). Figure 12 represents the indoor
and outdoor abundances of low-Z element and S-rich
particles averaged over all size ranges (0.5–20 mm) of
the seven winter samples. The indoor and outdoor
abundances of low-Z and S-rich particles follow a simi-
lar trend. These particles probably have an outdoor ori-
gin. The pure organic particles can be formed by com-
bustion processes, while NH4NO3, (NH4)2SO4 and
NH4HSO4 arise from oxidation of NOx and SO2, re-
spectively (Deacon et al., 1997). In the larger size
ranges the relative indoor abundance of organic par- Fig. 13 Relative abundances of sea-salt and aluminosilicates in
ticles was generally higher than outdoors. This indi- particles measured in the summer

The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building

aluminosilicates have a higher relative indoor abun-

dance, although this is a particle type of typical out-
door origin. Soil dust particles can be brought in by
visitors, trapped by the carpet and resuspended as
people walk on it. The Si-S-Cl-Ca particles encountered
in the summer indoor samples must have an indoor
source, as they were not identified in the outdoor
samples. To have a better view on their origin, X-ray
elemental mappings of 15 such particles were col-
lected. They consist primarily of coagulates of alumi-
nosilicates and Ca-rich particles or Ca-rich aluminosil-
icates. Small Fe-rich and Ti-rich particles and some-
times also CaSO4 and sea salt particles can be adsorbed
at the surface. However, in most cases, S and NaCl
seem to be present as a coating.
The different composition of the outdoor aerosol on
August 6th is only reflected in the smallest size range
(0.5–1 mm) of the indoor samples. Both the indoor and
outdoor samples contain numerous K-S particles,
Fig. 14 Abundances of sulfur- and iron-rich and low-Z particles,
which probably have a biological origin. The P-K-rich in the 0.5 and 1.0 mm size ranges; (a) winter (top); and (b) summer
particles identified in the larger size fraction of the out- (bottom) sampling campaigns
door samples might also be biological, but their pres-
ence can also be attributed to fertiliser products (Van
Borm et al., 1989). They were not encountered in the ticle types cannot be obtained from the SEM-EDX re-
corresponding indoor size ranges. It is unclear what sults.
factors could be responsible for this phenomenon.
Dry Deposition
Particle Types Considered Harmful for the On all the filters positioned inside the museum to
Exhibited Works of Art measure dry deposition, S was found to be the main
The following compounds can be considered threaten- detectable element, while Cl, K, Ca and Fe were iden-
ing to the preservation of works of art. Organic ma- tified as minor elements by EDXRF. These results are
terial, especially soot, can cause significant visual consistent with those of the aerosol analyses. The major
degradation by soiling the surface (Baer and Banks, elements identified in three typical indoor as well as
1985) and it can constitute a medium for SO2 adsorp- the outdoor samples are shown in Figure 15a. Concen-
tion (Larson, 1957). CaSO4 can enhance these effects by trations were averaged over the three filters attached
adsorption of soot (Leysen et al., 1987). (NH4)2SO4 and next to each other at every site. Outdoor dry depo-
S-rich material are threatening to the preservation of sition was ten-fold higher than indoor. The elements
paintings, because (NH4)2SO4 can induce bloom on detected in the outdoor samples probably result from
varnish (Brimblecombe, 1990) and oxidation of S-rich impacted soil dust and sea salt particles. The results
particles to H2SO4 can cause discolouring of the paint for filters attached to the display panels near the floor
(Larson, 1957; De Santis et al., 1992). This process can and near the panel top were comparable, as well as the
be catalysed by Fe-rich particles (Thomson, 1965). The deposition measured on the Mezzanine. The results for
contribution of the potentially harmful particle types the three display cases are shown in Figure 15b. The
(organic, S-rich, CaSO4, Fe-rich) to the indoor aerosol dry deposition, especially of S-containing particles was
in the 0.5–1 mm and 1–2 mm size ranges is shown in up to 100 times lower than out of the cases.
Figure 14a–b, for the winter and summer campaign re- Some representative filters were also analysed by
spectively. For these size ranges, the deposition flux manual SEM-EDX analysis. On every filter, over 50
can be considered a maximum (Camuffo et al., 1998). spectra of individual particles were collected. Organic
It is clear that especially in the winter, the majority of particles, aluminosilicates, Ca-rich, Fe-rich and K-Cl-
the identified particle types can be considered as po- containing particles could be identified in every
tentially threatening to the conservation of the works sample. Some S-rich particles – mostly with a fibrous
of art. However, it should be noted that these are rela- or spongy appearance – were also detected, but not to
tive abundances. Absolute concentrations of these par- the same extent as by EDXRF. The sample positioned

