Saudi Electronic University College of Administrative and Financial Sciences E-Commerce Department

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Saudi Electronic University

College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

E-commerce Department

Student Name: Student ID:

Course Title: E-commerce Course Code: ECOM101

Academic Year/ Semester: CRN:

Instructor Name:

Student Grade: Grade Level:

I’m talking about (eyewa website)

3. Explain the current business e-commerce features
 What are the current website features?

a) Diversified items can be assessed and purchased by customers as per need.

b) Complete description regarding product for material, shape, size, gender, type, color
etc for easy understanding.
c) Easy tracking of ordered items.
d) Easy return policies if not satisfied.
e) Easy payment option as per choice of customers.
f) User comment/ feedback submission option for quality/improvement purpose.
g) 100% authentic products as per company policy.

 What types of these features can be annoying to customers?

a) Frequent change in price and discount of selected products by customer.

b) No control over third-parts tools and liability are transferred to customers.

 What can you do to improve the current features on the website?

a) Top Seller option (as shown in homepage) for women and also include for men and kids.

b) Some couples/ Twin Children prefer to use identical pairs. Therefore option can be available
on website.

c) Seasonal/ Festival discount can be offered to customers through the website. [ CITATION AMA20
\l 1033 ].

4. Explain the business e-commerce process 1 marks

 Explain in detail all the steps from the time user enters the website until the final
user buys a product
a) Customer selects the product as per his/her need based on Shape/Brand/Gender from
drop down menu.
b) Once a category is selected, customer can choose a product as per his/her budget.
c) Customer can check the description and get more information of the selected product.
d) He can add the product to the Cart if found satisfied.
e) Once added in cart, he/she can proceed to secure checkout or continue shopping for
more items.
f) After proceeding to checkout, he/she need to fill the basic information like e-mail id,
Name, Address and contact number.
g) On clicking the NEXT option he/she is directed to the payment option as per choice
and place the order.
h) A confirmation is displayed on successful payment.

 What can be improved in the process?

a) An accurate delivery date can be implemented and displayed during item selection
based on shipment address, after streamlining the shipment method with third party
Customer shipment pickup option can be adopted from nearby specified site. This will
help those customer who are not available during office hours in home/delivery location.

5. Site Design1.5 marks

 Evaluate the website design focusing on the eight most important factors in
successful e-commerce site design (ease of use, ease of purchase, simple graphics
… etc.). You are required to evaluate each factor.
 What can be improved in the site design to be one of the most successful e-
commerce websites?

Many ecommerce websites are unwittingly making their customers jump through hoops just to
give you their money. This happens when an ecommerce site is built by a technically capable
team who don’t understand good marketing principles.

It creates an online shopping experience filled with too many steps and forms for the customer to
contend with before they can make a purchase. This puts many customers off, and results in
abandoned shopping carts and low sales.

To combat the problem, you need to engage a digital team that is not only technically savvy, but
are digital marketers too. First and foremost, your team needs to know what it takes to make a
sale online; which includes designing a website that is very user-friendly, conveys trust within
the first few seconds of a visitor landing at the site, offers prominently featured and impressive
images of products, and minimises the steps and barriers to making a purchase. This all ensures
that shoppers are able to find what they want, and pay for it in just a few simple clicks.

The bottom line is that an ecommerce website should be optimised for sales. To ensure that
yours is, implement these 8 ecommerce Website Success Factors.

 Quick Load Time

It’s a sobering fact that you could lose 40% of your shoppers if your site takes more than three
seconds to load. This means you have to be sure your digital team know all the tips and tricks for
designing a site that will load quickly. Not only does a slow site discourage buyers, but it can
also hurt you in Google search rankings too. Before you launch your ecommerce site, be sure to
test load times with a tool like GT Matrix.

 Mobile Responsive

55% of people now choose to shop from mobile devices rather than from desktop or laptops
computers. This makes mobile responsiveness a ‘must have’ feature of your eCommerce
website. Your website must be easily viewed on any device, and responsive design should
include resized text that’s easy to read on smaller screens, changeable navigational positioning
based on how the device is held, fewer images to boost load times, and enough space around
links so thumbs can click them easily.

 Easy Check-out

A recent study by Marketing Sherpa estimated that 60% of customers abandon their shopping

carts before checking out. One reason for this is a complicated check-out and payment process.
One-page check-out is the solution to this issue. Conversely, if you require customers to have an
account before buying, do that step first. Don’t let them get to the end of the buying process and
then ask them to go to an account set-up page. Last but not least, make sure all fields in your
forms are clearly labelled to help buyers avoid pesky error messages, if customers feel they’re
being led in circles they’ll give up quickly.

