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VMware® Data Recovery 1.0

Evaluator’s Guide

E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
About VMware Data Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
About This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Reference Setup Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
What Will Be Covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
VMware Data Recovery Evaluation Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Help and Support During Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
VMware Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Providing Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1. Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.1. Perform Initial Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2. Manually Trigger a Virtual Machine Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.3. Extend a Destination Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2. Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1. Virtual Machine Restore Rehearsal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2. Virtual Machine Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3. File Level Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Getting Started
About VMware® Data Recovery
VMware Data Recovery enables quick, simple, and complete data protection for virtual machines. It is a
disk-based backup and recovery solution. VMware Data Recovery is fully integrated with VMware vCenter™
Server to enable centralized and efficient management of backup jobs. It incorporates capabilities such
as block based data deduplication and performs only incremental backups after the first full backup is
completed to maximize storage efficiency. As a result of deduplication and incremental backups, VMware
Data Recovery significantly reduces the space requirements in the destination disk where the backup data
is stored.

About This Guide

The purpose of this guide is to support a self-guided, hands-on evaluation of VMware Data Recovery by IT
professionals who are looking to deploy VMware Data Recovery in their VMware vSphere™ 4 environment
to protect their virtual machines.

Intended Audience
This guide is intended to cover evaluation cases for IT professionals to evaluate the VMware Data Recovery
data protection and restore features suitable for their Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs).

To successfully use this guide it is assumed that:
• VMware ESX/ESXi has been installed on the physical servers designated for this
• VMware vCenter™ and vSphere Client have been installed in the environment to manage the
ESX hosts1 ;
• Sufficient storage has been allocated and configured to store the virtual machines and the
destination stores;
• Virtual machines have been pre-configured and installed with proper Guest Operating Systems;
• VMware Data Recovery appliance has been downloaded and imported into the vSphere environment;
• VMware Data Recovery Plug-In has been installed on the vSphere Client;
• Proper evaluation licenses have been obtained and installed;

For detailed information regarding installation, configuration, administration, and usage of VMware
vSphere and Data Recovery, please refer to the online documentation:

VMware vSphere:

VMware Data Recovery:

¹ Note the VMware Data Recovery is not compatible with vCenter Linked Mode.
E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Reference Setup Environment

Evaluators will need to provision the necessary hardware for the exercises included in this guide. This section
provides you details on a sample environment used for this VMware Data Recovery evaluation in the lab. You
will find below diagrams that illustrate the lab setup:

Figure 1. ESX Cluster and Virtual Machines in Reference Setup Environment

vCenter™ Server
One vCenter Server was deployed, managing the ESX hosts.

ESX Hosts
Two ESX hosts were configured in a cluster.

There was an Active Directory and a Domain Name Server in the lab. The DNS is configured to resolve the
hostname of the VMware Data Recovery appliance. You need to ensure that forward and reverse lookups are
configured properly on your DNS server.

A Fiber Channel SAN of size 511.75GB shared by the ESX servers.

Figure 2. SAN shared by the ESX Servers in the Reference Setup Environment

Virtual Machines
Two virtual machines running Windows Server 2003 were used. Each virtual machine had a 10GB hard disk.
Note that VMware® Fault Tolerance was not and cannot be configured for the virtual machines protected by
VMware Data Recovery 1.0.1.

E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

What Will Be Covered

This guide will walk you through the full cycle of virtual machine protection and restore using VMware Data
Recovery. The major VMware Data Recovery features that you will exercise in this evaluation include:
1. Perform initial backup
2. Trigger a backup run outside of backup window
3. Extend a destination store
4. Perform a virtual machine restore rehearsal
5. Perform a real virtual machine restore
6. Perform a file level restore

C at e g o r y F e at u r e s W h at w i l l b e c o v e r e d T i m e E s t i m at e s 2

Backup Virtual Machine 1.1 Perform initial backup 15 minutes

Protection 1. Create a backup job
2. Bring the protected virtual machines to

Backup Virtual Machine 1.2 Manually trigger a backup 15 minutes

Protection 1. Select virtual machines to back up and
trigger the backup

Backup Virtual Machine 1.3 Extend a destination store 15 minutes

Protection 1. Increase the size of the destination store in
virtual machine settings of VMware Data
Recovery appliance
2. Reboot the VMware Data Recovery
3. Reconnect to the VMware Data Recovery
appliance in the VMware Data Recovery
Plug-In interface.
4. Unmount, Extend, and Mount the
destination store
5. Perform an Integrity Check on the
destination store