Brimblecome, Blades, Camuffo, Sturaro, Valentino, Gysels, Van Grieken, Busse, Kim, Ulrych and Wieser

2–3 days, which was sufficient time for single bacteria

to grow into colonies. Single colonies were visible to
the naked eye, and were counted to determine the orig-
inal number of bacteria collected. On two separate
days, 100- and 500-litre air samples were taken inside
and outside the museum. Bacteria were collected on
casein minimal medium (CAS MM; Altenburger et al.,
1996), total count (TC) and fungus agar (Table 6). These
two media, which were directed to growth of bacteria,
were supplemented with cyclohexamide to reduce
fungal growth. The sampling strips were incubated at
room temperature, unless indicated otherwise. Fatty
acids were extracted and their methyl esters quantified
using gas chromatography (Osterhout et al., 1991). The
data were processed using Euclidean distance calcu-
lations and clustered according to Ward’s algorithm.
Table 6 shows the bacterial counts resulting from col-
ony forming units (cfu) on the agar strips. The mi-
crobial load obtained on caseine mineral medium agar
was higher than that obtained from commercial total
count agar (TC), an observation that was also made
during the evaluation of the Venice sampling (Camuffo
et al., forthcoming). The bacterial count outside the
SCVA during the summer was generally higher than
in winter (over 300 cfu from 500 L compared to 16/32
cfu in the winter count). During summer, the fungal
Fig. 15 Major element composition of particles collected on the
dry deposition filters: (a) Living Area, (b) display cases load outside the museum was determined to be signifi-
cantly higher than inside the museum, with over 300/
139 colonies on the 500 L sampling strip, compared to
9/11 colonies obtained inside (Table 6). This obser-
near the floor contained most fibres and aluminosil- vation can be explained by the air filter system in the
icates, originating from resuspension of soil dust and museum which is able to trap fungal spores and my-
carpet material. Significantly fewer aluminosilicates, celia from the indoor air supply. Since the counts of
but more organic, K-Cl and Si-metal (Fe, Cr, Ni) par- bacteria indoor and outdoor were in the same range it
ticles were detected on the filter positioned on the can be assumed that the bacteria can pass the filter sys-
Mezzanine. The filters from the display cases con- tem unhindered due to their smaller size. No signifi-
tained mostly aluminosilicates, organic and Si-rich par- cant changes in the counts of fungi where obtained
ticles. It should be mentioned that these filters were during indoor winter and summer sampling.
placed in a horizontal position, leading to a higher de- The number of bacteria collected outside the mu-
position, due to gravitational settling of large particles seum in winter was somewhat lower than the number
than on the filters positioned vertically against the dis- obtained indoors. In comparison to the number of cfu
play panels. On the other hand, the absence of air obtained from 100 L of air, the number of cfu from 500
movements and inertial impaction also causes less de- L was lower than the sampling volume can account for.
position of large particles. This methodological feature can easily be explained,
though. A higher density of cfu on the 500 L strips
may lead to an overlap of colonies, resulting in single
Microbiology colonies that are composed of two or more different
Airborne bacteria were collected utilising a Biotest Hy- bacterial strains and an underestimation of the bac-
con Air Sampler RCS Plus (Biotest Ag, Dreieich, Ger- terial counts.
many). A defined volume of air was pumped through For both CAS MM and TC medium, more cfu were
the sampler and the bacteria it contains sedimented to obtained from sampling runs made inside the museum
a solid growth medium consisting of agar stripes. than outside, after incubation at 37æC. This indicates
These stripes were incubated at room temperature for that a significant number of these isolates may have