 Clear calls-to-action
The importance of clear calls-to-actions (CTAs) to the success of an eCommerce website cannot
be overstated. To this end, a call-to-action should appear at least once on every page, whether
that CTA leads customers to make a purchase or to gather more information. Your CTAs should
be simple and to the point, and inspire your customers to act while also letting them know
exactly where the link they’ll be clicking is taking them. There should be primary CTAs for
making purchases, plus secondary CTAs leading to more information about products, services,
and the company as a whole.

 Secure Shopping
Customers will always check for the security of their confidential information like credit card
data. It’s therefore critical to the success of your ecommerce website to ensure that their
transactions are safe and secure. Make sure that your website has proper and valid SSL
certification so that customers can carry out safe transactions.

 Social Sharing
If you’re not using social sharing buttons on your site, you could miss out on huge returns. A
number of recent studies have shown social media has a huge impact on ecommerce. For
example, 77% of companies report they acquired customers through Facebook, and shoppers
referred by Pinterest are 10% more likely to make a purchase than referrals from other social

 Product Reviews
Almost 50% of online customers read reviews before buying products. Since people will search
for product reviews, your review page could help your rankings in search results. You’ll also
claim ownership of the information rather than allowing a third-party review site to enjoy all the
website views. Those reviews might as well be available on your ecommerce site to keep buyers
in one place.

 High Visibility Contact Info
Nothing frustrates ecommerce customers more than chasing a seller down to receive customer
service. Having an email contact form at your website is fine, as long as it’s not the only option
your customers have for reaching you. Be sure to include a phone number, email address, and
mailing address in a highly visible place such as the footer of each page. If your ecommerce site
is part of a larger chain that has physical locations, include location information so buyers can go
straight to a store with concerns and returns.

6. Business software 1 marks

 Explain the different types of software used on the website to perform the current

There are two general groupings of ecommerce software and they relate to the kind of

1.   On-Premise. Introduced on a nearby worker or PC and oversaw nearby by a group that
handles manual updates, fix issues, and do general investigating. Online venders right off the bat
at first went with on-premise arrangements since they permitted more noteworthy involved
administration contrasted with facilitated arrangements.

2.   Software as a Service. SaaS or facilitated arrangements are actually the hands-off alternative
since all updates, patches, and recently delivered highlights are done consequently or with a
single tick reconciliations. Facilitated eCommerce software has advanced drastically to permit
wide customization and adaptability, beforehand restrictive to on-premise, making it now an
adequate answer for most online retailers. Moreover, SaaS software can be dispatched rapidly
and comes in moderate bundles.

 What can be done to improve the software?

Observe that for your ecommerce site to run effectively, some different segments
would need to become an integral factor. These include:
1. Web Hosting Service. These organizations and specialist co-ops offer Web
workers to have your site and all the components and applications that go with it. This
is a crucial segment on the grounds that having a decent online store that is
consistently open, available, stacks rapidly, and can deal with high traffic relies upon
a solid and trustworthy web have.

2. Product Catalog. The item inventory is the thing that your clients see and find out
about the items you're selling. Like a printed inventory, your online index is
comprised of items, pages and data you present to your clients. They should be
intended to pull in, allure and tempt your clients, and mirror your image,
organization, or the topic of your store.

3. Shopping Cart. This is the thing that your clients will use to put in their requests
where they can add the items they need to buy, give data about transportation and
instalment inclinations, and present the request. The shopping basket segment may
spell the contrast between a finished or deserted deal. It must, along these lines, work
ideally and easily.

4. Merchant Interface. This is the instrument you use to deal with your online store
just as set up and utilize every other device and applications that you may require.
The interface must be strong, adaptable, adjustable while direct to work.

5. Payment Processing. The foundation of an online store is tolerating instalment.

Basically, without this segment, clients can't put in their requests. There are a few
online instalment administrations, instalment entryway, and vendor account suppliers
that incorporate with eCommerce stages to guarantee protected, secure, exact, and
productive instalment handling.