Restore Virtual Machine 2.1 Perform a restore rehearsal 15 minutes

Restore 1. Select the virtual machine to restore, its
Rehearsal restore point and destination store
2. Verify the data restored
3. Delete the virtual machine created during
the rehearsal

Restore Virtual Machine 2.2 Perform a real restore 15 minutes

Level Restore 1. Select the virtual machine to restore, its
restore point and destination store
2. Verify the data restored

Restore File Level 2.3 Perform a file level restore 15 minutes

Restore 1. Set up a file level restore agent
2. Use the file level restore agent CLI to
restore a file 5

2 Note that the time estimates are dependent on the virtual machines having only one virtual disk of 10GB. If your virtual machines have larger
disk or more than one disk, you will need to allocate more time accordingly.
E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

VMware Data Recovery Evaluation Worksheet

You can use the worksheet below to organize your evaluation process.

H a r d wa r e C h e c k l i s t

Physical Servers

S o f t wa r e C h e c k l i s t

VMware ESX

VMware vCenter Server

VMware vSphere Client

VMware Data Recovery Plug-In

Virtual Appliance Checklist

VMware Data Recovery Appliance

After you have successfully installed the VMware vSphere and Data Recovery software components on your
hardware, you can proceed to perform the evaluation of VMware Data Recovery. For each scenario, you can
use the corresponding checklist below to ensure that you are following the proper sequence.


Perform initial backup

Manually trigger a backup job

Extend a destination store


Virtual Machine Restore Rehearsal

Virtual Machine Restore

File Level Restore

E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Help and Support During Evaluation

This guide is intended to provide an overview of the steps required to ensure a successful evaluation of
VMware Data Recovery. It is not meant to substitute product documentation. Please refer to the online
product documentation for VMware Data Recovery for more detailed information (see below for links). You
may also consult the online Knowledge Base if you have any additional questions. Should you require further
assistance, please contact a VMware sales representative or channel partner.

VMware Data Recovery Resources

• Product Resources:
• Product Community:
• VMware Data Recovery Administrator’s Guide:
• VMware Data Recovery Technical Note on File Level Restore:
• VMware Data Recovery Dedupe Store Setup Guideline:

VMware vSphere and vCenter Resources

• Product Documentation:
• Online Support:
• Support Offerings:
• Education Services:
• Support Knowledge Base:

VMware Contact Information

For additional information or to purchase VMware vSphere and Data Recovery, VMware’s global network
of solutions providers is ready to assist. If you would like to contact VMware directly, you can reach a sales
representative at 1-877-4VMWARE (650-475-5000 outside North America) or email When
emailing, please include the state, country, and company name from which you are inquiring. You can also

Providing Feedback
Your feedback is appreciated on the material included in this guide. In particular, any guidance on the
following topics would be extremely helpful:
• How useful was the information in this guide?
• What other specific topics would you like to see covered?
• Overall, how would you rate this guide? 7

Please send your feedback to the following address:, with “VMware Data
Recovery Evaluator’s Guide” in the subject line. Thank you for your help in making this guide a valuable resource.
E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

1. Backup
1.1. Perform Initial Backup

Backup Virtual Machine 1.1 Perform initial backup 15 minutes

Protection 1. Create a backup job
2. Bring the protected virtual machines to

Background Knowledge
In order to back up virtual machines, a backup job has to be created. A backup job captures the following
attributes and policies:
1. The virtual machines to backup.
2. The destination store to store the protected virtual machines.
3. The backup window (i.e. a time slot in a day) in which the backup job can run.
4. The retention policy used for determining which virtual machine backups are preserved over a period
of time.
Each virtual machine can be protected by only one backup job and each backup job can be associated with
only one destination store. A backup job is run once a day during the backup window that you scheduled.
You can attach at most two destination stores to a VMware Data Recovery appliance. Each destination store
can be at most 1TB. In each destination store, VMware Data Recovery reserves 5 to 8GB of space for internal
usage. Thus, allocating at least 50GB for your destination stores to leave enough space for backup data is
highly recommended.
Using virtual disks (VMDKs) or RDMs for destination stores is recommended since the performance behavior
is well-understood and consistent. CIFS, on the other hand, gives varying performance characteristics across
CIFS providers. In many cases, lab statistics show that virtual disks and RDMs yield better performance than
network-based destination stores.
Destination stores can be stored in RDM with either virtual or physical compatibility. If you plan to save the
destination store to tape by taking snapshots, you will want to use RDM with virtual compatibility. Snapshots
cannot be taken with RDM with physical compatibility.
If a virtual machine has changes that have not been backed up, it is ‘out of compliance’. When you first create
a backup job, the virtual machines are ‘out of compliance’ since they have not been protected at all. You can
manually trigger the Bring to Compliance option or you can wait until the backup job runs in the next
backup window.
VMware Data Recovery performs data deduplication for the backup data, within and across virtual machines.
Virtual machines with the same OS will have only one copy of the OS data stored in the destination stores.