The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building

Table 6 Bacteria and fungi collected during the summer and winter campaign in Norwich expressed in colony forming units (CFU)
per m3 air sampled

Medium Sampling location Air volume CFU/m3 CFU/m3 CFU/m3 CFU/m3

sampled winter (8.12.96) winter (10.12.96) summer (3.8.97) summer (5.8.97)
CAS MM1 Inside 100 L 830 190 720 500
500 L 160 306 ±600 258
500 L3 ND ND 716 ND
Outside 100 L 30 250 1120 530
500 L 32 64 ±600 ±600
500 L3 ND ND 42 ND
TC2 Inside 100 L 240 120 790 200
500 L 114 184 464 84
500 L3 110 78 220 ND
Outside 100 L ND ND 660 110
500 L ND ND 356 198
500 L3 ND ND 100 ND
Fungus4 Inside 100 L 20 0 60 20
500 L 7 26 18 22
Outside 100 L ND ND 510 140
500 L ND ND ±600 278
Caseine mineral agar
Total count agar
Incubation temperature 37æC
Commercial Fungus medium

Table 7 Grouping of bacterial isolates into major lines of descent according to their fatty acid profiles and distribution of some
phenotypic characteristics during the two seasons

Bacterial groups Season Counts Pigmentation1 Degradation of

Casein Tween 80
Proteobacteria Summer 17 8 3 12
Winter 4 2 1 2
Flavobacteria and relatives Summer 3 3 2 2
Winter 1 1 1 0
Actinobacteria/Bacillus Summer 38 26 25 17
Winter 18 11 4 3
Staphylococcus Summer 4 0 2 4
Winter 1 0 1 1
Only those isolates are mentioned which had a yellow, orange or red pigmentation indicating resistance of organisms to sunlight

derived from visitors to the museum, because they predominance of unbranched fatty acids. Due to the
grow well at human body temperature. similarity in the fatty acid profiles, Bacillus strains
Isolates from both campaigns could be divided into could not be distinguished from the Actinobacteria.
several main clusters on the basis of their fatty acid However, microscopical investigations of the cell mor-
composition (results not shown). Fatty acid analysis of phology and spore-forming ability indicated that only
the airborne isolates and comparison with reference or- one Bacillus isolate was collected during the summer
ganisms demonstrated that the majority of strains be- campaign whereas three Bacillus strains were identified
long to the Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria (Table 7). from the winter sampling. This observation is surpris-
Clusters harbouring members of the class Actinobacter- ing since bacilli are considered to be highly resistant to
ia were identified by the predominance of branched excication stress to which airborne bacteria are gener-
fatty acids and/or the presence of tuberculostearic ally subjected (Al-Dagal and Fung, 1990). The counts
acid. Assignment to the class Proteobacteria was ob- of Staphylococcus isolates (Table 7) might be misleading
tained by the presence of hydroxy fatty acids and the since the conditions for cultivation of staphylococci

Brimblecome, Blades, Camuffo, Sturaro, Valentino, Gysels, Van Grieken, Busse, Kim, Ulrych and Wieser

