Static Subtraction Command Cards 1-10

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Static Subtraction Command Cards 1-10

4 7 9 5
- 1 1 6 3
3 6 3 2
S1 S1

9 5 8 3
- 4 2 1 1
5 3 7 2
S2 S2

OPTION A Instructions:
1) Print out in colour. 2) Cut the paper in half horizontally. 3) Fold in half so the left side (problem) is on one side and the control
of error (difference) is on the other/reverse side. 4) Laminate (optional).

OPTION B Instructions:
1) Print out in colour. 2) Cut out each square individually and paste onto green card so the subtraction problem is on the front
and the control of error is on the back. 3) Laminate (optional).
Static Subtraction Command Cards 1-10

6 2 5 8
- 5 2 3 3
1 0 2 5
S3 S3

8 6 4 2
- 6 4 2 0
2 2 2 2
S4 S4

OPTION A Instructions:
1) Print out in colour. 2) Cut the paper in half horizontally. 3) Fold in half so the left side (problem) is on one side and the control
of error (difference) is on the other/reverse side. 4) Laminate (optional).

OPTION B Instructions:
1) Print out in colour. 2) Cut out each square individually and paste onto green card so the subtraction problem is on the front
and the control of error is on the back. 3) Laminate (optional).
Static Subtraction Command Cards 1-10

7 2 5 4
- 1 1 2 3
6 1 3 1
S5 S5

5 8 6 3
- 2 3 5 2
3 5 1 1
S6 S6

OPTION A Instructions:
1) Print out in colour. 2) Cut the paper in half horizontally. 3) Fold in half so the left side (problem) is on one side and the control
of error (difference) is on the other/reverse side. 4) Laminate (optional).

OPTION B Instructions:
1) Print out in colour. 2) Cut out each square individually and paste onto green card so the subtraction problem is on the front
and the control of error is on the back. 3) Laminate (optional).
Static Subtraction Command Cards 1-10

2 5 8 4
- 1 2 3 4
1 3 5 0
S7 S7

8 9 7 4
- 5 3 2 2
3 6 5 2
S8 S8

OPTION A Instructions:
1) Print out in colour. 2) Cut the paper in half horizontally. 3) Fold in half so the left side (problem) is on one side and the control
of error (difference) is on the other/reverse side. 4) Laminate (optional).

OPTION B Instructions:
1) Print out in colour. 2) Cut out each square individually and paste onto green card so the subtraction problem is on the front
and the control of error is on the back. 3) Laminate (optional).
Static Subtraction Command Cards 1-10

7 4 5 9
- 4 2 5 2
3 2 0 7
S9 S9

9 9 9 9
- 4 5 1 8
5 4 8 1
S10 S10

OPTION A Instructions:
1) Print out in colour. 2) Cut the paper in half horizontally. 3) Fold in half so the left side (problem) is on one side and the control
of error (difference) is on the other/reverse side. 4) Laminate (optional).

OPTION B Instructions:
1) Print out in colour. 2) Cut out each square individually and paste onto green card so the subtraction problem is on the front
and the control of error is on the back. 3) Laminate (optional).

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