Use Case — Perform Initial Backup

To start protecting your virtual machines, you will need to create a backup job. After you create this backup
job, bring the virtual machines to compliance by triggering the Bring to Compliance function. Typically the
initial protection takes longer than subsequence backups since the initial protection backs up the whole
virtual machine. To start the upload immediately you can trigger the Bring to Compliance function.

E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Getting Started
You have to ensure the VMware Data Recovery Plug-In has been properly installed, and the backup appliance
has been properly imported and configured before proceeding.

Figure 1.1a VMware Data Recovery Installation Files

Install the Client Plug-In

VMware Data Recovery Plug-In connects to the backup appliance using port 22024. If there is a firewall
between vSphere Client and VMware Data Recovery appliance, port 22024 must be open before VMware
Data Recovery appliance can be managed with the vSphere Client.

1. Run the plug-in installer VMwareDataRecoveryPlugin.msi in your vSphere Client machine.
2. Follow the prompts of the installation wizard.
3. Start the vSphere Client, and log in to a vCenter Server.
4. Select Plugins > Manage Plugins and make sure that the Data Recovery plug-in is enabled.
5. You can now use the client plug-in to manage Data Recovery. If the Data Recovery plug-in does not
appear in the vSphere Client, restart the client.

Install the Backup Appliance

1. From the vSphere Client, select File > Deploy OVF Template.
2. Select Deploy from file, and then browse to VmwareDataRecovery.ovf and select it.
3. Review the OVF file details.
4. Select a location for the backup appliance in the vSphere inventory.
You can optionally rename the backup appliance.
5. Select the host or cluster to which the backup appliance is to be deployed.
6. Select a datastore to store the virtual machine files.
7. Review the deployment settings and click Finish.
The backup appliance is now deployed into your environment.

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VMware Data Recovery Appliance Configuration involves:

I. Network settings
To configure the network settings:
1. In the vSphere Client, select Home > Inventory > Hosts and Clusters.
2. Select VMware Data Recovery appliance.
3. Launch the console for VMware Data Recovery appliance.
4. In the console, select Configure Network.
5. Enter the following configuration:
a. IP Address
b. Netmask
c. Gateway
d. DNS Server 1
e. DNS Server 2
f. Proxy Server
g. Proxy Port

Figure 1.1b VMware Data Recovery console after network configuration

II. Destination store addition and formatting

For this exercise, you will need a destination store of at least 50GB of free space. Refer to for more information on how to size your destination store.
To add a destination store:
1. In vSphere Client, select Inventory > VMs and Templates.
2. In the inventory, right-click the VMware Data Recovery appliance virtual machine and select
Edit Settings.
3. In the Hardware tab, click Add.
4. Select Hard Disk and click Next.
5. Select Create a new virtual disk and click Next.
6. Specify the disk size (e.g. 50 GB) and other options and click Next.
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Figure 1.1c Create a disk to add to the VMware Data Recovery appliance

7. Specify the advanced options for the virtual disk and click Next.
8. Click Finish to create the disk.
9. Reboot the VMware Data Recovery appliance.
This step is needed for the appliance to recognize the new disk.

To format a destination store:

1. In the vSphere Client, select Home > Solutions and Applications > VMware Data Recovery.
2. Connect to VMware Data Recovery appliance if you have not done so yet.
3. Go to the Configuration tab.
4. Click Destinations.
5. Select the disk that you just added (e.g. /dev/sdb).
6. Click Format…

Figure 1.1d Format the newly added Destination Store

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vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Virtual Hardware Upgrade

VMware Data Recovery has the capability to perform Changed Block Tracking if the protected virtual machine
has hardware v.7, as opposed to v.4. To attain better performance, it is recommended that you upgrade all of
your virtual machines from hardware v.4 to v.7. Beware you will need to upgrade the VMware Tools before the
virtual hardware upgrade.