(nutrient-poor growth medium and incubation at room be also possible that these bacteria become suspended
temperature) were not suitable. Staphylococci are com- to the air from the soil in which the trees in the gallery
mensal colonisers of the human skin and can be con- are growing. The soil inhabitant Agromyces (Zgurskaya
sidered as being introduced to the air by visitors to the et al., 1992) and the plant coloniser Rathayibacter (Zgur-
museum. Only a minority of isolates were assigned to skaya et al., 1993) are known to utilise cellobiose which
the Flavobacteria and their relatives. This observation is a degradation product of cellulose and/or starch
is in agreement with the finding that Gram-negative both deriving from plants.
bacteria (Al-Dagal and Fung, 1990) such as Flavobacter- Numerous representatives of the genus Flexibacter
ia survive for a shorter time in the air than Gram-posi- hydrolyse starch and carboxymethyl cellulose (Bernar-
tive bacteria, such as Actinobacteria and Bacillus which det and Grimont, 1989). Therefore, our Flexibacter-re-
are protected from excication and collection stress due lated airborne isolate might be able to degrade plant
to their thick cell wall. material. The representatives of the plant-colonising
During the summer campaign the portion of air- genus Nocardioides and the soil-inhabiting genus Terrab-
borne Proteobacteria from the total count was signifi- acter could have derived from the trees growing in the
cantly higher than in winter. This observation can not gallery or the soil in which the trees are growing,
be explained since the airborne bacteria collected out- rather than being carried in from outside, since they
door have not been characterised and thus we do not occur in both summer and winter. Probably, these iso-
know whether the reasons for this disproportion is re- lates have their ecological niche within the museum,
lated to the indoor or outdoor environment. However, which could also be a distinct area on an exhibit. All
it might be related to the higher relative humidity these isolates are potentially dangerous for the exhibits
which were measured during the summer and which due to their physiological properties, and when their
helps bacteria to survive in the air (Stetzenbach, 1992). growth is favoured by environmental conditions such
Approximately 50% of the Proteobacteria and 70% of the as high humidity and temperature. The remaining
Actinobacteria were shown to be pigmented. Yellow, or- taxa, such as Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Brevibacteri-
ange or red pigmentation is known to protect bacteria um, Sphingomonas and Acinetobacter, are well known as
from sunlight exposure (Stetzenbach, 1992). Thus, inhabitants of the human skin, and can be considered
these isolates can be considered as typical airborne bac- to be typical airborne bacteria. Thus, it is most likely
teria which are protected from the sunlight by the pro- that the source of these bacteria is not within the mu-
duction of carotenoid pigments. A high proportion of seum itself and do not indicate any potential for dam-
strains were shown to degrade caseine protein and/or age to the arts of works.
tween 80 oil (Table 7). This suggests that these strains
may be damaging to organic materials containing pro-
teins or oils. Discussion
More detailed characterisation, including molecular Here we attempt to evaluate the impact of construction
biological, chemotaxonomic and biochemical analyses materials and the open plan interior on the environ-
(Busse et al., 1996), were made on airborne bacterial ment and conservation issues.
strains isolated from a 100-L strip each from the winter A combination of features – the large glass area, the
campaign and summer campaign. Based on these data, non-porous surfaces of walls and ceiling, and the low
isolates from the winter campaign were identified as thermal mass of the building fabric – have combined
members of the genera Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Brachyb- to produce a climate subject to rapid, excessive fluctu-
acterium, Corynebacterium/Caseobacter, Kocuria, Brevibac- ations in relative humidity and temperature in the
terium, Curtobacterium, Cellulomonas, Terrabacter, Flavob- summer months. In the winter campaign, when there
acterium, Nocardioides, Sphingomonas, Agromyces, Va- was virtually no direct sunlight, the daily temperature
riovorax, Acinetobacter and Aeromicrobium. The isolates variation was only 1.5æC; this contrasts with the 9æC
from the summer campaign were found to be related variation observed in the summer.
to the genera Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Kocuria, Ra- In the summer campaign, the gallery interior was
thayibacter, Terrabacter, Bacillus, Nocardioides, and Flavob- notably warmer than the outside, because the gallery
acterium or they were shown to represent taxa which behaves like a greenhouse. The south-facing glass end-
have not been described so far. The majority of species wall was fitted with a Venetian blind, but because this
of these genera are described as inhabitants of soil and was on the inside of the glass, the light energy ab-
plant material. Soil inhabitants might be transferred to- sorbed by the blind was transformed into heat, warm-
gether with soil particles by visitors from outside into ing the gallery. The sun’s rays also warmed other parts
the museum or resuspended from the carpet. It might of the building, which lacking thermal mass heated