6. Order Fulfilment and Shipping. There are many request satisfaction, outsider
coordinations, and transportation benefits that give following day, second-day, and
ground dispatching administrations that you can offer your clients, giving them
numerous choices which they can profit for brief and quick conveyance. These
administrations eliminate the truly difficult work from you so you can zero in on your

Ecommerce software attaches the entirety of the above segments and administrations
to give you one coordinated answer for oversee and run your online store from start to
finish. [ CITATION Ben18 \l 1033 ].

7. Payment and Security 1.5 marks

 What are the methods of payment available in the online store?

The following are some of the payment methods used

1) PayPal

2) Amazon pay

3)Google pay

4) Phone pay

5)Apple Pay

6) American Express

 What other methods can be added? Explain why?

1-RuPay card can be accepted as RuPay cards are valid in SA after MoU was signed in october

2.OneCard can also be accepted as its a popular transaction medium.

3.E-wallet should also be accepted to increase customer convenience. For eg BayanPay.

 What are the technologies used on the website to secure the online transactions?

It has a tie-up with to ensure that every credit card transaction will be an
impenetrable fortress.

MADA Card is a secure way for transaction which connects all ATMs and point-of-sale (POS)
terminals throughout the country

 What other technologies can be added? Explain why?

VR Browsing of products can be added for better buying experience.

 What is the current privacy policy of the online store? Outline how the
information is collected and used?

The current privacy policy of the online store is pay on delivery and through card transactions
this ensures the customer safety and customer details for every purchase done .

 What can be added to the privacy policy? Explain why?

Adopting new payment technologies and methods which are authorized ensure the customer
safety against the fraud and providing the status of the order and product receipt is also
considered as the privacy policy initiated by the online store.

8. Categorize marketing and advertising strategy and method.1 mark

 Explain the current online, offline, and social media marketing strategies of the e-
commerce business?

Marketing strategies of online and offline stores are:

Online strategies are:

 Websites
 Facebook
 Instagram
 Advertising
 Online branding

Offline strategies are

 Business cards
 Attending the exhibitions
 Magazines
 Brochures
 What can be done to improve the marketing aspects of the business?

You must settle on an advertisement budget during the preparation of the advertising campaign
and set particular targets and how to choose the innovative strategy. It decides how the targets
can be fulfilled. A innovative approach is applied using promotional media and programming
schedules. Implementing the plan and assessing its efficacy is the final step.

Exposure and visibility can be measured, although the effect of ads on revenue and earnings is
very difficult to calculate. The calculation of attitude shift is challenging, but feasible.

Brand awareness, in my experience, contributes to expanded market share and higher profits in
exchange. In industrial goods, the concept of a connection between market recognition, sales,
and income is embraced by corporations.

The importance of advertisement efficacy disclosure tests is subject to even further controversy.
They are more useful than involving the importance of ads to a corporation in driving media
allocation decisions.

9. Know your competitors.2 marks

 Choose a website of one competitor in the same industry (locally or globally) and
compare it with your chosen company’s site. Indicate why the competitor’s
website is better or worse than the chosen company’s website. Provide
screenshots with explanation.

The website which is the competitor of with same industry globally i.e., selling
coffee products and machines is

 What can be done by learning from your competitor’s experience?

Once you find similar businesses to your own, you can then do some further research to look into
them, find out if their products or services are the same as yours, and see whether or not they are
actually your direct competitors [ CITATION Tal20 \l 1033 ].

 See What Works for Your Competitors

 Finding Gold in the Slush Pile
 Learn from Their Mistakes
 Learn What to Watch Out For
 Look at Your Competitors’ Customer Reviews
 Get Specific Details from Customer Comments

10. Conclude your report.1 mark

In terms of selling more products management and selling Aratopia is good but this website
need to more improvement in their optimization as well as making some theme which is ligher
and good to look and should add some banners or posters in their home page in order to look
good and professional .


Brandall, Benjamin. 8 Tips to Improve Your Company’s Shipping Processes. 22 11 2018. (accessed 11 16, 2020).

ekuep. “ekuep.” Commercial Restaurant Supplies & Equipment from Ekuep. n.d. (accessed 11 16, 2020).

GANT, AMANDA. How to Improve Your Website: 15 Ways to Fix Your Site Immediately. 2020. (accessed 11 6, 2020).

Rocha, Á, J L Reis, M K Peter, and Bogdanović. Marketing and Smart Technologies: Proceedings of
ICMarkTech . Springer Nature, 2019.

Talkroute. How to Learn from Your Competitors to Grow Your Business. 2020. (accessed 11 16, 2020).


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