Figure 1.1e Virtual Machine with Hardware v.4

To upgrade virtual machine hardware3:

1. In vSphere Client, select Inventory > VMs and Templates.
2. Shutdown the virtual machine for which you want to upgrade the hardware.
3. Right click on the virtual machine and select Upgrade Virtual Hardware.

Figure 1.1f Upgrade Virtual Hardware

Steps to Perform Initial Backup

To create a backup job:
1. In the vSphere Client, select Home > Solutions and Applications > VMware Data Recovery.
2. Click New Backup Job to launch the Backup Job wizard.
3. In the virtual machines page, select individual virtual machines or containers that contain virtual
machines to be backed up and click Next.


3 VMware vCenter Update Manager (VUM) is another tool that you can use to upgrade VMware Tools and virtual hardware in simple steps. It is
recommended that you use VUM to perform these upgrades.
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vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Figure 1.1g Select Virtual Machines to Backup

4. In Destination page, select the destination store for this backup job.

Figure 1.1h Select Destination Store for Backup Job

5. In the Backup Window page, accept the default times or specify alternate backup windows and
click Next.

Figure 1.1i Select Backup Window for Backup Job

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vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

6. In the Retention Policy page, accept the default retention policy or specify an alternate retention policy
and click Next.

Figure 1.1j Select Retention Policy for Backup Job

7. In the Ready to Complete page, reviewed the summary information for the backup job and click Next.

To bring the virtual machines to compliance:

1. In the vSphere Client, select Home > Solutions and Applications > VMware Data Recovery.
2. Go to the Backup Tab.
3. Select the Backup Job to bring to compliance.
4. Right click on the Backup Job.
5. Select Bring to compliance.

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vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Figure 1.1k Bring virtual machines to compliance

1.2. Manually Trigger a Virtual Machine Backup

Backup Virtual Machine 1.2 Manually trigger a backup 15 minutes
Protection 1. Select virtual machines to back up and
trigger the backup

Use Case — Manually Trigger a Virtual Machine Backup

If you have some important data in a virtual machine that needs to be backed up immediately before the
backup window, you can manually trigger a virtual machine backup.

Getting Started
You have to ensure you have created a backup job as illustrated in section 1.1.

E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Steps to Manually Trigger a Virtual Machine Backup

To manually trigger a virtual machine backup:
1. In the vSphere Client, select Home > Solutions and Applications > VMware Data Recovery.
2. Select the virtual machine to back up.
3. Right click on the virtual machine and select Backup Now.

Figure 1.2a Trigger a Backup of a Virtual Machine

1.3. Extend a Destination Store

Backup Virtual Machine 1.3 Extend a destination store 15 minutes

Protection 1. Increase the size of the destination store in virtual machine
settings of VMware Data Recovery appliance
2. Reboot the VMware Data Recovery appliance
3. Reconnect to the VMware Data Recovery appliance in the
VMware Data Recovery Plug-In interface.
4. Unmount, Extend, and Mount the destination store
5. Perform an Integrity Check on the destination store

Background Knowledge
If you are concerned about over-provisioning your destination store, you can start with barely sufficient space
in your destination stores and grow as needed, leveraging the VMware Data Recovery capability to extend the
destination stores.
The statistics gathered from the lab indicate that the space requirements will plateau (i.e. remain more or
less the same) after some time as long as there are no more additions of new protected virtual machines.
Eventually, the amount of space freed by exercising the retention policy will balance the amount of new data
added to the destination store during backups.
E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

In this release, VMware Data Recovery requires that you unmount the destination store, extend it in the storage
configuration tab of vSphere Client, extend it in the VMware Data Recovery Plug-In interface, then remount it.
It is recommended that you grow by increments (e.g. 10% of the original size) each time since that increment
may be all you need to accommodate all the backups thereafter.
Note that VMware does not support shrinking of destination stores.
VMware Data Recovery runs an integrity check on new backups each day and the entire deduplication store
once a week. If problems are found during the integrity check, the deduplication store is locked. As a result,
no backups or restores can be performed until the issues reported by the integrity check are fixed4. Refer to
the VMware Data Recovery Administrator’s Guide ( ) for
more details.

Use Case — Extend a Destination Store

In case that your storage requirement in a destination store grows, you can extend the destination store until
it reaches the size of 1TB.
After extending the destination store, you can verify the data integrity of the extended destination store by
manually running an integrity check.

Getting Started
You have to ensure that a VMware Data Recovery appliance has been properly configured with a destination
store, which you will extend.