The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building

quickly giving a diurnal temperature excursion of 9æC trations above the external values, during the summer
in both the Special Exhibition and the Living Area – months may be explained by the gallery’s open plan
almost the same diurnal variation as observed outside. layout, the air chemistry of nitrogen dioxide, and the
At night the glass ceiling panels cooled rapidly, so SCVA having high internal ozone concentrations (Dav-
that condensation formed on them, although because ies et al., 1984). The amount of nitrogen dioxide in the
they are horizontal, droplets did not coalesce, and fall daytime atmosphere may be expressed in terms of a
as indoor rain. pseudo-equilibrium reaction
As a consequence of the temperature variations,
NOπO3 Ò NO2 π O2
large fluctuations in relative humidity (between 30 and
70%) occurred while the specific humidity remained The forward reaction is favoured by high ozone con-
constant. This fluctuation was almost as large as that centrations, as occur in summer, whereas the reverse
which occurred externally. There is no evidence of hu- reaction is driven by sunlight, which is also at its
midity buffering, perhaps because of the non-porous highest in summer. However, inside the gallery the
materials from which the gallery is constructed. light intensities are kept low, by the use of shutters and
The plan and vertical profile climatic measurements blinds, and the glass windows will filter out some of
showed the air in the building to be reasonably well the shorter (UV) wavelengths. This will tend to de-
mixed. Spot measurements of RH and SH showed little crease the rate of the reverse reaction. From previous
spatial variation throughout the gallery. The vertical work at the Sainsbury Centre (Davies et al., 1984) it is
temperature distribution showed modest gradients of, known that the building tends to have relatively high
at the most, 1.5æC over the 4 m total height of the pro- ozone concentrations that approach those outdoors (in-
file. The gradients were associated with a cold floor- door/outdoor ratio about 0.7). So, indoors the rate of
based air layer in winter and warmer air close to the the forward reaction is only slightly decreased, and
ceiling in summer; they are probably irrelevant for con- overall reaction equilibrium is shifted to the right. This
servation in the SCVA. The mixing may in a large part could then lead to a situation where the internal nitro-
arise from the turbulence generated by the side-wall gen dioxide concentration exceeds the external, al-
fans. This effect may be beneficial from the point of though there is no primary internal source.
view of circulating the air for human comfort, but dis- This observation does not seem to have been made
perses gases and may redistribute particles through the for other buildings, and we believe it to be a product
gallery and potentially alter their deposition velocity. of the unusual design of the Sainsbury Centre. As sum-
The ventilation could be improved by reorienting the mer turns into autumn and winter, there is less light
fans, which at present randomly directed, so that in the to cause the breakdown of nitrogen dioxide externally,
summer, for instance, they direct warmer air down- ozone concentration is low and climate conditions are
wards, and in the winter, cooler air, upwards. not so effective at dispersing nitrogen dioxide. This
Nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sul- leads to a higher nitrogen dioxide concentration in the
fide all followed typical patterns seen in more tra- external environment. Therefore it might be expected
ditionally constructed museums (Leissner et al., 1997), that the ratio will change from higher indoor back to
consistent with them having, apart from nitrogen diox- higher outdoor. Monthly nitrogen dioxide measure-
ide, only external sources. The nitrogen dioxide was
slightly lower inside than outside, for most of the year
(an important exception to this will be discussed be-
low). Sulfur dioxide fell from a low external concen-
tration to a negligible once inside. Hydrogen sulfide,
only detected in the winter campaign was at approxi-
mately the same concentration inside the gallery as
outside. The behaviour of these gases reflects their dif-
fering reactivities: sulfur dioxide is more readily con-
sumed by reaction at surfaces inside the museum than
is nitrogen dioxide, while hydrogen sulfide is much
less reactive to most surfaces than either of these gases.
It is hard to attribute any characteristics of these pol-
lution measurements to factors in the SCVA’s design, Fig. 16 Average monthly indoor and outdoor nitrogen dioxide
concentrations. Each is the average of three tube exposures at an
apart from summer concentrations of nitrogen dioxide. indoor site in the north corner of the Living Area and an outdoor
The increase in internal nitrogen dioxide concen- site at the south-west end of the building