Steps to Extend a Destination Store

1. In vSphere Client, select Inventory > VMs and Templates.
2. In the inventory, right-click the VMware Data Recovery appliance virtual machine and select
Edit Settings.
3. Select the hard disk that needs to be extended (e.g., Hard disk 2).
4. Change the Provisioned Size to 60GB.
5. Click OK.

Figure 1.3a Change the provisioned size of a Destination Store from 50GB to 60GB

6. Reboot the VMware Data Recovery appliance.

7. In the vSphere Client, select Home > Solutions and Applications > VMware Data Recovery.

4 Note that with the enhancements in VMware Data Recovery 1.0.1 (as opposed to 1.0), automatic integrity checks do not prevent a backup to
proceed unless problems are found.
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8. Connect to the VMware Data Recovery appliance.

9. Go to the Configuration tab.
10. Select Destinations.
11. Select the destination store that you extended in step 4.
12. Click Unmount.
13. Click Extend.

Figure 1.3b Extend a Destination Store after changing the size in virtual machine settings

14. Click Mount.

Figure 17. Mount an Extended Destination Store

15. Click Integrity Check…

16. Click Yes.

Figure 1.3c Perform a Manual Integrity Check

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vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

2. Restore
2.1. Virtual Machine Restore Rehearsal
Restore Virtual Machine 2.1 Perform a restore rehearsal 15 minutes
Restore 1. Select the virtual machine to restore, its restore point and
destination store
2. Verify the data restored
3. Delete the virtual machine created during the rehearsal

Background Knowledge
VMware Data Recovery provides you with the capability to rehearse a virtual machine restore without
actually restoring ‘in place’. When you use VMware Data Recovery to perform a Virtual Machine Restore
Rehearsal, VMware Data Recovery restores all the necessary data for a virtual machine without the network.
In this fashion, the restored virtual machine is not ‘online’ and you can log onto the virtual machine to verify if
the files have been properly backed up and can be restored.

Use Case — Virtual Machine Restore Rehearsal

With this feature to perform Virtual Machine Restore Rehearsal, IT administrators can periodically verify that
the data have been properly backed up and can be restored. This periodic verification can be built into the
data protection process so that the IT administrators can be certain that the virtual machines can be restored
properly. Many of the data protection offerings from the competitors do not provide this capability to
their customers.

Getting Started
You have to ensure there is at least one restore point available for the virtual machine that you desire to
restore. Without a restore point, there is no backup to restore to. In order to create a restore point, you can
either wait for the associated backup job to finish running during the backup window, or manually trigger a
backup run. Both mechanisms are shown in section 1.

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Steps to Perform a Virtual Machine Restore Rehearsal

To perform a Virtual Machine Restore Rehearsal:
1. In the vSphere Client, select Home > Solutions and Applications > VMware Data Recovery.
2. Right-click a virtual machine to perform Restore Rehearsal upon and select Restore Rehearsal.
The Virtual Machine Restore Wizard appears displaying the ready to complete page.
3. Click Restore to complete the restore rehearsal5.

Figure 2.1a Perform a Virtual Machine Restore Rehearsal

2.2. Virtual Machine Restore

Restore Virtual Machine 2.2 Perform a real restore 15 minutes
Restore 1. Select the virtual machine to restore, its restore point and
destination store
2. Verify the data restored

Background Knowledge
You can use VMware Data Recovery to restore your virtual machines to the state captured by the restore
points. If your virtual machine adopts hardware v.7, VMware Data Recovery uses a technique called Changed
Block Tracking to find out which differential blocks and only recovers those blocks.

Use Case — Virtual Machine Restore

In case that data corruption happens, it is crucial to be able to restore the protected virtual machines for
business continuity. IT administrators can use the restore capability in VMware Data Recovery to restore the
virtual machines to a desired state.


5 In this exercise a restore rehearsal is performed by restoring from the latest restore point. You can also choose to do this or click Back to modify
settings such as restore point and destination store.
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vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Getting Started
You have to ensure there is at least one restore point available for the virtual machine that you desire to
restore. Without a restore point, there is no backup to restore to. In order to create a restore point, you can
either wait for the associated backup job to finish running during the backup window or manually trigger a
backup run. Both mechanisms are shown in section 1.

Steps to Perform a Virtual Machine Restore

To perform a Virtual Machine Restore:
1. In the vSphere Client, select Home > Solutions and Applications > VMware Data Recovery.
2. Enter the virtual machine name or IP address of the backup appliance and click Connect.
3. Click the Restore tab and click the Restore link to launch Virtual Machine Restore Wizard.
The Restore Virtual Machines wizard appears.

Figure 2.2a Perform a Virtual Machine Restore

4. On the Source Selection page, specify a source from which to restore virtual machines and click Next.

Figure 2.2b Select Source (i.e. Restore Point) to Restore From

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vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

5. On the Destination Selection page, specify how restored machines will be configured and click Next.

Figure 2.2c Select Virtual Machine to Restore To

6. On the Ready to Complete page, review the configuration and click Restore.

2.3. File Level Restore

Restore Virtual Machine 2.3 Perform a file level restore 15 minutes
1. Set up a file level restore agent
2. Use the file level restore agent CLI to restore a file

Background Knowledge
Besides virtual machine level restore, VMware Data Recovery provides a capability called File Level Restore
(FLR) for you to restore the files that you need without restoring the whole virtual machine.

Use Case — File Level Restore

In case a user accidentally deletes one or more files from his/her virtual machine, IT administrators can restore
those lost files without restoring the whole virtual machine using VMware Data Recovery. This file level restore
is desirable because the virtual machine is still functional and has other files that may not exist in the
captured restore points. File level restore provides another level of flexibility for data restore.

Getting Started
You have to ensure there is at least one restore point available for the virtual machine that you desire to
restore. Without a restore point, there is no backup to restore to. In order to create a restore point, you can
either wait for the associated backup job to finish running during the backup window or manually trigger a
backup run. Both mechanisms are shown in section 1.
You also need to ensure that FLR is properly installed. To install FLR, copy the vdrFileRestore.exe to a location
of your choosing on the virtual machine with the files to be restored. All files required for FLR to function as
expected are contained within the vdrFileRestore executable. We suggest that you copy the vdrFileRestore.
exe to c:\FLR.

Figure 2.3a File Level Restore Help

E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Steps to Perform a File Level Restore

To perform a File Level Restore:
1. Log on to the virtual machine to which you are restoring files.
2. Open a command prompt. For example, in a Windows XP virtual machine, click Start > Run, enter cmd,
and click OK.
3. Use the vdrFileRestore.exe to specify the IP address for the Data Recovery backup appliance that man-
ages the restore points that contain the files to be restored. FLR does not work with DNS names, so you
must provide an IP address. For example, to see all available restore points on the appliance with the IP
address, you would enter:
C:\FLR>vdrFileRestore.exe -a

This command could return output such as follows:

C:\FLR>vdrFileRestore.exe -a
0: Restore point
Date: “Tue Jul 07 09:57:21 2009”
1: Restore point
Date: “Tue Jul 07 10:32:35 2009”
Please input restore point to mount from list above

4. Enter the number for the desired restore point. For example, you might enter 1.
Opening disk “W2K3-VM02.vmdk”...
Mounting disk “W2K3-VM02.vmdk”...
All disks have been mounted, they are...
“E” <- “W2K3-VM02.vmdk”
Please input “unmount” to terminate application and remove mount point

You can now browse the contents of the disks for the selected restore point and copy files to the virtual
machine currently running, as desired.

E valuator’s guide
vmware DATA RECOVERY 1.0

Figure 2.3b W2K3-VM02.vmdk mounted as E: drive (shown beneath C: drive) in Windows Explorer

5. If you desire to mount the latest restore point, you can run the following command in place of step 3
and step 4:
C:\FLR>vdrFileRestore.exe –l -a

6. When you have completed any required tasks with the contents of any mounted restore points, close
the connection that vdrFileRestore has established with the restore point by entering unmount at the
command prompt. All disks are unmounted and closed and vdrFileRestore.exe cleans up any remaining
files it has created for its own functioning.

3. Conclusion
VMware Data Recovery is an effective data protection tool for Small & Medium Businesses (SMB). It enables
quick, simple and complete data protection for virtual machines, incorporating capabilities such as block
based data deduplication and performing only incremental backups after the first full backup to maximize
storage efficiency. This guide provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to perform backup and
restore operations using VMware Data Recovery. These operations are straightforward and easy to perform.
After going through the evaluation exercises in this guide, you should be able to make the right choice to
implement your data protection solutions in your virtual datacenter.

VMware Data Recovery 1.0 Evaluator’s Guide 24

Source: Technical Marketing, DC
Revision: 20090730
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