Brimblecome, Blades, Camuffo, Sturaro, Valentino, Gysels, Van Grieken, Busse, Kim, Ulrych and Wieser

ments were continued from July onwards, and are were low, in comparison with other indoor environ-
shown in Figure 16. It can be seen that the high interior ments. Unfortunately, absolute concentrations of or-
concentrations persist until the October-November ganic particles cannot be obtained from the EDXRF re-
measurements, when the ratio once again drops below sults.
unity. Fungal concentrations appear to be lower in the gal-
The effects of the SCVA design are clearly reflected lery than outdoors, so the problems of fungal growth
in the results of the particulate matter analysis. Most are diminished.
notably, the single particle analysis shows there to be The results from the collection of airborne bacteria
few particles derived from the interior construction in the SCVA clearly demonstrate that the counts of bac-
materials, Thus, compared with a conventional mu- teria are much higher in summer than in winter. Dur-
seum building, the SCVA yields few plaster particles. ing the summer, the counts of bacteria collected indoor
This was reflected in the sulfur concentration (assumed were in the same range as those collected from out-
to be present as sulphate), which at its highest in win- door. This is most likely related to the exchange of the
ter, was 1.2 mg/m3 at the SCVA, compared with 2.9 mg/ indoor air with that from outdoor. In contrast, in the
m3 at the more traditionally constructed Correr Mu- winter, the indoor counts of bacteria collected were sig-
seum in Venice, although it is possible that some may nificantly higher than those outdoor, where growth is
represent the absence of an industrial contribution severely limited by low temperatures. Thus, the source
from the vicinity of SCVA. In the modern interior, par- of the majority of bacteria collected during the winter
ticles tend to be derived from the external atmosphere, sampling campaign may be the indoor environment of
whereas at the Correr there was a large contribution the museum, where most likely bacterial growth is tak-
from interior plaster particles. ing place in the warm gallery interior. This assumption
Organic and S-rich particles were mainly identified is supported by the fact that during wintertime there
in the interior during the winter, while in summer, the is less direct exchange of air between the museum and
indoor aerosol consists predominantly of sea salt, alu- outdoors. Therefore, it can be assumed that the most
minosilicates (soil dust) and large heterogeneous Si-S- probable location for bacterial growth, as indicated by
Cl-Ca particles, resulting from coagulation. Unfortu- the presence of plant-colonising taxa and soil bacteria,
nately, the absolute indoor/outdoor ratio cannot be de- is perhaps the growing trees in the coffee area. These
termined as the single particle analysis only reveals bacteria can potentially damage museum objects, as
relative concentrations. they are capable of degrading plant material by action
The comparatively high indoor abundances of ele- of cellulase and starch hydrolysing enzymes. They
ments with low atomic number (typically organic aero- could damage cellulose-rich materials such as canvas.
sols) suggests indoor sources, possibly cooking in the Under normal conditions bacteria would be unable to
restaurant and cafeteria area, which are not clearly sep- grow on the dry surface of paintings, although one
arated from the Living Area; the trees and resuspen- could postulate extreme environmental conditions
sion from the carpet. Plants however, can also act as a where they could grow and cause biodecay on the
sink for particulate matter (Lohr and Pearson-Mims, works of arts.
1996). Large particles, especially soil dust, can be
trapped by the carpet and later resuspended by human
activity, so it too can be both a source and a sink. Depo- Conclusions
sition gauges at floor level (circa 10 cm) showed a This study considers how the design of SCVA (and by
greater flux of large particles to surfaces than those at implication other modern buildings of similar design)
the height of typical museum displays (±1 m). fulfils the requirements of preventive conservation. A
The deposition gauges showed that indoor sulfur number of drawbacks have been highlighted. Perhaps
dry deposition was 10% of the external, and in the dis- the most serious of these is the inability to provide a
play cases, deposition was only 1% of that to the gal- stable climate in the summer months. This conclusion
lery walls. As most objects in the gallery are in cases, coincides with the experience of the conservation staff
or at a height greater than 1 m, it would seem that they of the museum, who have long experience of the
are very well protected from particle deposition. In the building.
winter potentially damaging particles (organic, S-rich, The large air volume of the gallery and its attendant
Fe-rich and CaSO4) are at their highest outdoors. Al- high ozone concentration, promoted a shift in the ni-
though their relative indoor abundances were also trogen oxide photochemical equilibrium. It meant that
highest in the winter, the absolute concentrations of the interior nitrogen dioxide concentrations exceeded
S- and Fe-rich particles (1.2 mg/m3 S; 0.06 mg/m3 Fe) those outside in the summer. At sites more polluted

The Indoor Environment of a Modern Museum Building

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